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Whitby Free Press, 6 Sep 1995, p. 6

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Page 6, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, September 6, 1995 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby resîdents for Whîtby residents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY CRUAIN CO MMUNITY NEW$PAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GSI - Outside Canada $80 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pif her - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 2091 recycîed content using vegetable based inks. $ Ail written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protectèd by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit line 10 the Whitby Free Press. so theedgor,, Fed up with excuses To the. editor: Re: Letter by J. Snyder, 'My klds ahead of my career,'Aug. 16, Free Press I 'amnrespanding with great Indignation ta the letter from Jane Snydler regarding her opinion of daycare, and is impact on children. I find it hard to believe that Mst. Snyder Is capable of raising Independent, secure, morally upnght lndMduàJs when her own attitues towards other parents' chosen festyles ls sa nigid. Haw narraw- minded of her t0 believe that only mothers (not fathers, grandparents or welI-tralned early childhaad educatars) are capable of providing a suitable enwionment for children ta be braught up ln. Her implication, of course, is that alilsingle mothers who choose ta work for a living are raising the next generatian ai morailycoerrupt indMvduals who MI ultimatety eat Up our tax dollars by spending their aduit Ives ln prison. Wy two children have bath benefitted immensely from the top- quallty care they have received in a non-profit daycare centre. They have Iearned social skils, developed loving relationships wih other arluis, and had a lot of fun. They are bath confident, secure, happy, well-cared for and certainly boved by bath of To the editor: Recenfly, I taak a visiting famnly group from Toronto on a walk along the Lynde Marsh path ta the lakeshore. On, the trip down, abaut halway on the east side, two mature deer leaped from the deep grass and akiiost flew thair way across the field. Rf was a most unexpecfed and welcome sIght. The visitars were excifed and remarked whow fartunafe i was for Whitby ta have such a naure haven near the lakeshare. They quenied about the status af the housing develapmenfs, etc. which are scheduled withln this area, and I found my replies weak, fa say the least their parents. Although I have chosen to retum to vwork, my children are much more important than my career - but reaty sinks in when bills arrive. Does PMs. Snyder not reaize that some people have no choice but to put theor chi1dren in daycare and earn two incomes just to pay their buils? Does she reaily think that everyone has the option-(not to mention skills and resources) to start their own businesses from their homes? There's no crime in having both parents work - irs not a matter of children being put behind aur careers. lt's just simple mathemnatics. Besides, I for one do not mnd my tax dollars being used to subsidize daycare. We ail subsidize our education system, we ail subsidize many social services which we hope we ourselves wili neyer need ta use. itfs important ta provide a safety net for those less fortunate than us. After ail, we're not much different than they are. We are ail responsible for raising the next generation of chikiren - whether we are parents or not. Those chlldren vil ho running the world we Ive in when we retire, so it behooves us to take good care of them now. After ail, nobody else will. Susan Kay-Dunn Worklng parent Whtby No matter what is said or what precautions are faken, averfime the marsh is bound tohoemore and more confined and MIl eventually disappar. Butft is nat my pu rpase ta reiferate ail the steps that have been taken an this subject aver the last several years, or ta Uist ail the enthusiastic work by variaus groups, on replanting, bird feeders, etc. Whitby council's less-than- enthusiastic support for the marsh's natural reention has nat been helpfui. They have their reasons, but I wonder whether they tru l represelnt the desires of the Whitby populace on this subject. Frank Gerry Whitby To the editor: Re: Whitby Hydro (non) service - 1995 I arn wnting this letter on behaif of a number of my neighbours, but primarily as a resuit of my total disgust wvith the service that Whitby Hydro has provided this year. I have Ived in West Lynde since R was buift, about 1970, and have neyer wtnessed such disgraceful service to the public as is being frovided this year by Whitby Hydro. hey offer us extremnely high rates for a service that has been regularly interrupted ail year. These power interruptions range from a few minutes to as much as 13 hours, on a recent occasion. As a resuit of that interruption, we had to dispose of food from our refnigerator f reezer,- and dlean up water that Ieaked from the resulting defrost. In a recent article pubîished in The Free Press, Whitby Hydro indicated that they had solved the problems and that the interruptions were in the past. They must have some great problemn-solvers, because the latest interruptions were today (Aug. 29) on two separate occasions, the latter for an hour. Hydro seems to look for third parties to blame, ie. a contractor that didn't complete a job on tUme, faulty equlpment, and the Iatest that