*Cybersharlng By Chrlstopher White Sandra'mysecetaiy le going ta go out af ber mmnd. Why, you might ask? My 286XT SBM clone Intemallzed lest wek's column about my famiiy looklng for a new computer, docidod that It wasnt bavod anymore, and promptly went to that great memory bank ln the ý'tuke, aur rosidont computer *wlzard, bas promised ta corne ln ta cast some Incantations over IL ln an attempt tobrlng Rtback to Ife,. but oven ho soundod doubtful over tho phone. And so for now, Sandra and 1 are sharing a computer. Thats vlght, thie le belng typod ln ber office on ber computer, ln ber files. Oh, boy. Frankly, this daesnt bodo woll for the future. Shanng a computer Ile ike baving a roommate. No mattor baw well Ci gat along tbero are bound ta complainte about whose tumn tl o do the laundry and why did you leave the livng room light on ail night Aiea, lm the one wba bas moved Into ber bouse, nat the other way round, sol1 amn atbest a temporary lodgor. Sandra and 1 have gotten along exceptlanally well for the past three and one bail years bao n a simple promise - W. don't share. 1 bave my office, sho bas hors, 1Ido my wor, she doos bers. Wo meet constantly, but wben Rt comos ta office epaco wo have worked an the goad-f onces- maike-god-nolghbours promise. Sandra accepts tbeatm r organizationally challengod and that myoffice le catastrophe-re. only whon1 go away on balidays. 1, for my part, recognîze that wfthout ber abilty toacualY know whars golng an, the much- tauted chas theary on the end of the universo would unfold beore my very oyos. And so now those two woDrid views . har. the same cyberspace,. MMM. What wlll ber reactian be, 1 wonder, f by a stray touch of tbe koy i send this weeks service Into lîmbo, or f sme files get rearranged? I mean the first timo1 you break" your bost's now dishes thoy grit their teoth and accopt your apalogy. But alter a wbiie, look out, beforo you know kt, it's yaur files that wnd Up ln same lone memnory strand that won't bo faund until tbe machine is recycied for an elementary echool. Somobody juet walkod Into the Church. His first book, WNaked on a SnovaK' iWlbe avaJiable this fa/i. Whitby Free Prose, Wedneeday, November 8. 1995, Page 13 Street closure wi help downtown businesses FR OM PAGE 1 "That's a dam good question," adniitted Edwards. "But I remind you that in past yoars, money for this was raised from the DBIA levy," ho said. (A special tax assessed against businosses in tho downtown core, the levy was3 not collected this year due ta a request from the DBIA management board to council that the DBIA bo cisbanded.) "If merchants in other areas say 'what about us?', thon they should go and talk to tho downtown business people and they will find a situation so precarious that $15,000 may not ho enough," said Edwards. "I think we can make the argument that up ta 1995 the downtown merchants paid themselves, but in this situation it's flot being done because they don't have an organization." Regional councillor Marcel Brunelle pointed- out that the $15,000 is a far .cry from the $150,000 budgets of the DBIA!s recent past and was hopeful that it will ho a good investment. "Until the County Town Carnival came along, there was no sense of what the downtown can be," said Brunelle. That feeling has since been rekind.led, ho said, but it ie up to the merchants ta, take advantage of it. Don't forget to use your GM Card Eamings toward the purchase or lease of your next GM vehicle. "The key part of thie being a success will be the merchants themaelveî;,"-eaid Brunelle. 'They can't stay in their, stores and lot a few do the jobs of many," ho said. Centtre ward councillor Shirley Scott eaid comparisans with other commercial areas in Whitby are not valid. "We have a responsibility ta decorate the downtown," said Scott. "It is aur town and if we help the merchants while doing it, that's just great," she said. "The downtown ie an historie centre, it's nat a mail." West ward councillor Judi Longfield etressed that $15,000 ie not being spent for the benefit of downtown merchants. "Yes, some coste are going towards promotions for downtown merchants, but most are for the benefit of the entire community," skie said. Longfield called on downtown merchants ta try and out do each other with- Christmas window displays or anything else "ta give peôple a reason ta corne back." Longfield agreed that *council's funding of most of the carnival events muet be a "ane shot stand" and said coundll's failure ta decide the DBIA issue had contributed ta the current problem. Duai air bags V DUR Cfi. ~ -niect tC0arg8 t 1 o ae.2itre en.-a ut atti 2.2 en -,Vine VRLTS-speedrnsIS ~;Ran,5Oie o Easy ent~rntatissi n k'0re eluee MOBILEf O ts a p ie You should know this: Licence, taxes and insurance not included. Dealer Z ~may seil or lease for Iess. Limited time off er. Other lease terms available. Some lm mileage conditions apply. OAC. See Dealer for details. Subject to GM Card program rules.* TD and GM are icenced users of Marks. 1