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Whitby Free Press, 13 Sep 1995, p. 16

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Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 13, 1995 SUPPORT CROUP Oshawa Breast Cancer Supl Grup will meet b. e l Tusay, Sept. 21, at lngsv United Churcii (corner of Wi] and Adelaide streets), fr-om 7:31 9:30 p.m. For more informat cal! Sylvia at 579-2680 or Sha at 576-5220. - TOMB FOR UNBORN The. East Diocesan Associai will iiold a 'Tomb for the. UnI>i program on Sunday, Sept. 17~ p.m., at Resurrection Cemete W'itby. Parade begins at 1:45 p from the. main o ffice (near1 entrance gate). Blessing a dedication of the. tomb by 1 Excellency Bishop Knig R-eception to follow at the. Kxiig] of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock N., Whitby. SPORTS EXCRANGE Pringle Creek Public School , hold a sale of new and used spc equipment and Guide/Sei uniforms on Friday, Sept. 15, 4 9 p.m., at Pringle Creek Pul School, 80 Ribblesdaie Dr. Ite: caflbe taken to the school Sept. and 15 (before sale). Ail itemsi sold muet b. picked up Saturd Sept. 16. MUSIC TERACERS The Oshawa and Distâict Brani of the Ontario R-egistered Mui Teachers' Association le hosting breakfast meeting at Culiî Gardons, Whitby, on Monda Sept. 18. Registration at 8:30 amn breakfast at 9 a.m. Topic le strej management. Cost, includir buffet, is $11. New membe: welcome. For more informatioi oeil Carolynne Pagett at 404-267( ADULT CAREGIVER The Durhamn Region Healt Departinent and the Giai Medical Centre wili sponsor a information series for individual caring for an adult, oi Wednesdays, Sept. 27 to Nov.)1 from 7 to 9 p.m., Glazier Medica Centre, il Gibb St., Oshawa. Fu more information, cail the heait department at (905) 723-8521 o, Beth Lettner at the. oentre (905 579-1212. FASHION SHOW St. Mark's United Church wil present 'Fashion for Fall' or Wednesday, Sept. 20, 7:30 p.m.,-al the. ciiurch, 201 Centre St. S. Whitby. Fashions by Gayli Niciiolle of Lingering Impressions Nofé, tea, desserts and dooi prizes. ickets are $8, available fom the. church office or at thie dor. COFFEE HOUSE The Christian Singles Servini Christ will hoid a rosat beel banquet, with Bill Mtken on the keyboard with Friends of the Gospel quartet concert, on 0aur4 y Sept 16,. 6:30- pomea POSTPONED The Autuxnn Craft Show originally scheduled to be held at H-armony Valley Conservation Area in Oshawa on Sept. 17 has been postponed. The event will be held Oct. 1. JAYCEES Thie Whitby Junior Chamber of Comme=deJaycees is holding an information session for prospective memibers at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 19, at Brothers Restaurant _on Lupin Drive in Whitby. For more information and to reserve in advance, oeil Leanne Bail in Oshawa at 728-7819 or Brian Hopkins ini Scarborough at (416) 724-8651. g 1'1'7R@m 1 "7 menW?~b wamum wiI h.do la 1Fray as p.m SOROPTIHIST Soroptimist International. of Osiiawa/Whitby Club wil meet'on Tiursday, Sept. 14, 7 p.m., Cana H[all (Faitii Place Building), 44 William St. W., Oshawa. Al welcome. BLOOD CIIC A Red Cross biood donor clinic will b. h.ld on Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1 te 8 p.m., at the Legion Hall on Bryon Street South, Whitby. New donors and volunteers are welcome. For more information, cali 723-2933. BLUEGRASS The. Pineridge Bluegrass Folklore Society will iiold -Pickin' Session' on Sunday, Sept. 17, 1 to 5 p.m., at Camp Samac main coundil hall. Pickers, singers and listeners welcome. ARTERITS Tii. Arthritis Society is launching a new session in Whitby at the. Odclfeliows Hall (100F building) on Wednesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. For details and to register, caîl the. Arthritis Society at 434- 7221. Non-profit I co m n i y rou p whch are ba e n Whtyor have rna ub t ail Whltby rsmembership may place thoir upcdoming meetjings or activItes on th[e page t no cos. ARTHRITIS AQUATICS The Arthritis Society's aquatic prograin, exercises in warm water, will be iield at the. Civic rec complex in Whitby starting the. week of Sept. 18. Cost is $35 for a 10-week session. Cal! 434- 7221. SDANCE m.e On. Parent Families Association will hold a dance on Saturday night, Sept. 16, at the Woodview Commulnity Centre, 151 Cadillac Ave. N., Oshiawa. Al welcome. For more information, cal! 434- 1954. 