Page 20, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 6,1996 Wh'i*tby' s pro angler a show attraction WUhYIUs Rocky Crawford will bm one of the star attractions at thiE year'a. Sportamens Show h Toronto. The pro angler ta one of the experts conducting fishinig seminara with the 30,000-gallon fiahlng stimulator. Crawford la Canada's only three-tlme GM Classlo fishing tournament winner and also won back to back Pro Bass. Angler of the Yemr tities. He ion the front cover of the recent edition of Outdoor Canada Flshing '96 magazine for which he also wrote an article with tips on~ angling Iargemouth basa. The Sportsmen's Show, to be held from March 8 to 17, wiIl aiso, include an Owaco Volkswagen of Whltby dlsplay of Volkswagen's newest camper vans. AMA golf tour 1996 schedule Regletatlon les (annuel St. AndreWs V@liey, MAY4.11 am. Bh. SprfigsMay 25. non Garrrdy Gom ,June a.noon Gaystone, July 6. 2M0 p.m Cheiig Aug. 10, 1 P.m Gim Abbey. Aug. 24,2 p n. Carl 5e, Sept.15.nmon Angus Glen, Oct. 5and e $50 $72 $90 852 Si110 8.48 $10 $55 $90 TOin. MUoelaireBâb aum al k1Mij Whitby fgure skating bElmn onudolo BecUn leI .h-pm-gl Feb. 16-18, Kiqngea PREUUK42AY MM Andrew Nicholas, 2nd Zîgt2 2nd figure. 2nd final, 2nd overall; Jeff Koeslag, lot lght 1. lot figure, Bih final, 4th tswd; Pld3LMWM- DANCE:, 2nd - Michell. Koesla, Joif Koeslag; PREUIMNARY L.AIES: Michell. Koeslag, 3rd fllght . Bih eerr*l;Candlos Bradbury, Srd flght 10. Oth seml-flnal; Brktany Moloney, Sdi flight 5; JUNIOR BRONE LADIES- Chrltna Jansen, 3rd ght 1. 4th semnlini; Candi Grarvelle, Srd flight, 7th serni4fial, Molisma Pearson. Sdi flight 3; SENIOR BROZE LADIES: Uisa Coedy, lot flight 6. lit figures. 3rd semifinal, Sh final programn,4th final result; Amenda Mach. 101h flight 4 Odm*a lwtb*on FsL 23,X4 PRE-PREUUA LADIES: Jenna Blois, 111h flightl; NikldU aiinuro, 11h fllght 2;- Caralyn Jefs, 121h filht 2; Jeselca Bowsrmin- 61h filght 4; AJMsa Duwyn, 111h flight 4; J.nna Murray, 71h flght 5. KaWegh Hooper, 111h fliglit 5; Laura Simmnons, 101h fligl 6; Sh*y Hermine, 111th flght 8; Bryden Ehel.2ndfight 7; Ashley Wilson. 101h flight 7; Jacquelin. Welsh, 2nd fiight 6; Nicole KEIS, 4th fllght . LUsa Auriger, 111h flmght 9, PREUIINAJI LADIES: Molony. lot fîlght 1; Katis Challenry, gth fllght l1, Mlohelle Ko.slag, lot fllght 2; Heah" Houston. Bih flght 2; Heathe Chabassol, 91h ffight 4; Lidsay Harles. 121h flight 4; Erin Challenger. 41h fr.ght 5. Shannon Alexander, Bih fllgbt 5; Jeu" Cr.Olh flight 5; Melmnle Aung«r,4th flght 6; Coleen Bentley, 71h flght 6; Kendra Rond, 11h ligie 7; PREIJINARY A MEN: JolI KoesIag. 3rd; PREIJLUNARY 9BLUDIES.- CadmBmury. &rd flght 3; PRELIMINARY B MEN: Nicholo lt; JUtIOR BRONZE LADIES: Cheryl Hooper, 7th flýht 1; Shannon Cldmm ,101th flight 4; Christy habassol, 11 h flight 5; SENIOR BRONZE LADIES: Usa Coedy, 11h flight 2; PRE-NOVICE LADIES: Lideay Moloney. B1h fllght 3; JUVENILE DANCE: Mice" Koeslag. JolI Koesli. Sdi Od8wa Uicoen Fei Fet 25 PRE-JUVENILE A GIRLS: Lauren Matin, 4th flight 1; Britany Stanyon., Bih fllht 2; JIVELE AGIRLS: Amwbda Taylor. Bih ligie 3; PRE-NOVICE A GIRLS5: Amoy Taylor. Ist;- Uisa Decky, Sud; PlE-NOVICE B80GIRLS: Janis.-Lynn ýFrae, lit; NOVICE A 0111.8: Mcab1huui, Sdi flight 1; Domniciu» Baldaue, ath flight 2; NOVICE 9BGRL: Michelle WoU, at flibit 14, Ka". Vanplswv. 