Whitby Fin. Presa, Ww*iday, Auguat 301995, Ppe -119)NQBOOK VOUR CLASSIFIED AD.~ .. ............. péèfi We're open 9 arn ta5 pm, Monday ta Fniday. Place your ad by Monday at noon for Wednesday publication.. If your can't make it in during office hours, we have a mail slot ta the left of aur front door. We're located at 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. .....E..S...EER se eo ofBsns EDUcATIONAL SER VIOES I ENGLISH UPGRADING- The Durham Board of Education is offering an Intermediate English Pragram 4 moming s or 3 aftemoons. per week a t St. Mark's Church House. Please cal 435-3450 for information. t'IANO & THEORY LESSONS, Taunton/Garden area. Expenienoed teacher wvith A.R.C.T. is now accepting a limited number of students for the faîl terni. Please caîl for more information 666-8736. WE DELI VER FLYERS The Whitby Free Press 668-6111 PIANO LESSONS qualified, expenenoed teacher in North Whitby. Any a ge, ail levels. Reasonable rate. Calil 721-9290. MUSIC TEACHERS WANTED: piano, guitar, vaice, woodwinds. Qualifications: ARCI or equivalent experienoe. Whitby Schoal af Music 666-8780. SINGING LESSONS. Highly qualified teacher, 19 years experience. Beginners welcome. Campetitive rates. 668-7993. GUITAR LESSONS. ALL LEVELS. Ail ages. Accoustic or electric. Regîster now. 666-1979. I.ELP WINED EARN UP to $550 a, week - we need peaple to make jewellery (necklace, bracelet, emg.Job available coast to coast, from your home. No experienoe needed .Send a self-addressed stamped envetope ta: Kevinchnis Ca'p99 Matheson Blvd. E., Unit *5, ref. 139, Mississauga, Ontaria, L4W 2V3. $40,OOOIYR. INCOME patential. Home TypistslPç users. T ail Free 1-800-898-9778 Ext. T-5365 for listings. $35,OOOIYR. INCOME potential. Reading. books. To Il Free 1-800-8598-9778 Ext., R-5365-for details. PEN TAGON SECURITY Now accepting applications for the following positions: + STATIONARY GUARDS 4MOBILE K9-UNITS Applicants must have a minimum of grade 12, reliable transportation, experienced.- Apply in person to: 201 White Oaks Court Whitby, Ontario Wed. Aug. 30 ta Mon. Sept. il NO PHONE CALLS AIRLINE JOBS! Now hiring. $10-$25 per hour. AIl positions, bath skilled and unskilled . Excellent. pay/benefits. CalI1-(504)-429-9229 ext. AI113, 24 hrs. CRUISE LINE JOBS! Entry level. Free travel. Gaod pay. Now hining menlwomen. Caîl 1-(504)-429-9225 ext. Cl113, 24 hrs. $200-$500 WEEKLY. Assemble roducts at home, easy! Ro selîing! Çou're p'aid direct. Fully guaranteed No expenence necessary. Caîl, 24 hrs, 1-504-641-7778, ext. 142 H-35. .SUPERMAID - teamn housecleaning pattm.Training will be provided f6irreliable person with own transportation. Cal 434-8325. COMPUTER RETAIL SALES. Busy computer retail store seeks a computer minded individual ta be p art of aur retail sales. team. Must De people oriented, self-motivated and wil lng ta work in ail aspects of the computer retailing business. If o u are this persan, send resume 00 Box #005c/a Whitby Free Press, P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, LIN 581. WORK. FROM HOME. LEGITIMATE & honest computer home-based business. Great eamning apportunity. FIPT. Training pravided. Senous enquinies only, p[ease caîl 430-7101. CLASIUED ADS CET RUESEa TM Whether yau're buying or selling, put the cIassitiedfs ta work for youl To piace your ad, cali, 1 ~ 668-111-".'j Effective SEPTEMBER lst, 1995 PREPAID word ads wiII be $1o.oo ($9.35 + 650 GST) for 25 words or less. Extra words are 150 each (140 + 10 GSI> BILLED word ads- wiII be .~15OO .STr for 25 words or less. Extra words are 15o each + GST TWO WOMEN AVAILABLE TO dlean your home or apt. Reliable, hanesf , hard-workmng reasonable rates. Caîl Bannie ë66-8639 or Maggie 430-8769. I a Ecyri~i ok RESUMES, ESSAYS, projects, business cards, graphics 3pesetting, etc. Ca B&ë lypesetting (905) 725-7646 anytime. Ask for Bemie. GET. THE MOST FROM your coptr! Intemet set-up & access. =pca custamized training & suppart includ ing MS Office & AccPac. Caîl ComegAscae 725-5407. om ngsocae h!~~3~h 66845911 DSAO ANDOSL ADI Cali 668-6111. Ads plaoed by, Monclay atnoon will be published that Wednesday. Prepay by 5 pmto save money! O r, prepay wfth your VISA card when placing the ad. Fax y our ad ta us at 668- 0594. Please ensure you provide ail pertinent information, and a number where we can reach you, if necessary. Malyour ad ta: Whitby Free F«OS, r Mess, Box 206, Whttby, Ontario, 0 UN 5S1. Ads should be mailed toaraive by Monday at noon. You can enclose your payment, or provide billing informnation. 0OSHAWA Io DRIVINO ~ SCHOOL' Osawa * 728-0091 Full Drivers, Education Courses SEPTEMBER 9TH Saturdays 4 week course SEPTEMBER 12TH Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course PRIVATE LESSONS * REGISTERED & APPROVEO BY THE