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Whitby Free Press, 23 Aug 1995, p. 27

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Tim e to say no WMen 1 was a young boy my parents did everything they could for me. They did eveiything in their power to make my childhood a wonderful memory. Unfortunatoly, what I did flot understand at the time was that for me to have what I needed, my parents had te give up some of the things that were important te them. My family had only so much money tu spend. My seven brothers and sisters and 1 had te. share what was available. 1Even with ail my parents' giving, and theïr desire for me te have everything I needed, sometimes they had te ay "No." It was flot easy for them te do. "No" le a very hard word te say te some one you love, but sometimes it's necessary and the right thing te do. Whenever my parents said they were sorry, that there just wasn't. enough money left te get everything I wanted, I always felt let down. Feit tliat they would not buy it for me- because they didn't want tii spend the money, or because they wanted te let me know who was the boss. Boy was I wrong. What I didn't understand as a boy, I see as clear as day as a parent. Sometimes, even though it really hurts, you just have te say "No." Whenever my parents had te watch what they were spending, we were each asked te doi our share. I didn't have to accept more hand-me-downs because I was younger, my sisters didn't have te acceptiese because they were girls, and my brothers dîdn't have te sacrifice more because they were older. We ail had te make sacrifices. 0f course, I feit that I had to give up the most. After ail, what I was giving up was important. They were giving up thinga that were easy. Now I look back on those times when we were asked te make do with leas and I realize we were each asked te do our s3hare'equally. No one was asked te give up more than the other. It was aiways as fair as possible. As we grew older we were able te help ourselves with earnings from part-time jobs after sehool like paper routes. I remember well saving week by week for the new bicycle that I wanted and later for my first pair of expensive skates. The Provincial Govenment reoently announced plans te reduce spending. Not because the government doesn't want te spend the money. Not because it wants te let people know who's boss. But because it just doesnt have the money te spend. iàke myfamily,. and yours, eveiyone je goiring te have -te make changes. Many wfill feel tbat they are doing more than their share. But the ~tith ta, everyone will be making somn adjustments, because the* province just doesn't have the money te spend. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 5 1. Thomas Wray (1810-1912) Was Whitby's f irst Centenarian. 2. The Whitby Mail was bu'lit in 1968-69. 3. Two internationally-known jockeys who g rew up in Whitby were Nat Ray (1876- 1953) and Sandy Hlawley (born 1949). 4. The first royal visitor to Whitby was the Prince of- Wales (later King Edward VII) who stopped here on Sept. 7, 1860 during his Canadian tour. FROMPAGE 28 Ini 1926 it was replaced by two motor-driven fire trucks, a, Godfredson pumper and a Chevrolet cheniical truck. These trucks were a great improvement - - when the firefighters remembered to keep them supplied with enough gasoline. One time in the 192013, one of the fire trucks ran out of gas on the way to a. fire. As a resuit, the fire department hired garageman Harold Boys ini 193 1 to service and maintain the trucks. He served ini this capacity un til bis metrement in 1965. In 1934, eight years after it was retired, the Merryweather. was