Page 12, Whltby Free Presa, Wednesday, November 1, 1995 BROOKLIN } Residents should planroklin 1By Steve Leahy Over the past couple of weelýs maLny Brooklln residents have expressed thelr confusion au to why the Town Invited them to comment on the planned rezoming and then said it was toc, late to make any changes. Councillor Joe Drumm went wo far to say tlit because council had already approved the rezoning, developers would talce the Town ta the Ontario Muncipal Boad (0MB) if they changed anythlng. Maybe Brookljn citizens should take the Town to the OMM for approving the rezoning before properly informlng reuidents. 0f curse, tbe Town wIll say "We Informed residents years ago as Part of the offilciai plan revlew process..." Putting a notice loaded with technical termes, in a newspaper, and with no mention of rezonlng, is hardly infornung people. But it does meet the legal requirements. One of Brooklin'sa new residents suggested we Brooklinites need our own citizen planning comrittee to stay on top of and to make sure ail of the changes that are coming benefit the village and the people who live here. This group could keep a close eye on council and the planning department to find out what -the implications might be for Brooklin- And maybe we'd find out about thing before it is too late te m*je changes. Anyone else interested? i ~BROOKLIN PH ARMACY. A: ~65 BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN *L0OB 100 905- 655- 3301 j What us ASA anywlay? :1 ASA is acetylsalicylic acid, It is a very effective anti- imore commonly known as inflammatory, e.g. for Aspirin. This is a drug with arthritis, and is usually many uses; to reduce weIl tolerated by most fever, ease pain and people. lessen inflamation. It has But ASA can trigger an blood-thinning (anti- asthma attack. It can clotting)i properties which Worsen ulcers and should imay help to prevent heart neyer be given to children disease or strokes. because of a ink to ASA is inexpensive. Reye's syndrome.i BULBIFICATION Ifs finally done - the lait of the 1,200 narcissus and -daffodils "doubl"u buibs à are ln, reports John HuIley. Just imaginé what neit May and June will bring - several shades of yellows, against a background of the fresh greens of spring, will bloom ln public areas thrughout Brooklin for the very frttime- and for every spring thereafter. This delightful legacy lais a community effort headed up by Hulley and other local horticulturisa with the support of Brooklin's ià ons, insmen and O)ptimiat clubs along with, the Soibara Gmoup. CORONATION OAK' People walklng McKlnne3es (acroos by ' c Bananas 29k"lb. Romaine 75,z ea. Broccoli 691tea. Pink 51100 Grapefruit (MllIe quantities last) STORE HOURS: MondavIo taFidai' 9am to 7pm Satîrda.%,& Situe/ai%, 9am to 6pm ..... . . . . communlty centre) may have been na tosee the big old maples removed' some time ago. But Hulley points out that a young oak tree has benefited from the lncreased acceos te sunlight. Hie How you choose to pay tribute to a life lived or make an expression of remembrance is a' personal choice. Your Municipal Cemetery serving the Town of Whitby since 1951. For information cail: 905-655-3493 MUNICIPAL CE MET.ERY oak," an acorn planted to célebrate Queen Ellzabeth's coronation sorne 40 or more years ago. With Doc' wife Chrissy's Passlng this past summer, dhe oak's new-found Place in the sun la OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC.WHY 2 Pro yen to serve you BES T since ?972. ~O'WAI z An 01CARE' and CMAaward winner. Sales, service, leasing, body shop, ail makes. O Q 1 > Rentais in Canada, USA and Europe, overseas delivery. 1 _ > 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby 35 IUTE 1686-6410 EAST FROM >«~~TOP DOLLAR FOR DOWNTOWN 1-111 VOURI TRA . mal 1.-e .* (R) - ý Imhff a a a a a N-S R.P &M ; 1