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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jul 1995, p. 6

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Page 6, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, July 26,1995 The only Newspaper owned and operated b>' Whîtby resîdents for Whitby resîdents! MEM BER 0F: CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NEW$PAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as weIl as numnerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GST - Oulside Canada $80 + GST Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out -of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pif her - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 2091 recycîed content using vegetable based inks. SAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction'for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit uine to the Whitby Free Press. Let y's work together- so theedior. No truth in article To the editor: 1Ifeolitis my duty to repond to the article entitled 'Measures urged to stop student drivers'speeding'in the Wednesday, July 12 edition af Whitby Free Press. i have recently. completed my fifth year at Anderson CVI and can honestly say that I have never committed, seen or even heard aof the irresponsible acts described in the highly blased article. The almoxsphere created tram the story is that af total mayhem and diaos, and thatI s simpîy not the case. Neyer have I heard of any students playing chlckenn ,or standing on Crawforth Street ta prevent the passage of traffic. The tales that were, included ln the article are obvlously exaggeratlons or autrlghtles. The truth of the matter should be tald and the anly way ta leam the truth is ta hear bath sides of this story. Mark Reesor, the authar of the article, demonstrated a highîy blased view of the students of Whitby by only canveying one perspetve on the parking problem on Grawforth Street In actuailty, the dlaimns made in -the article are anly opinions and shoui not be taken as the truth until there is pot aof the articles content. 1tthlnk thatiln the future, the Whitby Free Press should attempt ta tell the truth more accu rately than R was ln this article. What would the purpose be af readlng the newspaper Uf-the validlty of Information Is ln question? Miko DMon Ashburn To tho edftor: I dont usually respond ta letters ln the newspaper. Hawever, I read with a great deal ofIlnterest the letters whlch appeared ln lest week's Free Press. The letters appeared ln readion ta comments I made about the need for this commun t t flnancdaily support Whitby General Hospital. I woukdI ke to clarify severai points. Whltby council has always supported the hospital and the need for acute care. The hospital desperadely needs financlal support tram the community. In order ta, save aur hospital, th15 communlty must wodc togather, tlnanclally support the hospital and, most af ail, use k. Unfartunately, over the past year, a great deal af misinformation has muddied the, waters and has jeopardîzed the haspital. Much of this misinformaton occurred durlng the municipal electian. Some candidates attempted ta, use aur haspital as armeans ta get elected. What la obviously. a provincial decisian dldn't prevent themn from trylng ta Iay the responsbllty on Whitby council. The tact that Whitby council presented this communlty and the provincial government wth a very deWaled and strongij worded position paper didn't seem ta matter ta some of the political 'wannabe's.' For them councul couîd neyer do enough. Last fti some of those samne people led a protest demonstration at the announcement of the new cancer clinio in Oshawa. Insteari af shaning ln the joy of a new reglonal facilhy and ln the valuable service that this fcifty woulcl provide, they were more lnterested in their own goals. And yes, 'm happy that they didn't get elected. It Is my bellet, and 'm sure the hospital board would agree, that the hospitai has bost community contributions because af ail of 1h15 poltical nonsense. I remember the comments. and so do members of the hospital board. The facts speak for themnselves - communlty contributions have dramaticaily declned over this past year. The Urne has corne for us ta help 'aur' WGH. The hospital ls ln desperate need of basi. but vey expensive equlpment Recently, Whby ounclfulfillied its finandial obligation ta the hospital because it recognizes the great Importance of that faoility ta aur community. On a personal level, I donate ta the haspital and I have assIsted ln numerous fundralsing ventures. We'have a new provincal MPP who, I believe, la dedlcated ta aur haspital. 1 belleve we must support- hlm ln his efforts, but we also must support aur doctors and nurses an a day-ta-day basis - the slck and the elderly are depending on us. .Dennis Fox East ward councîllor Get a life To the editor: . Some frlends and I were sittlng outside, enjoylng a beautiful summer evenng ln out native tawn af Whltby. 