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Whitby Free Press, 20 Sep 1995, p. 14

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J ~ :7 Page 14, Whitby l-ree Press, Wodnesday, September 20,1995 ONE PARENT FA3MlS The On. Parent Farnilies Association will meet for cotée., cards and conversation on Tuesday, Sept. 26, at the Adria Culture Club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshiawa. For more information, caîl 434-1954. YWCA Tii. Oshawa YWCA le sccepting registrations for ail programe (preechool, dance, chldren, youth and adults). Cail 723-9922. COPE1 To improve self-esteem, increase confidence, develop techniques for relaxation and stress management, a group meets on Tuesdays fr-om 1,-5 te, 3 p.m. Cal the. Oshawa/Whitby COPE mental iiealtii program at 434-1693 for more information. COPE A support group for people wiio have experienced a lose of su important part of themselves (a relationship, job, career, financial status, iiealtii, etc.) is held every Thursday from 7 te, 9 p.m. For more information, cail the. Osiiawa/Whitby COPE mental iiealtii program at 434-1693. COPE Asupport group for- those suffering from depression is held each Wednesday from 1 te 3 p.m. Tii. group focuses on sharing, education, coping mechanism, etc. For more information, cail the Oshawa/Whitby COPE mental healtii program at 434-1693. FUSION POWER Durham Environmental Network will meet on Thursday, Sept. 28, 7:30 pan., courtroom 1, 132 Church St., Bowmanville. Irene Kock of Durham Nuclear Awareness wil speak about the fate ofthe nuclear fusion fadility at Darlington nuclear station and other local nucloar issues affecting Durham Rbegion. For more information, cail 905-509-3156. a 4 EXTATERETRIAL LMV The' Prospectsafor Ein Terrestrial Life will b. presente by Dr. Peter Dawson, chair of thi department of physice, Tren University, Wgednsdy,, Sept. 27s,- p.m., at the. McLaughuin Publii Library, 65 Bagot St., Oshawa Fre. tickets are available at ti library. ADULT CAREGIVER The. Durham Region Healti Department sud the. Glaie Medical Centre will sponsor ar information series for individualE caring for an adult, or Wednesdays, Sept. 27 te Nov. 1, from 7 to 9 p.m., Glazier Medical Centre, il Gibb St., Oshawa. Fo more Information, call the. healti department at (905> 723-8521 or Beth Lettner at the. centre (905) 579-1212. BIRD SHOW The Durham Avicultural Society wîll host a cage bird show at the Pickering Recreation Complex, Sept. 22 te 24. About 1,000 cages of bfrds are entered In the competition. On Sunday, Sept. 24, the. show is open te tthe public for viewung. Costa are $3 for adulte and -$2 for children sud seniors. For more information, caîl Vince Moase at (905) 723-1978. DURHA4M DEAF SERVICES The. Dwhamn Deaf Services (formerly Oshawa Deaf Centre) annual general meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 28, 7 p.m., ai the. Jubile. Pavilion at Lakeview Park, Oshawa. Speakers are Durhamn riding MP Alex Shepherd, sud Norman Jean Taylor, chair of the, Deaf Education Centre of George Brown College. BINGO COUNTRY 5 Points Ma Ritson & Taunton, Oshawa (behind A& Charities 945371 7:00 pm & 10:30 pm Mon. - Sun. 1:00 pm Sat. & Sun. 12:30 pm Mon., Tues. & Wed. S436-9404 Support Your Local Charities J.AD TCETS SUPER* JAKO g, T B ri 't 7 le a. le s Li r ) WATE1tFOWL VIEWING Tii. annual Waterfowl Viewing Day will b. held on Sunday, Sept. 24, at Lynde Shores Conservation Area, 1 te 4 p.ni., on the, northeast viewing platform of Cranberry M.arsh. For more information, call 579-0411. Non-*proi It communty roups whlch are based ln Whltby or have a substantial Whltby memberahlp may place their upcomln g meetings or actIvIties on this page at no cost. Profit makIrng or nofrwWh tOowiflg wek's Inseironlsl Frrday ai Sp.m. BLOOD CLINIC A Red Cross blood donor clinic will b. held on Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1 te, 8 p.m., at the. Legion Hall on Bryon Street South, Whitby. New donors sand volunteeris are welcome. For more information, caîl 723-2933. KIS CLUB Kld's Club starts Monday, Sept. 25j, 6 to 7 p.m., at Emmanuel Reformed Church, 403 Rossland Rd. W., ,Whitby. Ther, will b. songe, bible stories, crafts and films for boys and girls aged 4 to 12. For more information, oel Annie at 668-2850. 1S'RD TuRSDAY The. 3rd Thureday Breakfast Woman's Network wiil meet at Harmony Creek Golf Club, 100 Bloor St. E., Oshawa, Thursday, Sept. 21, 7:30 a.m. Guests are welcome. For reservations, phone Hel Rn qnàth at 432-7200. -~f ROOKLLN} - Bulb'planting Saturday By Steve Leahy Next spring 1,200 beautiful narcissus sud daffodils wiil bloom ini public areas tiirougiiout y Brooklin for the. very firet time - e and for every spring thereafter. 