11h flight 1; Kuislin Dawkins, Sih flieh 2; Laur aWedds, Bh fligie 2;Shphi" Smnm. Bih fligt 3; JUNIOR B GIFU.: Lindsay Blbs, Bih; INEASEDIATE A: Aiefey Murdoch. 11h fSighe 2; Mdeghi M 91e Bh light 2; Alileon Mannon. 3rd fliplht 3; INTERDIAMTE, 8: KsrY.LYnn Morrleo, 2nd %ltI.-e K.ndra Ee 3 rdfllgie ACVIgrad 'leads'trmnity e s e v y i t, ERYL MacKAY Cheryl Mackay of Whitby played a large role in turning around an otherwise disappointing volleyball season for the Illinois college she now attends. Trinity Christian College had a 14-win, 21-losa regular season but upset two-time defending champion Bethel College at the district playoffs, thus earning a trip to the National Christian College tournament in Tennesee. And with 13 service points from Mackay, Trinity was third at the Chicagoland tournainent, to advance to the Great Lakes tournament of Michigan. Mackay, a freshman who asuxned the setter position, led the teain in assists this season, averaging 8.1 per game, and was named to the Chicagoland alîconference teain. She is a graduate of Anderson Another tournament titis Ajax agai*n fails to Whitby Flaahback to Jan. 14, at the Malvorn tournament: the Whitby rminor atorn select hockey teami l playlng Ajax In the championship gaine and behind the shutout Selects wnbig in final of Cougairs The Whitby major novice select hockey teain registered a convincing win to take the championship at the Scarborough Cougars tournament Feb. 22-25. In the -fret game, a 9-0 win over West HIII, Nick Gairson registered a hat trick, while Shane Monillo and Chris Jakeer each had two goals. Cory Bruinsma and Evan Boyes had singles. Sean Green and Alex Renaud had the shutout. In the second game, Whitby came from behind in the third period te defeat Parkwoods 3-1. Jakeer, Kyle Sledziewski and Morillbscored. Ini the semi-final, Anthony Novia, Boyce, Jakeer an Morillo scored te, defeat Umionville 4-1. .In the final game, Wildcats continued their seven-game win streak by defeating Brantford 9-0. MattheW Houghton, who registered a bat trick, was chosen as game MVP. Cai-son and Bruinama each had two goals while Boyce and Morillo had the others. Green and Renaud shared the shuteut. 1Bruinama had 12 points in the teurnament. Jakeer, Morillo, Jordan Potter, Adam Samiga and Riley Siblock each had four assisa while Bobby Noordman, Houghten and Novia each had three assista. Boyce, Sledziewski, Brad Harris, A.J. Wheaten and Michael Leahy each had two assista. In lbague pbay, Morilbo scored in a 1-1 tie with Uxbridge, Boyce and Jakeer scored ini a 2-2 tie with Ajax. Forbes Ieads under-ils to 7-1 victory Durham Kicks under-il girls rep team kicked off the 1996 season with a 7-1 win over a barger under-12 team from West Rouge Feb. 29 at Soccer City. Eight-year-old Whitby native~ Sylvia Forbes was a standout in posting a first haif shutout in goal, thenv co Ing -%* out u h scndIf 1 gMatidi of Mike Jeffrey, and a second period goal hy Mike Macho., Whitby wina 1-0 te take the teurnament. Faat forward te March 3 at the Scarborough Sabres tournament: Whitby la again playing Ajax in the champlonahip gaine, another 1-0 victory- and tournament championahip. I the last 20 seconds of play, Kristian