~--~ page 6, Whitby Free. Press, Wednesday, September 20,1995 ~à The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whîtby residents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN 77ONTARIO COMMU NITY VRFIDCOMMUNITY NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as weil as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GST - Outside Canada $80 + GST Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarioa mc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out.of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 200% recycled content using vegetable based inks. cAil written materiai, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit uine to the Whitby Free Press. There are alternatives To the editor: Re: Letters by Susan Kay Dunn ('Daycare detandad,' Free Press, Sept 6) and J. Miler CÇlnsuted,' Free Press, Aug. 30) Budgeting la vary important in rasing atfamily. There is a saying «Its not how much yvu maice that counts, but what you spend that counts." ln oui sodiety many nwantsn have become uneeds." As an axample, a single mothar worked full-tUme, she saw that har chlldren were more attached 10 the lndMvduals sha Ieft themn with, and the children also showed slgns of rejection towards the mother. When this occurred, she dedided 10 set up a homerbased business. Sh. moved mbt a $300-a-month smAapartment and did with the very basics iniffe. When her children went 10 sohool she contlnued her business and worked part-trne. She naw regrets the deaision she made. This flue story ls somethlng wa can ail learn trom. The book Schoot Can WaIt notes that eaily socdalization in the tamily context, le haing undermined by youngar and aver younger out-of- home care. The result is that children are loftI socaly and morally ta rear each other and 10 randomly gain theor value s and a sense of worth from their aven younger and more insecure peer group. As for stay-at-homne mothers, J. Miller states that I must be lucky 10 have a husband who earns enough monay to support afamily offour. I find this insuing. ls the workldo not economically baneficial? I enable our family loUIve on lesa because of the budgeingldo and themoney 1Isave by staying aW home. Susan Kay Dunn dascribes herself as a uworking parentw Does this indicate that Jane Snyder is not a wodcing parenit. Amn I of no economic value? Lastly, ln a damocratic, capltalistic society, daycares shouki not be subsidized. If thay are, then 1,. as a stay-a-home mother, shouki recaive a tax credit I only wlsh 10 suggest t hat there are alternatives to daycare. WhlIe I was ln Boston recently, I spoke to someona ln chlld care ae Harvard Square. Sha stated *The children today are apathello - totally bost and rebelious - feeling no one cares." I ask mysef, where does this corne from? Where are ail the mothers? Jane Snyder Whitby To the edîtor: Copy 0f lattai 10, Mayor Tom Edwards about Whitby lS pada - the annual hockey lineup. Havlng recently spent 34 hours in a linaup 10 regfister my six-year-ol son In Whitby minor hockey, I was among the lucky anas 10 coma away with a spot sacured for this season. Howevar, this does rat by any means suggest I arn satisflad with the procass or the underlying reasons causing Il. Daspite some parents staking out a place aW the front 0f the Una for 45 hours, thera are still 154 naines on waiting Ls because rat averyone has the flexlblty in thair schedules to arrange 10 hold a place In Une. Forcing the people 0f Whitby to wait in Une tor days la outrageous. Worse yet, danyïng Whitby chikiren the opportunity to play hockey if they want 10 la unaoeeptable. As axpîained by a mambar 0f 1h. Whitby Arena Fundraising Association (WAFA), tiNa situation has bean created by user-group demand for lce Uma, since thara are only three ice pada serving Whitby, wfth a population of 68,000. Hockey leaguas, figure skating, ningette, public skating, etc. must ai vie for limited of ice Urne. Vet othar bloa towns (ook no further than Ajax and Oshawa) saem to have enough ice to serve their growing populations, theraby avoiding such absurd lineups. Why Whitby does rat have more Ice pads, despite Ils residential growth rate, only points 10 1the shortslghtedness of former Town To the ditr.* Trees, shrubs in appreciation To tii. edfor: What a commendable move 1 Whltbys garbage, InsteM o f golng dire tlyIolandfil, mlght ha îecycled CWhltby's garbage going to U.S.9 8 Free Press, Sept. 13.) Pebblestone Multlservvles does the earth a greac service by sorting and channeâng reusable waste. The company has also shown itsaI! 10 ha communlty q3iIlted and envlronmentafly aware. For the Corbett Creek rescue two years ago, thoy plcked Up and recycied a ton and a hall 0f garbage that volunteers pulled oui of the Valley. On Earth Day M.5 they madie a generous donation toward trees 10 ha planted along the waterfront traiL Unfortunately, the Wantworth. Street fadllty that wti "procass Whtbs garbage Ils located on the bank of Corbett creek East~ just upstream traom a piovindiaity significant wetland. The Valley, owned by the Town of -Whitby, is home to numerous species of wildiite and acts as a migration orridor for thousands of birds each spning. When the land was deveboped short years ago, no setback was provided for protection of this vukierable habitat Backhoes pushed MI mbt the creek valley, burytng trees along the vailey wal and creating a steep, baie s4oe. As too oten happens ln such cases, rains washad great quantinaes of sik