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Whitby Free Press, 29 Nov 1995, p. 9

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'A,' Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 29 1995, Page 9 Ispectortou its plicing tac.ties h Whitby 10yrMiko Kowalski Although Whltby ie one of thé busiet béats for Durham Régional Policé,. crime is not running rampant hère. In fact, police have made subetantial progrese In reducing certain crimes euch as vandaliem, thé head of thé Whitby détachment pointed out te Town officiaIs récéntly. Howévér, thére je "till'a long way te go,,". béforé police are entirély pléaséd, adroits Inector Walter Hall. Whitby's etep cop," Hall was lnvitéd te a Town council meeting earlier thie month te give hie appraisal of the local policing situation. '7m proud of what wo've been More than 1,000 people atténded funeral services last Thursday in. Uxbridge for Durham Région chair Gary Hérroma, who died Nov. 20 at age 57 after a five-year battle with cancer. In thé Ontario législature Nov. 21, Durham Centré MPP Jim Flaherty etated that Mr. Hérréma, Région chair since 1980, was "widély accaîmed and repctéd in govorrnmnt circles for hie, visionary leadership and fortbrightnéss on issues." Herrérna was mayor of Uxbridge Townshi*p, and,, before regionalization, -a réevé of Scott Township and member of Ontario Town says tha-nks to war vets Thé Town of Whitby last week "ered gratitude" te Whitby vétéranswho served in World War IL The vétéran attendéd a réception in their honour at thé municipal building on Wednésday, Nov. 22. Vtérans weré addréssed by Aloi Barris, author of Daya of Victory, who gave a short talk about hie réminisces of World War IL, Vétérans also récéived a cértificate of récognitition by Whithy council. able te, accomplleh," said Hall of' thé two years that ho bas been in charge of thé Whitby detachment. Hé réferred te thé opéning of thé downtown storéfront office last May and thé commu2nlty bicycle patrols that weré lnltiated ln 1994 and improvéd upon this year. - Hall said thé bike patrole were eepeclally effective ln puttlng .a substantial dent ln thé amount of damage from vandalism te municipal parka. "Théré was a 40 per cent docrease in vandalism ovér a oné-yéar périod," hé said. "That's a fairly good average over one year." As for thé Byron Street office, thé facility "typifies what community policing je all about," Hall said. "It's obvious te policé services County council. Hé was a member of thé boards of GO Transit, Association of Municipalitie of Ontario and Durham Régional Policé, and a former président of thé Association of Countiés and Régions of Ontario. Ho ie survived by hie mother Yvonne Herrema of Faùrviéw Lodge, Whitby; Helen, hie wifé of 36 yéars; son Ron (and hie wife Marynne) of Uxbridge; daughter Beth (and hér huaband Robin) of Toronto; son Howie (and bis wifé Liz), of Uxbridgo, and fivé grandchildren. .Hé ia also survivéd by sistérs Barbara Héimetra of Oshawa and Claré and Audrey Herréma of Toronte, two niecos and tbree néphéwe. Hé was prédeoeaséd by hie father, Wilbert. Durham Région council will élet a new régional chair at théir meeting on Wednésday, Dec. 6. Trustée In fB:fnk~rptcy Offering ail insolvency services including personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-'1473 COBOURG: 72 Kng St. W. 372-4744 Saturday & evening appointmnents available. FREE initial consultation. that it's servlng a purpose" ho eaid. Manned by acrew of about 30 to 40 volunteers, the office ie open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Volunteere do work that doesn't require a police officer, such as answering gênerai information questions-. But volunteers are in immédiate contact with police if the matter warrants it. 've visited thé community office séveral times and they tel me they're bored," said- centre ward councillor Shirley Scott. "Can you give them other work?' she asked Hall. "The work we can give voluntéers ie such that we're guided by the freédom of information législation," repliéd Hall. "The information wé can give out la réstricted, but wé are addréssing that issue." Although hé notod that statistice indicate thé crime rate in the Gréatr oronto Aréa has fallen in récent yéars, councillor Marcel Brunélle said thé publics perception is just thé opposite. 'HIow doés Whitby comparé with Oshawa, Ajax and elsewhére7' Brunélle askéd. "As far as calls for service on a per- capita basis, one aréa of Whitby is traditionally thé busiet- in Durham Region ... the eastern part of Whitby, east of Brock Stréet" sad Hall. JAMES R. YANCH Howevér, hé quickly stresed that Whltby fare "no botter or worso than any other Durhamn mumicipality. "Grime is no différent hero, it runs in cycles," sald Hall. "Wé hbave our drqgs and we have our break and enter spécialiste. Its junt that Whitby han traditionally been buny wlth oeils ovér thé years." Hall agreéd with councillor Genry Emm tbat thére are a1"ot of speedérs out theré," but "short of putting officers on every corner, It won't stop. "Police and radar tends te, slow it down whén its théré, but wé cant be thére 24 hours a day. Short of more mon and équipment, we have toeéducate thé public." Councillor Joe D;rumm, who récently convincéd council te lower thé seed ilmit on etréeta in echool zonés, took itone step furthér. "It muet bé thé moet fruetrating job in the world te catch crininals and take them te court, only te have the judge give them a elap on thé wriet," said Drunîm. While ho appréclatéd Hall's assensent of théerooney and, manpowér situation, Drumm aeked if radar o d b. posted for only two or th eours a day, one day a wéék, on a rotating basin outsidé thée chools. "That would go a long way," hé said. Although hé did not disagree, Hall sald his fret priority la to have officére available tu respond te calîs., "Whén we do have manpower, wé put thé radar out," ho said. "oi don't want to blame thé budget, but unlike politicians, I havé te put (résourcés) whéré It je thé most effective. I believe assaulta, break and entérs are more important than speeding."9 WINDOWS.* *A s OPEN NOTE e.575 . .. k~O exacttelaseshowm CD ROM dnve etc5"nDueltium 75MHz processo '2.'~: :'::::~~ ~ ~ ~. -iun eoeLdbi-Tdîrcinariter530MB hard drive Ex1terloal kebsrd a o nio ot WindoCIA95ype taded11 IPC NBIOSe speit-naksickophoinn e jacks____________v___ eCarryting 6bg. ucargaetdape 486D2/66hz CU MB RM exandale t 32M 2 era SIpart ealabor carEN-inOarrant57-t HSgh peed9 pi seral____pot_101____actie___rix OLOU 1000 attend Herremna funieral Jim laetL. wiIl host a breakfast at the Oshawa Golf Club November 3Oth, at 7:45 a.m. to discuss the impact of the economie statemnent. To reserve your seat cati the community office., i I4-Dundas St. E., Suite 101 (905) 430-1141 w TURNINGÀOET1?fl For quotations on RRIF'S, ANNUITIES, GIC & RRSP Cali Scanga & Associates 728-6956 . NewmarIoe4Bra*ý,for4 SAVE AN ADDTONAL 60% OFF VOUR LOCAL COMPANY RATES! TELEHOP, 430-8031 mI , u a" -a w ý ý 1, ý ý .. ý a

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