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Whitby Free Press, 30 Aug 1995, p. 23

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MORE PRoNA 105E 20 LBS & inches in thei 30 days Its SO easy. 1-800-256-0643. next Cai VEDIC ASTROLOGY - Discover the key to your destiny through this ancient science! Consultation on natal horoscope, relationship and' compatibilitk- charts. One year forecas 'ts. Cail Susan McNaughton (905) 655-3933.- BAHAIS BELIEVE THE SOURCE of ail good is trust in- God submission unto His command and,-- contentment wvith His ho! y wil and isure. For informa tion cali 01-r e1-800-433-3284.' PSYCHIC ANSWERS RATED #1UN CANADA Tralk lve one on one CERTIFIED PSYCHICS wlth mystical p wers... .flnd out about-your tuue..concemrs about love, money or Cali now 1-900-451-40665... 24 hrs.aea.1 day for Instant answers. Evanly-Rays, 18+, $2.99/mln. In Canada oaleil 1-900-451-4055 Iprepaid, ircludles taxA Ifor_25 wo>rds or less Whltby Free PrOe, Wedlnesday, August 30, 1995, Page 23 WOItKSHOP Kinark Child anid Famxly Services will hold a fouÎr session workshoP for parents with children up to age 12 years to help them cope with separation or divorce, on Tuesday, Sept, 12, 7 to 9 p.m. at Kinark Child and Family Services, 1916 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Thé cost is $36. per person plus a book fee* of $7. Pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, oeill the centre at 905- 433-0386, ext. 316. GROWING UPIfl1VORCED The Family Education Resource Centre will hold a six-session workshop 'Growing up Divorced, for chien aged eight to 12 years, helping them understand the process and meaning of divorce on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 7 to 9 p.m., at the* Kinark Child and Family Services, 1916 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Pre-regotration le required. For more information and to register, oeil the centre at 433-0386t ext. 316. IJQTreatz izza The Tneat You'.Bat Like Pizza The cru st is made of fudge and chocolate crunch. Add lots of Dairy Queen® soft serve, and a combination of scrumptious toppings. Choose from four flavors . .., Peanut Butter Fudge, Strawberry Banana, Smarties®', or Skor®2 Candy Pieces. ,The DQ Treatzza PizzTs is the only pizza that tastes better cold. 0T. Arn DO. Coap, 01995 Am DO.Corp..MpIs. MN Priniedin USA, 01 "SMARTIES* s a registered trademarti ot Sucet, des produits Neste SA 02 SKOR'isregitee trder ud uder iense Dalry Ouose stores areg Cýo Welreat You Righet. The -Coundi ofte COMpOion Of M eTown Of Whltby lies passed a new Temporary Sign'By-law b mguilate %wmpory signa and allir tepoeoey advertlslng devices ln the community. The Town ls;taknrý this lniative ln response Io publie complaints regaedlng lhe lergenumfberof< temporury sign. The pulmuy goal of tdm nma t,-lW« la Ioredluo te. numnber of isrnporazy signa thereby efianding lie sppearanosaety, stretecae, and cistinctwvnes0f Whitby trom otier co *mmuntie while allowlng for public expression MnA marner that meeta the communlt~expito f a clean, sale Town. the Temporary Slgn By-law addresses such mafles-an ie location, size, numbeïr, nature and use of lemporaiy slgns such asmoble signe, utihity pale poster signa, rmai estalte signa, subd hbruon/ondomlnlum signa, hom laMer signa and electio signa. For e«ample, - duuse of mobile signsas rrlted to the émvouncement of new business openînga or business relOocatlons - utllity poi. poster signe can oiily be used to sdvelse or promote not-for profit events or actlvltes;, - slgn permit. are requlmed for mobile sWigneanmd subdMvskoondomingum signe; and, Iliegal temporary signa cen b. ,smved by Tow«n staff. Any person uho coramm nesay of le provisons of the new T.emporaly MMg By-law la gullty of an offence and upon coniction lsailable to, a fine In san ount up to-$5,GOO.OO. The new Temporary Slgn By-law wlll corne Into force and tekse effect àn february lot, 1996. The 