Page 4, WhItby Free Pros, Wednesday, February 28, 1M9 3 resign from< school board committee over 'à ban'onbook A -MESSAGE FROM THE PREMIER- 0F ONTARIO: "i say an beholi af the government that electric power ail over the country should flot in the future be mode a sport and prey of capitolists, and shahl flot be treoted as anything else but a valuoble osset af the pëople af Ontario, whose trustees t his goverfiment af the people are." James Whitney Conservative Premier of Ontario 1906 By Mark Reesor Durhams public health nursing superviBor is protesting the public school board'e failure to approve an AIDS resource book by resigning from a board committee. In a letter to Family Life and Eduation Advisory Committee <FLEAC) chair Nancy McLean, Judy, Murray said' the board'a decision to "ban" the Reduce the Risk document is against the Region health departmnent mandate. The board has "priinarily endorsed clasaroom resources that address abstinence" over the past several years, writes Murray, who was the medical representative on the board. 'Resources ta assist sexually Indoor PlaygroundfParty Facility - A place where kide cen be Iddz We otter Open dally play, drop & shop - Hassie free wwruv MALL Ait inclusive birthday paillies 438-1644 We are now accepting SprIng Clothing sizes newtbom - 6x at our corlsignmrrent corner. Pleaso ceil for mors details. active teens in'making decisions regarding safer sex practioes have flot been endorsed... consequently, youth who are sexually active do flot have acoess ta accurate information regarding the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases." Despite the resignation, Murray promised the health departmnent would continue to provide information on, sexual, health and perentlng Issues, on request, ta the committee. Trustees asked board chair Audrey MacLean ta send Murray a letter asking her ta reconsider her decision; the letter !B ta be sent at, the end of this week. Two parents also resigned from the comrnittee.. The board voted -8-7 -Oct. 16 ta not approve the Reduce the Risk book, tauted as a ."teacher resource book on, AIDS and sexually transmnitted diseases," because of parental opposition. Among other thinge, a parental delegation objected ta some of.-the classroom. exercises in the document, which had been revised- four ' times, complaining'-that it made sex a game. A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN 0F ONTARIO HYDRO: "Il had hoped ta live ta forge a bond af iran around the -Hydro ta prevent its destruction by politicians.."SiAdmBk Founder & first Choirman of Ontario Hydro Deothbed wish, 1925 çà NTU-<121 Brock St N. HEALTH& NUTRITION CENTRE INC. jsNofcres nURAL PÇÇty ffE NO ff OFFER the services of a Registered Massage Therapist 0 1 e Nutrition Assessmentý e Iris Analysis 0 Shiatsu e*elxlg ... ar n drore V TO'SUNDAY AND A MESSAGE TO THOSE WýHO ARENO TELLING US TO SELL, OFF, ONTARIO'S MOST VALUABLE, HERITAGE: Ontario has already tried privote power. It was o disoster - unrelioble and expensive. And its U.S. awners dîdn't core at ail about Ontoria's economic development or its energy security Thot's why OntarloHydra was creoted. Public ownership ai aur electricity system made sense bock then. And stili todoy, oround th e world, public power is cheaper ond mare reliable thon private. It seems thot Premier Whitney ond Sir Adom Beck knew whot they were talking about.- A If John Mvurpny, rresiaent Power Workers' Union, 1996 PWER WORKERS' ~UNION CANADIAN UNION 0F PUBLIC EMPIQYFES, LOCAL. 1000. Power Workers Iurning a littie light on Hydro. For more information coul: 1 (800) 958.8PWU (1 800 958-8798) or fax us at 1 (800) 343-1083 and we'II send you our complete package (Pease include your nome, address und phone number) STONE CHIP REPAIRS I: NO DEDUCTIBLE*U ] *,"lli 7H B AUTO -GLASS.- vvspecasts 1V TOLL FREE 1-800.668-9247 113, Du ndas -St. E', Whitby -~ ~;*;P E E ~i:E ES-e * e 1~II s#i ~;t~ PERSONAL & SMALL BUSINESS TAX RETURNS E MAIL AGENT A LiTTL'E HisToRy, - 1