4 This ,deligiitful legacy je a B1 community effort iieaded up by e John, Hulley sud otiier local Lhorticulturiets with the support of r the. Brookliu Lions, Kunsmen sud B Optimiet clubs along witiithe. L Sorbara Group. e Here'e iow you can participat.: Saturday, Sept. 23, at 10 a.m., ibulb plantera wiil gather at the. Bank of Commerce parking lot. Everyone is welcome to participat. ini the plsuting - just bring a *shovel sud the kide. Areas for plsuting have been designated - sud they include areas in tiie new subdivision. *Since tiiese areas are where the new sewer or waterlines have gone, itsahould be easy to dig down the. 5v. or six inches to plant the. bulbe. Just imagine wiiat next May sud June wiil bring - severai ehades of yellows against a background of the fresii greens of sPring . LION KINGS Once more the Lions Club team rules Brooklin'e division A elo- pitcii softbail, winning the. final on Sunday 16-7. ONE-STOP SHOPPING Next Tuesday Sept. 26, 4 to 7 p.m., at Meadowcrest Sciiool wiil be the firet-ever Communiy Awareness Nigiit, with more than 22 groupe including representatives from ladies' sud men's groupe, children'e programs, lodges, churciies, Guides, Scouts sud more. They will briefiy talk about their programs sud the benefits tiiey bring te the community, sud wiiat a great time their members have. Bning the. whol, family, even the little ones, sinc. tiie Brooklin Pathfinders will watch them for you. Coffee sud donute will be served. Cail Cheryl McLeod for more information at 655-8913. CONCERT Phil Manning will perform a wide variety of contemporary, gospel sud jazz music at Meadowcrest Baptiet Ciiurch thie; Saturday migit, Sept. 23, starting at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 sud children under 12 are fr-e.. Tiiere will be a epecial performance for the children sud activities te ailow ail ages te enjoy the evening. -. Cail Emanual at 655-8132 or cail the ciiurcii at 655-4554 te reserve tickets or for more information. Everyone je welcome. PLAYGROUP AT SPENCER mhe Spencer Commiunity Sciiool A special registration je being iield Tuesday, Sept. 26 from 9:30 te, 11:30 a..asd 7 te, 9 p.m. at the. Spencer echool. For more information or te express an interest ini registering, oeil Ciieryl McNaily at 655-3016. KITE DAY CONMG The Optimist Club of Brooklin wiil hold tiieir annuel Kit. Day on Oct. 1 from 1 to 3 p.m. at Brooklin Memorial Park (beside arena). Everyone je nvited te bring their own kit. - sud for tiiose without kites tiiere will be some available. Hot doge and apple eider will b. available. FAMILY HEAL TH Tii. grand opening for the. Brookin Farnily Healtii Centre wiil b. Oct. 14 from 12:30 to 4 p.m. sud everyone je unvit.d te, attend. The iiealth centre, formerly known as the. Johnston Chfropractic Clinic, je on I-ghway 12 just south of the. Lyndebrook Golf Course. The clinic offers a family and holistic healtii focS with services provided by massage tiierapists, a nutritionist and chiropractor. Cal 655-5767 for more information. CORRECTION' In Last weeles edition, the. phone number for Brooklin's non-profit day car. centre wasn't correct: Cal Cate Smithi at 655-3864 for information or to register in the. new nursery sehool program for four-year-olds in the. communit centre (next door to tii. day car.). Registration continues for the. three-year-old kcid?' program as well. Steve Leahy's column appears every, week He can be reached . (5-439 r 5-588& (ax). Soci ety holds muni show mhe Brooklin Horticultural Ciiurcii. Society will meeton Wednesday, Moase Vingent wiil dises e Sept. 27 at Brooklin United raising of foreign birda, inside sud outsidle aviaries. Fair board me ciixysuthiimmasd vegetable shows wiil also ii eld. wiIl meet ~udn~ri. mhe Brooklin Spring Fair board will iiold the annual meeting on Tiiursday, Oct. 5, 8 p.m., at Brooklin United Ciiurch. mhe agenda uncludes the election of cirectors and the. financial report. Ail are welcome te attend. Church holds beef dinner Brooklin United Church will host their annuel roast beef dinner on Wedneeday, Oct. 4. Two sittinge will b. offered, at.5 and 6:30 p.m. Coot for adulte is $10, children under 12 $5, preechoolers fre. Tickets are available by calling 655-8762 or 655-4141 or any maie meniber of the. congregation. raise $450 Students from Meadowcrest Public School ini Brooklin raised $450 in the. Terry Fox Run.* Students from ail eigiit grades walked or ran the.- lO-kilometre 'distance ini an event they h.ld on Friday. Brooklin Spring Fair to be held Thursday,' Oct. 5,1995 e 8:OOpm Brooklin United Church ALL WELCOME! THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS 0F COWERL 0F THE CORPORATION 0F 1THE TOWN 0F WHITBY ame ieased b exlend ani INWIATfON Iote OITZENS 0F WHITD3Y b allend ani OPEN HOUSE at t1e new FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS 11 MGneyDrie Whftby, Ontario on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1995 betm wee h oum of 4:00 pin. and 8:00 p.m. BROOKLIN PHARMACY.. 65 BLDWIN ST. *BROOKLIN *LOB iCO .905-655-3301 Relief from Backpain... ObusFormie ObusForme is a stress. The ObusForme offers Àlightweight, portable and effective spinal support and attractive back brace that you optimum comfort over an exact do not Wear, but sit or lie into. area to avoid back fatigue. The shape is molded to fit the ObusForme also makes a back and provide rigid, cervical support pillow, a comfortable support to hold supporting neck roll and a the spine at rest while seat. Consult your pharmacist protecting the spine and back about the fulll une of muscles from pressure and ObusForme products, 1$452OOzOC

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