Cunliffe acored the winning goal, asaisted by Matt Laffey and Mike MâcPhee. Jared Millar earned the ahutout. Whitby started the tournament with a 5-0 win over West Hill as Matt Race had a goal aud two assiste, Cunliffe had three assista and Laffey two goals. Chris LaForge and Machee rounded out the goal-scoring. Millar rocordod the shuteut. Whitby thon blanked York Mis 8-0, goals by MacPhee, Cunliffe, Mike Meissis, Jason Gordon, Chria Bowler, Race, Jordan Hayes and Graham Knox. Bowle r and Knox each added two assiste each. Jeffrey recorded the shutout. I the third gaine,. Whitby downed Kitchener Braves '6-1 as Hayes had two goals and an assiat, aud Gordon a goal and two assiste. Cunliffe had two goals and Knox the other. LaForge aud Laffey each had two assista. I the semi-finals againat Loi-ne Park, Whitby won 5-3.. Cunliffe Whitby mnor hockey HOUSE LEAGU Btedbury Mecliedce 1. Viîck Insurasm 2; Whitby Kinsmn 5. Broaldin Kinsmen 8; Mauigold Lincaln 3. AigornaApple Orcd" 7 Much 3 AlgommApple Orcharde 0. Andeis oanwlnay 8- Vkiick kiNuI6. Marigold Unocain 3; Whiihy Sdlum Z Whly Kinmn 5; Brookin Kinen 3. Algarna Apple Orcherds 2 Fab. 28 AIganu1. Andsbon Vetenary 0; Matigancal n 3. Whilby Sdtum 5 FinluagI eîr dadmg W L TUBF A P Whbty Satum 14 4 5 65 50 33 VickInsuumc 13 6 3 73 58 29 Bradbuy Mch. 12 8 2 68 36 26 Ando.on Vat11 8 4 42 40 26 AguauApple il 8 3 60 49 25 MlgoldLUn. 10 12 O 70 80 20 Bmok.Kinsmu 6 18 O 49 71 12 WWhKlnsne3 18 1 32 73 7 Lealq écorss Ton Bradinsm 20 16 Scot eNow 23 il mloir allon 20 10 KevilnJnig14 1e ktuklhpon 15 13 Chid KaM il 16 UM PEEWEE Fb« p g o e Moose Lodge 1 (Rob Wahl>; Phem-sedir 1 (MII. Wejdyla) Pkwucle LuiDnun 4<Juabn Beosum. Rab Senu, Nf" H.idleY,.P.RG*saa*>; Whitby Tqcta 2 <Lev Johuon BulahgProduats 4 (Rab L"S.38. Breoki); CJC, Aiday(J,ýohnGlrb ZJs and Laffey oach had'two goals; Cordon. sud Hayes each two assista and Knox with a goal. Ailur the win over Ajax, -Cunliffe was voted championahip- game MVP. Strong throughout the teurnament were defencemen Doevan Brick, Jon Daruwala, Matt Fowlor, Aloi Parker, Matt Race sud Blake Robinson. Gyoidman golden in Quebec A Whitby synchronized swimmner won two gold medals and on. silver at a Quebec B competition reoently. Shelby Coîdman, 10,, won gold as Part of a duet and a team in the junior division, and a, silver for solo at the competition in St. Hyacinthe. Goîdman was copeting as a member of the Markham, Synchro Club -the fiat time an Ontario B bevel club bas competed out of province. «Tho two club teaina won a total of five gold, three ailver and two bronze medals. Pnome) MAJOR ATOU ployonse Match 3 Leri sDom 9 (Corey Hue Z Lao Waddington 2. Peul Vandertp, Enik Walchuk, ColeonJeffroy, I,Du rtid icn, DarryiLarniy); Whlby Optimis 1 (Paul LSntedi) Owaeco 2 <Liam Ckancy, Cl. Martin., ehutout Juelin Connota>; Brooldin Kinmn on Port Peny Meta Proc. 3 Joahan Vouraukos. Micae Finigan, Dmnyl Kan.cny>; Whilby Adk> o2 (Mark NaIls, Thanus McVWhfre Match 2 Wh~iyAudio 1 (Pedrick MiIr); Whiby.Ctfrste 1 (Robén Cob) OWesoa 4 (Hcl*y Vuwsy Z B.J. Boislee, Cale Mertin, uhlauit - Justin Cannoté>; Lennax Onim 0 *NOR ATOU Match 3 GOR Mechanical7 <Andreet Ehon 3. Ryan Pike Z Grog AMoY 2); lKby Ourgers 2 (Evai Johnston, MaTeagu. Electico 1 (Richard Gale); Prctecto. 