199 knplementallon daie wiU permit businessea suffcent UIme b phase out their temporay signsanad Io mSe ov dalie fonns of advertising and promo. For a comipilecopy ot thee iAfTemparavy Slgn By-law or for mriher Inkwrmaton contact: DONALD 0. McICAY, CLERK The Corporation of the Town of Whlty 575 Rossband Roud East Whilby, Ontario LiN 5N8 Phone: (O 668-580 FREEAD -FREE VOICE GREETING )PREE MESSAGE RETRIE VAL once a week Service brought to you by: Direct Response Marketing 2451 Wehrîe Drive Wiiiamsviiie, N.Y. 14221 Customer Service # 1-800-647-3782 LOVE TO TALKI SWF, 21, loves children, likes fishing, camping, hockey, sltting around a campfire, seeklng SWM, 25-29, for get-togethers and a frlendshlp. Ad# 3178 il SWF, 23, 56". dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, full-figured, two chul- dren, seeklng SWM, 23-26, to hang out with and have a good time wth, for frendshlp, maybe more. Ad# 7224 LEAVE NAME & NUMBER SWF, 47, active,. hlgh morals, successful ln. business, loves home, gardenlng, *ýthe finer things ,in life, seeklng SWM, 45- 55, wit hi gh morals and good character, for frlendship, maybe more. Ad# 7963 HOME*FMOS5UMMER SWF, 20, 5'80. 1201bs., oulgo- ing, energetlc, college-student, seeking SWM, 18-25, for friand- shlp, maybe relationship. Ad# 8379 GOOD GUALITES GBF, 28, warm-lovlng, -lîkes going 10 the movies, sociallzing, bers, seeking GWF, 20-35, with a simitar character, for friand- ship, possible relationship. Ad# 6272 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWF, 37, 5'".1,l4Olbs., blue eyes, blonde hair, enjoys bik- lng, walks, sports, dining out. TV, seeks SM, similer interests, for possible relationship. Ad# 9129 SETTLE DOWN TOGETHER SWF, 21, one daughter. seeks responsible, employed, consid- erete SWM, 25-31, who likes amusement parks, dining, lunches, and has no depen- dents and has neyer been mer- red. Whitby area.Add 9526 SEEKS MR PERFECT SWF, 22, 5W6, blonde hair, blue eyes. slightly ful-figured, lîkes to party on the weekends, seeks sincere, honeat SWM, 24-29, for frlenctshlp, maybe more. Whltby area.Adi 8547 HOW ARE YOU SWF, 40, 5'6", likes long walks, rides ln the country, seeks SWM, 35 or over, Who Is a lot of fun to be with and likes home lfe, forlrendship, maybe more. Whitby ares. Ad# 9445 VERY iIIGH MORALS Active SF, 46,' successful ln business, loves home, garden- ing, finer things in'life. seeklng Intelligent, humorous SM, must b. of good character. Whitby area. Ad# 7388- WHITBY OR OSHAWA SWGF, 29, enjoys sports, horseback riding, romantic evenings, watch movies et home, seeking SGF. 10 be friends with, maybe more. Ad# 2861 LADY PROM CANADA GAF, 23, 5'2, lO9lbs., long hair, brown eyes, petite, excel- lent shape, seeking sMender, blonde SWF, 20-29, for frlend- ship, possible relatlonship. Oshawa area. Ad# 1252 YOCUM à BROOKS SWF, 36, good sense of humnor,. one son, likes rock and country music, walks, full moons, stars in the sky, dancing, quiet evenings et home, seeklng SWM, 36-47, for friendship, possible relationship. Oshawa ares. Ad# 9667 MOTHER 0F ONE SWF, 19, 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, Irsh, one daughter, good sense of humor, essy.to get along With, likes kids, going for long walks, cuddling, movies, some sports, seeking tel, dark SWM, 20-29. Oshawa ares. Ad# 5600 DURHAM REGION SWF, 19, enjoys alternative music, seeking SWM, 19-22, for frnendship, going f0 con- certs, hanging out.Oshawa ares. Ad# 6362 TALL BEAUTY SWF, 18, 5,11". model, enjoys movies, seeking, SWM, 18-25, 6*6"+, for frlendshlp possible reletionshlp. Whltby ares. AdIf 6970 1S THIS YOU? SWF, 29, 5'2», dark blonde hair, green eyes, son, 10, enjoys pets, shootlng pool, outdoors, horses; Hareys, seeks rugged- y handsome, SWM,- 33-36, facial hair a plus, 5'8"+, for possible relationshlp. Oshawa ares Ad# 9495 LET5 DANCE SWF, English lady, petite, 54, 5'* red heir, blue eyes, enjoys intarmediate baDroom dancing, loves