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Whitby Free Press, 14 Feb 1996, p. 25

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Whitby Free Pros., Wodnesdy, February 14, 1996, Page 25 Wood TRAFALGAF CASTL E Feb. 6 was our annual caree: night. This le an.event ta whicii ' invite speakers from a numberi professions ta, inform studeni about the opporunities an challenges of their occupations. This year we had speaker representing a wide variety E professions sucii a. aviation, T broaostng, heatu hsciences, iam teaching, social work, fitnessan rnany others. Every Wednesday during thi nionth of February w, hold ou annual house debates after lunci Tues. debates are judg.d by ou impartial teaciiers and are purel, -for fim (plus a few house points)., The students are given au opportunity ta, experience thi clompetitive world of tii. debate Some 'of our carefully ciioser resolutions are "Sports 1. the To3 Departinent of Human Life" anc Tai-y Tales are Essential ti Modern Society." mhe weekend of Feb. 10 was ouz eageoly anticipated long weekend, Hoiefulytis, will have giver iveryone a much needed break durng uis extra busy month fîled with ISP deadlines, speeches, essaya and tests. Crs FATH E R LEO J. AUSTIN Starvation greatly hindere tue processes of the niind. This couldn't have been made any more cear ta me than when I participat.d in- our schooi's Fast for Life March 1-2 (those of you witii a élendar wiil undoubt.dly pick up on-tiie discrepancy that these dates have yet ta pase. However, *I se. thus oniy as a minor technicality and therefore it isn't worth anotiier consideration). As the. wortiiwhl, faut was iield in tue gym, my mmnd couldn't help but ponder on that of the athletic persuasion. Then I recaled the. seior girls' voileyball team's victory over Donevan- on Jan. 31. Tu. girls' hard work and enthusiasm paid off by mounting a come-from-behind win which evened their season record - an aoeomlishmennt which dwindling away, I will end by telling 'you ail that a grey Who ama I? A senior student. OAC year. Final semester. Planning on studyingjournalism. Friendly. A little siiy. Wishing I weren't Olivia Burreil. On. of the, new writers of the. ACVI school news colunan. My main motive for deciding ta write for tuis paper ie simple: I need a portfolio. No, tiat's a joke. I actuaily enjoy writing, so* wien I was taid tiiere would -b. an opportunity for me to write in The Free Press, I took the, chance. And now, on with thi e èws.. Exanas are over and the students of ACVI have a new task at hand:. second semester. Tii. fret two weeks back have, proved to b. anything but boring. Tiiroughout tiie week, Grade 8 students from local feeder' schoois have invad.d oui- ialiways and classrooms, trying ta get a preview of the school they'Ii soon b. attending. Nuxuerous option assemblies haebeen iield in order for students ta select their courses for next y.ar. Also, t"sweekAsI. Valentine SpiritWeek, 4whicii gaIve us: various events including the slave auction, tiie ever-popula r Chubby- Wubby, the. AVOI Dating Came, and - back by popular demand - air band, wiien students get to "synch" their favourite grooves. Last, but not least, Cupide-in- -training can fine-tune their eidls as they serenade tiie objects of their desire with a love song of their choice. For a smaîl fée, a carnation can be purchased and will b. delivered anonymously ta that specia!l person, along with a love note. In tii. music department, Anderson' any bandsanmd choir. are franticaliy preparing thenaselves for upcoming festivals. T'he first on the sehedul, tuis inonth is the Soutiiern Ontario Stage Band Festival, Marcii 14-17. Our sports teanas have b..n busy preparing for thir taurnaments and playoffs. Tue boys' basketball tearn ha. been ver y succssful, winning a local taurnament. They hope. ta do well in the upcomlng league playofiâ. ýASAA Will hold theannual Sort-athon Feb«.16-17. Weil, Hawks, Wlth firet semeste over and second semester classe In fulia'swing, the inveitable hai happened.. the sending home a tihe first semestor final repor cards.-Hopefully it was good newi for everyone, but should there bi any problems regarding lasi semester's report cards, b. sure tc see guidance rlght away. Gooi luck witii second semester. Option selection la fasi approaching. This year's sele ctioin procese will b. explain.d during the, we.k of Feb. 19, with optioK sheets due in the homeroom b) Feb. 29. There are many heiw coursso5 if you have any questions speak with guidance, the subject teachers, or your parents. For those interested in applying to..collegenext Y.1arP , thedeadline le Feb..16. By now, tii. students on the St. Donat' Que. 