Page 16, WhetbyFrne Pro", W Ë~say'lobWaay 289'1906 Estates kids won»'t goto new School o 1w By Mark Reesor Children In the Garden Estates area may flot have to go to a new Whitby elementary school - at least until a grade separation on Garden Street ta completed. WhitbY trustee Patty Bowman says planning staff are reviewing the situation of children who live ln the area (the west side of Garden Street, south of the railroad tracks) in light of the projeet, which will see Garden Street closed at the crossing for two Years. The closure would mean the elementary children would have to go south to busy Dundas Street, walk east to Anderson and then north to the new echool - or walk tbrough or around the construction site. 'These students may be granted permission to enrol for a maximum of two achool years - 1996/97 and 1997/98... "They would stili be part of the C.E. Broughton (formerly the unnamed Anderson school, see seporate story> boundary area but would be granted permission te enrol (at Leslie McFarlane), FRONT PADS & ' FRONT STRUT-S INS-TALLED, iROTERS REPLACED[) PARTS & LABOUR eg. 1990 Chev. Cavalier , eg. 1991 Dodge Caravan ~taxestae $39, pluse 5pls assuming the numbers can- be accommodated," she says. Board planner Lewis Morgulis will give trustees a report on the plan at standing committee next Monday. Bowman hopes the report will be similv for trustees' information. with Whitby/Durham superintendent Carol Yeo granting permission for the students te enrol at McFarlane. 'We continue te work towards solutions for the families represented in the C.E. Broughton public sehool area," says Bownian. New name for school1 FROM PAGE 3 Two other naines, May Irwin and Crawforth Corner, were also considered and rejected by a naming committee. Four generations of the Broughten family were at Monday's Durham public school board meeting to see the name approved. While the school now bas a name, it rnay. bave trouble attracting tbe 315 students board staff will attend - ail but 51 te, be drawn from tbree surrounding achools (Pringle Creek, Thornten and McFarlane). Thirteen parents picketed the construction site wbere the new school is being built Friday morning. They tbreaten te take their ids te the board's administrative building corne Sept. 6 for a ofsit-and-learn' in the lobby if trustees don't agree te demands te allow their children te stay in their present scbools. The parents say they're happy witb their present scbool and don't want their cbildren te bhave te .switeh te a new school, which ia, in many cases, further away. They're also concerned about their children's safety in cérossing busy Anderson Street te get te, the new school. Whitby trustee Doug Ros showed up te lend bis support to the demonstration. He urged parents to keep pressuring the board until it listens te them. Funding! for 2 d ay care çac e ntreii;s The Minstry of Community and Social Services will provide $14,531 in one-time funding to be shared by two non-profit child care centres in Whitby '. Kids Campus, located 'on Michael Boulevard, will receive $ 14,195 te renovate the playground, replace climber, swings and spring toys. Perry House Child Care Services, -located on Perry Street, will be given $336 te replace carpets. M INTRODUCING now onIy $1'"î nonth* for the stripped down base model 60/40 split rear seat, fog lights, tachometer, mud flaps, tinted windows, full Garpeting, remote trunk and gas releases, a 5 speed transmission, 115 HP, 51 miles per fuel injected gallon*, bumper to bumper warranty, roadside assistance, oh, and a vanety mirror - Sa you can check your smile... *24 month lease with $1511 down, plus f reight, taxes and security. Zero down leases available from $263lmonth over 36 months (taxes extra). Leases based on a sale price of :$14,995. a lob HWY? FIREE at DIXON ALIGNMENT DurdasSi. 317 Hopkins St. unit #5 E ' Whitby CoumrflmD 666-5167 SALE. Dealer for: " Michelin " Unîroyal " Goodyear " Brîdgestone e BF Goodnich *Dunlop * Hoosier Firestone * General LOWEST PRICES! 666-5.2121. 317 HOPKINS DUMJAS ST STREET IFI~~ speclallta! ~ co4S ST'R L325 Hopkins St., Whitby LIN 2C1 6682252 * 686-1853 DRIPLESS ANNUAL' RUST PROTECTION The best Annual Rust protection available for new or used cars, trucks, vans & sporty utilityveh'icles. Interior Shampoo " Vacuum complete interior "Utilize a special shampoo and extraction process to, lift out stains and ground-in dirt $'7 " Detail and dress dash, M doors and trim Offer expires March 9, /96 fiNfAST E ~I KIN r, IJ 1501 Hopkins St. 'Whitby I I IMIÀj 6661811 TH OL'S OPN* £ N S5*L POTCTO Wednesday mght' darts LASTrS milE'UBHDIVISION glaudimp se fFeb.21 w L F DUeS Fosh &Chips 120 70 120 FabrdutnoTochnlcsllu. 105 85 105 CbamntCo oraru m 104 88 104 RoysEnterpulse 102 88 102 whyTrphy Hous 89 101 89 DubeaIrA&sida 87 103 87 On yCoppns evices 81 109 81 BaI.rFum uaulhing 72 118 72 Fdb. 21 - Fdx"atng TeohnIo 6, Whitby Tq4; Rloyls Enteprm 7. Baker Furnkure 3; Claromnt Colector 7. Dube Haïrà Skin 3; Gary QçWi sS«. 5. Dukds Flsh à Chipe 5; Feb. 14 -Fabrlcatng Tochnlcs a. Gary Cappins 2; Rais Erterprkses 7, Ckamot Colledor 3; DukdsfIsh à Chips 7, WhMtb Tr2hY 3; Dube Haïrà Skli 6. Baker Furnure LAIATT'S CARLSDERG oiviio9 Standings os of Feb. 21 W L P StaieSahore Fish &Chips 67 35. 87 Nawina Tust 66 30 66 DeurattaOffice Sevices 50 52 50 Dodd &Soutsreoeadloom 45 57 45 Discs à Dats 43 38 43 In-Une Stom extures 37 65 37 Umms FOL 21 - SuesSochoru. F804. lnUne Store Fixtume 2; NatioalTrust 4. biscsa Date 2; DOMd & Sauteir 3. Duslrtta Offlo. 3; Fsb. 14 - Dodd & SaUter 4,. Lk.&m tur e hts2; StMM Sehom. F&C04. Nationa Trust 2; Dits & Dat. 4. OeiratOfflS.2 IaiuIdml cadiôp me of Fuh.21 BLUE UIGHT DIVISION: MikesyNleWhof 19, Scott Louime 488. AI PWiar 485, George Hiliard 444. Gary Cunrrngï 412; CARLSBERG DIVISION: Ryan Cornier 3M3 JackNieuwhol 177, Doug Newton 142. Dav. Reid 147.,Pion Mori 134 WHITBY FREE PRESS. is now Iocated at HOPKINS STREET (crer of Burns St.) muffler & briake ce::] ............... . . . . . . . . . . '11E r EHETR@01L i AL-1 1 NLY Get the details on how to REALLY cleun yoûr car Don't keep putting up with awful stains and ground-in dirt in your car. Get rid of them! Completely! With Interior Shampoo from 1 Ziebart Tidy Car. -r-T 11