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Whitby Free Press, 6 Sep 1995, p. 23

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Seoteniber 6. 1995Pae2 FIBROMYALGIA The Durham Region Fibromyalgia Support Group will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 13, 7:30 p.m.j, at 44 William St. W. (Faith Place), Oshawa. There wiIl be advioe on taking the edge off chronie pain. Cali 576-8357 or 434- 6177. EPILEPSY Epilepsy Durham Rogion will meet Tuesday, Sept. 12, 7:30 p.m., at the insmen Community Centre, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. Dr. Scott Martin will discuss holistie therapy and Bob Chaif will talk about financial services. For. more information, cali 666-9926. GOLF SCUAMIBLE Soroptimist International of Oshawa/Whitby will hold the first annual charity golf scramble on Sunday, Sept. 10, Harmony Creek Golf Centre, Oshawa. Cost i1555 per person. Cail Janet at 723-2265 or Becxiice at 721-3323. Prooeeds to awards for training and youth citizenship. FUN FAM R.A. Sennett Public School, 300 King St., Whitby, will hold their firet Fall Fun Fair on Friday, Sept. 15, 4:30 to 8 p.m. Activities will include games, prizes, barbecue, pizza, raffes, bake sale and magic shows. Proceeds go toward purchasing playground equxpment. NEWCOMERS CLUB The Oshawa/Whitby Newcomers will host a wine and cheese on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 8 pm, at the Oshawa Arts Resource Centre, Green Room. Ail women in the aiea are welcome. Admission is $1 for members. Guest are free. For more information:, call Information Whitby at 668-0552 or Information Oshawa at 434-4636. FIRST AIl) St. John Ambulance offers standard first aid and CPR courses in Whitby in September. Cal 434-7800 for more information. Sad SOS , The Lung Association, Durham Region offers SOS (Smokefs' Overcomning Smoking), a support group for smokers who are at every stage of quitting, every Monday, starting Sept. 11, 7 to 9 p.m., in Oshawa. For more details, caîl 436-1046. BEITER BREATHING The Lung Association, Durham Region, offers the Better Breatliing support group for-adults suffering with chronic lung disease, on the second Tuesday of the month beginning Sept. 12, in Oshawa. For more details, cal 436-1046. FASHION SHOW St. MarWs United Church wil present 'Fashion for Fail' on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 7:30 p.m., at the church, 201 Centre St. S., Whitby. Fashions by Gayla Nicholse of Lingering Impressions. Coffee, tea, desserts and door prizes. Tickets are $8, available from the church office or at the door. MEETING The Durham Region Body Image Coalition will hold its next meeting on Thursday, Sept. 14, 7 p.m., at the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority offices, 100 Whitng Ave., Oshawa. People who are interested in addressing issues of body image, eating disorders, self-esteem through education, prevention and intervention are needed ta join the group of community members and agencies. To attend the meeting, cail Dianne Elliott of the health department at (905) 723-8521 or (905) 686-2740 (Toronto line). NOniprofit oommnlty groupe whioh areUbsed ln Whitby or have a substantiai Whltby membershilp may place their upcomlng meetings or activities onl 1h19 page at no cost. Profitmakn cennWhiis Fniday mi 5p.m. 1RGISTRATION' Girl Guides of Canada registration will be on Wednesday, Sept. 13, 7 to 8 p.m. at these locations. Centennial district (south of Hwy. 2), St. Mark's United Church, Centre and Coiborne; Maple Shade district (north of Rossland Rd., south of Taunton Rd., west to Anderson St., east ta Oshawa border), St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Sehool, Waller St.; Marigold district (north of Hwy. 2, south of Rossland, west to Lakeridge, east to Garden St.), Ail Saints' Anglican Church, Kent St. entrance; Trafalgar district (south of Rossland, north of Hwy. 2, west to» Uarden, east'to Oshawa border), St. Theresa's Catholic School, Crawforth St.; White Pine district (north of