Page 6. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 27, 1995 The only Newspaper owned and operated b>' Whîtby resîdents for Whîtby resîdents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NEW$9PAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION .ASSOCIATION The Whitby P:ree Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercial outtets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GSI - Outside Canada $80 + GST Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarioa mc. Box 206, 131 Brook St, N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: 1 -800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 201.. recycled.content using vegetable based inks. le Ail writen material, illustrations and advertising contalned herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation o çanadian copyright law. Reproduction for non .commercial distribution should bear a credit line to the Whitby Free Press. s ' t e ior,. Refleot our views To theê edtor: Re: *Mtchoîl unhappy over haspital resolulion,' Fr0. Press, Sept. 13 Ta stand strang, wlth die support 57 had guts To the edItor: Sept. 11, 1995 was a day taxpayers mnust remember. mthedwas the day thatevey memnber of Pargament had the chance taopot out 0f dis outrageously nch parlamentary pension plan. The goad news le that 57 MPs - fifty-one Reformera and six Liberals - hal dis guts and pdincpîe ta put their conscience ahead 0f cash. By doing se, diey savod taxpayers an estimatod $33 million. mhebad news oethat the other 238 MPs Who decided ta kospcinging ta tho pension traugh eould potenlially cost taxpayers mare than $218 million lIietime pensian payouts. f's wrang for MPs ta keep a pension that's far richer than anything Canadians in dies pnvate sector could ever hope toafatord. Even worso, Ubeisi MPs are kesorg thle perk while hypocritically preaching restraint ta deei. o0f us. it's a case 0f "do as I say - not as I do." Fartunately, taxpayers can sf111 have the Le word. Whon the next tederal eloction role around, remomber Sept. il, 1995. th ad optot ht0 day he make Nm or her psy with yaur vote. Thafthei only tacdi many MPs seem ta understand. David Somiervle Prosldent NaIonal Citlzens' Coalitin Baoth MPs Dan McTeague ote oui. of your eonstituents, makea a gooci paitidan. To stand strang with no constituent support leaves one ta ask, Who le Dan Mitchell representing? One Ws Met ta wander what rno10aes is view, when the views 0f SO many are in the opposite direction. As a politidian, h. shauld respect and rot lect constituents' views. During the kWs municipal eledion, L, as others, was led ta believe that h. supporte d the restoration of tull services at Whitby Generai Hospital I know he puts Itte stock in petilians, but keop in mmnd the People h. ropresents slgn petitions and want a full service hospitalfor aur growlngecmmunity. But not Standing wfih counail an this issue, belttls not only counail, but the very People ho le diere ta represent. Rick SidIer Northward watch No more appeals To the editor: I give notice ta dis Ontario and foderal govemmonts, datod September 1995, that I refuise ta accept the nocossity ta pay any exxenses tram my taxes towards any furthor court or Iawyers' tees for Mi. Paul Bomnardo, for a so-calied appeal. This triai has eost taxpayers milns 0f aur tax dollars ta date. Oui tax doirs should nat haveota pay for a Ngh-prafiîe expensive lawyer, dirough legal aid. Enough is enough, and sometimes tao much. JoMn me, taxpayers of Ontanao, and pratost against albwing any further appeals bydtils provon and convicted murderer. His human nights shauld b nil and vold. M. McKnlght Whltby I"'Ifs a Family pastime." soth edo. s Welcome to the real world To the editor: Re: 'Mayor. "dIre straits" I9 cutbacks,' Aug. 30, Frse Press. The reaization appears ta just be dawnlng on aur mayor, councillors and entrenched cMl servants that not onW, is wetfare ta indMvduals being minimized byî the provincial government, but mninipal welfare, otherwlse knows as provincial transfer payments, Is also goîng ta see its dayf reckoning. I recall thet duning the ILa* municipal electian we were Iecturod on the -neod ta elect not just representatives but leaders. I1 cannot speak for others, hawever, my ileadersr' do not whîne, wince, snivel, wrlng thoir hands, attempt ta shift respanslbility, threaten higher taxes, nar spread aiarm *that the sky is fallingu or try ta foster confusion and discontent because there la golng ta b. a cut ln the expected neyer ending largesse. Surely ail the panic can anîy be seen as the convulsions of the planlessly inept weakiings actually being put ta the managers and leaders. fi appears this la something that they neyer considered possible 0f happening, and, tram the initiai reactian, .a situation they are incapable 0f handîing. There is not ans business in this world that is not repeatedly hit by unexpected cash tlow roductians. Vet we are expected, nay, commanded and govemned, ta pay aur taxes, emplayees, mortages and suopliers. We have no Big Brother who Wlll Oconsulte wîth us over aur plight and put extra shilngs in aur packets. Nor do w. have the pleasure of blithely lnforming aur clents, rosi taxpayers, that their prices (read: taxes) WUi be golng Up because ws cannat manage aur business. As a small business man and' belsaguered taxpayer, on