'trip have 'returned after sp.ndin four day. lImmersed inthfe total French expierlenoe. The students enjoyed French culture at its best and, as a bonus, toolk part in' downhill and cross-country skiing. The Grade 10 Spanxsh ciass ended the' first semester by holding a fiesta in which they enjoyed many aspects -of .the. Mexican culture. Students Inepared spicy Mexdican appetizers and they' and'their gueits enjoyed Menlcan music toppe off by the. traditional breaking of pinatas. The. physical education departmnent is involved in part two of the. community Fit for Life progratn.. This 1-week program 15 for anyone from the Whitby Seniors' Centre who would like ta participate in physical fitness and sport in a iiigh sehool setting. The. program. runs on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30 ta 10 a.m. In 'the. December Science Olympies, thei. Grade 9* scienoe/nath teamn of Max Wilkins, M1att Waiton andCern Munro won, with hon.ourable mention going ta the. second-place tearn of Carnie Habinsld, May Mueiler and Laura Sanders. In total, 60 students took part in tusB afternoon during wiiich they solved' probleme, answered trivia questions, and engineered a straw ramp thaï could launch a ping-pong baIl the farthest ditance through the air. Tii. event. was organized by a group of the peer helpers. Tue Grade 9 Oeo teanas from Henry came home with a fourth- place finish out of 22 teams ln tii. regional 'Geçpardy contest. Congratulations ta tii. Henry team of Carneron Munro, Nadine Pierce. Sheri Blade, Melissa Gosslin, Nicolas CaBtie, Kevin Dick, Aaron Robb and Mani Husson. During the. first week of January, -'iJenry geograpiiy students took part in the, Great Canadian Geography, Challenge. Tiie overail winnër wa. Matt r murais and' otiier art. works s tiiroughout- the sciiool. Keep your s eye.open for:these egreatdisplays. f Thei. business 's-tudies t departm.ent i. proud ta announce 1 tiie addition of3O. brand new 486 e computer. -in the. new lab 'room it 310. Wlth ýtuîs added iab, o> computer courses are hlgh on cl everyone's lit. Henry Street i'a in the. process of ýt establishing àa chool conimunity' ri counicil, an "advisoiy body that wl g analyz. and provide lnput ta ýti. iprincipal on signlficant ar.as that, l ead toaechool ùnprovementi.##-Àn rad hoc commlttee from SAC ha. Ssch.dul.d date. for ëstablishlng i ts council. Candidates' darations were î due Feb. 13, and tti candidates' i frurnwù*lbehldon FebMat8 pâm. Elections for parent/guardian representatives -will-bè held on March 7, from 9 a.m. ta 19 p.m., at Henry. For more informnation, oi thé. school at 668-2731., ST. CHARLES GARNIER', Hard ta, behieve, but another semester at Saint-Ciiarlis-Garnier is over. Tii. end of final exams marks thie beginning of many new events for Garnier students, suciiaas thie Garnierval, the, East.r food drive, and preparations for tii.enormnous hockey taurnamnent coming up in March. The ffret of tiiese activities wili b, the. school's- annual wlnter carnival. This y.ar student. can «participato in one of two. event.: a day at Mount St. Làouls/Moonstone (slÊing and snowgboardng) or a day at Trillium Trails (cross country sking skating and taboganning). Botii events wiii take place on -Feb. 14 and ail studenits are invit.d ta purchase a, speciai "Garniervai" breakfast (prepared and s.rved by tiie gaduates), before tackling their strenuous activities. ;Another important event during FebruryZan March wiil b. the, schol'fe t ever 'East.r fdod drive, organized by the. club,- Jeunesse du Monde. This year the. committo. l19a aking for students to, heip out by partlcipating In a 24- hour fast. AUl volunteere will b. required to, coliect as. many sponsors a. possible ln order ta purchase non- perishabie food items (especlàlly Jason Collier HENRY ST. H.S. Hoop-hop JOHN VANDENHEUVEL,ý 9, eaily handies the hoop as part, of an obstacle race at St. Leo Schools winter fun day in Brooklin last Tuesday. Father Leo J. Austin students Ryan Douglas and Gavin Prout organized the activities to fulfili the community service requirement of their Grade 12 co-ed physical education course at the high school. Photo byJeemDmearYhhby Fm rs c,_____ Olivia Burrel ANDERSON CVI

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