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Whitby Free Press, 16 Aug 1995, p. 6

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P.g6, hl~Frm ss, uîWodnosday, August 1& 1995 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby resîdents for Whitby resîdents! MEMBER 0F: +CNS CANADIAN ~ONTARIO COMMUNITY -COMMUNITY NEW$PAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbumn & Myrtle as well as numerous public and commercial outtets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. f27,50 0 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLYJ MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GSI * Outside Canada $80 + GST Published every Wednesday by.677209 Ontario mc. Box 206, 131 Brock St. N,., Whîtby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 209/ recycled content using vegetable based inks. SAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian .copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit line to the Whitby Free Press. s *he . sor., 'No f reebies' for rep To the editor: Re: 'Mlnor hockey sought, Fres Press, Aug. 9 I vwuld Iko 10 set the straight about Mr. Wfl Insinuations that houso playors subsidize the rop pil W twa sons have play hockey for many years. 1i wrting this to whine about'1hq but ta educate Mr. Walchuk We not only pay registraiji wo also pay rep fees. For m son's bain, the féeos total $6 also undertako fundraising v~ 10 pay for tournamnent costs.1 for practice Ice, mostly outi due to Iack of ice in Whitby. the lime w.. have to b association to gel extra prac In Whhby because on weekei mostly occupied by the lbague. We payfor all game !ce a the refs, linesmen and time-keopors. records In house beague, the association p ays for those costs. Unlike house eaguo, rep players have 1o hand ln record their sweaters atthoend ofthe yearby another team. beague A a rep teani we travel Durham iYer. Reionand most of Southern fed rep Onaro, representatlng Whitby. We, em cot as parents, pay these costs, not the le Stsassocaion. We also pay for *additionai !ce if we make the playoffs. on fées, If Mr. Walchuk would like Io see ly ekiest our team's budget from last year, I 50 .would b. happy ta, show fk 10 hlm. entures The cost ta run the team was about We pay $14,000, ail paid for by the parents, of town not the association. Most Of Maybo Mr. Walchuk should get hîs eg the fats stralght before pointing fingers. ctice ice Take a good look, Mr. Walchuk, nds It is there's no freobles here. house Jackîe Greenen nid also Whltby Redmen coverage 'insulting'y To the edîtor: I arn very su rprised at the Iack 0of support from The Free Press for the Brooklin Redmen. ln the Aug. 9 edition ('Brampton takes lead ln serios'), the article was not only insultlng but also misinformed. ln one passage, the unnamed author stales that the Redmen uwero nover able la gel back on even tormt with Excelsiors, which là untrue. The garne was up and down, tied on a few occasions -certainly flot hopoless froin the outset. Furthermore, jusi below the Redmon article was a writeup on the Warrlors, who were just swept by St. Cathiannes. The article says they they are definitely championship material,' despite their boss. How is il that Red mon can make il as far as they have, wvith their outstanding record, and be called "punchless on the attack." while the swept Warriors "have ail 1h. ingredients 10 becomo a charnpionship team?" If Redmen are indeed as hopoless as your wniter seems 10 think, then the last thlng 1h. players neod 10 read In 1he paper are Insultlng passages and statistics on how many goalposts they hit per game. Show a lit1e support for a hard- workling teamn - maybe that would be enough 10 bring Brooklin the Mann Cup this ypar. H.V. Swanson Whltby Gaels' coverage appreciated To the edîtor: I amn writing 10 thank you on behalf of the team and support staff for covering the junior B lacrosse Oshawa Green Gaels" games on a regular basis in the sports section. As you already know, the Gaels had, a great season in their comeback year, and the club will get botter over the next few years. Your support In the Whitby Free, Press has been partI arn sure, 0f that suoeess. Peter Bird Media relations so th edo. s Persecuütion 'inexcusable' To the edîtor: I arn writlng in response to the threo letters In the Aug. 9 Free Press regardlng Debble McCauley (Brooklin mon issues challenge 'to MPP, Free Press, Aug. 2>. The lettors wrltten by R. Blight, Rlck Johnston and Paul M. Wicher are disheartoning. To porsist in the My kids ahead of my career To the editor: Re: lottor by S. Ashby, 'More, not less,e JuIy 26, Free Press. Mr. Ashby, I have read your concerns, about daycare. I arn a mother of two who works out of a home office. Therefore, I do flot put my childien in a daycare or have a babysitter for my chlldren. I had a very lucrative career as an arivertising account executive before I hal children. I gave up a large sumn of- money In order to stay home and work with my husband in our business for which I arn