'Tag' facial LITTLE BROTHER Christopher "B." laughs donations -- you don't have to put themn on after sticing big brother James Devenish your face -- during tag days Friday and with a couple of tags. September is Big Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Whitby Brothers month andl volunteers will be Mail and Oshawa Centre. handing out the stickers in retumn for Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press r EQUIPMENTSALE e West Lynde Public School 0 Parent School Association wil] hold a used sports equipment sale on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 7 te 8:3G g p.m., 270 Michael Blvd., Whitby. rItems will include all sports equipment, uniforms and bcostumes. For more information oeil 668-3354. FUN FAIR R.A. Sennett Public Schooi, 300 King St., Whitby, will hold their first FalI Fun Fair on Fniday, Sept. 15, 4:30 te 8 p.m. Activities will include gaines, prizes, barbecue, pizza, raffles, bake sale and magic shows. Proceeds go toward purchasing playground equipment. ONE PARENT FAM9IlES The On. Parent Familles Association will meet Tuesday night, Sept. 19, at the Adia Culture Club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, for a discussion about AILS and sexually transmitted diseases. For more information, caîl 434-1954. COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club* will meet at the Arts Resource Centre behind Oshawa City Hlall on Sunday, Sept. 16," 12:30 p.m. For more information, oeil 738-1352. LEADERSHW COURSES Registration for Christopher Leadership Courses, (a non-profit orgarnzation which promotes effective speakring and self- confidence), will begin this week for courses that begin the. week of Sept. 24 and run for il weeks in Whitby and other Durhamn locations. For information, cal! Tracy or Gary Evans at 905-430- 4618 or 430-8012. EAD INJURY The. Head Injury Assoiation of IDurham Regilon support group will meet Wednesday, Sept. 20, 7:30 pan., 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. For more information or te get Iassistance with transportation, Soel 723-2732. HISTORICAL SOCIETY K Corey Keeble will outline the. histoiy of stained glass windows in Ontario churciies at the Oshawa Histonical Society meeting on Monday, Sept. 18, 8 p.m., at Centennial United Church, Rosehull Blvd., Oshawa. For more information, cail 436-7624. PC USERS The Durham PC Usera' Club will meet on Thursday, Sept. 14, 7 to 10 p.m., at CAW Local 222 Hall,' 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. Omar Rashjd of Microsoft Canada Inc. will discuss Windows 95. For more information, cal! Allan Hewitt at 723-3179. HIEART TO IEART Heart to Heart, an eight-week program about all aspects of heart disease, will begin Sept. 20. To register, cal! the. Heart & Stroke Foundation at 571-1582. STREET SALE Otter Creek Co-op will hold a street sale on Saturday, Sept. 16, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at 835, 850 and 855 McQuay Bivd., Whitby. Proceeds te youth committee. TOWN HALL.i Ontario, iding MP Dan McTeague will iiold a Town Hallc meeting tomorrow (Tiiursday), 7 p.m., at the Ajax council chambers, 65 Harwood Ave. S. Opinions or concerns on issues can b. discused.C AIDS WORKSlHOp The. Durhiam Region Healtii Department wili iiold a 'Train the. Traipier workshop on Sept. 28 and 29, 9 a.m. to, 4 p.m., at Lang Tower, 1615 Dundas St. E., Whitby. The workshop will provide participants with basic 1IIVAIDS information and creative teaching strategies. The cost of the workshop, which includes a manual, is $20. Cali Faye Gillis, public health nurse, at 905-683- 4660 before Sept. 8 if interested in attending. Registration is limited. REUNION NOTICE The. 4tii Whitby Beavers, Cube, Scouts and Venturers will will host their 4Oth anniversaryon