dogs, walks on the beach, seeking a SWM, 50-65. Whltby area. Adi 3033 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34, 5'5", brown hair, blue eyes, enjoys country music, talklng, dancing, camping, much more, seeking SWM, 32- 45, muet like children, similar interests. Oshawa area. Ad# 2208 ILL GET BACK TO YOU SWF, 30 professlonai, attrac- tive, long blonde hair, green eyes, enjoys bands, basebail,, camping, working out, out- doors, seeks SWM, profession- ai, similar interesta, for friend- ship, possible romance. Whitby aires. Adi 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, anjoys dancing, movies, animais, sports, out- doors, ieaming, seeking SGF, any age, with similer interests, frienda iret, maybe more. Whitby aesa. Adi 1819 IF YOU WANT TO SW mom, 19, 5'4*, 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, one' cleughter, seeking SWM, 20-29, for friendshlp, maybe more. Oshawaeaires. Adi 5600 GOOD CHARACTER SWF, 46, seeka honest, sin- cere, intelligent SWM, 45-58, who has high morals and enjoys the botter Ite for frend- ship and a long term commit- ment Whitby area. Adi 7388 LAUGHING TOGETHER SWF, 37, 5V8, brown hair, sllghtly overweight, wears glassas. one son, likas country music, dinlng out, movies, nature walks,' seeka sensitive, fun.lovlng, patient -SM, 37-47, who likes kids Whitby ares. Adi 1485 IF YOU WANT TO SW momf, 19, 54". 1281bs., blonde heir, blue eyes, one deughter, seeking SWM, 20-29, for frlendshlp, meybe more. Oshawa ares. Adi 5600 HAPPY PERSON SWF, 25, N/S, non-drinker, red hair, brown ayes, new to Oshawa, seeking SWM, 25-35, N/S, to get together with, must b. in Oshawa ares. Adi 1433 GREEN EYES Bi-SWF, 30, 5W4, slightly full fig. ured, long dark hair, seeking SF, 23+, f0 talk f0, go to clubs wth, for frlendship only 10 start. Oshawaarses. Adi 8092 LET'S TALK SBF, 19, 5V. 11l41bs., attrac- tive, intelligent, mature, caring, .romandec, seeking SWM, 30s- 40s, no head games. Whitby ares. AdU 8232 LLEi LIKES KEEPING ACTIVE SM, 25, S'il", l8Olbs., short brown curly hair, blue eyes, going to be a firefighter, likes music, dancing, parties, clubs, biklng, walks, hiking, the out- doors, seeking SF, 19-29, with sîmilar Interests. Adi 8347 PERSON TO MEET SWM, 43, 1 45lbs.. blond hair, hazel eyes, good looking, likes country/rock music, long walks, dancing, live concerts, camp- ing, dining, movies, romantlc evenings et home, seeks SWF, 36-45, must like kids. Adi 1957 DURHAM AREA SWM, 43, N/S, open-minded,' eesygoing, likes traveling, din- ing, quiet limes, camping, out- door activities, seeking SWF, 36-43, for friendship, possible relationship, no games. Adi 6811 INTERESTING & EXCITING SWM, 49, 5'9", iBOîbs., brown hair, sexy blue eyes, self- employed, likes downhill skiing, golfing, traveling, seeks medi- um buitt, N/S, down to earth, Intelligent SWF, 35 or over, who is well-dressed. Adi 9953 TWENTYSOMETHING SWMV, 26, 6', l6Olbs., blond hair, bItas eyes, likes fitness, movies, volleyball, dining, danc- ing, seeking SWF, 20-29, for friendship, possible relation- ship. Adi 9544 A CARING RELATIONSHIP GWM, 20, 5'9«, l35ibs., brown hair, blue eyes, likes camping, dancing, golng f0 clubs, quiet evenings et home, seeking GWM, 18-25. for frendship and fun, maybe more. Adi 2774 A NICE SMILE SWM, 30, 6', blond hair, green eyas, siim buiid, attractive, eesygoing, likes movies, swim- mlng, the beach, camping, car trips, seeks easygoing, honest, sincere, caring, attractive SWF, 26-33,, no dependentit. Adi 8390 SELF-EMPLOYED SWM, 22, l65lbs., brown hair/eyes, seeking SWF, 18-25, easygoing, likes Ion g walks, dri- ves, movies, cuddiing, single moms welcome, for frlendship. Adi 9985 I PROMISE... SWGM, 20, 5'9». 