1 (Nichals Sid Match 2 Prateca 3 (Nancy EngkMn. Nichclms Sdiad, &uadmn Gbb>; Kiby Surgira3(DerekArd 2. Evan Johnston) Dr. Somctiuk!e Drillers 4 Jams SteigrwaMd2, Rabert Chqxnan, Daniel RondilQ; lrys Drug Wet.hauee 1 <Relly Andrew) Bank ci Monteal3 <StuaiPe"r2. ZGrg Suith, shutosit- Ryaai Sorg-Veaweoed>; MèTeage Electric GOR Mechanical 4 <Ryan Pike 3. Jelfeey Mlle.; Whitby Kismen 4 (Thorrus Farquharsa 2,Dvld Cook. Adam MatuhalQ Smagi n XIbcic WoU Emua Osny'slho Wh& nuUkm v m p 52 21 22 46 41 19 60 42 18 47 35 15 52 50 14 à 6553 9 24 41 8 22 558 Whitby' select hockey UMM ATOM epuoeby Masser lkrooen Whftby5 (Chrletlan Cunfif. 2Z Grahan m c MII. MacPhe.Jardan Hayes). Pau1kdae 2 Feb. 25 Whlty 5 <Cuniff 2, Maut Ldhfy, Mo a MRc, Knox). Unlonville 2 UMMORNOVICE apouored by 1» Bu* March 3 Whltby 12 (Jordan Fille 3. a Miii, 2, péter Knowlea2Z Kevin Nasu 2, John lreland, Daniel Jensen. Michael Miller, ehutout - Devon Wright). Don Mille 0 Feb. 20 Whllby 3 (Mic"e Gorcyznsld, Greg Fedyk. Shmn. Graham). West Hiil3 Durham indoor soccer. MEN'S DiIMION Match 3 - Bicycles Plus 4. Oshawa Kickssl-, Barasona 10. Parbran Unite 5; Waltzng Weas.el 12. Ruclws 3 INVfIIIN L.i3 -Red Rougersa12, Tridenfts6; Orange Cnish 5. O.hawa Jazz i Stuadiqa as of Momb V D L F A -F DIVISION I DuulumCultic 14 1 0 126 3643 LSfRangeus; il 1 4 88 67 34 WhitbY SluslusS 0 8 71 70 24 AI-wAzhr 0 986377 18 AircanStems 5 1 9 57 75 16 CCSCAddrI ' 5 010 69 105 15 (kluaTurul 3 1 12 48 88 9 DIVISION Il BicycesPlus 4 0 1 30 18 12 Waltzng Wmiss3 2 0 33 17 Il DOM wKick> 3 i1 .ý,28, 17 ,ýjO.1 Birceoane 2 0 3 '31,29 B Ruckws 1 64 13363à Parbron Unltdd O 1 4 20 30 1 DIVISION Ili Red Fougers 3 0 1 32 -24 9 Oange Crush 3 0 1 21 13 9 Tridents 2 0 2 31 39 6 WhltylInn 2 0 2 29 23 0' Oshaw.Jazz 0 0 4 17 31 0 FIMtplayofgmis Match 2 Dr. Kagetsu~s Tin Grio 5 (J. Thorimbert Z R. Siblock. S. Hartis T. Cyc); T&D Steak à . Surgir 1 <M. McQuuld> Smlng Drililers4 (K. Murphy Z A. Novie 2>; James Dick 1 (M. Meliis) Advantie Air 5 <C. Jakoor, C. Osborm. C .Munehew. S. SOrlsy R. Catranso); Pickerig 11.l 2 (N. Caran J. Patter> Whitby Ftes Pres 1 (M. Morgan); Leacorn 1(CD. UMM NOVICE Rlayoft-g.sne 2 à March 2 WMH Auxikry 7 <Dunis Jonsan 4, Tyler Gurdner Z Pâorouvss);Cllmumo Volkswagen 5 (Geclroy Macregor 2. Mkihel Goroeyneld 2Z Gregory Cuit Brown Eledric 3 <Scat Freeman Z Tllmoty Foirester); Broodlin Legion 3 (Mich"lMiller, Stophen Briseoeur, Canmr Parle) Cirrus Cantracting 4 <Shwrt Grahamn 3, Rya Adams); The Prntiai 5 <Benjamin Sawyer 3. Jasan Fyfe, Trevor Md(inny Plsofft dniug W L T Q U p CimiusContuac. 2 O.- 0 12 6 4 curt Bown 1 0 1 13 10 3 Brookoegian 1 0 1 9 6 3 WMHAuxialy i i 0 9 12 2 Theotudenia 0 O 2 O il 15 0 OwascoVol. O 2 0O 8 13 o Playofu 1lî-Un roundi Match 3 Rauglsy Inesuranos 5 (MW"helTuroii2. SiUy Hantastan, Kyls Holdbrock. SteeArchamteui); Whkby Opfimriats 2 <Miu e Fydon, Casy Rase) Allway Mochanicil 6(Jay RM"e&2. Shane D"edono Z. AIs SIsals Tyler Jinino); Whlih Trcphy 5 <Bryant Hougieon 2. Andrew Boieler, Carnma Lomiax, Ryan Mahidal> MaCullaugli JossIlns8 (Ian Mdlwtrl4. Brlnm RB- -- M ZSmOeniff. Jahn Cinn*ie&IMcLere); Polard Raoling 1(Oialn Pendluliury) JEr,&sDnsg Warehoe.86 D.nyGiseon2. Justin Ln.reley Mrqudt- RyinPicher MlsB~~Play It Agamn Spcne .(Edua Feffn