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Whitby Free Press, 23 Aug 1995, p. 19

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Whltby Fro. Proes, Wednesday. August 23, 1M9, Page 19 Whitby's minor pee wee select Teiehop igers basebaîl team, sponsored by Hamilton-Beach Proctor-Silex, just returned from taking part ia a 'Canada vs. U.S.A. Goodwill Series' against Rame New York's Federal Little League Al-stars. The series was part of the team's trip to the National Basebali Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. The Tigers had ta, adapt ta, playing under Little League rules for the short sanies. The boys picked up the change. of rules quickly and piayed- error-free basebali for head coach Terry Witrukby sweeping the series two straight games. AfNer player introductions and the nat ional anthems the boys got down to, playiag with Whitby showing patience at the plate wbiie Rame'appeared ta have a case of the jitters. Ryan Matthews led off the series with a walk, foliowed by Ian Witruk.-being struck by a wild pitch. Bryaa Maatle picked up another free pasa, then Trevor Somxnenville provided Whitby>s flrst bit, a soiid double scoing the firet twa ruas of the game and the seies. Nathan Cotter gained a waik ta load the bases. Ryan Gardiner then drove ia a mun with a fielder's choice followed by a Dan Deluca walk and a Bnian Donneily RBI single ta, score another rua. With the bases laaded Marc Mitchell walked ta, end the inning on a predetermiaed five mun mercy rule. Backed with a five rua advantage, Mitchell then took the mound for the TIgers and held the Rame Ail- stars ta aone bit and one rua aven two mnniags while stiking out one and walkcing two others.' Mitchell then turned the bal over ta lefty Bilan Dannelly with a 5-1 iead. Donaelly contixiued to provide solid pitching giving up only one mun and one bit wbile walkiag four and stiking out one. The Tigers scored another run in the fourth when Deluca drove in Gardner and two more in the fifth on an Andliew Staff single scoring Rab Laba and Alexander Lacey. Lacey then closed ôut the first game in the last two innings by striking out three, walIking two while ailawing one hit and Rome's final run with Whitby piecking upp the win ia the first game by an 8-3 final. After the game the Whitby team. and their families were guests of the Elk's iodge where the boys were presented with momentos of the visit byr the Rame Federal Littie League president John Trela. In the second encounter, Whitby faced Rome's power pitcher Joe Meier. The hard tbrowiag right bander heid Wbitby's battsmen ta, one run on one bit whiie waiking two and striking out eight over three innings. The only bit given Up by Rome'è Meier was a single by Sommervilie in the first inning scoring Witruk who had waiked eariier in the Tferriers take tietie The Wbitby Tormina Terriers sponsored by Tormina Homes, defeated Ajax Warriars 5-O ta continue their winniag stneak this season ta il games and capture the Central Soccen League's boys under 15 rep A division championsbip. ItV is the third straight league champioasbip for the Terriers after winaing two straight at the Durham TMen 1 level. Remarkably in the past three seasoas the Tormina team bas yet ta lose a beague game. success? The secret ta lHard wark and an emphasis on technicai and tacticai deveiopment," says coach Bill Groden. The team trains tbree ta four times a week during sping and surmmer, two times a weekin winter as weil as competing la year round league games and taurnamenta. "Great players, great parents and a great sponsor are al deeply committed ta this team," frame. Tiger starter Dan Deluca was equal to the task throwing thre shutout innings strikcing out' five, waiking three and ailowing9 two bits. In the top of the fourth thé Whitby offence kcicked-into, gear scoring three times to provide middle rellever Mitchell a four run cushion. The Tigers game was bidgiihted by several tremendous defensive piays from bath infilders and outfielders. Rame managed to score a single rua to narrow the, gap but in the top of the fifth Wbitby s3howed their offensive power by stringing together seven consecutive bits scoring four more runs en route ta an 8-1 final. CO*STEEI Lacey once again came in the final to close the