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Whitby Free Press, 18 Oct 1995, p. 27

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r- Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October l8. 1995, Pge27 PICKOUR PUNKINROM OUR PTCH To h macbe lnîanl~ wIh roasinlos The Whitby Free Press Teh anCd 0 plateltvuroFIE md'Brlg ou:TeoIlsten té area singles doscribo and e 108CeVoUrFREE1d homsolvos or rospond Io ads Cali 1-800-.853-0445 Ext. 47 es oPesn Cali 1-900-451-4882 Et47 a datln ilu n ortodayms ONLY $1.99 ýr minute wMllbe a. to youe monily felephon4 gî oums .1 _____ Z4oia yf " succeesfu! :singl1es 2efr 1htonayl FEMALES SEEKS FRIENDSHIP SWF, 19, 5'4", 11l21bs., enj( alternative music, seek easygolng, honesl, SV nothing, serious, just hang out, concerts, more. Osha area. Ad# 6362 SEEKS SOMEONE GWF, 19, seeks SF, 18-23, w likes sports, the outdoors,a mals, quiet nights at home, friendship, maybe mc Ad# 8579 LETSTALK SBF, 19, 56", il 4lbs., atinz ive, intelligent, mature, carir romantic, seeking SWM, 3C 40s, no head games. Whill ares. Ad# 8232 ENJOYS CLUBBING SWF, 19, enjoys hockey, carr ing, bars, seeking funny SWI 18-24, for friendship tir.« Ad# 1653 HI GUYSI SWF, 19, red hair, hazet eye likes smoking, drinking, skiini reading, movies, cuddtini sports, volleyball, animral klds, tots of fun, seeks SWI 20 or over, with similar inte ests. Ad# 7850 MOTHER OF ONE SWF, 19, 128lbs., blonde hai blue eyes, Irish, one daughte good sense of humor, easyt get along with, likes kids, goir for long wal$cs, cuddlinc movies, some sports, seekir tati, dark SWM, 20-2f Oshawa ares. Adl# 5600 I LIKETO CUDDLE SWF, 19, long black hair, bab blue eyes, likes horseback ric ing, playlng dlarîs, skiing movies, long walks, jogging cuddling, dancing, seeks SMu 20-26, for friendship, maybi more. Ad# 3578 START AS FRIENDS SW mom, 19, long brown hair hazel eyes, lwo boys, likes fish. ing, camping, cuddling, movies, biking, long watks, ani- mals, seeks SM, 18-25, fb friendship frsi, maybe more, Ad# 5554 DURHAM REGION SWF, 19, enjoys alternative music, seeking SWM, 19-22, for friendship, going to con- certs, hanging out.Oshawa area. Ad# 6362 VOURE THAT GUY SWF, 20, back hair, baby blue eyes, ikes horseback riding, fishing, camping, movies, music, seeks SM, 21-27, for frlendship, maybe more. Ad# 3578 TAKE A CHANCE SWF, 20. mom of one, enjoys dancing, watkîng, family life, home lite, seeking down 10 earth, employed, SWM, 22-32, must like kids, for honest relaiionship. Whitby area. Ad# 9719 LIKE THIS AD? Bi-WFf, 20, 52", i OSbs., brown shouider length hair, blue eyes, has a nose ring, ikes the out- doors, alternative music, seeks SWF, 18 or over, for f riendship, maybe more. Ad# 1592 LET'S KNOW EACH OTHER SWF, 20, loves having fun, seeks SWM, 22-26, who likes country music, hanging oui, having a good ime, for riend- ship, possible reiationship. Ad# 9939 BABY BLUE EVES SW mon, 20, black hair, baby blue eyes, one daughter. col- lege student, likes parlying, having fun, biking, long walks, movies, dancing, talking, ani- mais, seeks SM, 20-25, for friendship, maybe more. Ad# 3578 HOME FOR SUMMER SWF, 20, 5'8", î2Oibs., oulgo- ing, energetic, college-student, seeking SWM, 18-25. for friendship, maybe reliatinship. 