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Whitby Free Press, 20 Sep 1995, p. 18

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Page 18, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, September 2o, 1995 Veronica Gruneberg & Lj A Vioki Duthie FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN Lonelle Seibo TRAFALGAR CASTLE Well, Austin, it's that time of year again. September te back, and the easy days of otummer are gone for another nine months. Most of us at Austin have not yet had a chance te, miss sulmmer because we've been too busy getting the new year started. But we Austinites won't let piles. of homework get us down. There's some type of' recreation for everyone. If you're Luto sports, then Wildcat Athietice are for you. Sports such as girls' basketball, cross-country ru.nning, golf and boys' soccer have already begun... Many more sports wi.ll be starting year-round. Lieten te the announcements for details. Perhaps you've got a flair for the dramatîc. Thon this year's musical, 7Uw Pirates of Penzanoe, is for you. Auditions are coming up san. Ever wanted to be a world- famous musician? Think your sin ging Lu the shower deserves saine recognition? Then the band or choir could be the thing you've been searching for. Or maybe you want a club Lu wbich you cari make a differrence. Join the Connections Club and DESTINY MANOR Deetiny Manor women's substance abuse and treatinent centre, rolocated from. Oshawa ta Whitby, will hold open house on Thursday, Sept. 28, 3 te 6 p.m., at 118 Cochrane St., acrose froin Fairview Lodge. FIKLD NATURAUISTS The Durham Regiori Field Naturalias wil neet Moriday, Sept. 25, 7:30 p.n., at. Northview Public Library, Beatnioe Street, Oshawa. Club mexnber Erneet Variderzyl will show elides of the riatural environnent. New monibers are welcome. HORSE SHOW The Oshawa-Whitby junior horse and pony show will be held by the Oshawa-Wbitby fair board on Sunday, Sept. 24, starting at 9 a.m. For those aged 16 and under, there are flat and jumper classes, costume, mystery. and game classes. For more information, including location, cal 905-263-2393. SCfflZOPHEUMA Onitario Friende of Schizophronics, Durham chapter support group will meet tanight (Wednesday), 7 p.m., ti building 30Y Whitby Mental Health Centre. More information, oeil 723-8673. BREAST CANCER Reach ta Recoveiy, breast cancer support group for patients, family anid frierids, will meet Thursday, Sept. 21, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Canadian Cancer Society office, 467 Westney Rd. S., unit 9, Ajax (two blocks seuth of Bayly). For more information, caîl 905-686- 1516. EQUI]PMENT SALE West Lynde Public School Parent School Assocation will hold a used sports oquipment Bale on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 7 ta 8:30 p.m., 270 Michael Blvd., Whttby. Items will iriclude ail sports equipmerit, uniforme anid costumes. For more information caîl 668-3354. help promote acceptance Lu our communinity. Join the flght against drunk driving with OSAIID. Preserve the environment with the Environmental Action Club. Join the flght against injustice with Amnesty International. Help the less fortunate with Share Iàfe or St. Vincent'sKIGtchen. Or improve aur school community with the Peer Ministry group. Aiea open to you are the aweeome student council activities which are already underway. Grade Nine Day was an amazing succesa. Ail Grade 9 students participated in games such as Ding Bat and tug-a-war and enjoyed a pizza lunch. The first dance of the year is tomight. With Sights and Sounds, and student coundil, ite sure tobe a happening event. Where would ail these activities be without the fabulous Austin staff? A warm welcome back ta al of the returning staff, and a huge thank you Lu advance for ail of your efforts Lu the upcoming school year. Ail Lu ail, it promises ta be an exdting year. But it can only be as exciting as you make it, se get involved. After ail, a student cannot live by homework alone. PARENTS' NIGHÎT Grade 9 studerits'Parente'Night will be held at Henry Street High Schol on Thursday, Sept. 21, 7 ta 9 p.m. HEATHYPREGNANCY The Childbirth Educatiori Association of Durham will hold a free "healthy pregnaricy" talk on Moriday, Sept. 25, Ajax Public Ltbrary, main brarich <Harwood Ave. & 401), 7 ta 8:30 p.m. 'Growing a Baby' (how a baby develope and lifostyle issues), wil be discussed. No pre-registration te requirod and everyone te welcome. TAOIST TAI CHI The non-profit Taoist Tai Chi Society wiil hold open bouse at 114 Athol St., Whitby on Sunday, Sept. 24, 1:30 te 4 p.m., as a celebration of the second anniversary of the Whitby location. There will be demonstrations of the ancient exercise. MALTA DAY DANCE The Malta Social Club Durham R1egion (Whitby) invites members, frieride and rion-members toaa Malta-Day Danoe, on Saturday, Sept. 23, 8 p.m., at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N, Whttby. For tickets oeIl Hylda at 430-9470 or Les at 427-2360. Price per couple (ineal ticluded) la $28 for members, $30 for non- members. AQUARIUM SOCIETY The Durhamn Regiori Aquarium Society will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 26,7:30 p.m., ti the cafeteria at RKS. McLaughlin CVI, 570 Steverison Rd. N. (just eouth of Rossland Road), Oshawa. Paul McFarlirie will talk about catfish. For more information, caîl Barry McKée at 683-7660. CRAYF & BAKE SALE A white elephant, craft and bake sale will be held on Saturday, Sept. 23, at Harveet Place, 102 Rosgland Rd. W., Whitby <at Hwy. 12). The commercial Baye "Itfs the most woriderful time of the year"* and the ads and flyere keep pouring in through the mail elots. Pens, paper, markers, biridere, sweaters, socks - everyone 15 caught up in the craze. Aside from Christmas it's the biggest shopping experience there 15. Yup, you guessed it -- we're back ti echool, and, oh, the job is overwhehning. Fin sureyou cari al, relate. For the firet three and a haif years of my high sehool career, I went ta a public school. For