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Whitby Free Press, 11 Oct 1995, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free Prees, Wednesday, Octobe 11, 1995 50 homes, severalshp 1845 letter describes Whitby BINGO'COUNTRY 5 Points Ma Ritson & Taunton, Oshawa (behind A&F Charities 945371 7:00 pm & 10:30 pm Mon. - Sun. 1:00 pm Sat. & Sun. 12:30 pm Mon., Tues. & Wed. 436-9404 Spotour Local Charities NEAD J.CET M- VENDORS WANTED for Christmas Craif Sale, November lBth, 1995 at West Lynde School. Contact Lorraine 668-9179. CLRASSIwflFIED ADS GET RESLN.TS! Whether you're buying or selling, put the iclassifieds to--work for youl To place your ad, cal 668»111 KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS - =vr Wednesda at 6:30p lctd #2699 Byrock Rd. N., Pick<ering, 3 miles north of hwy. #401 (take exit #399). Featuring of ery Wed. an *excellent selection ofatques, fine fum ishungs, glass china, collectables< ppiitves, and other unusuals. 50 joi us every Wed. and, participate in one of Ontanlo's 'true" auctions with nio buy-backs or reserves. Ternis: cash, cheque (wvith proper .0.) or Visa. Previews from 11: OOpm "iConsi gnment & Estate selling our specialty." Caîl us today-Kahn Auction Services 905-80041. By Bra WInter Town of Whitby Archivia One hundred and fifty years ago wroe aleterto isbrother, giving a facinaingpen-portrait o u town as a Pioneer community. William T oe fBSvB wrote the letter to Dunham Jones, ofMaitland, Upper Canada, whfle staying at the residence of John Weluh, Port Whitby'. first storekeeper. Two otherJones brothers, Henry and Sidney, were partnere with Welsh in the business known au John Welsh and Co. until April, 1848. The letter, which was obtained by the Town of Whitby archives at a stamp show in Toronto about 10 years ago, reade as follows: Wliitby, 14th Sept., 1845 Dear Brother:- I promised té write you after being liematwo or tliree weeks. Now, as rnany monilis have passe4, it is timelIshould sy something, even il it is nothing more thon I am welL It looka il un ama tiying each other s patience ta see wlio would write firat. Tell Lucia and Dr. Henderson, my two physicians, tisatlIamn quite weIl 'from the tip of my nase ta the end oflmy tées. " I am pleased witli Whitby, pleased witli'Windsor Bay, and pleased with being witli sucis an amiable couple as John Welsh and Ais siser. I have a very camlortable bed in a very cinfortable room over the shop and ail littile coinforta attencled ta clown ta tlie bksckinýg of my boots i the morning. There are about fifty inhabited houses in this place, one store andl that is aur own, two or tlire two- penny concerna, one brewery, tire taverne, two tailors, two alias shape, one bakery and last of ail, which I ouglit ta have mentionecl firat, a atone Episcopal Church& is building and wiil be enclosed tAis falL In the meantime, the achool hause is open toa ai denominations on a Sunday. We have service every second Sunday. lie RevcL Mr. Pentland is the naine. liera wi be a s9plendid harbour liem when finisiedL lie pier whicli is a gouernment work, lias already co8t 25,000 pounda and wiil coat 10,000 poundh before completecL lera are men at work making a road acros the marali andl dredging it. Geo. Munro lias a contract for some of it. ST. JOHN'S Anglcan Chlurch. port Whlitby, the construction of which is mentionod in William T. Jones letter o! Sept 14, 1845. Wtdby Archhmesphob It is nearly amile fronaur store ta the end af the pier whera Ithe steamners oeil ancl I have very little opportunity aOfseeng any af My acquaitance who may be paasing. lite on/y regular boata that oeil liera is the Arnerican and Admiral and lands passengera at Cobourg in time for thse mail boats. Since I have been liera I have soen a goocl doel a tise country and Wliitby weil desere the name of being calUed a fine townsip. Iliad a veiypleasant ride a short tine ago widi Mr. Welanad Ais daster as far as tise Scugog Lake, 20 miles fron tAtis. Thse roacl is planked three quartera oftse way. We went out ta see about