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Whitby Free Press, 20 Sep 1995, p. 16

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Page 16, Whltby Fr. Press, Wednesday, September 20, 1995 Town: Carnival shoudbe annual event By John DuAJay This year's first County Town Carnival ince 1982 was a great success for Whltby, according te a joint marketing and recreation department report. The report, presented te opera- tions committo. Monday night, said the, Town should Incorporate the. carnival into an annual event. Included Lu the report is a ref- erence te tthe coot te taxpayers. In early 1995, thé Town provided a grant of $7,500 tte organizlng committe. te promote the. event. There was a surplus of $2,629 which will b. returned te the comzmttee for 1996 carnival plan- ning. Town staff, xncluding recre- ation 'and public works depart- ment personnel, helped close and reopen streets in the. downtewn cor. for the. three-day event. They submitt.d a coat of $10,903 for their work. An estirnated 15,000 persons attended variaus events, înclud- mng about 6,000 on Saturday, July 1 in the. downtewn cor.. "It was oertainly a great thing te happen for the. tewn," said re- gional counclor Gerry Emim. "ht can only grow blgger and botter." East ward councillor Dennis Fox said the Town could consider phasmng out its staff contribution and shlow volunteers te take over - a move now under review, said marketing director Peter Lebel. "Wf're looking for an organiza- tional structure that will divide up tiie workload." He udd the. 1997 cèrnival may b. rum strictly by volunteers, thus minimizing the. Town'is financisi contribution. A number of suggestions te improve future carmivals were listed in the. report. These mnclude providing more advance public- ity, moving the. beer tant te down- town (it was at Iroquois' Park), changing the date so as not to, confiict with the. holiday week- end, provlding more parade polie- ing and enlarglng the downtown area that was blocked off te v.- hicular traffic. Autoatievoting system onîdre Whitby may purchase an auto- matic vçting machin.. Operations committe. on Monday approved a staff proposai te allocate $114,550 te Global Election Systems for a computer- ized voting system that can tabulat. polling resuits in as lit- die as 30 minutes after voting iu complet. - an improvement over the current standard of at least four hours. 'Tii. equipment pays for itself over three elections and after that lt's mon.,vlu the bank," ac- cordmng te Town clerk Don McKay. I an sccompanying r.- MIDWAYwS SATISFACTION 351 CELEBRATION YER #1 in Durham for sales, selection, service AND customer satisfaction BRAND I NE OR 952 0XS $295 lMONTH $295OAC* Standard Features include: 16 valve D OHO 115 HP engine - 5 speede tilt-. AM/FM cassette - power steering, mirrors, windows, Iocks - Dual air bags - 60/40 split rear seat - alloy rims - rear spolier'- dual cupholders. mud flaps - tachometer - remote trunk and gas - side mouldings - fog ights - full carpeting - cruise - plus more ...and it's fun to drive 60 month @ 9.25% Residual option $5425 Taxes due at delivery No money down OAC (tel' Factory Authorized* EXE.CUIVE DEMO Clearance Outiet '95 ALTI MA 95 ALTIMA SE e 5 speed Iuxury pkg. $229890 95 ALTIMA SE a Automatic Iuxury pkg. $23990 95 MAXIMA SE e Autom atie touring $329390 95 QUEST XE *Ail options $249933 port, the. savings from increased efficiency were .stimated te b. *35,000 for eacii élection, thus corroborating the. three-year timetable. "TMs is a tried and true sos- tea," said McKay. Tiie report listed many U.S. cities and some similar communities in Ontario sucii as Njax, IAndsay and Burlington who have successfully used the. ES 2000 systarn. Ajax, for example, had com- plete poîl resuits at 8:28 p.m. The syastern would work mucii the smre as current voting prsc- tices from the. elector's end, ac- cording te, McKay. Tii. ballot would b. marked with a black penci or marker aud it would b. plaoed into the. machine te b. read. by a scanner. Election r.- aulta would b. transmitte. by modem te a central location and tabulated instantly. On. of the concerna expreased by councillors Gerry Emm and Dennis Fox was the. possible side effect of cutting down the number of polling places from 44 te, 25. "Will r.ducing the. number of polling stations encourage or discourage votars7' asked FoL. Its fine te, have the. iincy equip- ment, but if no ones going te use it, what's the. us.?" - However, McKay atternpted te eau. bis fears. "People who want te vote are going te vote, regard- lees of the. distance," said McKay. We're not talking great dis- tances." Sorne of the. north ward- resi- dents rnay have longer distances te travel, but McKay said that they typically have te drive to their polling stations for each election. Past problems occurred in the. city of Toronte wiien tii.y at- tempted te us. an automatic poIl- ing system during the. 1991 mu- nicipal élection. However, McKay said, "If tiiere's a problem, it will By John DuJay Brock Street won't b. recon- structed tuis year. During Monday nigiit' meet- ing of Town operations commimt- tee, staff reported that thr.e com- pamies tendering bids for the r.