Sept. 22, 23 and 24. AUl former members and their familles are welcom, to join the current members in this celebration. For more registration information,' contact John Sullivan at 668-6949. SUPPORT GROUP The Oshiawa chapter of the Association of Parent Support Groupe of Ontario (heiping to deai witii ids who are runaways, dropouts, involved in drugs, alcohol, parent abuse or crime) meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.M., Augustina Hall, Faith Place, 44 William St., Oshawa. For more information, cali 1-800-488-5666. POUCE SERVICES 'Get te know your police services ' courses wiil be offered, at no t charge, by Durhiam Coilege andi Durhams Police Learning Centre 1 on Wednesday nights, fi-r Sept1 20 te Oct. 25., Forensiça, canine 1 unit and tactical support are some 1 of tiie topics covered. to register, t cail 721-3000. For information,r =11 721-2000, ext 2496.r EFFECTIVE PARENTING The. Family Education Resource Centre ofinark is offering a nine- session discussion group for parents* that will focus on understanding chuldren's b.haviour and iearning positive and practical skills for redirecting misb.haviour and encouraging children. Tii. group will meet at St Paul's Cathoiic School, 200 Canrard R., Whitby, Mondays, 6:45 to 8:45 p.m., starting Sept. 25. The. fée is $54 per person plus a textbook fee of $18.50 and pre- registration is required. Caîl 433- 0386, ext. 316. KEDS FGHTING The. Family Education Resource Centre of Kinark is offening an eight-session parent study group on 'How to Stop your Kids from Fighting,' beginning Sept. 25, 7 to 9 p.m., at St. Anthony- Daniels3 Catholic School, 2090 Duberry Dr., Pickering. Cost is $48 per person or $72 per couple. Call 433-0386, ext. 316. COUPLE ENRICHMENT An educational program, designed - te enhance communication, and effective conflict resolution within couple relationships, will b. offered at the Chidren's Services Council, 1650 Dundas StE., Whitby, Tuesday,, Sep 26, 7to 9 mTeei 6 per person or $90.perecouplefor the 10-session study group. Pr. registration and pre-payment are reqired. CalI 433-0386, ext. 316. OSTOMY ASSOCIAION The. Oshawa and District Ostomy Association, a mutual aid group for aIl persons who, have or are about to, have ostomy surgery,, will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 7:30 p.m., at Oshawa General Hospital in room 1002F. For more information, cal Velora at (905) 434-2886 or Estelle at (905) 723- 1376. -WATERFOWL VIEWING The. annual Waterfowl Viewing Day will b. held on Sunday, Sept. 24, at Lynde Shores Conservation Area, 1 to, 4 p.m., on the northeast viewing platform of Canberry Marsh. For more information, oeil 579-0411. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Overeaters Anonymous meets everyT1hureday, 7:30 p.m., at Holy Trinity Anglican Ciiurch, 91 KLngs Cr., Ajax. For more information, cail 619-0074. CLOTHING SALE Durham Region Parents of Multiple Birthe Association will hold their annual 'Fal/Winter Clothing Sale' on Saturday, Sept. 16, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the. Metro East Trade Centre, Pickering. CRAYT & BARR SALE A white elephant craft and bake sale will be held on Saturday, Sept., 23, at Harvest Place, 102 Rosigland Rd. W., Whitby (at Hwy. 12). SPANISH ICLASSES Spanish classes for elementary school age children will be held in Oshawa and Witby from Sept. 14 to June 6. To register, cal! 579-2334. BIG SISTERS B ig Sisat er s Newcastle-Oshawa-Whitby will heid an orientation session, for those interested in becoming Big Sisters, on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 7 to 9 p.m., at 555 Wentworth St.E., unit 1, Oshawa. There are now 41 children on the waiting list. >BIG SISTERS Big Sisters NOW needs vendors for their second annmal craft show and trade fair to, b. held on Saturday, Oct. 14, from 10 a.m. te 4 p.m., at the Canadian Autoworkers Local 222 Union Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. Registration fe 8 $50. For more information, oeil 725- 9300.

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