was provided to me today by phone - the extensive storms we have had this summer. I agree that a storm can create havoc and cause power shortages (and the linemnen then resond in an adequate and responsive manner). Hawever, today it is sunny and 80 degrees Fahrenheit - no storm -- as was the case in about 80 per cent of the power interruptions this year. The commission usualîy provides Ip service and apoligies for everyone eîse's mistakes, or the faully equipment. These apologies are good until next weekç when the next fautt occurs. I arn not an expert in this field and don't know what the problemn truly is. However, I vwuld suggest that perhaps Hydro is tryÎng to service - and bill - a lager population base with the sarne quantity of power and equipment. This effedively provides great revenue to maintain a bureaucracy while providing less, or a greally diminished, service. I have recently encounytered a total lack of service response to customners in a number of local retail businesses, and 1 can respond by shopping wlth their competitors. However, where does one* go for alternative hydro - a monopaly, you say? If regular payments are delayed, or overlooked, for whatever reason, Hydro is qulck to get on the Une and asic why, with thie potential to shut off my hydro. Perhaps the senior officiais of the commission shauld be held acountable for these power lntemJuptofls, look lnwardly to reduce costs, and return to providing the public with the service for which they pay top doflar. EarI Goodman Whftby Window dressing To the eriltor: Re: Article 'Ontario riding MP: Govemment should revlew priorities,' Free Press, Aug. 16. Haw profound and stimulating that Mr. Mcreague should corne forth Wïth such critical, introspective revelations, sfopping just short ai seif-lagellatian and implying criticism of his party is a most effective f001 ta turn heads in aur easily disfracted, progressively sait and wimpush Society. Is it not pitiful thaf this declaration ai self less soul-searching along wtth the burnlng desire for a change In prinaipie and direction, toak place anly after two days of caucus rehearsal and orchestration? Would we ho party ta this enlightenlng view of Mr. Mcreagues real feelings* 9 Mrs. MacLeod was In the driver's seat in Ontario? Woui Mr. McTeague ho getting ail warm and fuzzy if fhree Uhoral provincial parties had not been massacred at the poilis? The horizon is flot bnightening for the. federal Uberals. The Uime has arrived ta dust off the aId Play It Agaîn Sam routine to baast poîhtical fortunes by appearing ta accamplish something of worth in the last part of the ferm. We, the captiv audience, have been through this boring scene innumerable times; applause wil ho lacilustre, an encore unnecessary. Wouldnl t if h a pleasant change ta get real honesty and feeling from a member of Parliarnent instead af a pseudo helping mom's apple pie behind pancake makeup? In trufh, ta date, the Uhorals have continued ta drive Canada deeper into an economic casket. Their economic posturing is stillbomn - where are their answers, where are their actions? The main occuptation 0f the gavemment appears ta ho devoted ta stage-setting so the named players of the party can practise causing national discord, dMvde and conquer, while expenimenting with their social engineering hobbies. While Canada crashes, Jean, Allan and -Dan tinker, until i's time ta staft thinking about votes. for the next election. Meantime, Canada ls stilI crashing, but. we'l fix it ail when you elect us, see it says so night here in the Red Book, trust us." It is hypocritical for Mr. McTeague ta question nwhy in God's name were we involved in gun control.0It us blasphemous ta aven refer ta the Goad Lord and the satanic BNII C-68 in the same breath. Why, Mr. Mcreague, did you support this Stalnist legislation. Why did you vote for it? Are you now questioning yaur decision because the ground may ho getting a bit shaky, or is this just another public relations ruse? Why dkl you go out af your way ta alenate every firearm awner in your riding? Ves, Mr. Mcreague, there are thousands in your rîding wha would Ike an answer ta thet question. There are millions across thîs land also seeking an answer why your party would make law-abiding citizens into criminals, yet do nothing substantive ta the actual criminal. The Liberal garne plan may oeil for the faifhful elected ta pretend coy openness and feign the need for constituent understanding, even fargiveness, touching. However, trust thet we, the grassroots flrearm owners, wÀII neyer farget or fargive. If is historical fac thet any government in this land tht passed gun contrai egisation faled ta get re- elected, the federal Canservatives destrayed. A fortuifous suggestion ta follow, ta avoid the rush, would be ta start sending resumes aut now. Paul M. Wlcher Whitby The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters to the editor on any subject of conoem to our readers. Letters should be bnief and to the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accompanied by the narne, address and telephone number of the wniter. However, on request, your name may be withheld from publication if we agree there is a valid reason. The newspaper reserves the right to reject or edit ail letters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ont. Li N 5S1, or drop through our mail slot at 131 Brock St. N. Daycare defended Save the marsh

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