Whltby Fiee Press, Wedne6daY, September 13. 1M9 Pg Onlythebsae basies fterChildren'is Aid cutbak Children's Aid Society cutbackts and layoffa in Durham Region as a resuit of provincial funding cuts will lead to more suffering for vuinerable chilren, says child protection workers. The Durham Society is canceling programs that provide treatment for sexual abuse and provýide support for troubled families. The Society began staff cutbacks' Sept. 1 and will make more bargaining unit changes Nov. 1, for a total reduction of seven management. staff and nine bargaining unit staff. Ini the meantime, the Society says the Ontario government constraint will mean more referrals te the Society over the next 12 to 18 months. The Society will focus on delivering "only the basioe" of the ch"d welfare mandate as outlined in the Child and Family Services Act. The SeXUal abuse treatment program for children, teens and mothers will end Sept. 30. The Society is seekcing another agency to provide the program on a purchase-of-service arrangement with the Society. The community-based services team that worked to prevent children from entering the care of the Society will end its service Nov. 1. Some of the unit's staff will be transferred te other teams to help provide child protection services. Special needs agreements for developmentally handicapped children will be capped and, over time, reduced. The Society, faced with a deficit over the last several years, wil have what lias been described as a "$1.2-million fiscal problem" with the five per cent provincial government funding cutback. ON THE HUNT HENRY STREET High Sohool Grade 9 students went on a scavenger hunt to get used to their new sohool the week before sohool began. After searching for such 'Distincion' award nomination underway Nominations will continue until Sept. 29 for the 1995 Woman of Distinction awards. Nominations can be made for women who have shown exceptional achievements in the following areas: arts and culture; bgnss, professions and trades; community service; education, training and development; health care, sciences and technology; non-traditional roles; sports, fitness and recreation; young woman of distinction. Dini Petty, of the Dini Petty Show on television, wifl be guest speaker at the YWCA Woman of Distinction annual awards dinner on Thursday, Nov. 2, at Lviv Hall, St.- George's Ukrainian Catholic Church, Oshawa.' Tickets are $55 per person. Cal 576-8880. Iandmarks as the science wring, guidance, physical education and SAC office, the new students were treated to a barbecue. Photo by M"r Reesor. WhIIby Fr0. Pesa MOTORCITY SATURN US NOW OFFERING UTS SELECTION 0F DEMOS MI (VANUTY MIRROR INCLUDED) .1 @ VALUE PRICED LOW KILOMETRES FINANCE AND LEASING. AVAILABLE TRADE-INS WELCOME ""A Different Kind of Retailer"» 1520 DUNDAS ST. E., WVHITBY(905) 430-2350 GEl THEM BEFOR 4 THEY RE GONE! l Fali isfor Plantingl ALL PLANT MATERIAL SALE TAGGED' ülsem lere! rROSSLAND r 775 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby* 434-2562 Just East ot Thickson on the South side of Taunton Take advantage Of out standing savings throughout the store during our Fail Sale. rn*~iIDU&9EAU O",ýE te HERITAGE HOUSE Iimited Store Hours: Monday - Closed, Tuesday- Wednesday 10-6, Thursday - Friday 10-8, Saturday 10-5 216 Mary Street East , Whiiby a (905) 668-3483 Toronto Lirie (905) 686-0061 - 1-800-387-0242 £ The Hardy Boy House Siksay & Fraser L a w 0 f f i C e S Ct-)rporý7te & Coairierciiil Lýi iv Municipal & Devolopmeiit Là w', Wills & Estates Poivers oiA ttort7ci,, Main Office - Whitby Branch Office - Port Perry 6 18 A tl? ol Strect 204 Casimir -";trect W17 itby, On t. LI N 3-;;--S Port Perry, On t. L 9L IB7 Tt-,Iopl7oic,: (905) 666-4772 ToIcphonc: (905) 985 4141 F-,icqimilc: (905) 666-3233 Iý-i-icçiri,7ile: (905) 98-"î-4598 1