WhItbY Frm Presa, Wednesday, Deoember 13, 1995 ,Page .15 Angels' tree for bereaved Bereaved Familles of Ontario (BFO) - Durhamn Region will heip reuidonts by piacing an angel in' their rnemory on tho Angols'Tre. of Lfght at the Michael Starr Building tonight (Wodnesday) at 7:30 p.m. Those malcing a donation wil receivo an angel wearing a ribbon w1th the name of the person remembered. Ini addition,- al names wiil appear on a memorial plaque iocated next to the tree. Donations to the tree wiil assist BFO in providing ongoing public education and programming to families- throughout Durham Region who have lost a child through death. To obtain an angel, oel Bereaved Families at (905) 987- 1691 or 1-800-3874870. Ail are invited to the dedication service on Dec. 13 to help iight the tree. The Angels' Tree of Light wil ho on display unfil Dec. 27. MICHAEL CAETANO was thinking about what to buy wlith the $18 worth of pennies he had saveci and rolled Up when ho decied that someone Iess fortunate mlight need It more. The Grade 1 student gave the money to the family adopted by his sohool, St. Theresa, in Whitby. Phalobr Jeffly Drgsw, Whltby FrosPmus Dinner fýor needy at Wally5's Wally's Famly Restaurant at 1100 Simcoe St. N, Oshawa will offer a free Christmas dinxier to mdividuals and families i n need. For anyone wishing to contributo, anything towards the dinner, ail charitable donations wili ho directed to the children's program of Food, toy REALj£TH CENTRE The Volunteer Association at the Whitby Mental Heaith Centre is holding a gift drive to ensure each patient reoeîves a personalized Christmas gift. Items such as socks, siippers, emali boxes ofcandy or chocélates and personai items can ho taken to building 30 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. For more information, oeil 668-5881, ext. 5323. RC"P ReCAP, in support of the -Saivation Army's annuai food and toy drive, is accepting both new unwrapped toys and non-perishabie food items at its office, 14 King St.W., Oshawa. Katrain Chiropmctic Clinic is collecting 511281, unwrapped items to fil Christmas stockings for patients at the Whitby Mental Heaith Contre. Gifts can ho dropped off at the Karam Ohrpatic Clinic, 3000 Garden St. VLblawspoza),msute 208, Whitby or call 430-1341 for pick-up. 3 the Oshawa-Durham Rape Orisls Centre anai 3Sick Children's Hospital. For anyone in need, or who, knows of anyone in need, a coupon will ho provided by contacting Wally at 433-0369. 9 The charity Christmnas dinner is on Dec. 25, 2 to 6 p.m. VEIS3ON donations VALENTINOS The annuai food and toy drive is underway at Vaientino's, 210 Brock St. S., Whitby. Those donating items wili ho entered in a draw for a number of prizes. The drive continues until Dec. 23. DENISE HOUSE A food and toy drive for Denise House, the Oshawa shelter for abused womon and their children, continues until Dec. 20, at Wmn. Wilson Realty Inc., 420 King St. W. (across from the Oshawa Centre above Suite Dreams). For more information, oeil 404-1550. POLICE The seventh annuai Christmas food and toy drive is hoing held by Durham Regionai Poliice until Dec. 22. Unwrapped toys or food items can ho dropped off at any police station or at the Whitby firehails. Poice wili pick up donations arbd deliver them te, agencies for distribution. Cali 579-1500. ,c 49 SakcI St. N.,Brooktg, Ord O 1CoI d'0)655-5969 - *of SelSmd wW LFREE Estimates - Impeccable Work 1