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Whitby Free Press, 6 Sep 1995, p. 11

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On Saturday, Sept. 9 about 25 blacksmths wlll show off their elîsl as the. Ontario Artiets Blacksmith Association boldsaa demonstration at the. museum on Scugog Island, near Port Perry. Blackniths fluinarrose Ontario wiII show bow the-,' turn bar. 'f On Aug. 30, Parkwood unveiled complotod resteration of the. Italian Gardon, one of tho most popular attractions of tho estate. The. project involved replacement of the. elaborate wooden trellis-work that linos two sides of the. Italian Garden, and which forma a backdrop to the colourful gardon beds, ornamental pool and statuary. Said te be one of only a handful of examples of its type in North America, the._Italian garden was designed ùinth 1920a by H.b. and LA. Duinlngton-Grubb, pioneers in the. landscape design profession in Canada. The quality of the. architectural and landocape designe helped Parkwood to earn its statue as a national historic site. As tihe residence of a noted indurialist and philanthropist, the. late Colonel R.S. MéLaughlin, for 55 years, Parkwood reprosents on. of the last of the grand ostates in Canada, and reflects the. lavish lifestyle of an earlier time. The. Italian Garden project is part of a larger, multi-year effort te preserve and restoe.the. gardons. Parka Canada of the. Departm.nt of Canadian Horitage producod highly-detailod working drawings for the. lattice replacement. USing workers trained in Corrections Canada facilities, and thiewood shope of T.H.E. Products of London, the. lattice work was manufactured in components last wintor, and assembled in the. Italian Gardon in May. Through June te July, the. project. continued with replacement of hedges and ornamental plantings, and other restoration work. Parkwood Esta-,te'S Iian garden restoration finished, By Brian Wintor Town of Whitby Archivist As Whitby propares to oelobrate Heritage Day on Saturday, Sept. 9, Durhamn Centre MPP Juin Flaherty and hie wife Christine Eliiott are marking a special anniversary. On. hundered and fifty years ago was built the atone house at the corner of Garden Street and Manning Road, which bas been their home since 1987. Known as Mayfield, the bouse is a unique example of oarly Canadian architecture in several ways. It was built entirely of limostone blocks brought to Whithy by sailing vessel from Kingston, whoro the atone wasecut by prisonere at the ponitontiary. John Welsh, the first grain merchant at Whitby Harbour, in 1845-46 brought atone from Kingston te build a store at the corner of Front and Brock streets. The store was demolised bofore 1900. Weish also arrangod te supply the stone te build St. John's Anglican Church at Port Whitby and a one-storoy bouse at 1612 Dufferin St. whicii was lator covered with etucco., The man wbo asked Welsb te eupply hlm with limestoeo build Mayfield was John Thomson (1802-1886), a native of Edinburgb, Scotland, wbo camne te Canada witb bis wlfe and four sons, arriving at Toronto in 1834. Taking hie eldest son, John Jr., aged seven, Thomson walked east along the Kingston Road (now Higbway 2) looking for a place te sottie. On a bot Sunday in Juno, they came upon a email log cburch in the woods where a choir was singing. They slipped into the church and remnained there until tbe end of the service,' when tbey were surprised te discover that the preachor was an old fiond from Edinburgb, Bey. Dr. Robert Thornton, foundor of a Presbyterian congregation in Whitby tbe previous year. On advice from Thornton, Thomson purchased 100 acres of land on tbe east side of Garden Street and built himseIf a log bouse. This bouse was repIaced by a frame home on the west aide of Garden Street about 1837. On Jan. 4, 1845, Thomson mortgaged aIl hie property for a total of 300 pounds ($1,500) to, build himself a stone bouse, siïnilar te thoso be remembered in Scotland. It is said that the builder of tbe bouse, whose name le not known, signed a contract containing penalties and preniuis. If be completed the house.bofore a certain date, be would be paid a premium. If he failed te complote it on time, money, would be d.ducted from hie salary. The builder was paid a deposit of MAYFIELD, which was buit 150 years ago, as t appeared in 1959. Whlby Archivesphto The limestono blocks were brought bybhorse and wagon te tthe site and thi.eatoes eut 'on land east of the. bouse. Many years later, linestene chips wero found wbore tiie cutting was don.. Legend eaye that a bottie of liquor