'D' was glancng thraugh the JuIy 12 publiation ai the Whitby Free Press when she brought ta aur attention a letter ta the editor by Carole Cannelîy, complalning about -a Canalian lire transport occasionally parked et IroquoisPark in an ofien empty parking lot. AIl four ai my triends and myself had the same reaction ta the letter -- get a lite. Some sate assumptions: *The truck in question moat Iikely belangsta a taxpaying resident' ot Wshftby who pays a great deal oft money ta the merchants in this area each year. - I'm sure it would be sale ta say the Iast thing on the truck drivers mmnd was ta ltake advaritage ai f ree advertising* or lfree parking." Maybe he was taking advantage of an opportunity ta spend some time ai home with his or her tamily. *The driver ai this truck is probably away tram his ar her family, -mare often than not, working hard ta aytheir own way, in this pathetucally political society that *wer have became. I remember a time, not so long ago,. when the, only time aur neighbours cancerned themselves with the affairs af others was when someone needed help or had a probîem. Whatever happened ta "«leave well enough alone, "he's not hurting anyone," "mmnd your own business' and "ifkR ain't broke, don't tix it Mîko Lawson Whftby Unfair to malign 0MB chair To the editor: I arn wnting ln respanse ta a letter by Jahanna Tto, Linda Moyle and Dianie McConnelî, on behaf aif the Concemned Citizens for Lynde Marsh (CGCfLM, in the JuIy 12 edition of The Free Press. The substance af the article is a rationalization 0f CCLM's actions in connection wvith the Ontario Municipal Board hearing; with this, I have no quarrel. Regrettably, hawever, the article goes on ta take a number of unjustifiable shats at the 0MB pracesa and the chair who preslded et the hearing. As you kno, the board does not speak out ln ils own defence, so I feel some obligation ta do so. The CCLM article was factually lnacurte in that kt suggests that the original. officiai plan amendmnents, once approved, could not have been chaiîenged ai the OntarioMuinicipal Board. This approval vas received in 1992. R was the officiai plan pracess, unlike the draft plan approval poe ss, that governs land use ises. The simple truth is that the malter could have been taken ta the Ontario unicipal Board cet that Urne; nobody chose ta do so. Many privase Individuals concerned wfth, environmentaî Impact were monitoring the proceedings and had raised objections ad the municipal and regional level. None af them were, however, prepared ta take the matter ta the 0MB ai thait ime. Accardlngly, the develapment procescontinued at ail levels on the good faith assumption that land use Issues had been flnalîy resolved. At the conclusion af the CCLM article, unhappines l expressed with the 0MB ruling. They thon go on ta pose the rhetarical, and vey offensive, question, ODid ht really have ta take the chair six months and $70.000 ta reach this conclusion?" The question is so offensive because the 'conclusion' was a toregone conclusion from well betore the time the hearlng was launched. That CCLMV, and its predecessar Save Lynde Marsh, wouki be engagl ng ln a* colossal waste af everyon's lime, maoney and energies was- apparent trom the outset. Everything that CCLM realzed by the end was knowable and known tram the beginning. Once the tacts were understaod, I suspect the decision could have been rendered in six minutes, rather than six manths. The only reason the process stretched over six mnonths was because the chair bent over backwards ta give the original objector, and ai other concerned citizens., eery concelvable opportunity ta medliate a resolution and then ta present their case. In llght of that, this attack la unconsoionable. Johanna ita, ln particar, knows this, and she shauki be ashamed ta have. her named assoclated wth this maflgning of one af the OMB's most experiencpd and capable officers, not ta mention an exceptionaily fair and decent individual. Stophen Richard Morrison President The Rose Corporation More, not less To the editor: An open Ietter to Jim Flaherty Dear Jim: Give your head ashakel Yu of alpeople, a parent of three taddlers, shauld know the value af good quality daycare. Wy two children, aged one and three, attend what I consider ta be the best dlaycare facility ln Durham Reglan. The cost af their care la astranomical (approx. $15.000 annually). If the costs go any higher, I Maybe fôoed tostay home and caot UIC as my take-home pay Just won't stretch an y further. Daycare teachers and assistants are already severely underpald, and now you and Mke Harris are eqpecting that they take a cut ln thelr wages. If the majority of daycare workers were men, you wouldn't expect them ta work for the wages that they do. Wake up, Tariesl Children are aur most precous commodity. Without themn there would be no future for any of us. Cut your social serices budget where R needs ajtting - ln aies- such as abuse - not trom the areas thet need more fundlng such as daycare SpeIng on behaif of my tarnily and chiers who have thelr children in reputable, reliable, daycare tacuies, don't fooîIshly cul thefr fundlng. S. Ashby Whltby 1 -,- . - 1 ý ý -, ý < 1, - ý ý -- - -- , - ý, ý -, . ý 11, , 'l ý ý ý j_ - -ý -- - -7- 7,77 mmwý -1 - 1 1 -eý - ýý V , ., 1 1 >1 >11 '. - ý - ., ý ý - - 1 ý ý , >, .1 > <. _ 7

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