some, the firet day was a contest to see who had managed ta best duplicate Kelly Taylor'e outfit on the most reoent episode of 90210; for othere,. a gaine ta find the hottest riew guye ti echool and dlaim them as their owri. Some felt that they were being foroed ta go ta school while others took pride i beirig given the opportunity ta attend. For me, echool was echool, a place ta go to after getting up i the. morning, and a place to come home froin. No more, no lese. From the firet day orie cari see that everyorie bas their owri style and their own crowd. From jocks ta homtes, prepe ta eskateboarders, freake ta geeke, and so an. I no longer wished to be a part of it. For the last haîf of Grade 1L2, I had growri bored with the public echool system and so decided taý traxisfer to Trafalgar Cçwtle School -- a private, ail-irl institution ti deepeet Whitby. Ail the girls wear ideritical uniformes consisting of a kilt, dres shirt, blazer, tie and pennyloafere ti various blues anid whttes. StereotypeS are therefore Chamber orchestra elimiriated and we al etart on equal terme. It tae a littie while to get used to the school change, but ail the girls are very enpportive arid reassuririg and onie grows used to t School life le very busy, frein work ta house gaines to the camping trip which the whole echool is attering very shortly. But that's another story. Samantha Muir ANDERSON C.V.I. Wolcome back ta the himlowed halls of Andorson, or insybe I should say, welcoine back te the crowded halls of Anderson. By now, most of us should be used te the lirnited qsc, with the exception of the newcomors and Grade 99, who e9M look a littlo cramped. Everyone seenis ta, be settling Lute a routine as we head Lute the third week of school. Last week was frosh week, which was quite successful. The week began with musical chairs Lu the gym. Many turned out for the ovent and a good time was had by ail. Tuesday was Happy Fariner Flour Power. This moey event Luvolved a Volly Rancher' Lu the bottom of a flour-fllled bowl, the objective te get it out useing only your face and rnouth. Wodnesday>s activity was the Lifesaver gaine (which je inuch tea difficuit for words toexpli :lots just say it was axnusing). Thursday was for those Lterese"d Lu joining extra- curnicular activities. A variety of clubs had displays showing Grade 9s that echool cari be made interesting and isn't mest about homework. Anderson clubs range from at Garnier Safety A 44-member chamber orchestra will perform Monday, Oct. 2 at Ecole secondaire St.-Cbanles Garnier Lu Whitby. The prograin will include Mendelssobn's Reformation Symphonie and Bach's Violin Concerto Lu E Minor. The concert bas been organized by arts students. froin the University of Ottawa and the Assembly of Cultural Centres of Ontario. For tickets and more information, cail 434-7676. Polie and youth Work hMHàrmony' Youth & Police: Working in Harmony for a Better Tomtorrow will be held by the Canadian Jamaicari Club of Oshawa on Saturday, Sept. 23, 8:30 a.m. ta, 10 p.m., at the Durham Board of Educatiori's Education Centre (headquarters building) on Taunton Road East in Whitby. The day-long ovont will focus on 'Comxnunity Building through Positive Interaction.! Several workshops will be held, focusing on the concerne of rntnority yautb. Presentatioris will feature comxnunity leaders, media represeritatives and police personnel. The forum, which includes lunch and dnner, te for those aged 14 te 24. There is no cost, but epaces are li-nited. Caîl 721-2797. village for grades 1-m3 Ids' Safety Villagre of Durhamn Region programs are currently for grades 1 te 3 students only. Organizers say that, at least for now, outaide groupe can't be accommodated at the Whitby facility. The village recently began operation. The grand opening was Sept. 9, and on Sept. 13 the firet building constructed in the village wae used as a clasron, with Durham Regional Police Constable Esther Rathwell instructing. The building was donated by the Durham Home Builders Association, and bad been used as offices while there was construction of the simailer buildings. To book a clase, cail Rathiwell at 668-9893. Car wash is fu ndraiser Music studente froin Anderson CVI will be washing cars on Saturday. Sept. 23 to rmise funds te attend music festivals. Students will be at the Petro Canada station at Rowsland and Thickseri rade from 10 a.m. ta 2 p.m. A wash caste $3. alpine skiding to bowling to golf to the ochool newspaper, 2TheFinal WordL However, to be able to participate in any event you must purchase a student identification card for $15, available at lunch in the front foyer. Your photo ID card also features discounts from more than 20 local businesses Lu Whitby and Oshawa. You Can't Take it with You iEs this year's draina production. -Auditions are being held ail this week-,ifr those interested, sign-up sheets are posted on the drama, board in the main hall. This- year's student *council president, representing the school and the students, la Rai Rajkuznar. Good luck to ail, whether it be, etruggling with homeworkz, stresing over OACs or just trying to baffle your way through those crazed teenagers blocking the path to your locker. Hetping people learn to learnà If you o>r sorneone you know wc>uld likc ( improve reading, writing or math, look under LEARN in the YelIow PagesTm directories. L LtOK) ± 2NM! LEARN. -Ragistered Trada Mark of Tei. Direci IPubiIcati>o) i. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 4 1. Whitby's first automobile dealership was opened by W.J. Luke at the corner of Dundas and Centre streets where the Kentucky Fried Chicken store is now Iocated. 2. The Whitby Public Library was established as the Mechanics' Institute in 1852 with Hugh Fraser as librarian. 3. Ray Conneli, Ontario Minister of Reform Institutions, officially opened the Whitby Jail in 1958. 4. A public meeting was held on July 10, 1847 to off ically change the name of Windsor to Whitby. Gi1 1 rÀdo

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