was ombedded in thoe toe work wiien the. bouse was bufit, according te an old Scottish custemn, so tbat tiiere would always b. a drink in the. bouse. Tii. date '1845" was palnted in red undor tiie eaves between the lhnlight windows, on the. oaet wall of tii. bouse. Weatber removed thie -date many years ago. Mayfield le the only bouse le Whitby with quarter fanligbts on eacii side of the ciineys on the east and west walls. The only otiier bouse in tbe area that was built of limestene froin Kingston and le in its original state je the Henry House museuin at Oshawa Harbour, built in 1849 for Osbawa's, harbourmaster William Hood. The Thomeons brougbt most of their furniture from Scotland and were very well off financially. Axnong the. items brougit te Whitby acrose tbo Atlantic Ocean were a grandfatiier dlock, bell ropes te raIl servants, china and fine linon. John Thiomeon was ahi. to pay off tiie mortgago b. took out to, build the bouse, within fivo years of ite construction. Thomeon'e wifee parente came from Scotland te live witii him after Mayfield was built. John Thomson died at Mayfield on Jan. 19, 1866, at ago 63, and in June of 1873 the. farm was put up for sale. When tiier. wore no buyers, the farm was put on the auction block,' with the, samo results. One of the reasons for the lack of buyers may have been tbe damage caueed by a sterm whicii blew tiie roof off the. bouse on Dec. 4, 1873. Mayfield remained in tiie ownersip of i. Thomson famnly until July 31, 1905 when the, bouse was sold te Thomas Edgar Hardy of Daringtoni Township. There have been only five families living at Mayfield in the. last 150Oyears. It romains teday as on. of thé fineet, examples of pioneer homes left in Whitby. PAINT SALU. PAUÇT SALUr 0 STARTING 4PM, SEPT. 15! lii SFri. 4pm-7pm, Sat. & Sun. lOam-4pm 1010 Dundas St. W., Whitby Lx 1YVSIltUVd LU'IYS .UUd motel inte art, many wîii bring their own forges, while others will us. the~ on. in the. Scugog Shores Musoum Village blacksmitii ebop. Theomuseuin village le located on Island Road, two Ilometres east of Port Perry, off Hwy. 7A. Chorus mecibers wanted Singers will b. auditioned for tiie local Sweet Adelines Chorus on Tuosday, Sept. 13 at St. Paul's Proshyterian Church, 32 Wilson Rd. N., Oshawa. A series of lessons for female singers will begin that nigbt, at 7:45 p.n., and finish on Oct. 3. The four-week session of free voice lessons le for any feinale who wishes te improve their singing rbilities. The chorus rehearses weekly at St Paules on Tuesday nigbts from 7:30 -until 10 p.m. Auditions for new chorus niombers will b. held Singers will- hold' auditions Tii. County Town Singers willl iiold auditions on Wednesdaye, Sept. 13 and 20, at Cormack Station, 250 Hickory St. S., Whltby, at 7:15 p.m. Sections include soprano, alto; tenor and base. The group performs a-vari.tyr of concerts througiiout the year and le currently developing the. Christmas program. For more information, oeil 905- 837-2144. at the conclusion of the four-week session. Anyone interested in registering for the course can call Carolyn at 576-0769. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 4 1 . The first issue of the Whitby Free Press was published on June 30, 1971. 2. Archie McLaughlin,' executed in 1910, is buried in Union Cemetery, Oshawa. George Bilton, executed in 1946, is buried in St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Port W/hitby. Both graves are unmarked. 3. The building at the north- west corner of Centre and Mary streets was a f Methodist Church from 1856 to 1876. 4. Brooklin Community Centre was a Bible Christian Church from 1876 to 1884 and a Baptist Church from 1884 to 1916. 3000 Garden St., Whitby (Loblaws Plaza) 666-»M2626 BANQUET FACILITIES AAILABLE WE DELI VER Whitby Fre Press, Weckiesday, Septemboer6, 1995 ,Page li Lîmestonle house 150 years old Blacksml1iths to show their skills at museum Osha wa Lîttie Theatre presents WHAlTI1DIDLASTS1IME a warm-hearted coming of age story by A.R. Gurney Directed-by Marion Dennis Brown Produced by Maureen Smith SEPT. 14 -17, 21 - 24, 28 -30 CURTAIN TIME 8:00 P.M. 62 Russeti Avenue, Oshawa e 723-0282 Tickets: $12 at Saywell's, 14 Simcoe St. S. or at box office on performance nigt Rocist Piiiiie Ril) & Lobster Thennidor are now included in our 200 item buffet! , FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY EVENINGS ONLY $14.75 REGULAR WEEKNIGHT BUFFET (Mon.-Thurs.) Includes our daily BBO grill. () N 1, "Y' $10.7 55 LUNCH BUFFET (Mon.-Fri.) ONIA' $6.75

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