r'age 14, Whitby Fro.e ros, Wednosday, September 6, 1906 MICHELLE LACK, who attends the Royal youngest student ever to win the Prince Edward -Winnipeg Balet Sohool, last year became the Award given for achievement in dance studies. Whitby ballerina aims for r areer with oyal Winnipeg Michelle Lack of Whitby 18 striving bard to make corne true her dream of becoming a ballermna with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. She bas just returned to Winnipeg after a brief visit home Wo start her fourth year at the school. She started dancing at Gaetane's Dance Sehool at age three. She competed in many competitions a.nd won many awards in ballet, tap, jazz and acro, including a ballet scholarsbip at the Canadian Dance Teachers Association Convention in 1990. In 1991, at age, 11, she auditioned for both the National Ballet and Royal Winnipeg and was acoepted by both schools. She chose Wo pursue her training with the Royal Winnipeg and after attending swnmer school, was put into level two of the fuli-time training program. The followng year while ti level three, she received the ON award of excellence as most outstanding student at the junior level. Last year, while in level four, she reoeived the Prince Edward Award, established in JuIy 1990 by the government of Manitoba Wo commemorate the visit of Prince Edward tW Manitoba. The prestigious award is presented annually Wo two senior level Royal Winnipeg professional division students who have denionstrated an exceptional level of talent, commnitinent and achievement in dance studies. Lack is the youngest student ever Wo win the award. The recepients of the award are selected by the school director, principal and artistic director in consultation with teaching staff. Lack enters level five this faîl. Lack must continue Wo keep her school grades up while dancing daily. And being far from home is both hard on her and her parents. She only gets home Wo Whitby about three times a year and her classes run from September Wo JuIy with only a three-week break in Auguat. Her training at the Royal Winnipeg is quite expensive - tuition, residence and dance supplies add up very quickly. Last year alone, Lack went through 34 pairs of ballet pointe shoes. To help with costs, her parents, in association with the Royal Winnipeg, are seeking sponsors to help with her training. Anyone interested can cali Gaetane's Dance School at 430-9115. Correctio0n In last week's edition, it was incorrectly stated that Dave Tsubouchi is the Ontario hMinister cf Education. It should have been stated that John Snobelen is the Minister cf Education. Dave Tsubouchi is the Minister of Community and Social Services. ~BROOKI Sports exchange Saturday By Steve Leahy On Saturday, Sept. 9, everyone is invited W Meadowcrest school to look at an incredible array of new and used sports equipment and clothing - including hockey, ski, soccer, basebail or sports stuf - plus Halloween costumes, bicycles, trikes and more. Ail of it is available at bargain prices. Items can be dropped off Friday afternoon and evening. For more information, contact Sonja Graham at 655-4079. BROOKLUN PHARMACY.l ~F~65 BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN* LOB iCO 905- 655- 3301 Why Blood Cholesterol Mailers 1 Blood cholesterol plays an important part in deciding a person's chance of getting coronary heart disease. The higher your blood cholesterol level, the greater your risk. You can lower your cholesterol level and reduce your risk of getting heart disease. Eating in a heart- healthy way, being physically active, and Iosing weight if you are overweight are things everyone can do to help lower their levels. Other risk factors are cigarette smoking, high blood pressure and diabetes. Consuit your pharmnacist. SCOUTS Ashburn Scouts registration is tonight (Wednesday) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.xn., at Burns Church in Ashburn (on Myrtle Road). The registration cost is $50 for the entire year. EMDS CLUB Brookhn Lîbrary Ohildren's Club meets Saturday, Sept. 11, at 10:30 a.m. Ail id aged four and upi are invited. Caîl 655-3191. WEINER ROAST The 2nd Brooklin Beaver, Cub, Scout registration/weiner roast will be held on Monday, Sept. 11. Werner roast ia at Kinsmen Park' at 6 p.m., and registration at Meadowcrest School at 7:15 p.m. Steve Lahy's column appears eveiy week He can be reached at 655-4398 or 655-5888 (fax). +Wib Suhpernowva for clA re Gym20. nasI1tic ..J....... CALL NOW TO REGISTER. FOR LESSONS *Piano'e Organ e Accordian e Guitar e Oboe eVoicee Theory e Rudiments Classes eGrades 3 & 4 Harmony Histoiy Classes tREGISTRAION- Friday, September 8th, 6:3Opm -9:3Opm '95 Saturday, September 9th, '95 1lOam - noon For further information cali: 430mWlSC 9472t UI~7 AVMUSLE copv cfrornacross Metro,I «Scarborough and t tu decades. L Wecarry afull lne L ballet shoes and I 0accessodes and iO would be pleased *C to fllany and all of your needs in -ti this area. 2275 Kingston Road, Scarborough 416-261-1517 0F DANCE Introducing Aduit Classes BALLET -Beginners, Intermediate, and Advance MODERN (Graham) -Beginners and Intermediate' JAZZ~ Beginners For more information please cail 668-1251