10, party on the weekends. seeks sincere, honest SWM. 24-29. for firendship. maybe more Whilby ares Adis 8547 HNui'ITî& SINCERE ISWF, 22, tul-figured, sincere, Ihonesi, old-faSh ioned values, ikes movies, quiet evenîngs, cuddllng, short evenlng watks, seeks SWM, 23-29, with simi- joys tar interesis, cieanliness is a ing must. Ad# 5107 ,iM, ROMANTIC CATEGORY ing SW mom, 22, 5'5». 1111b., iwa blonde hair, green/blue eyes, two children, emptoyed, works out, ikes camping, movies, who golng out, seeks dark, hand- i- some, healihy SWM, 22-26, an- who works out and likes doing fr everything. Ad# 8598 re. ALL FIREMENI SWF, 22, 5'4», 1071bs., sandy blonde hair, crystai blue eyes, Bc- drop dead smiie, enjoys horse- ng, back riding, dancing, watks, Os- romance, seeking SWM, 25- by 40, attractive, for friendship. Ad# 8489 Hi GUYS p- SBF, 23, student, no kids, hon- ýM, est, sincere, dlown 10 earth, St. ikes R&B, hiphop, slow jam/reggae, clubs, dinners, movies, quiet imes ai home, seeks sincere, kind, honest s, SM, 23-28, black, milano or g, Spanish. Ad# 9521 1, ' HII IS SWF, 23,5-6-, dîrty blonde hair, r: bue e,:ul:igd,twohil- hang oui with and have a good time with, for friendship, maybe r, more. Ad# 7224 r, LADY PROM CANADA t0 GAF, 23, 5'2-, lO9ibs., long g hair, brown eyes, petite, excel- 9. lent shape, seeking stender, g9 blonde SWF, 20-29, for friend- 9. ship, possible refationship. Oshawa area. Adn 1252 LIVES HEALTHY y SWF, 24, 5'6», shoulder length d- brown hair, plus size, heatthy, ~,tanned complexion, emptoyed, social drinker, animal lover, A, seeks employed SWM, 24-35, Swho enjoys outdoor activities and being sponianeous. Adn 8830 r, SEEKING SBF, 24, seeking bi-SBF, 18- 30, for friendship, possible rela- ionship. Adn 9055 r SINGLE PARENT SWF, 25, iwo chiidren, many inieresis, easygoing, dlown 10 earth, empioyed, seeking SWM, 38-40, sîmilar qualilies. Mississauga area. Ad# 7838 - DROP ALINE i DW m',ým, 25, 5'9", llOibs., black hair, green/blue eyes, one daughier, ikes Harieys, playing pool, seeks ouigoing, patient SWM, 25-45, who ikes fishing and snowmobiiing, for f iriendship firet, maybe more. t r Adi# 3577r HAVE SOME FUN GWF, 26, seeks SF, 25-45, t0 hang out and gel 10 know, for friendship, maybe more. c Adn 7669v LOOKING FOR A FRIEND Bi-WFfl 26, 5'5", l6Otbs., seek- ing SWF, 22-35, 10 hang outI and have a good ime wilh, for friendship, maybe more. Adn 9577 t HEY LADIES ci GBF, 27, spontaneous, seeks rr GFE 18-31, for friendship, going % out, maybe more. Whitby area. p Adn 3903 WE COULD MATCH s GWF. 27, very romanlic, seek- bl ing SWF, 20-35, who likes hi movies, dining, shopping, ui wafks, taiking, for friendship, maybe more. Adl# 6391 D' THAT SPECIAL PERSON ai GBF, 27, likes sociaiizing, c. going 10 the movies, dining oui, t seeks G/bi-F, 20-35, for friend- SE ship, possible retationship, no kii head games. Adn# 8294 ci 01% SENSE OF HUMOR GWF, 27, 5'3", l3Olbs., brown hair/eyes, laid back, enjoys S music, camping, sports, gi movies, bars, seeking WF, 21- ou 35. Ad# 7024 i LOVE