numberous levels, I - welmre one and aIl In gavernment to the real warki of survival. may yaur jaumneys In it be lntsrestlng. We can be sure that there Is nat ans local politician *In this province who possesses the courage ta acknowledge that there is tremendous roomn for fIscal and managenial improvement. Consider, when any pole anywhere, at any level, freely admfited ta their plalnly visible. shortormîngs, and tnoed ta oerrect them without manufaotuvlng a scapegoadto whomn blamne could b. transferred? uln Zeroburg, ft's common knowledge that they are wastefully extravagant wlth their taxpayers' dollars? Not here In Happyville, we have everything cut ta the bone.0 Unfortunately for those an the Hill, we the peasants have been lied ta so aften by honourable men that we now know such statemnents hoki littIe If any truth or validity. Il the present elected doomsayers who are, in actuality, aur civil servants, regardîess if they mistakenly believe they are of higher elevation, find it Impossible ta manage our ommunlty accoding ta accepted'business prinaiples, with aur tax dolars supplemented by transfer payments, then I most respectfully suggest they step aside, reslgn, qufte, leae, retire and allow the communlty ta employ properly qualifleci persans ta do ths job. Who knows, new blood may even ses the kagIc 0f holding semidnars ln Whitby fadiities Instead of makIng preposterous excuses about going elsswhere. Vos, sir, aur boys and girls sure have the expenses cut ta the bans, no doubt about fI. Paul M. Wlcher Whltby Why. privatize To the editor: Why le I.inster of Consumer Affairs Narm -Sterling refusing ta aîlow the Liquor ContraI Board of Ontario ta address the convenlence Issue? 1 Why le the existlng systemn, whlch is serving the province weII in many ways, not belng allowed ta make changes whlch would b. welcomed by the Ontario public and address some 0f the Issues that are -being rased by fis critlcs? Perhaps ftils the govemnment's goal ta, exploit consumer dissatistaction wiith the 1080 on the convenlence Issue ta ensure that the'prMIvitition agenda goes faward? With the ssII-off of the LCBO, whatwer profits are derlved tram the sale 0f liquor would flow ta private sedtor entrepreneurs. Ri Is Indeed puzzlng that a govemment so obsessed wth cutting eosts and becamîng mors efficient isa willing ta slmply thraw away over hait a billion dollars i guaranteeci yearly revenue. Why le the govemment sa committed ta, the prMvtization 0f the L060 when there are so many valid reasans for leaving the present system in place, with possible modifications such as Sunday openings ta maiçefi more reaponsive ta eonsumners' needs? Why le the govemment apparentîy tulyecmmsitted ta this agenda where there are many prablems*ceming ta light in Aberta and Cther jurlsdlctions where liquor distribution has been privatized. With privatization in Aberta, there has been an increase in the average pniceof products fram 12.9 to 15 per cent an average decrease in brand seleclion of 75 per cent, annual increase in Calgary ilquar store offenses 0f 61 per cent, a four-f oîd Increase in robbenies, an increase ln alcohol consumption of 13.8 per cent, and an annual increase in the number of native young people requiring treatment for alcohol abuse 0f 245 par cent. mhis Is not Commonense. Mt Slaughter Whltby To the edtor: Re: In esponse Io... whoiesponded ta ... wha rssponded ta *... (stay-an- home mothers, recent lattera, Fies Press) mhe issue of worklng motherslstay- at-home mothers has been and always wl be a eontroversial issue. Bath have advantages and bath have dlsadvantages, but the one constant factor in ail 0f these discussions (for want 0f a botter word), le that this Is a personal choice.1 People are quick ta criticize and chastise others toi theïr choices and decisions. I know someone who has been secial blacklîed in her amal eommunity because 0f a choice ta, retum ta, fui-lime woik (her childien are now agod rune and 11). As parents we are responsible and shouki b. tinrg respansbilly for the way oui childien are iaised and dis way diey behave. The majority 0f what achilleamslestaught by the major influence in their Ives,disiïr parents. Oui childron are only as well-eijustod, woIl-guided and emotionally satlsfi.d as wo have shown diem how ta, be. Vaur behaviaur and attitudes teach diem dis basics of how ta interact and resot with odiors, and socioty in genora, and diese are ail thinga that are started tram day one. Lera stop assuming outslde, influences are the major reason behlnd aur cNildren's behaviaur, and start looking ad aur awn- parenting sills. A weil-adjuated child * whether h. goes ta daycaro or hasý a stay-at- home parent, probably has a paient wha loves uneonditionaly, respects the chits opinion and takes diselime (whether à i is ai day or only a part 0f the day) ta masti values (respect) in that child that saaiety semetimes forgets are Important. 1 donot feel at motiers who choase ta stay at home are lazy, nor do I believe diey want ta b. supported by others. But I do not believe diat ai childien of warklng mothers wilI grow Up corrupt ana unloved. 1lchoasetIowork, and am praud 0f the independent, socially active and (I feel) weli-leamned three-year-ald that I take home every day. Debble Jeffery Port Perry In response to Edtors note: roprelin Wlt and Alex Shepherd, 7T