Teachers may be Councillors' pay laid off package again'- page 2 ciiczdpag Trafalgarteacher tackles Assassins ge3 page 11 Ringette gold for host temsMI GTA plan at.t.acked By 141k. Kowalski Whltby counciliors want no part of -a controversiai report which recommends a radical restructurlng of the Greater Toronto Area. Altiiough no speclfic action was taken Monday, Town coundfilrs dld not bide their disguSt over the contents of a report on the. futur. of the GTA wblch was to have been presented tePoica officiais on Tuesday.. . Several, councillors warned of draiatlcch.anges te the lifestyles erioyed.,.by Whitby andDunham Region-residents if the. Ontario contafned In tii. 266-page docéu ment 'prepared by Unîivrsity of Toronto professor Anne Golden anid ber'four-member commission. Calling it a bMatant attemptý at solvlng the,, probiems of métro Toronto at the. expense of adjacent munricipalties, councillorbMarcel Bruneile, -,for one, saidcoci must prepare. for a possible showdown with Queen's Park séhould thie goverument show signe Of aèceptlng the. report's findingu. 1Brunelle saidWitby MPPs Jim Flaherty (Durhiam Centre) and John O'T7oole (Dunbam East) wýill aise have.litti. ciioice but te buck their own party If tiiey wlsh te properly r.flect the feelings of their constituents on the issu.. 'This scares the. bell out of me," By Mark Reesor A' vote, by Duniiam Board of Education- truatees te do away wltb juniorIdndergarden (<1K) bas an Oshawa trustee "disgusted" and "asbamedte b. a truste.." Truste.. decid.d Saura merning at a hastily-clel 'budget process meeting," cf whlih local media weren't notified until Friday afternoon, te eliminate the. program because cf provincial funding cutbacks. The reconimendation still bas te b. approv.d by the full board next Menday but that appears te b. littie more than a formality' sinoe 10 cf thei. 12 . trustee.. at the Saturday meeting supported the. measure (there are 15 trustees on thie board). "W.e didn't lookc inte alteirnativeis," oMy Mike Nicholson, wi, aloâ g wâhb fellow said Brunelle of the report wbicii makes 51 recommendations on thie future of tai, collection, governient and service deiivery in a 7,200-square-ilomentre area stretching from Burlington 'te Clarington. "Les- tell tuis government before they do anything that thi. GTA monstor lis a direct threat te our lifestyle," he said. "'At the next meeting, w. siiould make a motion telling our MPs and -the goverament exactly iiow w. feel...tiat we are under attack" .Brunelle said that wben- the former New Democratic_ Party government first ' suggested reforming, ýthei- - GTA; , it 11wasý dismissed. by non-Metro Toronto municipalities as a "ta grab" by Metro. But aftor reading mediai reporte sud oth.r documents, "that'. exactiy what it is3, a cash grab,," b. said. Brunelle said outlying muntcipalities are being asked te pay the price for Mtros financial prblms. "W. don't run a deficit budget. Tii. debt we bave isnf nancially maageabie and the Reglon of Durham ls even more secure tiien we are," iie said. "Why "hn would ti.y. (government) visit upon us these SEPE PAGE 4 Oshawa truste. Kathleen Hopper, votod againt cuttlng the. program. "oIf we had kept the. statua que fer 2,000 ids,it would have cost us *1.5 million - about $5 a houseiioid - and we couid have used the. next year te look at alternatives." It would bave been easy te "get another $1.5 million from the. bloated bureaucracy ber.," h. says, "but w. teck it, upen' ourselves te keep -tii. bureaucraéy, te keep the freebies, te keep the. lavish spending at the board at the cost of the feur-year-old students of Durham." Fer. example, $i0,ooo0 could have been saved by scaling junior kcindergarten back te balf-days and cutting lunch reom superviser., -he says, or "weoeuid havýe offéed 4 Special meeting to discuss hospital* services By M&ek.Kowahid- Advocatmof a.greater siiaring cf services between Wbitby and Osha ageneral iiospitais bave fecda public discussion of the. issue. A .special meeting cf the. Whltby General Hospita Cr. wili b. held later tht. cnb iloisiera proposaI from- ,the.Commuünit Hospital ýqommtt.(CHOI) 'for aagainatn èvcs Tegenerid membershlp: mee ting, waa, caiied Monday foliowing a written rqette bospital'board cf=rctr by 10 cororaionmembers 'wiio are upset that tii. CHO proposai was flot debated at the. board'. November meetig .Among thosesigning the. letter w.re the. ce-chairs cf the Save Our General Hospital (SOGH), citizents conimitte., and Whitby councilior Shirley Scott, tii. Town's representative on the. iospital board. <Whitby General iceprsadet Marc Kealty said Zf boerds public e atons coinniitt.ee met Monday xnorning and agreed-te the. request. Kéaiey said hospital' byia ws requir. that the.'Corporation'. approximateiy 720 mnembers b. given at leaat twc, weeks' notice cf a meeting and specilated that it wfil b. ield on or about the bciard's reguiar meetinn Jan. 31., Keaiey decllnedte comment on the. speciflc nature of the. request, but noted that c orporation members do hiave the. "righet" t seek an "airing" cf thoir'concerne. Althougii the. petitioners b.d asked that the. membersiiip me etigb held prior te Jan. 31, SO c-c mir JoAnne Prout sai*d the. date was not as Important as tii. meeting itself. Pleased that a meeting will b. iield, Prout said' many Whitby reuidents 'are 'imhappy .with tii. board'. apparent reluctance .te consider alternatives te a controversial plan te contvrt