GLEN DHU Public Sohool students ran and raised '$8,869 for the Terry Fox Fou idation recently. Shown around Bruna Raiihndô the school's coordinator for the foundcation, are top fundraisers (front) Eduardo Belmnonte; (middle, from- left) Lauren Cruess, Stehanie Newlands, Kir- steri Jakobsen, Bà ndn Ralph; (back, from left) Andrew Pearce, Erin Gallagher, Lindsay Collins, HoIleh Poumnikfardjan, Kathleen Ninmgon, Matt Snowden and Bilan Wright. Photo by Jomemy Dresar, Whltby Fre Press -W IlHIPUT- e NE 18 THHE R' Today <Wednesday), 1. e rotGrbgi dyofWattRdcto Week (WRW), Nov.e6-12,sonred by th f te yligCouln o Ontaie ithsup ouri yeaof Orio.he inisty ofte nir oCnaent and Engery, Env rametCa' Environmental ewrP(EanercFand Tht. week ofhe heunicipaliingoDuram Regcion challngte eac Tras (e epia) te la Ze. rocksare wgedbforaèe nd tr th wOekarieveta.sot syear gogwast iivrilftheinneron Wht amedoersecvon. tCnd! Evrretl atesFn The Bewter' Retai toresofspecia bichalbene up t collect used sporting equipment. Reduce, Bouse, Recycle and Replay this week. In Pickering, elementary schools were given the challenge to, identify ail the varlous household paper that is now acceptable ln' the blue box. 'Make WRW the time for you te, become more observant. Simply place, in a cardboard box, paper such as: receipts, envelopes, magazines, stationeiy, computer printout, greeting carda, giftwrap and junk mail (always a good idea to rip ýup signatures, account numbers and other personal information). Put another box of recyclables or your newspapers on top of the pile te, keep the contents from blowing out of the box. Flatten and bundle your corrugated cardboard (OCO - the type with the. flutîng layer.) i nagabe sizes. Together with the OCO include boxboard (cereal, tissue, deteirgent boxes and similar packaging), egg cartons and brown bage. Remove the inner lining from oereal boxes, the plastic film from some tissu. boxes and plastic bubbles fr-om packaging. Make every day, Weste Reduction Day. Duiiam Rogion la holding its tird annual industrial, commercial and institutional waste reduction seminar, in conjunction with a 'new business opportunities for recyclable material' workshop, on Nov. 15 and 16 at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. For details or te register, call Elaine Collis at 668-7721 or Norm Leigh et 723-023. College co-op program started Durham College and local school boards wil receive federal funding for. a tralning/work experienoe project from the. Youth Internship Program of Human Resources Development Canada. "The project will lay the groundwork tu assist young people making the transition from school to the. workforoe and provide them with the experience they need te build succesaffil careersa,01 says Ontario niding NP Dan McTegue.. The. project will b. operated by Durham College with the. support of four area school boards, local employer. and unions focuslng on Trafalgar gym ceremony Ceremnieswere held Satin-day to mark thé stert of construction of the. new gymnasium at Trefagar Castle School. The.Sym will ho built on the site of the old tennis courta, adjacent to the. Kamcke wng. Three new tennis courts will be constructed next' te tthe new building. The gym will b. adaptable te many different sports and will include lockers and change rooma. The. school's current gym, oonstructed iti 1911 and no longer meeting modemn standards, wüll hé converted into an expanded library and resource centre as part of the. Project Individuel study carrela and computer stations are plenned, along with seminar roome and office space. Th.eschool ha. begam a 'back on track' fundraising campaign te rais. $750,000 to help pay for the. construction and renovation. Income tax receipts will hé issued and donors who contribute $500 or more will receive a print of the. school, suitable for framing Confributors who give $2,000 or more wiil have their name placed on a commemorative plaque. Th.eschool-based project brings together istudents, teacher., parent., guidance counsellors, lndustry representatives and school administrators te enhance the. current education curriculum in the secondary achools by offening apprentioeship training ln snedific trade areas. A training plan targeted at students entering grades il and 12 will hé developed and supported by the. Ministry.of Education and Training and local school boards. The. federal government's furiding share i. $413,612 for the. second part of the initiative. Gitrus,, cheeëe sales ta raise money I Th. music students from Anderson Collegiate will hé selling citrus (oranges, grapefr-uit and tangelos) -as well, as cheese products te rais. funda for music department- projects, including trips to music festiv als" new uniforms and new instruments. The students will hé canvassing their neighbounhoods during the next two weeks seeking your support- IV you do net receive a visit at your door, and would 1k. te. order eitlier citrus or cheese, please call mu~sic head Andrew Uranowslci at 66f-5809. Wethank you for your support. 108 BROCK ST. N. * m666-8050 MWeBuy,-Sell1& Trade ....NEW. We Pay Top Dollar' Over 4,000t CD'Vrs to choose from. m MoviesM cassettes * SEGAI 0 Super Nintendo Entertainment System Business* Hours: Mon. to Wed. 10 - 6 Thurs. &Fri. 10 -7 - Sat. 10 -5 $8,96 9 1111