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Whitby Free Press, 20 Sep 1995, p. 11

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Whitby FrePress, Wednesday, September 20, 1995, Page il* Powerful 'Sur vivorSI'exhibit upcoming in Whitby The acclaimed art show, Survivora, will be held at the. Durham Board of Education headquarters building in Wbitby 'Tenor':1 ]Byjdm Diijay A hotel suite In Cleveland in 1934 la the setting for the most erjoyable comedie farce, Lend Me a Tenor, by Ken Ludwig, now runnlng until Oct. 28 at the Herongate Barn Theatre. Ini the play, directed by Terry Leach, world renowned tenor Tito Merelli la comlng te, the city for a special performance with the local opera company. Saunders and his. cunsy son-in-law-to-be Max are coordinating the, show.- Tiie trouble* begins when Merelli shows up drunk at the. hotel suite. I-s wife Maria be- rates hftm constantly with tales of his lecherous activities. They screarn and yell at eacii otiier, but. deep down their love some- iiow shines. Geoffery Coulter and Bonnie Morrison are hilarlous as the loving/hiating couple. Coulter threatens te steal the show at various Urnes as he bellows and sings bis way across the. stage. SENIORS' TEk DANCE Seniors' Tes, Dance will b. held Friday, Sept. 22, 1 te 5 p.m., in tii. Centennial Building (Regal Boom). Cost is $1 at the, door. Ray Hutchinson will b. the. N. Proceeds te tthe centre building fund. SENIORS'COURESf Fall courses at the. Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre begin the. week of Sept. 25. There are sIll spaoes available ini a numerof classes, lxlcludng: 55 Alive defensive driving, beginners clogging, country crafts, Old Dog - New Tricks (how te lead a happier and heaithier lifestyle witii a positive outlook) and party and country western dancing for couples. Register at the. centre or cail 668-1424 for information on otiier courses. parents of chfidr.n aged one te 10, at Holy Cross Catiiolic Sciiool, Oshawa. Underatanding Your Child'a Miabehaviour la on Tuesdays, Oct. 3 and 10; Disacipline Wit ho ut Punishment on Tuesdays, Oct. 17 and 24; Building Your Chiid's Self Esteem on Tuesday,. Nov. 7 and 14. Cost le, $36 for th.e erie of six worksiiops or $8 for eacii separately. Pr.- registration requlred. Cail 433- 0386t ext. 316. Sept. 28 to Oct. 1. Survivora, In Search of a Voioe: Thze Art of Courage is a collaboration 'of 24 of Canada's leading women artists and 100 breast cancer survivors whose stories inspired the. art works. The show, described as rolli*cking good fn But it la Peter Hurl.y as Max wiio is the. anciior of the. produc- tion. When h. leaves the. stage, albeit for only short periods, the play sags. Hfis energy and farce move the. play along. He plays hie character as a cross between Jerry Lewis and Peew.e Herman. I-s interaction with Coulter, as tiie famed . tenor wiio provides hum witii teaching lessons and moral support, are brilliant. They even sing pretty wll togetiier. Hurley and Herongate veteran George Waugh, as Isa overbear- ing father-in-law-te-be Saunders, are great tegetiier as they stum- ble around trying te organize everything. Waugiis performance at one point reminds the. audi- ence of the. best Monty Pythonesque black humour. Joanne Norman, as Max's fi- anc., and Ann E. Ward, as Diane tiie female lead in the opera per- formance, have a wonderful scene at the. end wiien they try te se- duc. someone tiiey botii believe is T'ito. What makes the. scene work le that the action takes place si- multaneously in the. living room and tii. bedroom. Bob Wbltefield, as the bellhop, provides some comic moments as h. is constantly sneaking in te take pictures of the great Merelli. As for dining at the. barni the- atre, the. wait staff mentioned that tii. wine list had been changed 80, that it didn't include Frenchi wines - a response te the country's recent nuclear testing in the. South Pacific. However, tiiey did serve Frenchi onlon soup. "hard-hitting" and "powerful," shows tdm angudish, anger and fear associated with breast cancer, the top killer of women in Canada. A gala night wiil be held Fniday, Sept. 29, 7 to 10 p.m., in the. atrium of the education building. Tickets are $100 per person and are available by calling Cindy Mackie at The Macie Group office at 728-1603, ext. 377. Ail funda raised as a result'of the. exhibit will go toward Hearth Place, a project started hy a group of breast cancer survivors te establish a welcoming and* home-like facility for Durhiam residents. Tii. Survivors exhibit is fr-ee te the. public. Hours are 9 a.m. te 9 p.m. on Sept 28; 9 a.rn. te 5 p.m. te Sept. 29; il a.m. te 4 p.m. te, Sept. 30; 1 te, 5 p.m. on Oct. 1. Art festival at Samac TMm Oshwa Art Assocation will iiold the. l4th annual Samac Art Festival at BSut Camp Samac, Oshawa, Sept. 22-24. Admission is free. More than 60 local ardos are particlpating in al mediums of original art. 3000 Garden St., Whitby (Loblaws Plaza) 666-DM2626 BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE e WE DELI VER REUAR EKI BUFT Mn.S ur. Incldes ur dily BO gîle Picek your own apples _____ Norîth East corner of Westney Road & Taunton Road A Fam*lyOuting (Mclntosh Cortland s n ow Spartan Empir) !IC YOUR OW ' APPLES. + Family Fun estraw maze epcnic shelter Portdg *cider ':animais Durhm 21 1 Utca Prrypumpkins Clak Lke RÉ d Lineo Wealthy Sept. 5 to Sept. 15 Càienoei AshbumMye Mcntash Sept. il to Oct. 3 Spartan Sept. 16 ta Sept. 30 Cortland Sept. 16 ta Oct. 3* Èý Hihway7 aBre Empire Sept. 18 ta Oct. il -1 i Red Deliclous Oct. 8 ta Oct. 20 cc 7- Golden Dellclous Oct. 8 ta Oct. 20 Idared Oct. 10 ta Oct. 24 Ghib olden Russet Oct. 10 ta Oct. 24 A~Ikeki ¶ty North«rn Spy Oct. 15 ta Oct. 30 Follow our signs 4 km cast of Lakerldge Rd. on Chalk lake Rd. OR 3 kmnwst ofHwy 12 on Scugog Urie2 Cail 905- 985-2096 for Information This coupon is redeemable for 1 (Yr DISCOUNT on apple prxluct purchase pnor to October ~I. 1995. Not b lie combined with this or offher special offers. * am - lnterestrd L these varleties Aildress ü Red Deliejous Talmon Sweet Spy

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