TO HEAR Bi-F, 28, lSOtbs., seeks bi-WF, 25 or over, for friendship, Sv maybe more. Ad# 8576 ho shîpý Adn 59ý22I SHARE VOUR FEELINGS Swi Bi-BF. 28, tîkes dancing. eyei sînging, having fun, seeks whc bi-WF, 25-40, for lrendsfîîp. relai maybe more. Adn 8556 Ade GOOD QUALITIES GBF, 28, warm-loving, likes going 10 ihe movies, socliz- ing, bars, seeking GWF, 20-35, wiih a similar character, for frlendshlp, possible relation- ship. Ad# 6272 .IS THIS YOU? SWF, 29, 52", dark blonde hair, green eyes, son, 10, enjoys pets, shootlng pool, ouldoors, horses, Harleys, seeks rugged- ty handsome, SWM, 33-36, facial hair a plus, 584, for possible relaiionshlp. Oshawa ares Adn 9495 COULD BE YOU Bi-WF, 30, 5*5", l2Otbs., seeks bi-WF, 25-35, for friend- shlp, possible relalionship Adn 5024 GETTO KNOW GWF, 30, works part lime, part lime student, good sense of humor, hukes music. movies, long waiks, having fun, seeks SF, 25-39, wilh similar inter- esîs, for briendship, maybe more. Adn 8890 STAR LIGHT STAR BRIGHT SWF, 30, 5'6", 11l61bs., lîght brown hair, deep blue eyes, tikes country/rock music, seeks SWM, 32-35, wiih similar inter- esîs, for friendshlp, maybe more. Ad# 9167 FUN TIMES TOGETHER GBF, 30, seeking SBF, 32 or under, for fun limes, hanging out and possibly more. Adn 2220 LOOKING FOR YOU GWF 30, oulgoing, loves the ouldoors, seeks GF, with good sense of humor, to share inter- esîs and friendshîp. Adn 5627 GREEN EVES Bi-SWF. 30, 5'4", slightiy full iigured. long dark hair, seeking SF, 23+. to talk 10, go 10 clubs with, for friendship only 10 stant. Oshawa ares. Ad# 8092 LIKES BIKER TYPES SW mom, 30, 5'6». 1251bs., blonde hair, blue/green eyes, lhree chifdren, tikes camping, barbecues, swimming, going t0 the park, seeks SWM, 30-40. with rugged good looks, for a possible serious reiationship. Adn 7430 I'LL GET BACK TO YOU SWF, 30 probessional, attrac- tive, long blonde hair, green eyes, enjoys bands, basebal, camping, working out, out- doors, seeks SWM, profession- ai, similar inleresîs, for friend- ship, possible romance. Whitby ares. Adn 2324 VERY GOOD FRIEND Bi-WF, 31, confident, good friend, seeks bi-WF, 25-40, 10 tlk la for friendship. maybe more. Adn 4627 WEEKEND WILD WOMAN 1 SWF, 31, 5'l", l25lbs., N/S, social dninker, enjoys dancing, country relreals, seeks trust- worlby, honest SM, who can riandie her sarcastic bumon and active lifestyte, for friend- ship, maybe more. Ad# 4111 BEARDS/MUSTACHES SW mom, 31, 5'6", l25lbs., r blonde hair, blue/green eyes, C ledîcaled, enjoys rock/country nusic, camping, motorcycles. walks seeking SWF, 30-40. for possible relalionship. AdH 4578 MUST LOVE CHILDREN j SWF 32. 5'5", 1 3Oibs., blonde, e blue eyes, employed. sense of F umor, daughler 2, seeking M. nl nder 40. Ad# 9232 LOVING TRUE LOYAL s iWF. 32, 5'5". 1051bs., long le uburn hair. prelly, smoker, Ie asual drinker, likes waiks by ca me wsler. pool, cards. movies, lc ;eeks nesponsible, honest, nd D/SWM. 32-45, who is a ýasuai drinken, smoker, kîds s )kay.AdC 9213 hi STILL SEARCHING ta w ;WF, 32, enjoys dancing, bi oing out, good limes, seeks Jtgoing.SWM, 36-40. 