Whltby %WFr~ ms *oâ . d, aay2419,Pçs Ail Of Whitbynyi n Irdin i foi du Th Pa Jin int ;lc ra I T el w iiat a $22,886 quotation from raphic Papors of Scarborough ir supply and. dellvoy of üpllcatIng paper b.e cceptod. hs Town of Whlby and Durham bard of Education are, both, artcpatlng ln thîs joint venture Ired at reduclng oests. Recommendod to council tat, -council authorize an- Kpenditureocf -$49,045. for iprovoments to Garrad Road ider a-Durham Reglonprojoct ý6Mng th. Installaton-cf, a large amoter watrznai*n on the, Gait dé cf 'Garrard 'Road- -from' 3unton' Road noith 'to- 1h. tranceocf Durham -Reglon's scto -rocydling depot and thon -ooding northwostorfy te the arrardRoad reservoir.» hecommun »dèd to councîl ROTARY CASH CW)R ~ 1129 27.1..1740 Items from Whitby council agenda. Recommendationq from uthe planning and development 1 cOmmittee That a site plan application from Country Ian. Gol# Cours. for a 2,400-square foot maintenance and stMage building on Ils Taunton Road property b. apprcoved.' The building will replace a storage fadlity destroyed by fire last November. Rscommended to councîl Thot coundil authorize that public noticeb givon cf the Town's Intention te pass a bylaw renamlng Blair Street Io Gardon Stroot betwoen Bums Street te Consumers Drive. In 1991, coundîl changed the namo cof Blair*Street between Bums and Dundas streets to Gardon, but dld not Inckjdo the most southérly portion. A single name for the same road aIIowiance wil reduce potential confusion for street identification by emergency services and the general public, a staff report states. Rocommeunded 10 counîl That a site plan application from 738373 Ontario lnc. (Rose Corp.) for a sewage pumplng station te serve the future Lynde Shores houslng development and nearby Whftby Mental Health Centre ho approvod. The proposai consists cf a 33.8-square .metre -control building and a 31 .2-metre wet wolI -whîch wiI ho sltuated prlmailly below ground. The control building wIl ho Iocated on the west side cf the Jeffrey Street road allowance and deslgned te refloct a Victorlan cottage development. 1 Rocommndsd te councîl That a request for a minor varlanc o the munldipality's sign bylaw from luje Ltd., 1615 Dundas* St. E., for two addltional waIl sigis for a proposed vldeo rentaI store ho approved. Recommonded te councîl Recommendations .from the By Mike Kowalski Only one porion iwiii likely ho responsible , for representing Whltby in the House of Commons after the next federai éection.' Barring an eievonth-hour revomia by tho Sonate, ail of Wiltby wili ho contatnod in one rlding when Canadians next go te the polis. Ontario ridtng, which dates back to Confederation, wfll disappoar and ho roplaced by two new constituoncies as tho resuit of population growth in the area sinoe federal ridinge wero laat redistrtbuted." The change means that incumbentMNP Dan McTeague will bo foroed te chooso which riding ho plans te contoat next timo out. The Town of Whitby will join with Naxo, south of Highway 2, ti forzning a now riding callod Wbltby-Ajax,- according to informiation published in the Canada Gazette lait week. <Whitby residents living north of Taunton Road are now in Durham ridlng whlch fi reprosonted by Aloi Shophord.) North Ajax, the Town of Pickering and Uxbridge Township wili form the other new riding te' ho called Pickering-Ajax-Uxlridge. The two ridings, along with four others in- Ontario and two in British Columbia will boost the numbor of Gommons seats te 301 from the curront 295. Unless a govornmont bill now utaIled titho Sonate becomei law, the now. riding boundaries corne into effect January, 1997. . McToague, for one, supports tho changes. The two ridingi- created out o! bis existing constituoncy are similar te the proposai ho submitted te, the Federal Eloctoral Boundarles Commission for Ontario Iast year. '"Obviously rm pleased," iaid tho froshman ropresentativo. "I'm proud of the fact that for the first time Whitby will have its name used in the House o! Gommons. "No one undoritandi the moaming of Ontario riding now. The county of Ontario diiappoared a quarter-century ago."t In its original proposai, the commission had called for a riding lncludin g ail of Whitby and 1 Appointment -] *Appraisals ~on spot *Repairs . 3 Days *Remodelling SFORTUNE This R.R.S.P. Season Cali A Professional! cae should thoestalied legislation bocome law. Bill C-69 containa a number of measures almed at streaning the 32-yoar-old Electeral Boundaries Roadjustment Act, but ran inte, opposition In the Sonate. -The éeoctoral commission's proposais are baaed on the 1991 oenstus, but the procoswould have te, start again from scratch - at a eout of $4.3 ilflion tln addition te the $5.8 already *spoh't. Howover, If Prme Minster Joan Chretten prorogues parltament Gem.