Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Otober 18, 1995.,page 23 ................A....A.....A.. C H L D A f t .. E V IE..I P RF..NL.U F S S O AL...V C E E R I E CINDY 'S ALTERATIONS- Corne see us for ail your sewing needs. Leather, zippers, also men's tailoring available. Tues.-Frî. 10-5:3U, Sat. 10-3 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 4à 0-6550. FLOOR REFINISHING - wood renewers will do a professional job of your sanding, refinished and staining need s. Al work guaranteed. 655-3566. HANDYMAN. PAINTING, repairs, improvemients - if you want f0 keej your house or apt. Iooking ifs besf, cal now for a free estimate 666-0288. FUSSY DUSTER housecteaning the old fashion way. Spring dleaning every visit, g uaranteed satisfaction every ie References if required. Cali (905) 668-0323. Bi-weekly services available. "HANDYMAN W1TH A VAN" wilI do' household moving, clean-ups and removal, general repairs and electrical work. Cali Doug (905) - 434-7874. INTERIORIEXTERIOR..Paintin, wallpaper, home or office. Goog dlean work. Guaranteed Iowres prc.Cali for free estimateVnc (0)683-8433. CHRISTMAS IS COMINGI Let me dlean your home whiie you shop. Reasonable rates quality, service, days or nights. Cali Lynn 430-3886. GARY'S FURNITURE refinishing antique refinishing, piano tuning& refinishing. Ail workç quaranteed. Free estimates. Gary or Don 432--8938. c COMING EVENT? Phone: 668-6111 Um4e q0 d4 4tQ OU HENRB TAN cry al i fo quc o t aiting l668-9669 e 432-7216-m [AS :0 *OUR - CAL£ FREAMET T EE A TE wCERAMIC MARBLE * INSTALLED %1 - * PLUMBING Cal ERNESTO (416) 282-65 Spanky's PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Cail Now!. Don't be caught in that 1lst storm! Cali 905-668-6803 Please leave a message TREE CUTTUNG FuIIy Insured Free Estimates -4 - -I4-O- -- -6-22- - -- - -I jWhitby Free ess *668-61>1il * Offi:ce Hours:. Mdytordy,:0anto5 0pm*ax680 4j MARIGOLD WINDOW Cieaning $25 for ail extenior windows. To book fail appt., please cail Ray 668-0070 for prompt and professional service. Also hedge l'rimming and tree pruning. OLYMPIc PAINTING - professionai * antin g & wallpaper. ntaeiorfextenior. No job f00 small. For good pnices & good work, Cal George at 725-7870 or 666-2091. Free estimates. PROFESSIONAL seamstress. Custom made curtains, clofhing ladies' & men, leather. 20 years experience. Same day service. Quality workmanship g uaranteed. Reasonable rates. Cal Neway Tailor 576-9219. HOME. RENOVATIONS& restoration. Plans, inspections, specifications, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, windows, energy conservation. Cali Jacques ofAI Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. AFFORDAB LE carpentry specializinq in intenior renovations, custom cabinefry and trim work. No job too smali. Please cali Jim Branton for your free estimate (905) 435-8124. ELECTRICIAN METRO Lic.# E-2268. Residential, commercial, industrial, 2.4 hr. service. Free est imates. No job f00 small. Ail work g uiaranteed. Cal Frank at 905-61f6-01 93. HENK KARELSEN Painting & Home Repair. Quality work, inteniorfextenor. Over 20 years expenenice. No job too small . Free estimates. 1-800-423-0823. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive eua ity portraits. Studio or in home. a bi e S, children, families. Christmas special from $29. Aiso: weddings from $299, oid photos copied & restored, coRorate & promotionai. No GS T (905) 427-9164. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. AIl makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complefe tune-up from $29.95 + parts. Facfory trained technicians. For free pick-up & delivery cal 432-7375. TEAM 0F TWO WILL dlean your home f0 a sparkie. Please oeillf or a speciai rate 438-1307. CLEAN-RITE CLEANING Com pany offers professional, depen dable cleaners for a pts., buildings, homes, offices. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed satisfaction. Please caIl (905) 686-6421. PAINTING & PAPERING "LET George Do If". Reliable, expenienced, quality work. apei rates for seniors. FlexibleShours, p rompt service, free estimates. Phone George 666-11168. CALL A PROFESSIONAL Landscaper - lawn & garden care, tree removai, limbing, pruning, faîl clean-ups. Free estimates, licensed and oertified. Excellent rates. Snow removal and saIt ing. Going on vacation? Wili babysit your home & grounds. Caîl Paul Hurst 668-0242. DAYCARE IN MY HOME or yours. Mother 0f two, good references, own car,,former -daycare teacher. Cai Sue 666-0233. EXPERIENCED MOTHER 0f 2, willing f0 care for your child. Lunches p rovided. Reason able rates. Excellent references. Ages 2 ~ears and up. West Lynde area. MOTHER 0F 2 will take care 0f your child, any age or before & affer school. Nutntious snacks lots of TLC. Good references. Cail Shirley 666-0025. LOVING MOTHER of two wil provide care in my home, has an opening for fuil-time. From infants f0peschooler. Nutrifious lunch & snack provided. Pet' free and smoke-free. Fallingbrook and Dryden. Please cail 430-3361.' Perry Ho use Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-97 AVAILABLE DAYCARE in my home. Fenced yard, lots of activities. Breakfast, lunch & snacks provided.- First-aid trained smoke-free. Any age. Please oei 666-9312. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home, Brock St.Taunton area. Ages 2 and up. Fenced yardpey of foys, member of YMC play centre. 668-0178. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLAÇE "A dvertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country'" BUSINESS FOR SALE FLORIDA - MOTEL FOR SALE on West Coast. 18 units, office, pool, steps f0 beach. $139k gross, $102k nef, only $195k down. Fax (813>593-5757. BUSINESS OPPS. TRAVEL AGENCY - $14,995. Full Training and Ongoing Support. Full- time/Part-time, Home or Office. Many fravel benefits. LIMITED AVAILABILITY.ý T.P.I. Canada Inc., 1-800-799-9910 or 1 -204-987-3322 - Winnipeg. ARE YOU READY for the next logi- cal step in free enterprise? FRAN- CHISING SQUARED. $1,000- $5,000 investment. $25,000* $250,000 annual income potential, full-time/pà rt-time.1 -800-613-1411. FOR SALE KARAOKE - Mr. Entertainment, Canada's largest karaoke dealer, has the largesf selection of singa- long tapes and reîated karaoke products. Caîl now for our free cata- logues 1-800-661-7464. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolafe bars. New products available. Nofhing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800- 383-3589. LIVESTOCK BREEZY BRAE SIMMENTAL Pro- duction Sale. Sunday, October 22nd 1:OOpm. Wilson's Auction Mart, Uxbridge, Ontario. Selling 60+ LOTS: Calves, Bred Heifers, Foun- dation Cows. PREMIUM SALES MANAGEMENT 905-342-2339 Or 519-763-8833. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ satisfied customers. September - 5 lottery winners. Solve ail prob- lems. ..Answers about love, money, career ... $3.49/min ... Talk live 1 on l...24 hrs ... 18+...aIl calîs confiden- tial. 1-900-451-4336. PSYCHIC MASTERS! Genuina Canadian Psychics tell ail. Answers on Romance, Wealth, Career, Lucky Numbers. Live and personal. 1-900- 451-3778. $2.99/min .,18+, 1-on-1, 24 hrs. l.C.C. PERSONALS WHO ARE THE TWO-BY-TWO'S or Cooneyites? Learn what their 'work- ers' won tfell you. Write T.T.T. - P.O. Box 620343 Oklahoma City USA 73162-0343. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'Il take if! Amei- ca's Iargest, oldest resale clearing house. Resort Sales International 1 -800-423-5967. Timeshare rentaIs needed. CaiI 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDINGS ... Some Straight Sides. Round or Peaked Roof. Quonsef Style. 20x3O $2,998.00. 25x40 $4,388.00. 30x46 $5,844.00. 35x54 $6,744.00. 40x64 $8,366.00. Oth- ers. Ends Optional. Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS - Quonsets 25 x 30 $5462, 30x4O $6593, 35x50 $8478, S. Series Straightwaîl 525x32 $5922, S30À40 $6999. End- waîls & Sîiding Doors included. Cali Future Steel 1-800-668-8653. OCTOBER SPECIAL! 40'Wx75' Lxl4'H AI-Steel Building $19,600. 26ga painted walls, 26ga gaîvalume roof. Limited offer for October only! For more information caîl 1-800- 663-7538. DURA BUILDING SYS- TEMS. BEST BUILDING PRICES.- Steel Straitwalî Type - not.quonset - 32x54,$9,460, 40x72 $14,233, 50x9O,$20,443, 60xl26 $31 ,314 - other sizes available - misc. clear- ance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- If ItwAffojvdable a ftk eFast aItk eEasy a On. 8111 Do.., IMAU e Northem Ontario $63 e Eastern Ontario $91 *Western Ontario $162 a Central Ontario $168 e Ail Ontario $380 sNational Packages Available Cail this paper for details! (~ OSHAWA IDRIVINO 0 SHOOL Ohwa *728-0091 Full Drivers Education Courses NOVEMBER 7T1- Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course NOVEMBER 11TH Saturdays 4 week course PRIVATE LESSONS . REGISTERED & APPROVEO 8V THE DSAOAND OSL Specializing in Early Childhood. Education.