1351bs., brown hair, blue eyes, enjoys camping, movies, going to clubs, quiet nights at home, seeking SWGM, 18-25, for frlendship and tun. ieeding tb possible relationship. Adi 2427 HOPELESS ROMANTIC DW dad, 42, 5'10», l75lbs., klnd, caring, honest, likes clin' ing, dancing, long drives, pic- nics, music, the beach, seeklng down 10 earth SWIF, 35-40, 1 35lbs., for e loving relation- ship. Adi 3354 PLAY THAT NOTEI SWM, 24, musicien, seeks siim, attractive SWF, 19-30, who hes a love for music, for friendship, possible relationship, no head games. Adi 5969 A HANDYMAN WWWM, 53. 61l", l8Olbs., likes country music, dancing, walk- ing, camping, traveling, movies, relaxing et home, dining oui, seeks 5'7" or taller, fit SWF, 45- 55,- with littie or no emotionel baggage. Adi 3041 SAIL SOMElIME? SWM, 36, 5'8', lSOlbs., blond hair, blue eyes, ýwell built, attractive, likes tenaàis, cycling, whltewater canoeing, sailing, cooking, eeting many kinds of food, seeks attractive, happy SE, 25-40. Adi 3284 With Auto Ad takjufg, just use your touchtone phonle t answer some questions about yourself and the e of person you woul like to meet. Then record your voie greeting, and we Il transcribe it into a print ad thatwil appear in the Whtby F ree Press. Whitby Free Press' Person to Person is available for single people seeking retationships. Ad contening expiscit sexual or anatomnical language MIll fot be pub- lished. We reserve the rlght tooedit or refuse any ad. Customer sere 1 -80-4-3782. m male -W White H Hispanic NC Native canadien.S Single WW Wldowed V Double Dater F Female B Black A Asian C Christian D Dtvorced N/S Non-amoker GET INVOLVED TOGETHER SWM, 45, brown heir, taîl, good looking, open-minded, seeking reliable SWF, 40 or under 'sin- R le 2moms are welcome. EXCTNG FUN SWM, 20, sincere, honest, humorous, likes heving fun, movies, dancing, occasional drinking, seeks outgoing, open- mlnded, spontaneous SWF, 18 or over, for friendship,- possible relationship. Whitby -ares. Adi 6438 VERYOPEN.MINDED SWMV, 25, 518". siim, very attractive looking, good shape, artiat, likes dinlng out, reading, anything creative, seeks liberai, open-mlnded SWF. 19-30, who la not borlng,' for frlendship, maybe more. Whitby ares. Adi 4080 SEEKING CREATIVE LADY SWM, 25, ertiat, very -musical, seelclng attractive,.slim SF, who shares passion for art and music. Whitby ares. Adi 4080 HOPE YOU CALL SWM, 36, enjoys live theatre, movies, snuggling in front of the tire, seeks SWF, 28-37, 5,-5,r, to shere interesta, possible relationship. Whitby -ares. Adi 8873 LET"S HAVE COFFEE GWM, 38, 6, 1 75lbs., enjoys camping, music, sports, travel, dogs. seeks ambitious, siim, cute GM, 18-24, with zest for lite, amoker, drug-free, for fniendship, maybe more. Whitby ares. Adi 2053 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWM. 19, amoker, eesygoing, laid back, enjoys clubs, hockey, dining out, dancing,, seeks SF. to share interests, possible relationship. - Whitby ares. Adi 3402 NICE CATCH SWM, 25, self employed, good background, ikes many things, seeking sincere, good iooking SWF. 20-26, for friendshlp, pos- sible relatlonshlp. Oshawa ars. Ad# 9321 arnyue.aa ngeo>iv 0: Whet ere eytem matches? A: Volce graetlngs from other advealisers whose matchlng cri- ltela the semaeor simlar 10 yours. Vou a n liste to your sys- tam matches lnstantty by calling 1-900.451-4882 Ext. 47. et e charge of $1 .99 par minuta. 0., Whmt la S~ar Brow»? A- A spacimi fature that ashows you 10 Lstn and respond t olher volce grelngs that match the criterla you select. Cali 1- WO-451-4M8 Ext. 47. option 2. etea charge of $1 .99 par miute. 0: How do I respond f0 en ad? A: Cal 1-900-786-4802 Ext. 7, option 1. et e charge of $1.99 par minute, the system will ask yota to enter the 4 diei ad num- ber ett he. nad 0f the print ad. Press 1 to respond, prese 2 to go on ta the naxt ad. 0: How dol1 cancel orrew and md? A: Cali custorner serviciet NOTICE 0F PASSING TEMPORARY SIGN BY-LAW proud sponsors of the Clirens Miracle Network. which boueffs local hospit aIs tor children. WHITBY -DAIRY QUEEN 1003 Dundas St. E. 668-5342)

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