donated to the York 'H.istorical Society and displayed at Fort York in Toronto. Its final fate remr asa mystery to this day. Wtiltby Free Press, Wednesday, August 23.,1995, Page 27' -- TE REONALMUMEPALIY O0F" DURHAMW WORKS DEPARTMD(T Wlnter Blo-sollds management Oins Envlronmental Asusssmnt Notice of Public Open House Iirhe Pgon of Durham lnltialled a Schedule C Clas Envlronmnta Asssemont CEA) for di*lrwiter bio-solide mtnagemen t rlureforod to as wlnier skadge management) problem ln June 1992. Blo-soikis ama beneficlai end produot from Oie wastewatar treatment processed u O#» Reglon's Wat9r Pollution Contrai Plant (WPCP). The storage of bio-sollds ln enclosed twft locMed at or adjacent b oie Coebett Creek WPCP ln Oie Town cf WhlOy slete by lie Region iOctotier 1994 as tie preflerred solution to dmo Reglons wlntar blo.solds mngmn problemn. Public notice of lte Prnfered l nter blo0-80isoimng et solution was provided by.Oie Reglon li Noemte 1904. This evaluatio f alternatve solutions and dme selecio f oies frrdslution were made Ihrough a public consultation proceeSw ora Commencig ln Noeniier 1994, tie Reglon exaned a nwnber of desg iN atm sfor Ode preferred bio-sollds management solution. ibis wa donm ln consultation with a Public Consultation Worlcng Conuiiltte (PCWC). The deàsbig alternatives were developed and evauated ln dota wlh e PCWC b addnmstOe concemns about ie proposed fachlty of Ote rosidend buineses lnc hie preferfed site aeea and of other citizns and groups wlti*i Oie Reglon aid Oie Province. A Puiblo Oen Housewil be held bo present tie resuits of Oie evaluatin ofOi doslgnlsling aIternatives and Io receive input aid comments from any lnterested phrty. Tbe proposed mitigating measures lincluding prelmbury architetural and andsclng features for Oie proposed fachhhty vllI also b. presened atOthe Open Hse. You amn lnvlt.d Io attend 1he Open House to b. h.Id as followa: Flac.: Reglon of Durham Worke Departmt 105 Consumnera Drive, Whltby, Ontario. Date: Tu.aday, Auguat 29,1995. lime: 2:00l p.m. to 4.00 p.m., and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Regiont Projed Teffm will be preset at Oie Open Hm ouet answer yow' qustions. For furlier Inbfomo, pleas contact Mr. Richard Walt., P. Eng. Mr. Chang. Lee, P. Eng. Birnioo EngIneering Group Umlited The. Reglan of Durhun Worka Depi 1815 Ironate Manor, Suite 10 105 Conawrnera Driv PccrnON 11W 3W9 Whltbys ON LUN6A3 Telephon.: <905> 831-1715 Télephon.: (905)660-ml Subjeot b comments rmceived as a resuft 0f th" Notice, Oie Region plans b Instruot Oie consutat b proceed wlOi Oie planning for iIs project aid an Erwlrnmetl SUdy Reportwthl lie prepared and placed on Oie public record. ,E MESSAGE RETRIEVAL. once a week Service brought to you by: Direct Response Marketing 2451 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, N.Y. 14221 Customer Service # 1-800-647-3782 HII SWF, 23,56-, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes. fuî-fiure, two chîl- dren, seeking SWM. 23-26, ta hang out with and have a gond ime with, for frendship, maybe more. Ad# 7224 LEAVE NAME & NUMBER SWF, 47, active, high maraIs, successful ln business, laves home, gardening, the finer thlnnilie, seekong SWM, 45- * 55, gwith hi gh marais and gond character. for riendshlp, maybe more. Ad# 7963 HOME FOR SUMMER SWF, 20, 5'8«, l2lbs., outga- ing, energetic, college-student, seeking SWM, 18-25, for fniend- sh ý, maybe relatianship. GOOD GUALITIES GDF, 28, warm-laving, likes going ta the movies, soclalizing, bars, seeking GWF, 20-35, with a similar character, for frend- shlp, possible relationshîp. Adi 6272 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWF, 37, 5'l». l4lbs., blue eyes, blonde hair, enjays bik- lng, walks, sparts, dining out. TV, seeks SM, similar interests, for passible retationship. Adi 9129 SETTLE DOWN TOGETIIER SWF, 21, one daughter, seeks responsible, employed, cansid- erate SWM, 25-31, wha likes amusement parks, dining. lunches. and has no depen- dents and has neyer been mar- ried. Whitby area.Adi 9526 SEEKS MR PERFECT SWF. 22. 