Rossland, south of Taunton, west ta Lakeridge, east to Anderson), Glen Dhu Public School, Fallingbrook St. PAUKINSON Parkinson Support Group - Durham Region Chapter will meet on Monday, Sept. 11, 7:30 p.m., at St. Mares United ChurchWhitby <corner of Coîborne and Centre streets). Dr. M. Guttman will give a 'Parkinson Update.' For more information, caîl 666-8576 or 668- 6580. CORN ROAST Innushare, the Whitby charitable organization heiping families in Davis Inlet, will host a corn roast in Whitby on Heritage Day, Sept. 9,9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Innushare table will be on Byron Street North, corner of Elm Street. Hot dogs, drinks, desserts and corn-on-the-cob. For children, there will be face painting and native crafts. i PET WALKATHON The Oshawa & District Humane Society will hold the 'People & Pets Walkathon '95' on Sunday, Sept. 10, at Heber' Down Conservation Area in Whitby. The day will include a five-kilometre walk, refreshments, contesta and prizes. AUl events start at 9:30 a.m. Proceeds wil pay for more kennels ut the shelter. Pledge forms are available at the shelter or at various pet food stores in Durham Region. For more information, cal Mona at 433-2022. PC USERS The Durham PC Usier.' Club wiil meet on ThuÜrsday, Sept. 14, 7 to 10 p.m., at CAW Local 222 Hall, 1425 Phiillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. Omar Rashid of Microsoft Canada hIc. will discuss Windows 95. For more information, cal Allan Hewitt at 723-3179. BONSAI The Matsuyama Bonsai Societys next meeting will be held Tuesdlay, Sept. 12, at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa, 7:30 p.m. It is open to all those interested in the art of bonsai. Call (905) 432-3613 or (905) 723-1722 for more information. EART TO EART Heart to Heart, an eight-week program -about all aspects of heart disease, will begin Sept. 20. To register, cali the Heart & Stroke Foundation at 571-1582. Lunnh DaiIy BUSTNESSMEN'S LUNCHEONe i11:30- 2:00 Tuesday through Saturday e CANDLELIGHT DINNER* 5:30 to close Tuesday through Sunday ---I......---------------5 PEARSON LANES 103 Mary S. W., Whfitby - For reservations 430-7870 L800853-445 xt. 47 to place your..FREE voice ad.. FREE AD The Whitby Free P'ress ]rngs you:. 1-900-d Person ToPrs on mrp FREE VOICE GREETING FE MESSAGE RETRIE VAL once a week CAL -451-4882 Ext. 4 7 Fond or browse ads ,9 per minute. You must be 18 r and have a touchtone phone to use this service. Service brought to you by: Direct Response Marketing 2451 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, N.Y. 14221 Customer Service # 1 -800-647-3782 FELELS LEAVE NAME & NUMBER SWF, 47, active, high morais, suc- casaful in business, loves home, gardening, the finer ihinga in lite, seeking SWM, 45-55, wiih hlgh morals and good character, for frlendship, maybe more, Ad# 7963 HOME FOR SUMMER SWF, 20, 58", 1 201bs., oufgoing, energetlc, coifege-student, seek- ing SWM, 18-25, for friendshlp, maybe relafionship. Ad# 8379 LOVE TO TALK! SWF, 21, loves chlldren, likes fish- ing, camping, hockey, sltting~ around a campf ire, seeking SWM, 25-29, for get-togethers and a frlendshlp. Ad# 3178 HI! SWF, 23, 56". dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, full-figured, fwo chil- dren, seeking SWM, 23-26, f0 hang ouf with and have, a good ime with, for friendship, maybe more. Ad# 7224 GOOD QUALITIES GBF, 28, warm-ioving, likes golng f0 the movies, socializing, bars, seeking GWF, 20-35, wif h a similar characier, for friendship, possible relationship. Ad# 6272 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWF, 37. 