into the creek hafore cobnizing weedscoeuld hagin 10 stabilize exposed soUls. lnstead of a natural settlng pond for stormwater runoff, the property Iscovered with asphal, and water drains down a steep, short channel diraly int the streain. Pebblestone may not ha responsible for ail the damnage that has happened 10 the cieekç there, havlng ta comply wlth a valety of regulations front marri levais of govemment. But they. now have stewardship of a g meat stretch of sensitie habitat, and wverything they dlo - evey ticJcthat arrives - affects IL Presumnably, Ianng a controect for handllng Whltby's garbage wuil be fInandially rewardlng for the ompany. Wouldntt ha eIf , in epreciadon. lhey would plant a thick bfer of eveigrens and f rit-beasing shnubs along the valley wall, nmkng itfe just a MtIe bit easler for Whltby và ldlife, their nearest nelghbours? Margaret Carnoy Whitby Just fix it To the editor: Re: Whltby Hlydro Commission Whan I wrote my latter to the editor CÇFad Up with excuses,' Sept. 6, Free Press), Rl was flot my Intention to enter Into any form 0f ongoing dialogue, concemning the issue 0f power interruptions tiNa year. Howaver, I iead the latter by Raîph Blank, WNhy Hydro commissionar, ln the Sept. 13 Issue. This, ln my opinion, le as great an example 0 f buraaucratic «gobbledygookw that'I have sean for some Ume. Perhaps the commissioners don't understand the concem. This leslmply wrestora ftha service now" - not sevarai yaars trom now, as la hidicated in the latter. The commîsslonars saam more Intent on spancing oney 10 improve their goodwil than 10 restoning the service. The latter opens and closes on the urgency of iestoring goodwiîl. GoodWIll l amrnd by providing the service for whlch ana pays premium rates - slrMply do -thae and the goodwjir mwilî follow. The opening statement of the latter Implies that they are atternpting 10 operate ln the sainecoentext as business. Business doesn't normaity wait until the horses have lf the bam before they close the doors. They plan ahead or gel out of business. Whlby Hlydro ould apparently not fbrase the need ta plan and change - they waited until the problains were upon us, dld a study ln the rnidst 0f the probleins and are now planning ta correct the 'technlcai problerns" over the next several years. The latter also refers ta the extensive, external and internai, communications probîams. I reaJly don't need anyone to spend a lot 0f time and money telling me my power la off, or why RilIs off -just fli u. Asî1saIln my later, the chair shouki look inwardly 10 reduce cos15 (this , ould prabably save the $3 million naeded for the upgrading), and hold the senior staff (including the comimissioners) accounitable for the effective and effcient management of a public utiliy. Eari Goodman Whitby counails. lncreasing user tees and inviting pnivata intarast to partiaipate are some 0f the solutions that hava been suggestad. I sincerely hope tha lineup spectacle ia rat repeaaed, lncludîng the negaliva publicity tocused on Whltby for those two day& And I hope It la rat repeatad bacause the current Town council damnonstrates the necessary visin and finda a way to provide residants 0f Whstby with 1he necessary ica pads. Warren Leonard Whltby To the edItor: Copy (edited) of latter 10 Jim Wilson, Unlstar of Health Dear Sir 1Iam rat inthe habit of writing to politicians, espaclally Conservatives, aince I have supportad the Conservativ Party ai 0f my Ife. Even when I hava rat agraed with their policies, I have stiil voted the saine way for 40 yaars. Balay me, Mr. Wilson, unilka a lot of the ganeral public, 1 undarstand fully why your government has to aggressively atarI tightening befts, due' to mismanagemant 0f govammants (including the Tories, ai Urnes), over the yaars. During the last alection campaign I tefI a sens. 0f confidence and pride wth the Tonas'a election slogan Coenmon Sens. For A Change. Ta cut back on heallh care In the areas you and your govemrment are planning is definitely rat common sense.I hava visittd patients in two differant hospitais In the past month and have haen appalîed at the conditions. in usnawa ueneral Ho)spital, rny frind was aclmitted with an unknown ilînesa(il could ' have been highly contagious). She, along with 18 othar patients, wara held in what la called a 'day car. moom' in 1h. emergency dapartmnent. The roomn was certainly rat big enough 10, hold 18 bada (men and women mixed) tor fiva days. To visit, one had ta squeeze balwaen bada. Goodness knows how doctors arnd nurses are able to administer cara in those conditions. Oshawa Genarai Hospital, Uke eve<y other hosptl In the province, là vevy short 0f nursing care, to the point thaï peoples vey ives are baing put ina jeopardy. The Oshawa hospital haa floors cloaed down, and I have flot heard the ariministrator or any membar 0f the board of directors both in Oshawa or Ajax raise ana word 0f- complarnt about having Io probably absorb the 65,000 population 0f Whitby (which they muat know iould ha impossible), with "h threat 0f the Whitby Generai Hospital's soute car. facuUtiles being replacad by total rehabilitalion cara. Why? Because ail they are concemed with le the ft i hey MI receive more funding for thamselves. Lers stop playng politica with aur hoSptais and lat the medical profession ailminister the hospitals. Surely they not poliicans, should know what la top priority In the hospitais. Ev. Hmer Whtby Show 'ice' vision Hospitals and politics the edit.or...