10 share teresîs. Oshawa ares. Ai inf 1800 b GENTLEMEN WANTED ini NF,33, seeks down 10 earfh, be nesî, SWM, 29-41, for fast- ar sWv YTERESTED IN MEETING suc VF. 35. 5'3". blonde haîr, blue honi Bs. seeking SWM. 35-40. tIm ilîkes kids, for a possible 45-! atîonshîp, no head games. 900 09735 mal YOCUM & BROOKS SWF, 36, good sense of humor, one son, tikes rock and country music, walks, full moons, stars in the sky, dancing, quiet evenings at home, see king SWM, 36-47, for friendshlp, possible relatlonship. Oshawa ares. Adn 9667 SEEKS A FEMALE GBF, 37, 5'4", l3Olbs,, likes shopping, movies, sports, din- fin useeks SF, any age, for fidsip, maybe more. Adn 9912 LAUGHING TOGETHER SWF, 37, 5W8, brown bair, siightly overweig hI, wears glasses, one son, likes country music, dining out, movies, nature walks, seeks sensitive, fun-loving, patient SM, 37-47, wbo likes kids Whitby ares. Ad# 1485 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWF 37, 5'l", l4Oibs., blue eyes, blonde haîr, enjoys bik- ing, walks, sports, dining out, TV seeks SM, similar interesîs, for possible relationship. Adn 9129 CALL ME SWF, 38, love and inleresî for fie, bonest, affectionate, slrong famiiy and social values, seeks SWM, 35-45. Whitby ares. Adn 7892 LIFTS WIEGHTS SWF, 38, 5'6", 11lSfbs., no chit- dren, enjoys running races, canoeing, mountain biking, movies, dining out, seeking SWM, 35-39, for long tenm relationship. Whilby ares. Adl# 9150 WELL EDUCATED SWF 39, 5'6", no childnen, veg- etarian, environ mentailist, enjoys running, mounlain bik- ing, skiing. kayaking, travel, reading, seeking SWM, to share interesîs. Osbawa ares. Adn 9148 SEE WHAT HAPPENS SW mom, youn9 40, buil-fig- ured, enjoys fishîng, motorcy- dling, long.- walks, roasting marsbmatlows over candie- fiight seeks SWM, 30-45, for frlendship, maybe more. Adn 2950 ADVENTUROUS SWF, 40, enjoys flfe, dininig in/out , skating, dancing, educa- tional activities, seeking com- municative SWM, 38-48, to inspire my dreams & goals. Adn# 8446 WILL CALL YOU SWF, 40ish, seeking 58M, 35- 45, who enjoys dining ouI, dancing, movies, talks, for friendship, possible relation- ship. Adn 3121 OUTDOOR NUT r SWF, 40. 148lbs., loves fle, horses, gotfing, boat ing, beaches, basebaf, holding riands, theatre, dining ouf, E seeks SWM, 40-55, witb com- c mon inleresîs. Whilby ares. i Acd# 5122 f HAVE A CHAT SWF, 40, nomantic, likes walks in the winten, cooking, crafts, nany tbîngs, seeking SWM,.38 h or over, close to 6', for friend- s ship, possible neiationship. i Ad# 9445S >THANKS FOR CALLING c SWF, 45, attractive, youtbful, jvial, praclicai, Dulch, down 10 E earth, seeks lown and country h SWM. 45+, Dutch, for a loving si rlationship. Ad# 6065 2 CONTACT ME SOON A SWF. 45, attractive, slîm, Dutcb. youlhfui looking, chilti- îss, jovial, practicai, cdown 10 SI 3arth,- seeks sincere, town or er 2unlny, Dulch SWM. 45+, for a ot oving relalionship. Adn 3738 ai LOVES LIFEti 'WF. 45, 57T', blonde rar iazel eyes, smoker, seeking Sý ail, SWM, 40-50, outgoîng, ey vh sense of humon, for possi- tii le relalîonship. Ad# 4142 mi if VERY HIGH MORALS mi wlive SF, 46, successfuf in îsiness, loves home, garden- ig, biner tbinigs