Items from Whltby Çouncil agenda(s) MondayMaà Recommenda- tions from the operations' committee That the Town treasurer b. authorized ta appiy to Durham Region for approvai of the issuance ai debentures Up ta $2.2 million ta finance the construction of a Whtby Hydro substation ln Brooklin, conditional upon Ontario Hydro approvai af the debenture linancing. The substatian le needed ta meet future power requirements ln the village. ]ReOommndd to council That a $45.903 tender from Bannerman Contractîng Ltd. of K(incardine for gravel crushing and stocicpillng be 9:2- "Meddto council That a $4,933 quotation lromn Unisource Canada Ine. af Mississauga for the suppîy and delvery ai garbage bags be approv.d. IR 0 mn Mended to council That an $18.027 quatation lrom Unisource Canada Inc. for the suppiy and delivery af ut eappraved. ~o1~ned tocounil Recoi ienda- tions from the planig and development c 'lnittee That cauncil appravo the red-lined revised draft plan af subdivision from the Minlstry ai Gavemment Services (MGS) for the Lynde Shores aiea. The change wauid see the MGS revise its plan ln order ta, pravide the same design as ln the Rase plan, "themeby aliowlng a consistent approach ta the Victoria Street(Jeffrey Street aiea" In street pattern, urban deslgn, entrance ta the subdivision area and lot sizes facing one anather. Reconnmendd to council That planning staff haid a public meeting ta consîder eiiminating the minimum requlred distance af 7.5 metres between driveways. The requirement was lnstltuted ln 1960 and doesn't recognize smalor lots and changlng building styles, accordlng ta a report. Recomimenddito coundil That a repart be done on an officiai plan amendment and rezanlng application f rom Invar Industrial Llmited ta permit retail wa rehouses on its* Thicksan Road and, Victoria Street property. The OFFICERS survey me damage aller a car, carrying two cruiser Collided in dawntawn Whitby Friday. suspects after a break and enter in Braokiin, and a police Plas by M.hrRoosarWhilby FMesPreo Two.charg-ed atrcar, cruiecold Two Oshawa mon face charges aften a break and enter i Bnooklin and a collision between a car and a police cruiser in downtown Whitby last Friday. The incident began late Friday morning in Brooklin when a Baldwin Street North woman heard a noise at hon door and reahlzd someoe was trying to get into hon home. 8h. confronted two suspects who immediately fled and were spotted gettIng into a car. lie woman phoned police with a description of the vehicle, which was spottod mon after heading southon Brock Street at Manning Offier followed it downtown, where the collision occunred, and the two suspectafled on foot After a haif-hour search through the downtown by a dozen or so officers and the canine unit, two suspecte were arrested. Damage was estiniated at $2,000 to each vehicle.. The driver of the car, Ryan ScottMoony, 20, of Oshawa, la charged with failing te remain at thesen of an accident, dangenous driving, failing to stop frplcdriving with a suspended license, break and enter with itent, mischief under *5,000 and bneach of necognizance and probation. Jason Edward Peann, 219 of Oshawa, in charged with break and enter wlth itent, mischief oven *5,000, breach cf probation and penmitting the openation of a motor vehicle with no insurance. MPs> explain budget overafs The two MPs representing Whtbywi liold post-budget breakatstmorw(Thursday). Ontario nlding NP Dan McTeague wii discusa today~s federal budget at the Regalis Retaurant I the Pickenring Corporte Centre,, 1305 Pickening Parkway, on fIburaday at 7:30 a.m. Anyone wishing to attend should «Ml M&dI'eNgue's nstituency office at 427-62039 as thon. is limited seatlng. Th.eout te attend is -$10. Durham ' lding NP Aloi Shepherd wlU hold a breakfast meethngon Thunuday, 7:30 a.m., in the. dlnngroom at Durham Collego In Oshawa. The breakfast in being held in conjunction with the Oshawa and Youth charged after stabbing A 17-yoar-old Whitby youth recoived minor injuries after being .tabbod outaide Wheelies Faxmly Problems FROM PAGE 1 "major systom" doomed "critical to the operation- is harmed or rendered inoponativo and sufficiont staff are not available, such action will b. taken. "Thon. are a whole host of possibilities ln that respect and I hope .that none of them happen." Memibers of the hospital's cmmunity advisony board visited the centre lat Saturday and spoke to patienta and their families, as weil as the essential workers, management and picets, Beflantyne said. However, he did flot know if the board mntends to issue a report on its asehsment of the current situation. Bolier Centre late Friday evemung. Police say the victim was stabbed twice in the nib area around 11:50 p.m. and was taken to Oshawa General Hospital, where ho waa treated and released. Police arreeted a 17-year-old Whltby youth after a foot chase, and seized a knife. The youth can't be named, under the Young Offendens Act. He waa charged with aggravated assault, aasault with a weapon, possession of a concealed weapon, weapons dangerous and breach of probation. A second suspect was also arrested but later neleased unconditionally. Clarlngton chambens of commerce and CIarngton Business Gnoup. accountant, and Deloitte & Touche senior tax consultant John William.wfll discuse the budget. Ebepherd had already indicated that the federal governe nt "met Its commitinenrt" t reduce the annual deficit te three per cent of grass domestic product (GDP) in 199M.07 and that the govormoent will meet Its two per cent target for 1997-98. 'This should nesult in lower Inteneat rates whlch, will give «Ml and medium-sized business.. the. opportunity te expe.d and croate jobs," saya Bhepherd. The1996 budget documentcn b. purchased for $25. A budget brief and copy of the. speech by Finance Minuster Paul Martin (te have been given today at 4:30 p.m.> wll b. fre of charge. FORTUNE Fi1 N A»N CI1A L " INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT " RETIREMENT PLANNING " TAX / ESTATE STRATEGIES CAL ODY ORYO 5 RE DBI ORGAN] For blanket coverage of ALL the homes andlor businesses in Whitby OR t o selected areas only, oeil the Whitby Free Press - 668-6111. Iftyou did flot get a fyer which is listed for ful distribution, give us a cail. (select) *Mobile Vacuum' (select) *One Hour Moto-Photo (select) *Wayne McPhee - Re/Max Summit (select) I.. . t-,., ROrARYCO M$ Prà è réjnitiew 0jal 0928, 1736:2707 1.438 1096: ÃM 2608 agenda 1 a 2 Whitby Fme Pies, Wehda"Y, March 6. 1996 Page 3 1 1