5'6«, blonde haîr, blue eyes, slightty ful-figured, likes ta party on the weekends, seeks sincere, honest SWM. 24-29. for frendship. maybe more. Whitby area.Adi 8547 HOW ARE YOU SWF, 40, 5', likes long walks, rides in the country, seeks SWM, 35 or over, wha is a lot of fun ta, be with and likes home flie, for flrendshtp, maybe more. Whitby area. Ad 9445 VERY HIGH MORALS Active SF, 46, successful ln business, loves home, garden- ing, finer things ln lite, seeking Intelligent, humarous SM, must be of gaod character. Whitby area. Adi 738 WHITBY OR OSHAWA SWGF, 29, enjoys sports, horseback riding, romantic eventngs, watch movies at home, seeking SGF, ta be friends with, maybe more. Adi 2861 LADY FROM CANADA GAF, 23, 5'2T, îO9lbs., long hair, brown eyes, petite, excel- lent shape, seeking slender, blonde SWF, 20-29, for triend- shlp, possible relatianship. Oshawa area. Adi 1252 YOCUM & BROOKS SWF, 36. gond sense of humor, one son, likes rock and cauntry music, walks, fuît moons, stars in the sky, dancing, quiet evenings at home, seeking SWM, 36-47, for friendship, passible relatlonship. Oshawa area. Adi 9667 MOTHER 0F ONE SWF, 19, 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, Irish, one daughter, gond sense of humnor, easy ta get along with, likes kids, gaing for long walks, cuddling, movies, some sports, seeking taIt, dark SWM, 20-29. Oshawa area. Adi 5600 DUJRHAM REGION SWF. 19, enjoys alternative music, seeking SWM. 19-22, for frendshîp, gaing ta con- certs, hanging out.Oshawa area. Adi 6362 TALL BEAUTY SWF. 18, 51Vl. model, enjoys mavies, seeking. SWM, 18-25. 66"+,, for friendship passible relationship. Whtby area. Adi 6970 US THIS YOIJ? SWF, 29. 5'2«, dark blonde hair, green eyes. son, 10, enoys pets. shooting pool, ouldoors. harses, Harleys. seeks rugged- ly handsame. SWM. 33-36. facial haîr a plus, 5'8"+. for passible- relatloroshlp. Oshawa area Adi 9495 LET'SDANCE SWF, Engllsh lady, petite, 54, 5'3«. red hai,blue eyes, enjoys intermediate ballroamn dancing, loves dags, walks on the beach, seeklng a SWM, 50-65. Whtby area. AdU 3033 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34, 5'5'",.brown hair, blue eyes, enjoys country music, talking, dancing, camping, mnuch more, seeking SWM, 32- 45, must like children, similar lnterests. Oshawa *area. Ad# 2208 MILL GET BACK TO YOIJ SWF, 30 professional, attrac- tive, long blonde hair, green eyes, enjoys bands, basebaîl, camping, working out, out- doars, seeks SWM, profession- al, similar lnterests, for friend- ship, possible romance. Whitby area. Ad# 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, movies, animais, sports, out- doors, leaming, seeking SGF, any age, with similar interests, friends first, maybe more. Whitby area. Ad# 1819 IF YOU WANT TO SW momn 19, 5'4», 1281bs., blonde hair, blue, eyes, one daughter, seeking SWM, 20-29, for friendship, maybe more. Oshawa area. Ad# 5600 GOOD CHARACTER SWF, 46. seeks honest. sin- cere. intelligent SWM, 45-58, who has high maraIs and enjoys the better lite for frend- ship and a long term commit- mnent Whitby area. Ad 7388 LAUGHING TOGETHER SWF, 37, 58V, brawn hair, slightly averweight. wears glasses, one son, likes country music, dining ouf, movies, nature walks, seeks sensitive, fun-laving, patient SM, 37-47. who likes kids Whitby area. Ad# 1485 L~-J IF YOU WANT TO W" momn 19, 54". 