5Y, l4Olbs., blue eyes, blonde hair, enjoys biking, walks, sports, dining ouf, TV, seeks SM. similar infereats, for possible rela- fionship. Ad# 9129 SETTLE DOWN TOGETHER SWF, 21. one daughfer, seeks responsible, employed, consider- at e SWM, 25-31, who lkes amusement parka, dining, lunch- es, and has no dependents and has neyer been married. Whifby area.Ad# 9526 SEEKS MR PERFECT SWF. 22, 56". blonde hair. blue eyes, slightly full-figured. likes f0 oarly on the weekends, seeka sin- cere. honest SWM, 24-29. for friendship, maybe more. Whtby area.Ad# 8547 110W ARE YOU SWF, 40. S'6, lkes long walks, rides in the country. seeks SWM, 35 or over, who is a lot o! fun f0 be wilh and likes home lie, for f riend- ship, "maybe more. Whlfby area. Ad# 9445 VERY HIGH MORALS Active SF, 46, successful In busi- ness, loves home, gardening, finer thinga in Ilite, seeking intelligent, humorous SM, musI be of goad character. Whitby area. Ad# 7388 WHITBY OR OSHAWA SWGF, 29, enjoys sports, horse- back riding, romantic evenings, wafch movies aI home, seekîng SGF, f0 be friends wif h. maybe more. Ad# 2861 LADY FROM CANADA GAF, 23, 52", lD9tbs., long hair, brown eyes, petite, excellent shape, seeklng siender, blonde SWF. 20-29, for friendshlp, possi- ble reiationship. Oshawa ares. Ad# 1252 YOCUM & BROOKS SWF. 36, goo sense of humor, one son, fi kes rock and country music, walks, full moans, stars in the sky, dancing, quiet evenlngs ai home, seeking SWM, 36-47, for friendship, possible reiafionship. Oshawa area. Ad# 9667 MOTHER 0F ONE SWF. 19, 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes. Irish, one daughter, gaod sens. of humor, easy f0, gel along with, likes kida. goinq for long wafks, cuddling, movies, some sports, seeklng taîl, dark SWM. 20-29. Oshawa area. Ad# 5600 DURHAM REGION SWF, 19, enjoys alternative music, saeking SWM, 19-22, for friend- ship, going Io concerts, hanging out.Oshawa ares. Ad# 6362 TALI BEAUTY SWF, 18, 5'l11", modal, enjoys movias, seeking, SWM, 18-25, 6'6"+, for friendship possible rea- ionship. Whifby ares. Ad# 6970 IS THIS YOU? SWF, 29, 52». dark blonde haîr, green eyas, son. 10, enjoys pets. shooting pool, outdoors, hersas, Harlays, seeks ruggadly hand- soma, SWM, 33-36, facial hair a plus, 58«+, for possible relation- ship. Oshawa aras Ad# 9495 LET"S DANCE SWF, English lady, petite. 54, 53", red hair, blue eyes, enjoys inter- madiafa ballroom dancing, lovas dogs, wafks on the beach, seaking a SWM, 50-65. Whitby aras. Ada 3033 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34,55, brown hair, blua eyes, anjoys country music, falk- ing, dancing, camping, much more, sasking SWM, 32-45. must lîke chîldren, similar inferests. Oshawa ares. Ad# 2208 ULL GET BACK TO YOU SWF, 30 prolesalonal, attractive, long blonde hair, green eyes, enjoys banda, basebaîl, camping, worklng ouf, ouldoors, seeks SWM, profesalonal, similar Inter- ests, f or frlendship, possible romance. Whitby ares. AdH 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, movies, animais, sports, ouldoors, learning, seeking SGF, an y age, with similar interests, friends f irst, maybe more. Whitby ares. Ad# 1819 IFYOU WANTTO SW momn 19, 54', 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, one daughfer, seeking SWM, 20-29, for friend- shlp, maybe more. Oshawa ares. Ad# 5600 GOOD CHARACTER SWF, 46. seeks honest, sincere, intelligent SWM, 45-58, who has high morals and enjoys the botter lite for friendship and a long termn commilment Whifby area. Ad# 7388 LAUGHINO TOGETHER SWF, 37, 5B", brown hair, sllghfly overweighf, wears glasses, ons son, likes country music, dinlng out, movies, nature walks, seetis sensitive, fun-loving, patient SM, 37-47, who likes kids Whifby ares. Ad# 1485 IFYOU WANTTO SW mom, 19, 54", 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, one daughfer, seeking SWM, 20-29, for friand- ship, maybe more. Oshawa area. Ad# 5600 HAPPY PERSON SWF, 25, N/S, non-drinker, red hair, brown eyes, new to Oshawa, seeking SWM, 25-35, N/S, f0 get fogethar with, must be in Oshawa area. Ad# 1433 GREEN EVES Bi-SWF, 30, 5'4", slightly full fig- ured, long dark hair, seeking SE, 23+, fo falk f0, go f0 clubs wifh, for triendship only f0 start. Oshawa aiea. Ad# 8092 LET"S TALK SBF, 19, 56-, ll4lbs., attractive, infelligent, mafure, caring, roman- tic. seeking SWM, 30s-40s, no head games. Whifby ares. Ad# 8232 SWF 38, 5*6",115lbs. no children, enjoys running races, canoeing, mountain