g egivingu just a single bit. Following te gamfe the team was greeted by the City of Borne Mayor Joseph Griffo at another reception' 'atthe Colonial Restaurant to end the visit. Arrangements are now underway for the Rome Federai Little League topay Wbitby a retura visit eariy ia the 1996 seaon. Coach Witruk aiong with assistants Carmen Deluca, Neil Staff and manager Scott Matthews are now preparing the squad for the league piayoff championsbip to be held thla weekend against Ajax. The Igers- gained a bye to the. final having previously won the. regular season title. J eLASCO added Groden. The Tormina Teriers are goaikeepers, Ryan (YHearn, Mark Pilmiuk, Matt Brady, Jim Roufos, Rabbie Adams, Cresswell Nyack; midfielders, Adam Moinar, John Gillingham, Zali Tengelies, Chris Camacho, Ieran Conway, Matt Geofroy; forwards, Justin Groden, Graham Maclean, David Wishart and AI Birthwnight. Assistant coach Jim MacLean, technical traîner Jeff MacLean and manager Mary Groden. Junior reps lo1se close one The Wbitby junior rep basebal team iost a heartbreaken la the final of the Eastern Ontario Basebal Association' bague championsbip on Thursday nigbt 2-0 against the Pickering Red.Sox. The. Chiefi ran intb a hot pitcher ia Mike Spooner wha limited them ta, only four bita and no muns over seven mlaa Whitby's Tim Puddister pitched an excellent game as weii as he aiiowed only five bits but the difference was a fourth i*ni* homeman that turaed out ta be te only mun th Red Soi wouid need as they became the EOBA champion Jerry'S Tb Jerry's The Food Emporium, coached by Mike Sparky Rostek and 'Katie Cocbburn with the assistance of Rab St. Pierre and Aaron Kylie, defeated Hanet Plastcs, by a score of 21-20, in the minor T-bail championsbip game an Saturday, Aug. 12. After a defeasive flrst inning by bath teama, Jery's bats came alive la the scnd when they scored 13 ruas ta open a big lead. Hanet faught back ta tie the game ia the for 1995. Dave Imeson, pitcbing coach says, "Our pitching staff should keep us la ail games sa our offence wili be the key to, bringing home the OBA medallion." Ian Andrew Jerzy Aronowicz and Steve Wood provided the oaly offence Wbitby could muster against the. tough righthaader as each had a bit la the iosiag cause. Wbitby naw has ta prepare for the upcorning Ontario Basebal junior A championsbips that are being hosted by Whitby la 1995. There wiil be five teams, Duadas, Barrie. St. Catbariaes. Whithv nnd tap of the third but eventuaily iost la the home haif of the inning.. Congratulations ta the winaing teamn of Matthew Beattie, cameron Curtis, Joel Grant, Jonathon Hrehoruk, Matthew Lee, Bryan McLughan, Cameron McDonaid, Mark Nosko, Daniel Pogmore, Matthew Rostek, Matthew Spratt, Jamie Valinddk, Aadrew Vandevalk, Aadrew Webster, 'Scott Woodward and Thomas Cooper. Pickering representing cifferent regions of Ontario playing. off for the prestigious honour of OBA champion. "Tis is what we have been working towardsalal season," says Jim Andrew, manager. "If we play fundamental basebali and capatilize on aur opposition's mistakeBs we'il corne out on top," says Ian Hardy, head coach. Games wiil begin Friday night, Aug. 25 , at Iroquois Park with the first game featuring the home team Chiefs against a bigbly-rated Dundas squad. The games illi continue ail day Saturday tbrough ta the final on Sunday at 4 p.m., at Murker field in Iroquois Park GI (uniform> to al é 2 Free Classes (by people who sign appointment only) up during the registration period é Retreshments (9 month or CALL FOR year) INFORMATION Steve Halls School of 1632 Chailes St., Whiby 6 4 3 SHANE VERWEY who has delivered the Whitby Free Press for over four years, has been recognized as the carder of the month. Whitby Minor Hockey Association is now accepting i APPLICATIONS ft FOR 95/96 SELECT TEAMS Submission deadline: September 8,1995 FOR APPLICATIONS OR INFORMATION CONTACT: BOB HUSSEY 666-2034 Try out dates to follow. ftmj~ Whitby Minor Hockey Association ihosting a WTRAINER S hi~tS CLINIC For registration information contact: JANET BRODER, 666-4219 FAMULY GOLF COURSE 15 HoIese Par 3 Fun for the whole familyl 15 miIegs north of Whitby on Lakeridge Rd. For more information, cail 655-3091

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