ni by JiI Mclntosh Resolutions for -drivers Owners of 'boom box"' cars should resolva Wo discovar that their volume knobs turn both ways. You guys might not believe this, but the roads also contain emergency vahicles that use sirens and people who like Wo listen to their own stereos! (Those of you who can't turn it down might consider playing somne nica Beethoven for a change; it seems that every sterao is sold pra-loaded with the saine meronic bass-heavy song). Those who use the 401 should resolve Wo learn how Wo use it. That mneane the two left lanes are for passing, net for blithely driving along at 90 Ilometres .per hour while the right-hand lanae besida them is ampty. Show me someone who complains about "road hogs" and tailgaters on the 401j and I will tell you exactly how they drive. Those who ride bicycles, should, re*solve Wo learn what "single file" and-*"hand signaIs"' mean. Those who drive alongside them should see Resolution Number One, and net drive.. 'Theose Who have car phones should rasolve Wo remembar that ne ene's ever been run down by a telephona. The bulk of attention should be directad tW the road. Those who smoke should resolve Wo discard their butts in the ashtray, but if that's toc much Wo .ask, at least resolve to extinguish them bafora flinging them eut the window. This is a special raquest from someone who has a convertible and who lives in terrer cf onie of those things Iandtng inside. SFE PAGE 19 its hard Wo believe that we're already more than halfway through the first month of 1996 (where does the time go?). That means that moat of us have undoubtedly broken one or more of our New Year's resolutions. (I haven't, I say smugly- providing you count one exercse class as a "complete fitness program"). It's not toc late Wo make new ones, and whtle on the road Irve noticed a number of people who should do so. I Wish some. of the drivers out there would make and keep these: Resolve to think about what red. lights really mean. 1 amn sick cf havtng Wo check halfway up eacI block whanevar I go through a green light, becausa chances are good at least cone caf ie going Wo go through his/her red signal. This means no turning left affer the last three cars have squaezed through on the yellow, no acclerating from 60 feet -back when the signale change, no slowing down as a concession Wo stop signs. The powers-that-be should bring back the photo radar technology, putting it not on the highway (where it doesn't balong) but at intersections te catch these menaces who disregard red lights. .Some owners of , standard transmissions should make a resolution Wo learn how Wo drive them. That means net comtng Wo an almost complete stop between shifts, causing the drivers behind Wo franttcally slam on the brakas. Those who own trailers should resolve to get al the lights woring or, if necessary, instal themn. lt gets dark early and a trailer with no lights is an accident waiting tW happen. * CAM P CONTRIBUTIO.N. MAUREEN KEMPSTON DARKES, GM of Canada president, shown beneath an artists rendition of Scouting organization founder Lord Baden Powell, recently presentod $100,000 to Scouts Canadas 200-acre Camp Samac in north Oshawa as a contibution to the Samac foundation's campaign' to, mise $800,000 to update the facility now in its SOth anniversary year. GM founder Col. Sam McLaughlin donated the site in 46 to establish the camp used by 75,000 people each year. Phob by MW#Rk ReoVSorhlby Fr"o Prou Air bags used wth safety beits provide the ineet effectve restraint sysf ýem .commonly .gaaýie in automobiles today. But how exactly dos an a ir bag work? For an air bag to be effective at saving lives in a. severe frontal collision, it must inllate quickly -» ti haif the time it takes to blink an eye. And it must activate only in an i jury-threatening impact. . The total air bag 'system includes sensors, a compariment for the air bag and inflator,'and an electronic diagnostic ,aad a back-up power supply module. The decision proceso the air bagsstmismdeyh seniors Sensors are carefuily-designed and located ini the vehicle to determine* the seveérity »of the- impact. TI Ford vehicles' the air bag te designed to be ýdeployed i frontal colsons euiaent to hitting a soidbrrer at approimately 22.5 kilometres per, hour (14, miles per hour) or greater, orin afull frontal crash mnto a' parked vehicle, of like size and weight at speeds about 45. kilometres par hour (28 miles per hour) or greater. Ford air bag'sytems have one or more sensors -located near the front cf the vehicle in addition te a "safing" sensor niear'the'front passenger compartment. One front sensor and'the safing sensor' must simultaneously detect the crash for the air bag'à inflates only'ti cases where it is neededL Lnide --each -Sensor, 'a gold-plated steel baUi t held ti p lace at the end of a short tube bU a magnet. ,rI a forward imac, hebal 'breýaks" fee fromMthe magnet and travels SEE PAGE 19 ' - N ."&'À t , 1 How, air bags ----------------------