in f ife, seeking Sv itligent, humorous SM, must liki i of good chanacten. Whitby oc rea. Ad# 7388 gc me. gardenîng, the tiner carr r9g in lite. seeking SWM. dlut 5 wîlh high morals and seel Dd character. for friendshîp. trieî ybe more. Adn 7963 pos! CODE 0F ETHICS SWF 47, active, bas high morals and varied interesîs, likes gardening, the tîner thlngs in Ilite, seeks financially inde- pendent SWM, 48-58, with bigh morais and character. Ad# 2520 WHITBY AREA SWF, 47, business owner, loves home, gardening, biner things in fle, seeking indepen- dent, flnancially secure SWM, 48-58, with high morafs and good character. Ad# 2271 REALLY NICE SWF, 48, 5'2", bnown bain, non- drinker, likes gandening. golf- ing. dancing, dining out, seeks SWM, 45-57, for friendship, possible reialîonshp. Ad# 6339 WEST END SWF. 48. 5-4", l4Sibs., dirty blonde bain, green eyes, warm, caning, young iooking, down to earth, N/S, casual drinker, likes music, dancing, movies, quiet limes, the ouldoors, seeks N/S, 5'8+ SWM, 44-53. Ad# 8403 LET'S TALK SOON SWF, 49, 5'X~, wonks evening Shift, seeks SM, 10, share inter- ests, triendsbip and possible long-lerm nelationsbip, no one nighl stands. Ad# 1254 ENJOYS THE COUNTRY SWF, 52, likes lina dancing, dining, movies, quiet evenings, honseback riding, camping, country music, cozy nights aI home, seeks SWM, 48-53, smoken, occasionai drinken if necessary. Adn 6068 LET'S DANCE SWF Engiish lady, petite. 54, 5'3". red bain, blue eyes, enjoys intermediate baliroom dancing, loves dogs, walks on tbe beach, seeking a SWM, 50-65. Wbilby ares. Ad# 3033 MAZ EZ BE WITH ME SWM, 18, seeks SWF, 35 or under, to shane good limes with, for friendship, maybe more. Adn 2111i START A RELATIONSHIP SWM, 18, 6'3", blue eyes, likes dining, dancing, outdoon activi- lies, seeks SWF. 18-22, for a relationsbip. Adn 8251 VARIETY OF THINGS SWM, 19, 5m0", like 1s going oui, dining, movies, seeks SWF, under 22. for tniendship maybe more. Adn 2598 v TWIN MALES SEEKING... 2 SWMs, 19, under 24, who enjoys camping, hiking, ouI- doons, swimming, movies, din- ng ouI, seeking 2 SFs ton fiendship, fun, maybe more. Ad# 1478 CALL SOON SM, 18, S'l1", l7Olbs., brown C hii, green eyes, enjoys walks, sports, animais. parks. camp- ing, ouldoons, picnics. seeking SF, 18-20, ton friendship and h dting. Adn 3977 t FAIRLY FOR YOU t SWM. 18. 5'9". brown hain/eyes. muscular built, eeks gooti looking SWF, 22- 5 for friendshîp, possible rea- E onship. Oshawa area. b Ad# 5368 .ý WHAT DO YOU THINK? r SWM, 19, smoker laid back, bi Dnjoys clubs, hockey, dinîng )ut. dancing. seeks SF to s nana inlenests, possible rala- inshipWbilby anea.Ad# 3402 si GO FOR ITI bý 3WM, 20, 64', blond bain, blue S ?yas, fil, likes ouldoon activi- s ms, movies, snow boandîng, PC ountain biking, seeks SWF. a' 9-22, for friendship. maybe oire. Adn 2405 GI EXCITING FUN h NWM. 20, honast. humonous, 1 kes having fun, dancing, ur ccasionai dnmnking. seeks ouI- nel uing. open-minded, sponta- VGM. 20, 5'9", l35lbs., sw )wn bain. blua eyes, enjoys bair npmng. movies. goîng 10 lies ibs, quiet nights a! home. SI/ eking SWGM, 18-25. ton lies idsbip anti fun, leadin'g 10 maý sible relationship. Adn 2427 con TALK & MEET SWM, 21. 