~ TMGe4fIrds Birds '"'Ge 3rd at Original Handcrafted 1/30OFF businesceReesuran seleced aeas nly, (select) cai th WhbyFre * e ile ProeDduce Pres a68611n(ud/itobtin f you id Ceotgetea uamRgion rg flerwi s Ii s e d (select), give s aMob eVacuum' _ _ _ _ _t h e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( s e le c t ) W 4.1 ~ 8 k 4; t i 4; I 4;~t 1.8 i i i I i Smoke .detector may have saved, lives Donald G. Hinton Doug Anderson, Publisher of the Whitby Free Press is pleased to announce the ap- Sointment of Mr. Donald G. inton, to the position of Sales Manager. -The Whitby Free press is a community leader in delivenng information along with handling produots and services that create efficiency and enhance competitiveness for their customers. Founded in June o! 1971, the Whitby Free Press is ceîebrating their 25th year .of service. Don invites your views and opinions in order to better serve you in 1996. He may be reaChd at (905) 668-611il or drop in to their new offices at 900 HopkIns St. By Mark Reesor A Brick Street bouse fire lait Wodnosday could have claimed several lives if upstairs and dowminatisoccupants hadri't beard main floor smoke detecters. Tho batteries ti detectors on the upper and lower levels were doad, Baye Whitby lire chie! Tony Vandoieweerd. 'They had intended.to replace the batteries but had riot... they were very fortunate." Eveiyone got out alive, although a 40-year-old main floor resident waa tranaferrid te a Tororite hospital with huma te bis arma, handi and foot which ho sufferid wbile trying te fight the blaze, which started ti a sofa. Two other resdents wore treated for imoke inhalation. The cause -of the lire, wbich caused about $100,000 damage - $80,000 te, the building and $20,000 te contents - is tbought te ho careleas smoking. Whitby firefighters could see flames when they arrived at the .LLI 1132 Brock St. S. residonce at 5' a.m., Vandoleweerd says. A girl living upétairs heard the detector and woke up ber mothor and the occupant o! a basement apartment "very luckily" aise heard the alarm.' "It juat really demonstrates the importantanceofo! moke detectors," says Vandoloweerd. "If that detector had been ti the same condition on the main floor (as the otheri), chances are you and I would ho talking about fatalities." Functiontng amoke detectors ensuri everyone bas time te get out o! a building befori firefighters arrive se they cari immediately hogin battling the blaze, ho says. "If wo spond the firit fivo or 10 minutes at a fire call riscuing people or pulling people out... I the meantime, the lire ragea on." Uxhridgo, the rural area of north Pickering and Ajax north of H-ighway 2. McTeague'is suhmssion, which had the backing of municipal counicils In Whitby, Ajax and Pickering, had Uxhridgo remaintng tri Durham riding and croating new ridingi by splitting Ajax ti half and adding each part te Whithy and Pickering. Although riot exactly as he had proposod, McTeague is pleaaed that Whitby wlll romain Intact and ta bopeful that this wAll still ho the the bill willie and the commission's ,proposals become law. McTeague suspects that Chretien willl choose not te extend the curront session, but inatoad opt for a new sitting of parliament. Itfs getting a littie long tri the tootli," h. said. 'The gà enm n has te rearrange its priorities. W. need new Positions on job creation, the GST and a resolution on how te tacklo head-on the nonsonsloel approach of the. Québec govornment te disuntty.q As for himelf, McTeague said it willho at least a year before ho doclares -whlch riding ho plans te soek thoeLiberal nomination. Altbough now a risident of Pickering, McTeague spent much of hiearl fi r Whit h admittod. "It pute you tri the position where you could favour onie part over the other, but 1 willl reprisent al 'of Ontario riding uritil that time." Should McTeague prefer te romain close te home, orie porion who may conaider seoking the Liboral nomination tn- Whithy-Ajax is no stranger te Whithy voters. Regiorial councillor Marcel Brunollo, who --had been approached te conteit the Ontario rtding nomination lri 1993 but decltned, naid lt la teo soon te speculate. "Mr. Mdreague atilbas to make bis decision and rm happy hoing a councilior for the, Town o! Whltby," sald Brunelle. "I stili have two yoars left ti a throe-yoar torm and thores atil a lot te do," ho sald. "Bt ik veroie olse, Ikoep 1 ST TIME SUYERS - Lovely detached 3 bdmn home, with w/o from ktchen to fenced back - yard. Priced to seil. $121.900. FLEXIBLE CLOSING - This home boust 2 fireplaces, w/o to large back yard, 320' cedar deck, custom oak cabinets, finished basement. A must see. 1 666ý8245 DEBBIIEMORGAN