Page 12, Whltby Free Press. Wednesday, November 29, 1995 Seniors' safety group formed Wi th Durham Region having one cf the highest rates cf fails lu Ontario, a Seniors Safety Coalition has been formed. The coalition, made Up cf community groupe and seniors, is developing a prevention education program te reduce and death cf seniors as a resuit of falis. The* coalition also wants to* address local factors that resuit lu iMiury from fails. Workshops will b. held for' ropresentatives cf groupa (clubs, seniors centres, etc.) who may want te, become trained volunteers. The coalition received a $10,000 government grant te, help covor Fal are the sixth-leading cause of death of seniors in Durham, and the leading cause of injury, says the coalition. GREENGL ASSNusingapeifoydrsfrlte re 100 (D nds-enresetnd ed a ad shotohftdnns arecall daetad Nursing bou e e dln bcauseth olneus WhibofLN a3 Sotedtpe non ey other sweetened lqise le ie Evonlngs & aturdays N rsbt ape eay ontinues ta beh co trin DR. MICHAEL urdentalfrot ethmte s oprevdtte frnt o GREme gencies & New * Clean your hldbtelhdrinkly mte ol o PD ati Cent emeswn e betene titend soith plnaer shalda gien M E T OI EtfrsoN ifEdNg E Iau' Mfake a moire ini the right direction. 1*800*16341l38 EXT il Touch Tone Service» reqired 'Name I Address:I îFor verification purposes, please enter the 4 digit maibox number assignea 10 you.I LZLE RSAND REPLAY Beer Store outiota in Whitbycontrlbuted to the Recycling Couneil cf Ontario's (RCO) llth annual Waste Reduction Week (WRW). In special bins or boxes, unwantod sporting equipmont was collectod and thon sent on to a varioty of placs.1 As woll as collocting sports equipment, each beer store hld a draw for a footballand several RCO reusable travel mugs. The beer store also, donated to charity haif a cent from each bottie turned In on the Friday of WRW. Brewers Retafi recovers 98 per cent of containers and packaeging sold oach yeari which includes pickcing up over 100,000 tonnes of beer cases annually from over 14,000 bars and restaurants. Thera are two good reasons te use refillable bol±les. If a boutle le relilledjust 10 times, it uses 20 per cent less energy to make than a recycled can. Ontario brewers reflhl their bottles 15 to 20 times before niaking them into new botties. Refillables support the deposit/returu system, which In turu reduces litter. Although beer cans are not refillable, they have a deposit and are recycled. PickerinIg councilors voted on Nov. 13 to support grascyclng. As residents of Whitby know, grass cippings. should ho left to decompose on the lawn because they are an excellent source of nitrogen. Also, by notcollecting and de-bagging, tex dollars are saved. GREEN TEP: If your backyard composter is nearly fûl, it la a good idea to lift it off the pile and mnove it to a more convenient location for winter omposting. Turn the pile over if you wish, but ho sure to add lots of lbaves and maybe a few branches on top aud just lt it sit and decompase ail winter. Corne spring, mout of it will ho ready to use. Place in the bottom ofyourmzoved compost unit, a base layer of twigu, brush aud lbaves (which help provide air flow) thon begin to add you kcitchen organics. Remember te, keep adding browns. AotherPost for Flaherty Jim Flahierty, MPP for Durhamn Centre, was recontly appointed te, the Standing Comnilttee on General Government. The committe. duties are in addition te, his responsibilities as Parliamentary Assistant te the Minister of Consumer & Commercial Relations. The Standing Comrnittee on Goneral Governmont deais with legislation and other Issues reforred to, the committe. by the Hous. 'The first piece cf legislation we have been asked te revlew promises to ho oxcitlng," said Flaherty. 'We will ho working on Bill 8v the bill te repeal empîcyment quotas lu Ontario." Award program The Osbawa-Whitby Soroptiinist International, a classified service oranztion cf women, offers a $500awardto mature women who muet enter or returu te the workforce. Candidates uhould ho heada cf households cornpleting. undergraduate prograrus or entering vocational or technical training programs. * Applications are available at Durham College and at adult learning centres (guidance or *persnnel departmaenta) lu Oshawa and Whitby. Woman"charged wîth assault A 30.year.old Brock Street North woman faces assault charges after her comxnon-law husband was stabbed around midnight Saturciay. Police say the suspect was arguing with another woman around midnight Saturday ahd when they got physicai, tho victim, 38, stopped in between them and was stabbed tvWce in tho left bicep and oncein, the back. Ho was taken te Oshawa General Hosital (OGH) with what police described as non-life- threatening injuries and was treated and later released. The woman was arrested and charged with aggravated assault, assault with a weapon and weapons dangerousf. Police say she swallowed some pilîs bofore her arrest and was taken te (10H for observation before being rebeasod. Tho Wniters' Circle of Durham Region lu holding iftefirst Christmas wiuter fettivai poetry conteot. Tho deadlnin.luDoc. 1 and anyone can enter. Poems must have a theme apprepriate to the season,, wlth a maimum cf 30 linos. Send aubmissions te Chistnastinter Festival Poetry Contest, The Wrlters' Circle of Durham Region, c/o Owen Noil, Director of INotry and Songwriting, 235 Qusen St., Apt. 1,Port Perry, L9L - B9 For additional information, oel Maijorio Green at (905) 686-2085. How you choose to pay tribute to a life lived or make an expression of remembrance is a personal choice. Your Municipal Cemetery serving the Town of Whitby. since 1951. For information cali: 905-655-3493 GROVESIDE MUNICIPAL CEMETERY Uý ltz=e