6'3", brown hain/ayes, likes sports, dining, movies, going ouI, having a goodti ime, seeks SWF, 18-22, 10 meet anti talk ho, for tnienti- shlp, maybe more. Adn 7879 STILL SEARCHING SWM, 21, 5,10", iSOibs., brown bain, blue eyes, enjoys quiet limes, movies, dining ouI, seeks SWF, 18-22, bonest, sin- cane, iunny, witb similar inter- esîs. Wbitby anea, Adn 3480 SELF-EMPLOYED SWM, 22, 1651bs., bnown hair/eyes, seeking SWF, 18-25, easygoing, likes long waiks, drives, movies, cuddling, single moms weicome, ton fniendsbip. Adn 9985 LET ME KNOW SWM, 22, works shift work, preîty quiet, pretty shy, likas country music, seeking SWF, 19-25, for briendsbip, maybe more. Oshawa ares. Ad# 1613 TALK FURTHER? SWM, 23, 5,11", 168lbs,, brown bain, blue ayas. honesî, attractive, fit, wonks ouI, hikes sports, seeks attractive, honest SWF 18-27, with similar inter- esîs. Adn 6273 PLAYTHAT NOTE! SWM, 24, musician, seaks slim, attractive SWF, 19-30, wbo bas a love for music, ton friendship, possible natation- ship, no heati games. Ad# 5969 TALK TO YOU SOON! SWM, 24, 6'6", 2lOlbs., brown bain, blue eyes, athletic, gooti sense of humon, intiependent, likas skling, volleybal, seeks athletlc, independent SWF, 21- 26, wbo likes ouldoor activilies anti bas a gooti sense of bumor. Adn 4288 FIRSTTIME AD SWM, 24, new 10, area, lives atone, enjoys cyciing, sports, seeks SF, for friendship, possi- ble rqlalionship. Oshawa ares. Adn 9446 SPORTS MEDICINE SM, 24, graduate, Indian, likes music, dining, goodti imes, seeks affeclionale SF, any age, Indian, with similan interesîs, for tniendsbip, maybe more. Adn îîoo 1LOVE ME TENDER SWM, 24, Sicilian. enjoys movies, bars, bantis, gooti times, seeking SWF, under 27, ton possible relaIionship. Whiîby ares. Adn 8270 HI! IT'S ME SM, 24, 510", l4Stba,, Est Indian, likes dancing, thealer, the anIs, aponta, long walks, quiet times logether,. seeks affeclionate SF, 24 or unden, Est Indian, wbo tikes smiling anti enjoys lite. Adn 9635 LOOKING GWM, 24, 510", iSOibs., neyer done Ibis belte, saeking GWM, 18-24. for tniendship/ companionship. Adn 6435 SENSE 0F HIJMOR SWM, 25, 5'6'. 137lbs., black hain, green eyes, anjoys weight a raining, long waiks, travel, ri seeking SWF 20-30, bon possi- ' ble reialionsbip.. Wbitby ares. c Ad#n 8460 LIKES KEEPING ACTIVE SM. 25, 5'l1", i8Oibs., short îrown curiy bain, blue eyes, h poing 10 be a firebightar, likes V music, dancing, parties, clubs, t biking, walks, hiking, the ouI- s doora, seekîng SF 19-29, wilh fA smilan inlenesîs. Adn 8347 A NICE CATCH S SWM, 25. self employeti, gooti C )ackground, likes many things. in ;eeking sincene. gooti looking S WF 20-26. for biendsbip, Aý )ossibie ralationship. Oshawa ira. Adn 9321 si HI GENTLEMEN hE WM. 25, 6', lSSibs., blond wi mi, bnown eyes. smooth weli 9 neti body, seeka SWM, 27 or f ni rider, for friendahip, possible sI lationship. Adn 5979 Ac AD R% YOU- r/eyes. likes ouldoon activi- 5w s.movies, sports. seeka enj( IF, 22-35. wîth gooti quali- cycI s. t builti a friendsmp, tive, ibe more, single moms wal- aimi me. AC 9110 reIn TWENTYSOME'rHING