Page 2, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, September 27, 1995 Parents spread the word about modified sehool year 1 sute eroup - cascrelyic , 95)40900 By Mlark Reesor About 30 parente have been gain door ta door te spread the word about a new Whitby echool that plans te uee a modiffed echool year calendar. The as-yet-unnamed elementary echool, te be constructed on the grounds of Anderson. CVI, je echeduled te, open next August. The door-knocking je "just the DR. MICHAEL GR!ENGLASS 220 Dundas St. W. #102' (Dundas-Centre Medical Building) Whitby - LiN 2M3 430-4822 Evenlngs & Saturdays Emergencies & Ne w Patients Welcome 436-1800 'Tour Sigui of Disincion" N. E. WHITBY Ail brick 4 bdrm., siding onto park. Gorgeous kitchen, w/o to large deck, main floor den, sep. din. room, ensuite wfjacuzzi, air, vac and more!! 30 day possession. Only $204,800. Caîl Gail Daniel, 436-1800. WHITBY COMMERCIAL Excellent "Four Corners" loca- ti3n. 1800 sq. ft. store front with full basement. 2nd floor has 2 apartments pre- senti y -vacant. 3rd floor is very Blair Brichanant open. Wonderful opportunity for family business. Great value at $199,900. Existing business not for sale but will relocate. Cail Blair Buchanan, 436-1800. Ga l)Daniel start of aur campaign ta inform people," Baye principal Jack Smyka, who ie planning the latest in a series of meetinge with intereeted parente for Oct. 4. 7 p.m., at Pringle Creek Public School an Ribblesdale Drive (at M[anning Road). Canvaesere are meeting with a lot of intereet and "we're hoping that interest will turn te, more of a firm commnitment," he Bays. While he admite some "holdovers" etl bave the image of a year-round school and fear the new syetem -will be.impoeed on etudents, "a lot. of people are eeeing some benefits when they actually take a look at the new calendar," he Baye. 4 The propoeed echedule would ee students return te echool Aug. 6, take two-week breaks in October, December (Christmae) and March, another week in May and the entire month of July. There would be an additional 12 daye off, spread throughout the year. If there's enough intereet te proceed with the modified calendar alone, regietration te the new school with be open te ail of Durham Region, Smyka Bayei. Children ithe echoal'e propoeed boundaiy, area - Garden Street eaet te Thickson Road and from Dundae north roughily te Bradley Drive; eaet of Anderson, Mann*n Road je the northern border - wil be given the first chance te eign up, though. The school will have a capacity of 450 etudente. Whitby councillors approved a site plan for the new echool. at LEASE FROM $22%noe GOLF vWORLD'S BEST SELLING CAR" e POWER LOCKS a TINTED GLASS e DUAL MIRRIORS e ADVANCED SAFETY SYSTEM AND MUCH MORE. 48 Months, $750 down. *PDI & taxes extra. O.AC. Extendeci until Sept. 30.,1995. OWASCO ) VOLKSWAGEN INC. Proven to serve you BEST since 1972. A, »I CARE» and CAA award wnner. 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby 686-6410 Monday nmght'e counci meeting, but not before voicing eome concerne. Regional coundillor Jas Drunm eaye parking probleme on Crawforth Street "continuee ta haunt us ini this area," adding another echool wiIl only make thinge worse. ".Wes going te put St. Theres school, the high echool and thie new unnamed school witbin about half a mile of each other, <wbich) will encourage a lot more people te use Anderson Street." He suggese council will need te look at instailing lights at Crawforth and Anderson te cape with the addsd traffic. Although happy te soie another echool being buiît, eaet1 ward councior Dennie Fox wae concerned about 'an elementazy school being so close te a secondazy echool., Residents living cloee te Andereon CVI have already complained te 'council about parking and wild driving problemes on Crawforth, says Fox, and now there will be young children in the anea. "I think were going te, have te get eome traffie controle in thie area pretty quickiy." He alea foreseS i problem with high school id eetting a bad example by smoking around the youniger students. Whitby mayor Tom Edwards saye he received a letter from Smyka saying he wae "veiy anxious te, diseuse those problems and any others that may arise." Teens chargd Two teenaged boys were arrested early Saturday morning after a resident noticed ýyouths entering vehicles in the Waller Street and Rolling Acres Drive area. Officers reepanding around 2 a.m. arreeted an 18-year-old Jamiesan Crescent male and a' 16-year-old boy who has no fixed address. The older, suspect was charged with possession of stolon property under $5,000 and prowling by night. .The 16-year-old wae charged with breach of probation, possession ofestolon property under $5,000 and prowling by night. WHITBY. 5-room brick bungalow on 66'xl 33' lot on Henry Street within 5- minutes walk from GO station. Ideal for business couple, retirees, or young couple. Ail hardwood floors throughout with broadloom over, fireplace in living room. Many upgrades inciuding new windows throughout, new bathroorn, added insulation, aluminum facia, soffits and eaves. includes ail drapes, 1995 Toyota FROM $408 5LEFT)* -INATf! I'Jà I!fi IOON I HRETDASI ONMS N ETME 0Hm ONLY $100 OVER DEALERS INVOICE' (11 LEFT) 1995 Toyota . . . .. . . ... .. . . .. . LOW MILEAGE DEMO AVAILABLE THE NEW (fO3WHITBY TOYOTA6849 1025 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY Just past White Oaks Sales Department Open: Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm, Fri. 9am-7pm, Sat. 9am-6PM or 6 -2228 *Plus f reight. PDI & taxes. Example: $15.000 at 6.9%,c over 48 Months = $358.49/Month, coSt Of borttwing $2,207.52. O.A.C. INOLIMIT4.9c/.FINANCING(24MO.) 95.90/.(36MO.) M6.90/6(48 MO.)** BLEASE RATE 7.90/.24»48MOS. --- - ---- % - - --- - ir mcouay DUNDAS ST. W.-Hwyf j#2