WALTER GRIFFATONG (Ieft) of Whitby was the lucky winner of the Molson Canadian "Best Seats in the House" at Maple Leaf Gardens on Jan. Ã", after wvinning a trivia contest on Toronto radio station QI107. The "Best Seats In the House" are two swîvel chairs set in the Ibest viewing" section of Maple Leaf Gardens, complete with television monitor and remote control, coffee table and a dedicated wait staff for the evening. Gniffatong and his guest, Charlie Searle (right), were chauffeured to and from the game by the Molson Take Gare limousine. Petes shut out -Whitby atoms The Whitbyminor atom AAA hockey- team, sponsored by Don Cierry's Grapevine, had a major power outage in their 7-0 la.. ta the. flst-place, undefeated Peterborough Pfetes last Wieedneaday. The. losa was only the. fourtii for Wiiitby ail season and thi. flrst time they were shut out. Tii. wind was knocked out oftiie WildcatWs ails two minutes into the firat 'period when a controversiai shot off tiie post was ruled Peterborough's first goal. Petes went on ta score three more in the fret p.riod, one in tii. second and two mare in the. third. Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, January 17, 199, Page Peewees edge dloser to 3rd, with win, tie The Whitby minor peewee AAA hockey- team tied Markham 2-2 and defeated Peterboroughi 7-4 ta start the new year and mave within two points of third place in league play. James Hinkson and Kevin Peel scored against Markiiam. Whitby broke open a 3-3 tie in the Peterborough match early in the third period. Dan Deluca and Christopher Elson each flred hat tricks for WhÃtby with Ryan Matthews picIng up a single. Darryl Forsey picked up the win in net. In taurnament action in Barrie, an event that f.atured teams from as far away as Russia, Australia, Finland, and Sweden, Wiiitby managed on. win, 5-4 over Waterloo. Peel had two goals and two assista with single goals going ta Elson, Dan VonEschscholtz and Deluca. In the. other two matches Whitby was downed by Detroit Vanderlip and Kobrynovc The. l4th annuai Whitby atam- peewee hou». league tournament was held Dec. 27 ta 29.t There were teams, from Oakviile, Ajax, Wiiitby, Port Perry._ The. atom champions 'were Wbitby, Port Perzy Metai; the. peewee champs were Whitby Optimiat Club. .Tournament MVPs were Paul Vand.rlip from atam Lennox Dru mMike Kobrynovich from peewee Wbitby Professionai Fireflghters. Tii. tournament was sponsored by the Whitby Optimiat Club. Compuware 6-0 and Richmond Hiil-Vaughan 7-0 despite solid goaitending by Joei Whitmar*I and Forsay. .Fifth hat trick for Chiassoiin The Wiiitby major peewee AA hockey team, sponsored by Crowe Sports, improved their league record ta. 13 wins, six lasses and tiiree ties with a 5-2 victory aves Aurora. WhitbY lin the huntfor athird Place finish in the 13-teain leagui wîth, two gaines remaining on tIi schedule. Led by Luc Ciiasaon's fifth bai trick of the. year and a four-poini night, plus soiid- goaltendigfroîx Josh Hughes, Whitby led Aurore from the three-minute mark of tht first period and neyer looked back Aiso scoring for Whitby w.ri Paul Tait, who added two assista and Matt Ra.. Bryan Rourke *n Andy Aflison each, had two asaiMi, with goaltender Hughes adding or assist for bis first point of the Whitby came up empty 'i Belleville in the. team's thfrd taurnament in three weeks Despite solid goaltending fri= Mike Thoruton, Wbitby loat 3-1 tk Ajax as their opponenta scored twc goals during a five-minute penait> in thei- third- period,._.Chiasso scored the. on»y goal. A v.ry strong team from Soutl: Ottawa defeated Whitby 4.1 wit]l Chiasmon again proiding the. oni> offence. In their final gazne. Vaughian skated ta a 4-1 victoey,. with Ailison scormng. ~4 ,,.co Reagan Andrews l 1* LJA Vioki Duthie FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN Well, Andersonians, this ie goodbye. I As cf next weekt, the end of semester one, I wili no longerbe attending ACVI. I know you'il al miss me vezy mucii, but Ill stili be iianging around. Juat because ]Pm gone doesn't mean no one will be telling you