Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, December 6, 1995. R 3 jail term for man cnvced on"possession charg A North York man recenitly recelved a five-month jail terni In connoction with* a Whitby electronics store robbery Aug. 28. William Bradlley, 42, had been charged with two counts of Sossession of stolen property over t5,000 and breach of probation, afte.r aboult $30,000 worth of homo stereo and video items were removed from 'Adventure ElectroricB on Dundas Street East Bradley and Robert Belliveau of Toronto were arrested sfter police pulled over a pickup truck in Markham. In Oshawa ý provincial court, Bradley was.sentenced on one count of possession over $5,000 (the other count was droppod), and ho also received a one-month jail terni and probation for thé breach of probation charge. Belliveau had been sentonced in September to a nine-month jail terin after he was convicted -on'one charge of. possession -over $5,,000. 3charged afte*r ji sape Three prisoners at Whitby Jail, including an Oshawa man awaiting the start of a murder trial, have been charged with attemptlng te escape. John, Elliott Tavenor, -32,' Torrence Garrimon, 23 and David EUis, also 23, have been charged with conspiracy te c ommit an indictable offence (a, prison breach), attempted prison breach and mischief. Whltby Inspector Walter Hall says a guard, discovered the attempt Oct. 9 but police delayed laying charges until they could get some direction from the crown attorney's office. The three suspects were being held in a sogregation coul, ho says, and had taken -a bed apart and used a couple offlagboltsfrom it te chip'away ât the mortar around onofthe blocks in the w*all. '"They didna't get very far,"says Hall, because the boit "didn't lend itself well to, a lot of heavy work." The trio managed te remove the mortar from a depth of one-half to two inches and the gap was filled wi«th tissue paper, toothpase and loose mortar, Hall says. Tavenors murder trial is scheduled to begin next month in Whitby court; ho alo faces a charge of sexuai assault in relation to an attack on another prisoner at the Whitby jail in July, 1994. REGIGNAL HOSPITAL SYSTEM .Soetens, Tune head commites Bene. Soetens, former MP for Ontario riding,, and -former Durham separate school board chair Catharine Tuniiey will ho chairs of two new groups formed te maÀke detailed reconimendations for a -regional hospital systoni in Durham. Soetens, an Ajax resident who is now a buinessman, will chair the implementation planning comnitteê (IPO) of the acute care study that was reoently approved by the Ministzy ofHEéalth. IPC will present a report for approval te the Durham District Health Council, and the report will ho forwarded te the ministry by Feb. 29. Tunney will chair the Progrm Advisory Group, a sWxbommittee of IPC, that will be responsible for the slting and sizrng of al prograns andservices in the region. Both groupe are miade up of hospital personnel,., physicians, labour representatives, hospital board members, commnunit health care worloers and region residents. Such refuses discussion of services PROM PAGE li -,,en said this may ho teo late sinoe Wilson bas given the health council until February te have its restructurlng plan in place. 'The docters' proposai mà kes economic sonse. Froni what n teld, the Oshawa hospital board is ini favour of it in principle,." said Emni. Souch defended his decision"not te permit discussion of the CHC douent. "It was circuiated in a package for information only," he explained. 1 We have a procedure that has te hbe followed. There bas te ho a notice of motion and I don't want te, vary from tbat." Souch said the CHC submission contained "different words" than what was used by the doctors, and hé was critical of last week's Free Press article about the matter. "The article in the paper raised hell with staff," he said. 'They got the wrong impression. They thought,'There go. our jobs.'" While Wilson has left the door open te some acute care services in ýWhitby, I can't help but think the direction was established long ago by the rinistry of health and we are* going through the motions," said Souch. "Its important that we have one general direction ostablished. I still think Whitby bas a bright future, but I don't want te rock the boat with the minister." Board director Catherine Tunney, who chairs the district health council committee responsible for determining what programs will ho located in the restructured hospitale, declined to discuas Souch's decision. As for supporting the -CHO proposaI, Tunney wants more details. "If Mr. Flaherty put that group tegether, I think it would ho botter if ho spoke te the board," she said. Although ho would have preferred endorsement last week, Flaherty hopes the board will approve it next month., "It bas the. support of both 'myrthe-Save Oui, General Hospital group, the doctors and D three MPPs," said Flaherty. "My idea is that we could have a j non-partisan group and I'm reafly happy that we could get broad-based support." However, if the board of Whitby hospital doesn't want te approve it after Jini Souch already has and he's their chairman, thon they're in a world of their own and out of touch with their community," said Flaherty. I will continue doing what I'm doing and hope they'll come te their senses." 1SOGH co-chair. JoAnne Prout echoed Flaherty's remarks. 'i left with the feeling that members of the board and some of the administration think they are not answerablete members of the (hospital) corporation or the community at large," said Prcfut. 'Through this whole drawn-out battle there has sometimes'been a sulent and sometimes noisy tug-of-war froni people who are only conoemed about holding on te power and not conoerned about the community." Prout said Souch missed an leopportunity te show strong leadership for a position ho helped formulate." And she' said she can't undertand why the board adheres to the rehabilitation proposai "in spite of a clear indication that this government doesn't have the nloney." We're taking over the Pizza Market The crust is made of fudge and chocolate crunch. Add lots of Dairy Queen soft serve, and a combination of scrumptious toppings. Four flavours to choose from. The I)Q Treatzza Pizza' is the only pizza that tastes better cold. T~ only $6.99 --gets YicOn add $3.00 and get 2 ci add $2.00 more & get 3 ~ We Treat You Righte Dairy QueenO stores are proud sponsors of Ihe Chiîdmens Miracle Networkc. which benelits local hospitais 10f chiloren. 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