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Whitby Free Press, 23 Aug 1995, p. 26

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Page 26, Whltby Free Press, Vvednesday, Auguat 23,1995 Whitby Free Press '668-6111 Off ice Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm Fax, 668-0594 $50 REWARD. Lost Aup. 14/95 evening - gray & white hîmalayan cat, lan.g hair with -back feet. Please help us find Jamie's pet!! Caîl Donna at 721-2000 ext. 2331 daytime, 655-5280 evenings. PUPPIES -Rottweiler/German Shepherd, 5 weeks aid very cute. For mare information oeil 430-0102 or 655-1062. KITTENS, FREE ta a good home. Trained and very fniendly. Cal 725-9692. FREE TO A GOOD home - I pure black female kitten. Please oel 430-1779. FREE TO GOOD HOME - purebred golden retriever with papers 8 years old. Owner transferred. Èbaii 668-6030. FREE TO A HAPPY famiîy -3 kittens. 2 -black & white, I -orange, black & white. AIl female. Likes do gs. Ready in twa weeks. Cal 668-2767. SHADYBROOK FARM is now accepting reg istrations for fall and winter horseback niding lessons. We also have a few staîFs available for boarding. For further details please calil(905) 263-4018. PARENT & TOT. St. Mark's Parent & Tot meets Thursdays 9:10 -11:lOam.. Each 7 week session offers quaîified care & appropniate activity for infants & children up ta age 6. A separate parents' program includes guest speakers, crafts, outings and social time. Registration fées caver al chidcare, matenials, refreshments, crai supplies and speaker fees. Re istration for faîl is imited and iuns immediately. For information caB Ruby at 576-D936 or Karen at 576-7761. MAGIC - AL READY TO PERFORM at your chitd's birthday! G.reat magic, doves, baRlloonsi MUSICIANS CORN ROAST would like ta thank the folîowing for their very.generous donations time and service: Port Perry FNnting - printing of tickets and posters; Jacquie Beckett -* design & graphics- Port Perry IGA; Long and Mc<Quade - door prize - acoustic gia;Tam Mark Music - guitar lessons, Bridgeport Si grns; Puckrin's Com; Atgoma Applerchards; Ern Acres; Neil Johnson - parking; Scooters - papcýom; Scugg Citizen, Port Perry Star,- Whitby Free Press - media coverage; Peter Sutcliff - Johnny-on-the-spots- ScggRentaIs - crown an'd ach or T&S-BBQ - cooking; Art Neal - comn coaker; musicians volunteers, clowns. AND FOF4 PRIZES: Belamy's; Brooklin Village Shoppe; Casey's Bar and Gnll; Classmc Arrangements; Campkin's Camping Centre- Disc & Dats; Dynamic Golf; Gnisanti's Restaurant; Heart & Stroke Foundation; Its' a Rare Affair; Kameka Shoes, Lakeridge Links; Magic Sieep Factory; McDonald's Restaurant; Michael Kelly Restaurant; Party Giant; Pro Golf; Sue's XL; Thunderbird Golf & Country Club; Wild Willy's Western Wear. As well as everyone who sold tickets.' Thank yau, your generosity is greatly appreciatedil LOSE 20 LBS & inches in the next- 30 days. ts sa easy. Cal 1-800-256-0643. VEDIC ASTROLOGY - Discover the key ta your destiny through this ancient science! Consultation on natal horoscope, relationship and campatibility charts. One year farecasts. Caîl Susan McNaughton (905) 655-3933. PSYCHIC àANSWERS- RAT.ED #1 IN CANADA Talk Ilve one on one CERTIFIED PSYCHICS with mystîcai p owe... .flnd out about your future...concemns about love, money or career. Cail now 1-900-451-4055 ... 24 h]rs. a day for instant answers. Evanly-Rays, 18+, $2.99/min. In Canada oel 1-900-451-4055- MAY THE Sacred Heart of Jesus bepraised, adared, glonified, loved- andpreserved throughaout the world naw and farever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude worker af miracles, pra for us. St. Jude heler f te npsless, pray for us. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail dlaims against the Estate of OLIVE ELIZABETH CREBER, late of the Town of Whitby, Ontario, who died March 27, 1995 must be in aur hands by September 18, 11995, after which 'the Estate wilI be distributed having regard only ta the claims then filed. DAV1D WARREN by his solicitor herein, ROBERT G. WHITTINGTON, 326 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario LIN 2J 1 ... .. .. ... .. .l ..T...A....K... J PRAYER TO THE BLESSED Virgin, neyer known ta fail. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitfui vine,, spîendor af Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in necessity. O star af the sea help me, and show me here you are my Mother. O HaIy Mary, Mathor o! God Qusen of- Heaven &' earth, I humbiy beseech you from the bottam af my heart ta secure me in my necessity (make requests). There are nons that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived withaut sin, pray for us wha have recourse. ta thee (3 times). HaIy Mary I place this cause in your hand (3tfimes). Say this prayer for 3 cansecutive dlays and then you must publish Kt and Kt will be granted 'ta you. S. K. THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred heart of Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adared, glonified, lavod & preserved thraughout the world now & farever. O Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, warker ai miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of te hapeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the eighthday your prayer will be answered. Publication must be pramised. S.S. THANKS TO ST. JUDE& the Sacred heart of Jesus for favaurs received. May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adared, glanified, loved & preserved throughout the world now &forever. O Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker ai miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, 1helper of the hopeiess, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By teeighth day your prayer wull be anwrd, regardless of how hopelesýs your situation seems. Publication must be promised. S.W. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAVI AUG. 25 at 5:30pm 3 miles east of Little Brîtain on County Rd. 4 The contents of a local condominium plus others 8 pc. Oak moderm di ing room suite (table with 2 Ieàves, 4 sidechairs, 2 captains chairs &;large hutch in excellent condition), 2pcflat-all cupboard, refinishr.d6 aft pins harvest table, refinîshed pine drop leaf table, almond Ksnmore side by side frîdge/freezer & matching 30 in electric stove, almond Kelvinatar automatic washer & dryer, china cabinet buffet combination, antique dressers, chesterfields, walnut vanity dressers, walnut dressers, I 8pcs. Fiestaware, treadle sewung machine-, coffee & end tables modemn dresser & chests ot drawers, upright drill press, 5 hp Canadiana ridmng lawnmower, aiso consigned the property of Darothy Robinson of Bobcaygeon, qty. hand & power tools, Homelite -chain saw, Lakewood airtight stave, 4 hp Mustang garden tiller, box stove, treadle sewing machine plus a qty. of china, glass,1 collectable& household items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1l Little Britain 705-786-2183 KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS - every Wednesday at 6:3Oprn looeted #2699 Jrock Rd. N., Pickering, 3 miles north of hwy. #401- (take exit #399). Featuning, every Wed. an excellentsecta 0fatques, finelf hinglass china, collectables,, priivs, and other unusuals. Sa join us every Wed. and participa te in ans of .Ontanaos "true" auctians with no buy-backs or reserves. Ternis: cash, cheque (with proper I.D.) or Visa. Previews from 11: OOpm itConsignment & Estate sellin aur specia[ty" Cal us toda - Kahn Auction Services 905-68ý004. ESTATE AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS SUNDAY, AUGUST 27th, 11:OOam (viewing (10:00> Agrcul ure Bui ding, Orono Fairgrounds Take 115/35 to main St. Orono &a follow signs This Sunday we are selling complets contents from the home the late Leila Werry of Orono. iPartial iist includes aid pine cupboards bow front china cabinet <exc.), 2 drap leaf gate leg tables, 1nee Ale"desk 2, maple. desks, misc. -tables ?pariour, kitchen, pantry etc.), 4 pcs bedroomn set, misc. dressers & ichests of drawers, washstands, boakcase, misc. chairs (Lazy Boy, pressbacks, spoon backs, parlaur, etc.), couch & chair, oid bench, piano stool, apple peeler, kitchen contents, ga ss & china oul lamp, aId lights, mrrors, radio, oId cdocks, 7 pcs. bedroom set (pitcher bowl,- etc.), misc. pictures, oniginals b y Drummand & Morton, carpet bails miens, aid books, 3 doils1 severai aid games & toys, 2 aid tin steam shaveis, aider toals & hardware, wàed.ashr &Aryo eplsmany rimore Whi'tby Kinette wins award Lynda Wiliston, a membor. of the' inotte Club of Whitby,, recontly won the Kinette public speaking award at the Kmn district (Ontario) conference. At the national Kmi conference in Hamilton Aug. 24, she will compote with inettes from across Canada for the national -awarýd. The award is one of miany in the Kmn association designod te foster personal development. Williston, a primary school teacher, says that personal growth througli volunteering has been mnvaluable. lier hub1nd, Bryan Wiliston, member of the Knsmen Club of Whitby, won the national Kinsmen public speaking award three years ago. Historie gardens Take a rare look at some of the magnificent gardens of the late l9th and early 2Oth centuries, created by the rich and famous Wo complemont thoir palatial ostates at the workshop The. Golden Age of GoerIen"a takring place on Saturday, Sept. 16, from 10 a.m. Wo 4 p.m., at the Parkwood Estate in Oshawa. SThe Ontario Historiai Society and the Parkwood Estato are presenting this programme which explores concepts- about nature and landscaping during this poriod, -developing .and maintaining glorious- gardons today, gardon restoration and the glorlous gardons of Parkwood. .George Kapelos,, dosigned, urbaniat and writor' on architecture and landacape explores the new and changing attitudes towards nature and -l-n.sc*PIn that became prevalent during theélaite lGth and early 2Oth centuries in the session'"Be- inventing the- Gardon, for the Modern Age." Senior hoticulturiet for the Toronto Historical Boaïd, Wendy Woodworth, discusses "The Restoration of the Spadina lieuse Gardons" 'and givos a detailed acceunt of the. research- and restoration that was umdertalcen. Colin BocIngham of Bellevue House National Historic Site in, Kingston shows how Wo maintain your own'golden age gardon today in "The-Challenge of Maintaiing Parkwoed Gardon Teahouse. For further information and Wo register, caIl Lorriane Lowry <416) 226-9011 or Sophie Drakich (905) 433-4311. New naine Durham Deaf Services is the new name of the or no formnerly known as theaOshawa Deaf Centre. The office is ait 750 King St. E., Oshawa and can b. contacted by calling 579-6495 (voice 57e- 3328).%. NOTICE TO SUBTRADES FOR TENDERING THE ADDITON TO THE KENDALWOOD SEVEPITH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH The closing date has been extended to August 30, 1995. Plans can be viewed at the Durham, Toronto & Missîssauga. Construction Association offices, or on site at 300 Kendalwood Drive or Chapestone Dev.' mc. at 6475 Century Ave., Mississauga, Ont. Phone Stan at 905-812-1855 or FAX tenders to: 905-812-1858 Powell - Ulveland Norman and Meryli Powell wish ta announce.the recent marriage of their daughter Tracy to Dana. They had a beautifuil wedding ini a picturesque setting in West Vancouver. B.C. Tracy and Dia are relocating ta Alabama where Dana lias taken a position on staff at Auburn University. Tracy wiII continue her studies vin E-mail and expects ta complete her PhD. within the next two years. Family and friends wish a long and happy life together and good lLck ini Alabamna! NIFTY NIFTY, TAISTO'S FIFTY!.

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