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Whitby Free Press, 11 Oct 1995, p. 21

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesdlay, Qctober 11. 1995 , page 21 Have you ever had the dosire to be a fly on the wall? Without going into too, mucli detail, I can tel you that last Friday, I was a fiy on the wall - our principal, M.r. Fedak's wall, to ho exact. There I was, whizzing around the school, making a nuisance of mysoif when a gust of wind took me into the main office. Once thore, I seized my chance. I walked under Mr. Fedak's closed door and flew to find a favourable vantage point. Boing a fly and being a nuisance, I began to think about what I could do, when thé telephone rang. It was Mr. Frawley, our renowned English teacher who recently rnoved to Nova Scotia. From Mr. Fedak's answers, 1 could tell Mr. Frawley was going through the usual "How are you? HoW's everyone?" but very soon he came to the cincher, the reason why he called, the. reason why, today, I arn a fly: what's happening at Fr. Austin? .Within seconds, Mir. Fedak's face lit up like that of a proud parent. Ho punched the air, in joy as ho told of the tennis team's victory over Anderson last week and ho procoeded to dance upon bis desk as he jubilantly boasted of oui- junior boys' soccer team's 3-1 victory at McLaughlin. Slowly, but surely, Mr. Fedak clambered down from bis desk and proceeded to walk around bis office. As our principal peered tbrouizh bis window, ho began te spoak cf the plans for a student .f Sandra Metselaar TRAFALGAR CASTLE Today is the day cf the Turkey Trot. Some cf you are probably confounded by that statomont, sel1 wiil try to explain. At Trafalgar wo' hold many traditions dear to us, including May Day, Christmas dinner, Trafalgar Day, and ono I have just recently discovered, the Turkoy Trot. On Oct. 6, at - 2 p.m., every studont in the school - with ne exception - assembles at the front gates. Once everyone has arrived and wo have made ail the appropriate smial talk, the whistle blows and the fun begins. In the olderi days, the turkoy trot involved chasing a live turkey around the school until one lucky female in skirta and knickers trip te Italy and the upcomin sportathen. Mr. Fedak then asked Mr. Frawley how his new school was, and if it was like Austin. Now wearing the face cf -a consobing father, our principal told ?&. Frawley net te worry and with a slight ern, he said that one rarely finds a school as fine as Austin. . Suddenly, Mr. Fedak loapt frem his seat and began te moonwalk ecrose the floer. Stirred'by the commotion within bis office, the secretaries loeked through the window and qickly turned away, one of thom sigbing, "Oh, the senior girls' basketball tearn must still be unheaten in the league," obviously familiar with Mr. Fedak's celebratory dance. Then Mr. Fedak sat down and happened upon bis collection cf Austin yearbooks from years gone by. Leaflng thi-ougli the pages, Lid while stl talking te Mr. Frawiey, ho looked i fondness at our scliool and the memories we have shared. Thén lie remembered the graduation ceremony wbich took place Oct. 5 in the gym. Ho told Mr-. Frawley how proud lie was and how it seemed like only yesterday that ho was tolling thom te tuck their sbirts in.. I had been standing on top cf the dlock for hlaf an heur by the time Mr-. Fedak and Mr. Frawley hiad finishod their conversation. I was itching te, move; itesliard te stay in the same place toc long, -you see. I stretched my wings and flew inte the air, net knowving my destination, but safe in the knowledge that I would get there i the end. Ljike Mr. Frawley and the grade, we are bound by the common thread cf the Austin community - a thread-that wil nover be cut. Jason Collier HENRY ST. H.S. Well, Hawks, it's been on overybody's minds, and you have ahl ne doubt heard about it, se I will just say this: In 30 years time, wiil you remember wliat yeu were doing when the verdict was announced i the O.J. Simpson double murder trial? I know I will, and I suspect that you will, toc. This lias been probabiy the most widely publicized trial te date, and wiil ho talked about for years te corne. On a ligliter note, Hawks sports teams have been very busy cf late. The junior football team played te a 24-14 win over Paul Dwyer, bringing their record to 1-1, and starting wliat wo hope will ho a winning streak. The midget beys' voleyball team won their second beague match, 15-2 and 15-10, against Dunharton. Ryan Broadbent and Jay McDenald piayed instrumental parts in Henry's success. The midget girls' basketball team lest 48-43 te Dunharton. It was a well-played game and Hawks put forth their beet effort making it a close match riglit te the end. Speaking cf sports, a special thank yeu goos eut te everyone who contributed te Henry's Sod Buster Marathon. We now have two fully sodded regulation sports fiolds that will be roady fer use by mid-November. Hawk volunteers laid al cf the sod by hand, and at one point, they put down 8,000 relis cf sod in an heur. This was truly a demonstration cf scliool spirit and teamwork. While wo are on the tepic cf new places te play sports, the A 'challenge of diVersty' Meeting the Challenge of Diversity will be heid at Durham College Oct. 25-27. The 18-heur program explores cross-cultural communications, discrimination, barriers te erupîcyment and employxnent equityr. Social diversity and human riglits are investigated in émal group activities, discussions and