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, one daughter, seeklng SWM, 20-29, for trlendship, maybe more. Oshawa area. Adi 5600 HAPPY PERSON MWF 25, N/S, non-drinker, red hair, brown eyes, new ta Oshawa, seeking SWM, 25-35, N/S, ta gel together with, must be in Oshawa area. Ad# 1433 GREEN EYES Bi-SWF, 30, 5W4, slightly full fig- ured, long dark hair, seeking SF, 23+, ta talk ta, go la clubs with, for fniendship only ta start. Oshawa area. Adi 8092 LET'S TALK SBF, 19, 56". ll4lbs., attrat- tive, intelligent, mature, caring, romantic, seeking SWM, 30s- 40s, no head games. Whitby area. Adi 8232 SHE LIFTS WEIGHTS SWF, 38, 56",. 1iSbs., no chit- dren, enjoys running races, canaeing, mountain biking, movies, dining oui, seeking SWM, 35-39, for long term rets- tionship. Whitby ares. Adi# 9150 INTERESTING & EXCITING SWMV, 4 9, 5V9.,1l8Olbs., brown hiair, sexy blue eyes, self- um built, N/S, dawn ta earth, Intelligent SWF, 35 or over, who s well-dressed. Ad# 9953 TWENTYSOMETHING SWMI 26, 6, l6Olbs., blond hair, blue eyes, likes fitness, movies, volleyball, dining, danc- Ing seeking SWIF, 20-29, for fiendshI p. possible relation- ship. Ad# 9544 A CARING RELATIONSHIP GWMI 20, 5'9", 1351bs., brown hair, blue eyes, likes camping, dancing, going ta clubs, quiet evenings at home, seeking GWM, 18-25, for friendship and fun, maybe more. Ad# 2774 A NICE SMILE SWMV, 30, 6, blond hair, green eyes, slîm build. attractive. easygoing, likes'movies, swimf- ming, the beach, camping, car tips, seeks.easygoing, onest, sincere, caring, agraclive SWF, 26-33, no dependents. Ad# 8390 SELF-EMPLOYED SWMV, 22, 165lbs., brown hair/eyes, seeking SWIF, 18-25, easygoing, likes long walks, dri- ves, movies, cuddlinq, single moms welcome, for fnendship. Adi 9985 1 PROMISE... SWGM, .20. 5'9", l3Slbs., brown hair, blue eyes, enjoys camping, movies, going ta clubs, quiet nlghts at home, seeig SWGM, 1-25, for fredhp and fun, leading ta passible relationship. Ad 2427 HOPELESS ROMANTIC DW dad, 42, 510", l75Stbs., kind, caning. honest, likes din- ing, dancing, long drives, pic- nics, music, the beach, seeking down ta earth SWF, 35-40, 1 351bs., for a loving relatian- ship. Ad# 3354 PLAY THAT NOTE! SWM, 24. musician, seeks slim, attractive SWF, 19-30, who has a love for music, for friendship, passible retattanshlp, no head games. Ad# 5969 A HANDYMAN WWWM, 53, 6'l", 1801bs., likes country music, dancing, walk- lng?,xcamping, traveling, movies, reaIng at home, dining out, seeks 97» or taller, lit SVWF, 45- 55, with little or no emotional baggage. Ad# 3041 SAIL SOMETIME? SWM, 36, 58V, lSOIbs., blond hair, blue eyes, well bult, attractive. lilkes tennis; cycling, whitewater canaelng, sailing, coaking, eating many kinds of food, seeks attractive, happy SF, 25-40. Ad# 3284 GET INVOLVED TOGETHER SWM, 45. brown hair, tait, good looking, apen-minded, seeking reliabte SWF, 40 or under, sin- Rlî 2goms are welcome. EXCITING FUJN SWM, 20, sincere, honest, humarous, likes having fun, mavies, dancing, accasional drinking. seeks autgoing',open- minded, spontaneaus SWF. 18 or over, for frnendship, possible relationship. Whitby area. Ad# 6438 VERY OPEN-MINDED SWM, 25, 5W8, slim, very attractive laoking, goad shape, artisi. tikes dining out, reading anythin9 creative, seeks liberal,. open-minded SWF. 19-30, who is not baring, for. friendship, maybe more. Whitby area. Ad# 4080 SEEKING CREATIVE LADY SWM, 25, artist, very musical, seeking attractive, slim SF, who shares passion for art and music. Whitby area. Ad# 4080 HOPE You CALL