SWM, 26, 6', l6Oibs., blond bain, blue eyes, likes titness, movies, volieybsll, dining. dancing, seeklng SWF, 20-29, for triendship possible rets- tionship. Adn 9544 OUT THERE? SWM, 28, 5'9", brown hair/eyes. romantic, enjoys soft music, seaking special SWF, for relationship. Adn# 1399 PLEASE CALL ME SWM, 28, easygoing, caring, gooti stable job, fiî,kes isughing, the Blue Jays, hockey, seeks SWF, 18-45, 10 go oui anti ,have fun with, for friendship, msybe more. Adn 9665 LET'S TALK SWM, 29, 6', lBOlbs., brown bain, blue eyes, atlltic, bon- est, active, outgoing, enjoys water, camping, nature, ani- mals, kitis, travel, sports, seek- ing SF unden 35. Adn#i1758 EDUCATED PROFESSIONAL SWM, 29, 6', lBOtbs., bnown bain, blue eyes. athiello, hon- est, attractive, outgoing, likes expioring, trying new lhings, lsugbing, camping, animais, kida, travet, sports, aeeks SF, 19-35. Adn# 5254 DON'T BE SHY SWM, 29, 6'l", reddish/bhond bain, blue eyea, enjoys bowling, basebal, jet skiing, dlning, quiet nighls, aeeks SWF, 24- 35, for friendsbip. Oshawa ares. Adn 9212 THAT SPECIAL PERSON SWM, 29, 57', curly bain, veny laid back, casual, casua drinker, seeks down 10 eanth SWF, any age, who enjoys parks, dining in, walching movies, kitis are okay, for friendship, maybe more. Adn 3334 LITTLE BIT BORED SWM, 30, 58V, i6Olbs,. likes higb enengy fun, seeking like- mindeti SF, 10 spent ime with. Adl# 4736 A NICE SMILE SWM, 30, 6', blond bain, green eyes, slim builti, attractive, easygoing, likes movies, swim- ming, the beach, camping, car tn.ips, saeks easygoing, honest, sincere, câj ing, attractive SWF, 26-33, no dependents. Adn 8390 LAID BACK SWM, 30, casua, occasional drinken, no kitis, one dog, seeking SF, who is not mbt heati games, for friendship, mayba more. Adn# 3436 SHARE WITH ME SWM, 30, 6', brown hair/eyes, protessional, enjoys ouldoors, Inavel, mountain biking, seek- ing honest, different, indepen- dent, SWF, 26-30, energeic, open. Oshawa ares. Adn 5932 THANK YOU SWM, 30, 6', brown bain, green eyes, enjoya camping. movies, music, beach aI nighl 1o bear waves, going ouI 10 parties anti bars, seeka sincere, honeal, caring, slim, SWF, 24-33. Oshswa ares. Ad# 8390 CREATIVE INTELLECTUAL SWM. 32, 5'8": 135lba., brown nain 10 shouidars, green eyea. attractive, neyer marrieti, lîkas mnusic, drive-in movie theaters, cuddling with someone spa- cial, seeka SWF, 48 or under. Acln 9003c SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP y SWM, 33, big-hearteti, secure, c honeal, caring, likes camping. vaiks. the Ibeater, spentiing s me with spaciai person. seeks SWF 38 or under, for riantiaip. maybe more. Ad# 3061E DOWN TO EARTH- i SWM, 33. enjoys fun times. C conversations, waiking, aeak- 3 îg friand, pal, butidy lover in rE SWF, 18-30.- Wbîtby ares. A 'Wi# J641 GOOD NATURED S WM. 34. 510", brown bain. ei lazel eyes, slim builti, likes si valking, taiking, kitis, seeka Pl oti nalureti SWF 18-40, for Vý rientisbip, possible relation- hip. Oshawa ares. tin 3589 si Hà%ONES ADfiNER NM. 36. 