audie-vsuai, presentations. Cost is $200 per persen. Cail 721-3000. provincial champion Hawks boys' basebaîl teamlias been invited te play in a prestigieus teurnament in Florida. More information will feilow on this ovent as details become available. Way te go! Attention, ail grads. University presentations are already under way, and if you haven't done so, yeu should contact the guidance department for further details. Filon ST, CHARLES GARNIER This week's topic is one that concerns al cf Garnier's students, from the youngest Grade 9 student te the oidest OAC student ... "Le conseil des eleves." Led by our honourable Prime Minster, Mlanie Girard, and lier Cabinet ministers Rachel Hasan, Damien Steel, Nerissa Chrichlow, Ray-mondla EI-Khoury, Daiel Grondin and Andrea Dessurault, this year's council claims it will be the best ever. Students have been premised many changes regarding school activities, the most important a solution teoOur school's poorly attended dances. Can they pull it cff? I guess well have to wait and B0e. As mentioned i my last article, ciii student council bas been very busy crganizing activities that promoe school spirit and familiarize new students with thei- suirroundings. They have worked bard from day one, and their work is far from over. Student representatives frcM each homeroom were elected and will work closely with the council throughout the coming menths te ensure that the opinions cf ail are heard. I look forward te seeing what they have i store for us and hope "ht everyone will support them in their endeavours. hOlympian evern *for science students The Durham Board of Education's eighth annual secondary Science Olympics competition will be held Friday, Oct. 13, 9:45 a.m. te, 2:40 p.m., in the gymnasium at R.S. McLaughhin CVI,'Oshawa. Each of the Durhamn board's secondary schools has been invited te, send a teain of up to three intermediate students and.three senior students. The competition wiIl consist of a mind-bender activity; baloon blast-off and balancing act testing activity bxo-crossword event in the i 1 iTnni np, i r / à I morrnng. Afternoon events include identification of lab equipment, Fermi questions and an engineering activity. Judging and an awarde presentation will cap the day. Ail members of the community are welcome, to visit any of the eventui the day-long competition. McLaughlin is located at 570 Stevenson Bd. N., just south of Rossland Road, Oshawa. For further information, contact Sandra McEwan at 666-5500, ext. 5200. i tm yctt minei~ir i iiriji ser 1SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL The leaves are net the only things that have been changing at Sinclair, firet semestor is in fuit colcur. Students are crackiing dewn on the books as teachers are preparing upconiing tèrm marks. Sinclair pulls full speed aliead as we move inte, oui- second menth cf scheel. The sports teams are pyclied, instruments are blaring, and acters are lining the stage. Sinclair will be grooving te the Monster Mash on Tuesday, Oct. 24, as cur first schocl dance will continue te bring eut cm' schoel spirit. Dance tickets are on sale starting temerrew, for the price cf $5 with your SAC sticker, $8 without. Students are welceme te dress up and bejudged for prizes. Don't miss eut on this boodacieus bash. This Friday, teachers have the cppcrtunity te, dress down once again for $2, and students can wear their liat for $1. Stickers can ho purcliased frcm the main office in the morning. TACs have gatliered ideas and have. found interesting ways te collect pennies fer the United Way drive. Continue to support the drive by bringing in any icose change. Are yeu stuck fer ways te corne up with tliat Beauty and the Beast meney, or. just loking for something te de with all yeur spare time? Check eut the job beard posted in student services fer more information. For these whe are university-bound, you will have the cpportunity te meet with representatives from the University cf Western Ontario teday (Wednesday) from 4 te 5 p.m. Representatives- fromn the University cf Torento will ho visiting on Wednesday, Oct. 18, from 2:20 te 3:15 p.m. Look for upcoming visits from representatives cf Trent McMaster, Waterloo -and Sir Wilfred Laurier. Drop by student services for more information. The junior beys' voileybail teamn was third i the teurnamenit at the school Sept. 30. They look forwvard te a teurnament Oct. 14 at Anderson, and the Durham College tournament Oct. 27. Good fortune te ail you righteous players. tlelp i-aise money for Innushare by taking part in the skateathon on* Wednesday, Oct. 18, at the Broolin arena. Tbis event takes place during poricds B, C and D, and the cost is $5 which includes bus and donation. Ses Ms. Ross or i-. Black for more information. We hope everyone enýjoyed their long, Tlianksgiving weekend, evon thougli tlree days is nover enougli te catch up on ycur sleop. 97%/ successftil at raisingmth averages. Sylvan Learning Centre," gives children caring, positive, individualized help in math an(1 algebra. The scores prove our system really works. In fact. we've already raised the grades aîid self-esteemi of more than a million students. Cail uis to disLover-how we can help your child. it~ Sylva n 1801 Dundas St. E., ~I~,Lj/ Lerning Kendalwood Plaza, Whitby- 7zov Centre 404-1818 Helping kids 5e fizeir best." Edward Canning FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN K-1

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