saine saves lie is getting out ut the foot oI thse lake, which is about 30 miles in length. They are brougla up in scows tthe head oit and conveyecl ta tAis place in waggons ut 12 shillings for 100Opieces. Mr. Welsh lias not got Aù is tre startecl yet in Pickering, but ail thinga wilI be reacly in the course of ten, <aya. liae gooda have been packed tAis two montAs lie stock consù*tecof McGibbons & Ca. ofBellevile-7The store wiil be a fèw -rada frant a flour mill in a fine settlement. lie gentry of Toronto frequently caine down ta fiali for the little speckled trout that ail the littie streama abound with liera. There is an abunclance of wlieat. Mr. W. is buying but ail open bargainaiil tise next news froms EnglandL lYse mail roac is one and a quarter miles from thâIsil is a plank roacl and gives one a veiy pleasant ride ta tise post office in thie morning. It is calhec Perry's Cornera frora the founder Peter Ferry. I dare aay Dr. Henderson neoecata him from when he waa ini the House ofAaaembly at tse saine tinm Dr iUrlibely knowheis a merchant and pretty extensive. liere are saine hall dozen stores besiles. You wil aee we are cut off, witli opposition ta a considerabl degree. For some <laya past Mr. Welsh'a lias been a littie hospital. lie two dlers, Bryan and his littie brother and the hirtd man were aU i id witli the fèver ague and lake lever. I am told ti place is always more or kem subject lé it uhen thse water is low as is thecae at present... Now ta wind up, aslIdo know you lihe writing as wpei as I do myseif Make Solarnon surite. If he says why lie can't, tell him lie aliould and at the saine time give liim your opinion about my house. Witlimy love toAm4iy, etc. Your affectionate brother, W.T. Jones DID YOU KNOW That Michael 'Boulevard is named after Dr. Mofeed Michael, planning director of the Town of Whitby from 1970 to 1973. He was planning director of the Region of Durham from 1974 to 1979 and regional planning coxnmissioner from 1979 until his retirement in 1994. Michael was largely responsible for the planning of the West LyI1de subdivision where the street Lnamed after him is located. $1,500raised iii MS event About $1,500 was raised and 34 golfers took part in the firet. annual Multiple 1Selerosis Society-Durham Chapter charity tournament at Lakeridge Links in Whitby Sept. 1.. Tounament champions was the foursome of Paul and Keith Chee- A-Tow, Andrew ,Çue-A-Quan and Patrick Chan, Who had a score of 58 ini the four-person scramble. Funds raised will support research and provide services for MS clients and their families. ARTSS PREAIDWOD'ADS (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $10.00 for 25 words; ($9.35 + 650 GST) 150 each additional word; (140+ 10 GSI) BLLED WRD.:AD $1 5.00 for 25 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST $1.08 per agate line DIS'LAY DSIN CLAS S1FIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics) Regular display rates apply - $1 .15 per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) Minimum size 1 column inch $16. 10 CONTINUQULS RUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). G.S.T. is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated ýDEAD:L1NE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiIl not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beygnd the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeot ail advertisements. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 12 1 . The buildings of the Whitby Mental -Health Centre were built in 1913-15 by prisoners from the Guelph Reformatory. 2. Louis Joseph Sebert (1886- 1942), born in Whitby, and William Bertand Goldsbro (1884-1937), born in Brooklin, competed in the 1908 Summer Olympics. 3. Whitby's first historians were William Henry Higgins (1830-1904) and Col. John Edwin Farewell (1840- 1923>. 4. Dr. James Hunter (1794- 1895), Whitby's rebel leader, was set free in 1838 because the judge said "There will be no more hangings." 1-$'452OOzOC 1

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