the secretary. I used to have my own secretaiy, so this was something I had to gel used to. I gave up, for my children, my career which I believe was the rlght thing to do. Statistics show that the only céaregiver that can give ample care and byve is the mother. The child will not grow Up 10 be an independent, secure, morally upright indiMual if the mother works fulI-ime In a dernanding career In a dual- career famlly. I know both sîdes of the spectrum since I used to be a radical feminist My point is, '<You are not living as ïf your children are -the most preclous commodity; money and your career are more important. Thf,-other point I really resent is that my tax dollars go to subsidize1 daycares. I have to pay for you to work full-ime. I believe that daycare should be totally pdvate - not1 financed at ail by the provincial government.i If you want to have a career and beave your preclous-commoditios In a daycare, while you fufil your career1 needs, go ahead, but do not let me pay for it. Jane Snyder Whtby. persecution and blame of the less fortunate for ail our oconornic problems is Inexcusable. Certalnly, there are those who abuse the welfare system, but the majorty of welfare recipients are a product of a recosslon, whereby employment Is difficuft 10 obtain. Il is not Ms. McCauley who lacks ambition, but the Harris government for neglecting to find a more humane solution 10 control the deficit. After reading Ms. McCauley's slory, I contacted her and visited her farm. Contrary 10 the letters submitted, Ms. McCauley is a worklng mothe*r who is workl n dilgently to turn her farm Int a smal business. This, however, is unlikely, since Ms. MAcCauley would have difficulty feeding herseif and her son on $957 per month, let alone the animaIs. They would ultimately be, forced 10 use the food banks. Is this the -botter Ife to which R. Blight refers? R Is naïve t0 thlnk that Ms. McCauley can obtain Instant employment or a decent apartmont for much less than $700 per month. Furthermore, Rt is ludicrous 10 suggest. that raislng her son ln a smai apartment is preferable 10 ralsing hlm on a farm. How fortunato that Mr. Wcher is clairvoyant, sinco he asserts thât ho wlfl nover have 10 Ivo Wlthln the welfaro systom. But how unfortunato that ho did not do his homework before claiming that Ms. McCauley and other weffare rociplents onjoy living in proverty. This pompous assertion Is unfounded and is not based on sciontific research. If it Is more positive 10 shufflo your chid off 10 tho babysittor or daycare, 1 must b. misslng somethlng. ft is a sad socuety that condemns mothers such as Ms. McCauley for trying 10 start a business that keeps them at home with their children. I 1 aree with Rick Johnston on one point There are indeed "lots of able- boied single parents of 1 0-year olds living heaithy. productive Ilves,u andi Dobblo MicCauley is certalnly one of them. kt is unfortunate that the voters of Ontado could not see beyond their own front doors. F. Stevenson Whtby To the edîtor: Copy of letter 10 Premier Mike Harrs. Dear Mr. Harris: Congratulations on your Common Sense Rewmkjtion. The to-be-created Massasauga Provincial Park is one program that ought t0 be scrappod. A very quick surnrary: Theo Mistry of Nalurai Resources is attempting Io control boaters who use federal waterways; a majority of the park bs remotely located and in uncharted waters. On JuIy 17, 1 docked ad a provincial government dock on Wood's Bay. The lake and bay had no activity. Three Ministry of Natural Resources people amrved in a small boat. The toam leader came over and handed out a newspaper flyer and proceeded to tell me about the park. To my astonishment, I was informed that the Ontauio Boating Association was paying the wages of three rninistry empboyees to offset the parks cost. The park was being endorsed and supported by the University of Toronto, and Beaver Lumber was also offering finandial support. The sanie slory was repeated by another boater on my home dock. This story spelîs out dosperation on the part of the Ministry of Natural Resources, by using unauthorized endlorsomnents for their credlibilty. The peéople of Whitby would be outraged, after losing their hospital emnergencyfrom il p.m. 10 7 a.m., 10 leam of funding being approvedi for a provincial park. Park rangers and wardons could be retralned as hospital staff. T his may corne as a shockç.:There are more people ae the Mlnistry of Natural Resources protecting wildlike than Department of Labour Inspectors protecting people ln the workplace. With my many years cf marketing experience in the boating and marine Indlustry, I would b. glad Io sit dlown wih oneO of your representallves t0 outline a plan. I have as to how the government could increase lax revenues from gas sales by oncouraging use by creatlng a friendly, attractive, come-and- expor pirit on Georgian Bay.. Iaityour reply. Ray Bllsky President Oshawa Glass-Fibre Products Lld. MNR 'desperationy

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