- surfacing aand sewer work sub- mitted offers over the, amount budgeted for the proj.ct. Ron Robinson Ltd. of Oshawa bid $364,783, the. lowest, for the, work but $46,459 over the, Town's budget Under the. trrns of the. project, Whitby's portion was te b. no more tiian $80,000. Howev.r,, the. low bld would have meant the. b. in the, software. Tii. software will b. tested by 1997 (the. date of the n.xt sciieduled election>." As part of a cost saving metiod, Whitby will share the. machine with a tewn ini Western Canada, possibly Victoria, B.C. Tii. $114,550 figure is hait of the. sys- tem's total cost. Because they have different municipal élection sciiedules, the machine could b. used by onç conîmunity for one élection ançi then shipped te tthe other commu- nity for their next élection. Town would pay $126,459 for the. work. The Region pays the, r. maining coat of the proj.ct. Staff recorm.ended the, project be Put off until next year whn "isimilar timing in a future year would likely result ini greater contractor interest aud more favourable tender prices." The project includes Reglon replacement of a sanitary s.wer on Brock Street frorn EIm Sbtrt to, Mary Street sud a watermain on Brock Street from south of Dundas Street te, Mary Street, Tii. second Phase >includes resurfacing of Brock from uortii of Mlary te soutii of Dundas. Under-13s edge i third round The Wbitby under-13 girls' ,select soccer team had two wins and a losa in the Ail Star Challenge Cup tournament iu Whitby mren's slo-pitch Php mlap nig OMinA Sutton Goup 2 0 21 11 GoldenMRIl 1 161 1Il Apollo Sport&. i1 1 19 21 Hanit lastics 1 1 23 1i Hughes Hawkms I 1 16 z LMadgold Coug. 0 2 16 21 Cie ai 1 0 15 i lan Barmn Mot. 1 O 17 14 MelanePringles O 1 14 1 klasterOedlmom 0 1 5 1 Ohulsai O C. Dawkins 1 O 13 i LbcAskhlRap. 1 O 6 Aucoin Heating O 1 3 E Ailvantage e& O 1 7 1. Ro..d mal. umots sept 10 l.acAsIVRapopout C. lbwkîns sept il Apollo Sportswea Hughes Hawkrs Sept 12 L&hnh Priagles Sept 14 k- Hn Qpobdm LII 6 Aucoin Hoating 3 15 Madgold Cougars8 13 AdvantageTelom 7 7 Sutton Goup 17 4 HanPt csa 14 5 Cimselad 15 14 In8BamnMotors 17 12 fl~agold Cougan 8 3 Muton Group 4 12 Ha"IPhoa s 9 Scarborougb Sept. 9. Ini the first round Whitby defeated Caledon 5-1 on goals by Jessica Brownridge, Melamie Volpe, Sonya Mangan and Racbael Stewart (two). luI the second game, Whitby bad a 3-0 win over North York, goals by Stewart and Volpe (two). Wiiitby then lout 3-1 to Burlington, the goal by Sarah FROM PAGE 15 "I bave nothing to b rag about," claims Aune, so modeat about ber accornplisiimenta that ah. makes it clear mii. doesn't like ber husband bragging for ber - not that that stopa him. "She's nationally ranked, on. of the beat masters' wornen runnera in the province," enthusea Terry. "She's 11k. a finely-tuned racehorse, a thoroughbred." "I hope you'll put that ail this was told te you by my husband, not me," Anne inteijects. "I dont want anyone thinking]Pm saying ail this." "She's out running every rnorning at 5 o'clock" h. continues, -and runs, on average, eigbt miles a day, six daysaa week." Anne doem admit that ah. was fourtb overail - against ail- age wornen competiters - in the. Timex Series - -and tbat's running againat Young Hdsh,* Terry adds. Jeffey. Garne MVP wus Brownridge and Deirdra Lowe was voted MVP for the season by ber teammates. Other members of the taam are Stephanie Chapman, Jessica Clark, Alexandra Flega, Kristine Hanf, Sarah Harrington, 'Lamey Harrison, Sarah Hume,. Gilian Neubauer,- Jennifer Sawula, Shauna Speare and Jeesica Taylor. Bh aye runnlng "makesme feel good about mysei I just find if 1 baven't rn, rny day's not the smre. "It makes me alert - nund you, wben you're out there rwuing, at the tirne, you tbinkr 'why arn I doing this?' ... it gives me energy - I'rn ready for bed at 9 o'cbock at nigiit.- Aune runs with someone frorn the WhitbyINgera Runng Club, which helpa rnotivate her on those frigid winter mornungs, ah. aays. "Thos. morninga, if you were running on your own, you'd thinkr 'the. bell with We... but becaua. you've already got a comritrnent - you're going to meet sorneone - that givea you the incentive to get out." Both Anne and Terry plan to continue running for many yeara yet. "We're flot just going to run wben we retire... 'we're going to do a triathalon,« maya Anne. "We're going to b. the, fitteat old senior citizens aroundl" Brock work postponed Long distance runner . .. .... .................... ....... ...........

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