5S", welt-buîll, SVý 1oys baing active, skîing, san cling. saiîng. seeka attrac- do e.employeti SF 20-30, witb MOI nilar interasta, for possible îng atonsbip. Adnf 3284 sin( HOPE YOU CALL SWM, 36, enjoys live Iheatre, movies, snuggling in front of the fine, seeks SWF, 28-37, 5'- 57, 10 shane interesîs, possi- ble retationshp Wbitby ares. Ad# 8873 RELATIONSHIP SBM, 37,.S'il", lSOlbs., fun, easygoing, likes movies, music, turing, comedy's, going ton drives, going 10 the park, seeka attractive, affectionate SF, 18-50. bon an ongoing raIe- tlonsbip. Oshawa ares. Adn 2835 INTÉRESTED IN ME? SWM, 38, 5'8", l65lbs., seeks petite SWF, 28-38, who likes sports, movies, tiining, walks, cudiling, for friendshlp, maybe more. Adn 3042 LET'S HAVE COFFEE GWM, 38, 6', i17514., enjoys camping, music, sports, travel, doga, seeks ambitious, siim, cule GM, 18-24, with zest for lite, amokar, drug-free, ton -friendship, mayba more. Whitby ares. Adn 2053 STILL SEARCHING SWM, 40, 6', 200lbs., gooti shape, dank bain. blue eyes, smoker, social tininker, enjoys ouldoors. camping, fish- ing, bunling, waiks, nature, ani- mals, dancing, country music, movies, seeks SF, 18-40, for frientiship, maybe more. Whiîby ares. Adn 5407 ROBINHOOD SWM, 40, 6', 200Ibs., gooti shape, employeti, home owner, enjoys hunting, bishing, camping, dancing, country music; seeking Malid Marion, SWF 18-40, t10 ahane inieresîs. Oshawa ares. Adn 5507 LONG BEACH WALKS SWM, 41, likes sports, ouldoor aclivittes, dining, movies, Ion~ watks on the beach, seeks SP 25-45, ton friendsbip, maybe more. Adn 9534 LOTS OF PEOPLE SM, 42, enjoys ouldoors, sports, bunting, fisblng, camp- ing, collage fle, boating, seek- ing SF, with same inieresîs. Adn 7586 PARK WALKS SBM, 42, emptoyeti, likea din- ing, walks in the park, movies, spending quality lime with spa- cial lady, seeks SF, 29-40, for fniandshlp finsl, maybe more. Adn 5454 CHECK MY AD OUT SWM, 42, gooti looking, enjoys evenytbing from excitement 10, slow nights, saeks SWF, 35- 40, fon friendship, maybe more. Adn 6586 START RIGHT HERE SWM, 42, 53"', blond bain, blue eyes, fit, gooti looking, amployei. seeks SWF, 30-42, ton friendship, maybe more. Adn 8582 HOPELESS ROMANTIC DW tist, 42, 5,10", l7SIbs, kinti an, hones, likes dîn- ing, dacn, long drivas, pic- nîcs, music, the beach, seek- ing tiown to, anth SWF, 35-40, 135lbs., for a loving relation- shîp. Adn 3354 PERSON TO MEET SWMV. 43, l45lbs., blond bain, hazal eyes, gooti looking, likes country/ rock music, long waîka, dancing, live concerts, camping, dining, movies, romsntic evanings a1 home, saaks SWF, 36-45, muaI like kds. Adn#i1957 DURHAM AREA SWMV, 43, N/S, open-mintiat, masygoing. ikes traveling, din- ing, quiet limes, camping, out- donr aclivitias, aeeking SWF 16-43, ton frientiabip possible relationship, no games. Ad#n 6811 GOTYOUR ATTENTION SWM, 45, aaaking down ho arth, loving, sincera, quean ize, SWF, for spoiling, pam- :eing. fine tiining, more. Nhilby ares. Adn 9016 VERY IMPORTANT M, 45, enjoys walks, taiks, ishing, ouldoors, woods fun, NM, 48. Moneal. affectionste, risa of humor, enjoys ouI- )rs, boating. cooking. Dvies, dîning ouI, bains. seek- SSWF. witb sama values, igle moms ok. Adn 4476

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