Last Sunday, 1 watchod three games at Luther Vipond Arona and countod seven goals mlssed because the playor going to the net was not -ready for the play. ln each case, the play devebopod from an odd-man advantage during which the puck carrier took the. puck, the. goalle and defendlng player wvide and thon passed or shot back across the. net. Tii. open players wore ln good position but had quit on the play. Tiiey efthor lifted their stick, skated beyond the neot,. lot go with on. hand or took their weight off the blerle. ln aIl sovon cases, the. open players drove to the net but didn't uclose the, dealu because they simply -gave up too early. f tiioy iiad stayod mwith tii. play they would have finishod tiie attack and the. glory wouid have boon theirs. In the sarne threo garnos, there were sevoral great plays ln whlch. good opportunitios woro tumod away by the kéepors "cat-liken (or Wikicat-lke) roflexos. On one play, a breakaway, rebound, second siiot, defiection and wraparound were ail doniod by a goaltender who refusod to bose. Ho slmply closod thie door on a groat offensive effort The. gamos, 1 watched woro ail entortalning and there were a lot of very good indMvdual and toarn efforts. The players al seemed to hav, a good Urne and garnes were dedded by warriors who olther uciosed the doal" or "clsed the door In the Battie of the Bulge - bulge ln the twino, that Is. >In a oeiumn that looks at fisNing what you start, bonus points are awarded to Marc Gleeson of the AAA atoms. During their rocent boUle drive, Marc had a door shut ln his face. H. politeiy stood on the porch, continuod saying why they 'nooded' the bottles, sald thank you anîd politely walkd aay *Inths case, the door was shut on the goalie instead cf by the goal.. Coaching for Kids wants ta Include your sports stonies. Sa startlng ln Jariuary, my oeiumn will Include the. bost of your sports humour, adventure and history. Al sports are elgibie, so here's your chance to tell evoryone your favourite. Atoms . can't defend Last weekend the Whitby minor atom AAA hockey team was in Kitchener to defend Iast year's impressive showing in the championship finals. Whitby was bounced out of the tournament early, after losing their firat two games on Friday, te Markham Islanders, 1-O and Toronto Young Nationals 4-2, beforo finally beating Detroit'. Little Caesars 5-2 Saturday morning. Againht Markham, both teams had plonty of good chances te score, but didn't as both goalies were outstanding, including the Wildcats' Andrew Braithwaite. The scorêeos game was finally brokon by the Islanders with 3:29 romaining in the game. Against Young Nationale, Scott Morrison, Grog Williams had the Whitby goals. Durham indoor soccer IIIENS LEAGUE DIVSION 1 CCSC Adria 10 OshawTuwul 5 WW bSlaohr 4 LS Rangurss 1 OdmiIic 9 Al-Aihar 4 DIVISION il Nov. 12 Bicycles Plus 7 Whiby Inn 2 Baroeiona- 5 Tridonts 4 Oshawl ciC 13 Mudante Pringles 0 Clringian 3 Red Rouguus 4 Stamilmp a oflNv. 12 W L F A P OCSC Addau 2 0 15 9 6 LS. Rangr 1 1 10 9 3 Whitby Simien 1 1 6 5 3 Dud=aCultc 1 0 9 4 3 AI-Aih1 1 i e8 1il 3 Airican Stas 0 1 4 5 0 Odum UwUnI G 2 10 19 0 Muhiu M BiccisPlu. 3 0 35 6 9 adWZiIS 3 0 25 4 9 Banon 2 1 16 19 6 Tidut 1 2 il 13 3 M*lnis Piigei 1 1 3 18 3 (dhawa Juan 1 1 7 15 3 Rd ougu i 1 7 20 3 CterinConii 0 3 11 17 0 WhitbYklm G 3 il 19 O Derek McTeague (two>, Kyle Vandeloo, Camn Eschscholtz and Derek Raynor scored against Detroit. Whitby Free Press, Wednosday, November 15, 1995, Page le Tweenis pil-ute goals Baffle of the Bulge. Co CHINC FUR Klos by Joe Millage IINSTRUCTOR CERTIFIED LEVEL 3 HOCKEY COACH RETÊGISTER BY PHONE NOW.!665-0228 * Whitewall suze Sale price Whitewall size Sale pnce P155180R13* $49.00 P205/75R14 $70.00 I5 Pi185/80R 13 $57.00 P21 5175R1 5 $72.00 S P 1785/80R 13 $59.00 P205175R1 5 $75.00 S P185175R14 $65.00 P225/75R15 $78.00 Pi 95/75R1 4 $67.00 P235/75R 15 $80.0O0 i WARRENRD... .. Tir Ds.. * Algn *nt-he S CONSUMER DR .0 0 ;s * Whltby's Peacock Sports tween C ringette team hast dominated their opposition in their first throo games this year, defeating Marîposa 8-3, Ennismoro 8-2 and Scarborough 11-1. Whitby's defenco bas beon anchorod by steady Stacey Quesnelle In goal and the heads- up Play of Lisa Orviss, Krystlo Krasnaj, Sarah Landry and Katie MacDonald bohind the blue lino. The scoring bas corne from al threo linos. In the three gamos Kristle Kotarbo bad soven goals, Nicole Clarke six, Katie Hodgson five, Sophia Yilmaz four, Melissa Tone three, Angle Chking, Heidi Wilm and Drystle Drasnaj one oach. Newcomers te the game, Laura Weaver and Tammy Flaxman, have contributed With improved play each game. Novieces faiil to advance The Whitby major novice AAA hockey team had a win, fie and loss at the'Tim Horton tournament in Kitchener over the weekend. Jason Velacich, Kenny Henry and Steven Seedhouse each.had goals in a 3-3 tie with London. Liam Reddox scored three goals in a 5-2 wVin over Brampton. Velacich and Nicolas Cotter each had a goal. In a 7-2 boss to, Toronto Marlies ini a penalty-ridden game, Michael McKenzie and Reddox scored for Whitby. Geoif Niblett and Kybe.Clancy shared goatending for Whitby, sponsored by McDonabd's. WHITBY IROQUOIS ~ ~SOCCER CLUB Sundâ*y, November i 9th *ei:OO- 5:3Opm' WHITNEY HALL * Iroq uois Park Complex ALL THOSE INTERESTED WELCOME ROLLER HOCKEY CAMP Shinny & SkiIIs at Soccer City Arena 7 11 e se *ra e o . 6 *- e- 0 Fun environment while learning hockey skills e Great for children new to the game *Excellent train ing for existing hockey players Don't just sit on a waiting Iist! Corne and play now!