SWM, 36, enjoys live theatre, movies. snuggling in frontaof the f ire, seeks MEF 28-37, 5-5"r, ta share interests, passible relatianship. Whitby area. Ad# 8873 With Auto Ad taking, just use your touchtone phone ta answer some questions about yourself and the e of person y ou wauld like to meet. Then record your voice greeting, and we Il transcribe il into a print ad that wiII appear in the Whftby Free Press. Whitby Free Press' Persan 10 Persan is avaiable for single people seeking relationships. Ads containing explicit sexual or anatomical language wilI not be pub- lished. We reserve the right ta edit or refuse any ad. Customer service 1.800-647-3782. m Male W White H Hispanlo NC Native Canadian S Single WW Widowed V Double Dater F Female B Black A Asian C Christian D Dlvorced N/S Non-smoker LET',S HAVE COFFEE GWM, 38. 6%, l7Slbs., enioys camping, music, sports, travel, dogs, seeks ambitiaus. slim, cute GM, 18-24, with zest for lite, smoker, drug-free, for friendship, maybe mare. Whltby area. Ad# 2053 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWM, 19, smoker, easygoing, laid back, enjoys clubs, hockey, dining out, dancing, seeks SF. ta share interests, passible relatianship. Whitby area. Ad# 3402 NICE CATCH SWM, 25, self employed, ooad background, likes many things, seeking sincere, good loaklng SWF, 20-26, for friendship, pas- sible relationship. Oshawa ares. Ad# 9321 RELATIONSHIP 5DM, 37. 51Vl., lSObs., fun, easygoing, likes movies, music, dining, comedys, gain g for dri-, ves, going ta the park, seeks attractive, affectionate SF, 18- 50, for an ongalng relatianship. Oshawa ares. Ad# 2835 GOOD NATURE SWM, 34. 5'10', brawn hair, hazel eyes, slim build, likes walking, talking, kids, seeks good natured SWF. 18-40, for friendship, passible relation- ship: Oshawa area. Ad# 3589 FAIRLY FOR YOU SWM, 18, 5'9». brown hair/eyes, muscular buitt, seeks goad looking SWF, 22-25, for friendship, possible relation- ship. Oshawa area. Ad# 5368 LET ME KNOW SWM. 22, works shift wark. pretty quiet, pretty shy, likes country music, seeking SWF, 19-25, for friendship, maybe more. Oshawa area. Ad# 1613 VIGOR FOR UIFE SBM. 50, likes sports, auldoor activilies, seeking energetic SBF. 35-45, for friendship. maybe more. Oshawa area. Ad# 8888 CARS ARE FUJN SWM. 36. 6*2", 200lbs., likes the outdoors, camping, going ouf and watchlng auto racing, seeking SWF. 25-99, for frlend- shlp, passible relatlonshlp Whitby ares. Ad 2061 Q; What leaAn acces. cod? A: AonfçJetla4 dgitodehat onl ya knw, hatetles nly -0. What are messages? A. Volce greetings tram other ainges Wiao responded ta your ad in the newspaper or thraugh the browvse. Ta listen ta yaur messages for FREE, catI 1400- 853-445 Ext. 47 once ever y 7 days or 1-900.451-4882 Ext. 47 anylime, af a charge af $1.99 per minute. 0. What are systern matches? A: Voice greetings tram other advertisers whose matching cri- ferla a i he sanie or sîmiar ta yours. You can listen ta, your sys- tem matches instantly by calling 1-900-451-4M8 Ext. 47, at a charge af $1 .99 par minute. 0: What la Smart Browse? A: A speclal feature that atlows yau ta listen and respond ta other volce greellngs that match the criteda you select. CatI 1- 900-451-4882 Ext. 47, option 2, et a charge of $1.*99 par minute. 0: How do I respond ta an .d? A: Cal 1-900-786-4882 Ext. 47, option 1. et a charge af $1.99 Par minute, thm system will ask you fa enter the 4 digit ad num- ber ai the ned of the print ad. Press; 1 ta respand, press 2 ta go on ta ithe next ad. 0: Hmw do 1 cancel or renew and adi? A: Caîl customer service at 1-800-647-3782.

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