ta get* invalved. Listen ta them, go out and do some good for yaurself and others. Tiiere are openings for students on the new cammunity council. Students 'wiii be full members cf the new council, representing student views in ail the decision- making and advising. Tiie council nat oniy has openings for students, but for teaciiers and members cf the community as weil. You can pick up nomination forma and information at the. ACVI office until Feb. 7. This coundil could be a great asset ta the community, so if you know anyone who would do this, get out and nominate th.m. Our exams start next Monday, and the new semester begina Jan. 30. Any'atudents interested are invited to tae part, in intramural activities ail week ta, help "get ready for exams." Thanks toalal the students involved in the production of You Caný't 7'ake It With You. It was a great success, thanka ta the cast, crew and audience. The. Sport-a-thon is fast approaching, and sponsor forma are avaiiabl, in the piiys-ed office. Any cf those go-iiard athietes who want ta iielp out your schoal, this is the. perfect chance. Alsa, the Muac-a-thon is coming up. For musicaily-inclined students, mare information wiil be posted as it gets clamer. Our senior boys basketbali team took part in a taurnament last weekend. The baya did a good job, and came away with tiie consolation win. They play at O'NeiU taday. Tiiat'a it from me, Andersonians. There is one thing 1 iearned from high sciioci: Even though we're oniy yaung once and should have fun, wbat we do now wili affect the refit of aur lives. Work hard; it's only for a few years, and it'a very rewarding in the. end. After ail, the real world- is waiting ta, chew yau up and spit 1996 has arrived at breakneck you out, so take contrai of yaur life speed, and most of us are and make it great. thorcughiy pieased about that. It's the exams that have been a shock to the systemn. VOLUNTEERS Examns began today and wili continue until next Friday. It's Kinark Child and Family certainly hoped that ail Austin Services s l ooking for office students did same seriaus etudying volunteers to perform clerical and wiii succeed triumphantiy. tasks and work with children. The. senior boys9 basketbaii teamn Training provided. Cali (905) won tii. championship for their 433-0386, ext. 308. division in' a tournament in Kingston before Christmas and Students go to Kandalore Students from St. Marguerite d'Youviile Catholic Schooi cf Whitby will visit the Kandalore Outdoor Centre Jan. 23-26. For the. second year, studenta wili be discovering personal strengl;hs, acoepting new challenges and developing their decision-makcing and problem- aolvlng askills. Tiie 80-acre centre la ln, the Haà liburton HiEghlanda. Providing programs for over 25 yeara, the centre's clientele range from elementary and high achaci aitudents to unlversity and profesalonal aduits. Some of the activities students may erijoy include rappelling cross country sling,ý snowahoeing, initiative-, challenges and cooperative games. currently have a 4-3 league record Thé midget baya' basketbaii teair have a 3-4 record, and the juniori have a 5-2 record. Way ta compete guys! The. boys' senior hockey tean are giving their ail ta make Austix proud. In their firet year cf. play coach Mike Peever describes tii team - as "very spirited an( tremendously dedicated." The ski club at Austin has beez meeting regularly. Msa Perch ha.- braugiit togetherè 84 enthusiasti skiers who will be in action fori six-week period. Let'a hope thi temperature geta a bit milder. In student council news, thert will b, a ski trip on Feb. 16 b4 Mount St. Louis Moonstane. Th; council has aima orgarnized a schoo dance for Feb. 15, and Compute; Cupids will be distributed befar4 Valentinelm Day. For a smail price ail1 participants could flnd1 tha- perfect match. .Austin atudenta continue ta ger invoived in sports, academica, anc a variety cf achool groupa. Ever, new year bringe fantaatic s8pirit b Austin and we're ail a, piat cf it The beat of luck on those exams Austin,ý 'Best seats' Jor Leaf game