blking, movies, dining ouf, seekinp SWM, 35-39, for long ferm relafionshlp. Whitby area. Ad# 9150 TAKE A CHANCE SWF 20, mom 0of one, enjoys dancing, walklng, family lifs, home life, seeking down f0 earth, employed, SWM, 22-32, must like kida, for honest reltionship. Whitby area. Ad# 9719 GENTLEMAN WANTED SWF,33, seeks down 10 earth, honest, SWMV, 29-41, for lasting relationship, possible romance. Oshawa area Ad# 2390 WELL EDUCATED SWF, 39, 5*6", no children, vege- larian, environmentalist, enjoys running. mountain bîking, skit'ng, kayaking, frayaI, reading, seeking SWM, f0 share interesîs. Oshawa area. Ad# 9148 SEEKINO FRIENDSHIP SWF, 19, 5'4", il121bs., enjoys alternative music, seeking easygo- ing. honest, SWMV, nothing. seri- ous, just hanging ouf, concerts, more. Oshawa area. Ad# 6362 CALL ME SWF, 38, love and interest for fle. honeaf, affectionaf e, strong family and social values, seeka SWM. 35-45. Whitby ares. Ad# 7892 EMALE LAID BACK SWM, 30, casuel, occasional drinker, no kids, one dog, seeking SF, who la not intohead games, for frlendship, maybe more. Ad# 3436 LITTLE BIT BORED SWM, 30, 58". 160lbs,. likes high energy fun, sseking like-minded SF, f0 spsnd time wifh. Ad# 4736 LIKES KEEPING ACTIVE SM, 25, 5'11, l8Oibs., short brown curly hair, blue eyes, going fa be a firefighter, likes music, dancing, parties, clubs, bîklng, waiks, hlklng, the ouidoars, sesk- lng SF, 19-29, with sîmilar inter- ests. Ad# 8347 PERSON TO MEET SWM, 43, l45lbs., blond hair, hazel sys, good loaking, likes country/rock music, long walks, dancing, live concerts, camping, dinlng, movies, romantic evenings af home, sesks SWF, 36-45, must like kids. Ad# 1957 DURHAM AREA SWM, 43, N/S, open-minded, easygoing, likes traveling, dining, quiet times, camping, outdoor activities, seeking SWF, 36-43, for friendship, possible ralationship, no games. Ad# 6811 INTERESTING & EXCITING SWM, 49, 5'9-, lBlbs., brown hair. sexy blue eyes, self- amployed, likes downhill skiing, golfing, traveling, saeks medium builf, N/S, down f0 sarlh. intelligent SWF, 35 or over, who is well- dressed. Ad# 9953 TWENTYSOMETHING SWM, 26. 6', l6Olbs., blond hair, blue ayas, lîkes fitness, movies, volîsybaîl, dining, dancing, sseking SWF, 20-29, for friendship, possi- ble relafionship. Ad# 9544 A CARING RELAT1ONSHIP GWM, 20, 59W, l3Sibs., brown haîr, blua eyas, likes camping, dancing, going f0 clubs, quiet evenings ai home, seeking GWM. 18-25, for triendship and fun. mayba more. Ad# 2774 A NICE SMILE SWM, 30, 6,. blond hair, green eyes, stirs build, attractive, easy. going, likes movies, swimming, the beach, camping, car trips, seeka easygoing, honest, sincere, car- lng, attractive SWF, 26-33, no dependents. Ad# 8390 SELF-EMPLOYED SWM, 22, 165lbs., brown halr/eyes, seeklng SWF, 18-25, easygoing, likes long waiks, dri- ves, movies, cuddling, single moms welcome, for friendship. Ad# 9985 1 PROMISE... SWGM, 20, 59V, 1351bs., brown hair, blue eyes, enjoys camping, movies, going to clubs, quiet nlghf s aI home, seeking SWGM, 18-25, for lriendship and fun, lead- ing fo possible relaflonship. Ad# 2427 HOPELESS ROMANTIC DW dad, 42, 5'10". 175lbs., kind, caring, honesi, likes dining, danc- ing, long drives, picnics, music, the beach, seeking down f0, earfh SWF, 35-40, 1 35lbs., for a l1oving relafionship. Ad# 3354 PLAY THAT NOTE! SWM, 24, musicien, seeks siim, attractive SWF, 19-30, who has a love for music, for frîendship, pos- sible relalionship, no head games. Ad# 5969 A HANDYMAN WWWM, 53, 6'l", 1801bs., likes country music, dancing, walking, camping, traveling, movies, relax- ing ai home, dining out, seeka 5'7" or taller, ft SWF, 45-55, wifh littie or no emofional baggage. Ad# 3041 SAIL SOMETIME? SWM. 36, 58". 