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Whitby Free Press, 18 Oct 1995, p. 14

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Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Octobe 18, 1995 Get the jum oneco1 weather car care With the arriva] of fali, it's time ta start unpacking the winter wardrobe. But while you're searching for your favourite cold-weather coat, don't forget another important covering- your car's winter coat. SMany car owners don't realize that automobiles need special care before the onsiaught of winter weather. Experts at Ziebart *TidyCar *recommend putting your car through a teprotection inspection"leini ear1lr fali ta prepare for winters damaging elements. "The ' first step ta winterizing your car is removing ail of summer's residues from the interior and exterior of the vehicle," says Michael Allen, marketing manager, -Ziebart Canada, Ine. Once a thorough cleaning is complete, protection is the next step. With winter cames snaw, slush, rain, ice and, worst of al, sait. Although new vehicie design and gaivanized metais offer improved rust protection, it doesn't guarantee that newer cars wiil neyer rust. On untreated vehicles, sait and water can reach interior body panels and door seames causing rust that wili eventually eat through ta the exterior. Many people believe that after their car is exposed ta sait, a thorough wash is cadequate protection against cor.rosion. While frequent washint, je goodý it only removes sait from the outside of the body panels, not from inside surfaces of doors and seains, where it can be most damaging. "The oniy sure pratection IDRI VINGÀ SAFELY with RANDY RANDY MeLEAN I9 A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIALIZES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY. Mr. McLean has reviewed thousands of individual motor vehicle accident reports anid his close working relationships with police agencies, govemments, safety assciations, industry and the public, have given him a true ov erview of traffic safety issues, problems and solutions in Canada. USE YOUR HEAD - WEAR A ELJM As of Oct. 1, bicyclios under ag 18 ini Ontario ar eured, by law to wear a helet. Cycists police fficers, melical staff; politicians anc éthers who understand the consequenceB of head dnue;s, uport the new, law. B ut some still conide 1ito be another unnecessary bureaucratic regulation. In 1976 when Ontario became the flrst province in Canada ta make seat beits xnandatory, that new legisation was greeted with a loud hiue and cry about goverament over-regulation and infrifgement of personal freedom. Today, every province lias a seat beit law and al but the diehard secptics acknowledge the benefits of tbis inexpenaive safety device. The bicycle helmet law le**slation received' some of the same criticismn as mie 1976 seat beit law, aibeit considerably quieter in tone. Recreational cylists have commented that since that don't ride very fast, they don't need to wear a helmet. Only racers need ta wear helmete. against corrosion for your vehicle's body panels is an after-market rust protection coating,' says Ailan. Not sa. In a car accidentinjuries are usuaily caused by lateral forces. People and objects moving sideways and colidm- with each other. The speed of impact is a criticai variable. ilu ahcycle accident, the greateat danger is exjyr te the head. The severity of the injury does net depend as mucli an the speed of impact as the vertical distance of the fail. Striking your head on the curb from a heigbt as low as 1.2 metres (four feet) can cause serieus permanent injury, whether y ou are riding at five Iilometres an heur or 50 kilomnetres'an heour. Foranyone who.thinkawearing ahelmet is for sissies, think again. It was only a few years ago that the same argument was used ta discourage National Hockey League players fr-om weari helmets; And ne t long before that, ta ridicule alf- star goaltender Jacq ues Plante, the firet NHL goaltender ta wear a fce mask. TIhankfullIv, when the mals ego flnally recovers from the imtial shock, common sense p reveils. Almost all amateur and professional hockey players now wear helmets. Can you imagine a golEndrntwer1 face mask? In time, epefllya short timne, te bicycle helmet law itoued in Ontarin l filter its way across Canada. Ail cyclists should wear helmets. -You don't have ta get ht by a car te, fail off your bike. A misalignsd catch-basin caver, a pothole in the road, orjus a momentary loss of balance will do. Býicycleffpedestrian accidents can also cause serieus iMnjres. Remember it's the vertical distance, net the impact spe, that causes- hsad injur'ies. Cycliste acrosa Canada should foilow the example of NIHL players and wear helmets, net because itfs the law, but because it's the sensible thing te do. But, remember, bicycle helmete, like seat belte, are intended to reduce iuries, net prevent accidente. Motorists and bicycliste still need te drive and ride defensively. Drive'and ride safely. I c I c qr Àà - e -r-i 90ý",

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