1iSîbs., blond hair, blue eyes, well builf, attractive. likes tennis, cycling, whitewaier canoeing, sailing, cooking, eafing many kinds of food, seeks attrac- tive, happy SF, 25-40. Ad# 3284 GET INVOLVEDTOGETHER SWM. 45, brown hairtait, good looking, open-minded, seeking reliable SWF. 40 or under, single moms are welcome. Ad# 2323 With Auto Ad taking, just use your touchtone phone to answer some questions about yourself and the type of person you would like f0 meet. Then record your voice greeting, and we'Il transcribe it into a print ad that will appear in the Whitby Free Press. Whitby Free Press' Person 10 Person is available for single peopte seeking relationships. Ads containing explicit sexual or anatomical language wull flot b. pub- lished. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any ad. c ustomer service 1-800-647-3782. M Mate W White H Hispanie NC Native canadian S Single WW Widowed V Doubte Dater F Female B Black A Asian C Christian D Dlvorced NIS Non-smoker EXCITING FUN SWM, 20, sincere, honeat, humor- oua, likes having fun, movies, dancing, occasionai drinking, seeka auigolng, apen-minded, apontaneous SWF, 18 or over, for friendahip. possible retaflanship. Whilby area. Ad# 6438 HOPE YOU CALL SWM, 36, enjoya live iheafre, movies, snuggling in front af the tire, seeka SWF, 28-37, 5-57,f0 share intereais, possible relation- ship. Whltby arsa. Ad# 8873 LErS HAVE COFFEE GWM, 38, 6', l75ibs., enjoys camping, music, sports, travel, daga, seeka ambiliaus, slim; cuis GM, 18-24, wiîh zest for lifs, smak- er, drug-free, for friendship. maybe more. Whilby ares. Ad# 2053 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWM, 19, amoker, easygaing, laid back, enîaya clubs, hockey, dining ouf, dancing. seeka SF, ta share interests, passible reiaîianship. Whitby area. Ad# 3402 NICE CATCH SWM, 25, self employed, gaod background, lîkea many thinga, seeking sincers, gaod iaaking SWF, 20-26, for friendship, possi- bIs reiafionship. Oshawa ares. AdN 9321 RELATIONSHIP SBM, 37, 511"', 1iSOîba.,fun. easy- going. likes movias, music, dining, comsdya., going for drivas, gain9 ta the park, seeka attractive, affec- fionale SF, 18-50, for an angaing rslalionship. Oshawa ares. AdN 2835 GOOD NATURE SWM. 34, 510T. brown hair, hazel eyes. slim build, likes walking, talk- ing, kida, seaka gaod naîured SWF, 18-40, for lriendship, possi- ble relationahip. Oshawa ares. Ad# 3589 FAIRLV FOR YOU SWM. 18, 5S", brown hair/eyas, muscular buiit, seeka good iooking SWF, 22-25, for friendahip, possi- ble reiationahip. Dshawa ara. Ad# 5368 LET ME KNOW SWM, 22, works shift work, pretty quiet, prefly shy, lîkes country music, seeking SWF, 19-25, for frîendship. maybe more. Oshawa ares. Ad# 1613 VIGOR FOR LIFE SBM, 50. ikes sports, oufdoor activities, seeking energetic SBF, 35-45, for friendahip, maybe mare. Oshawa ares. Ad# 886 ~HdtO u t#tEld? Ug.m :tOberscordhn- <isirin 9fJWOIn a poiffiv Uebefa~ stionatspa- lyo 1 bo<1 a .ntI GLAtv afectv printott mdwiflbe Irenspribed tayutvoice gretttg wiNct 0, Wbat la anmad aumbor? A:The 4iîgitnumnber eft te end oçf you rinft ad thaf allows sin- gesIoc faia i ffrond 10 your 0. Whet ls an acs code? Ai ýA 0ofidential 4 digit 'code ihat-oeily you kno, ltat allows anty yo u a i ta: yotr maiibax. Q:What are msag A.' Wice ge' f ram other ainges ho rspadedta your dn intemsppro hraugh hEbrseToifn ta your messages for FREE, call 1-800- 853-6445 Ext. 47 once every 7 days or 1-900-451-4882, Ext. 47 anytime, et a charge of $1.99 per minute. Q: What are systeri matches? A: Voici greetinga tram aiher advertisers whase matching cri- ferle la the same or similar ta yours.You can lsten ta your sys- tam matches lnsfantly by calling 1.900-451-482 Ext. 47, ai a charge of $1.99 par minute. 0: Whst la Smart Brawee? A: A speciai feature ihai allows yau ta, listen and respond to other voice grsetlngs ihat match ths criIonsa you select. Cali 1- 900-451-482 Ext. 47, option 2, aisa charge of $1.99 par minufe. 0: How dol1 respond ta an ad? A: Caii 1-900-786-4882 Ext. 47, option 1, at a charge 0f $1.99 per minuta, the sysiem will aak you f0 enter ths 4 digit ad num- ber ai the ned of ths print ad. Press 1 ta reapond, press 2 10 go on ta the next ad. 0: How do 1 cancel or renew and ad? A: Cati cusiomer service ai 1-800-647-3782.

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