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Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1996, p. 3

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Whitby Fm PrPs", Wechesday, March 27,1996, Page 3 Slig9ht in crease 111Region tx hbi That the Town accept a $70,001 offer from Steve DeNoble to purchase a 60-foot-by-i 00-foot mesidential building lot on Reynolds Street. DeNoble was the only parson to make an-offer on the lot. Carried That the Town accapt the low tender of $365,611i fromn Campus Construction of Concord to replace the sewer and watermain on Brook Street North, subjeot to fundlng from Durham Region and the province. The Town will pay $37,000 of the cost. Work ls to bagin April 22 and wiIl be finished by mid-June s0 as not to interfeme with the County Town Camnival. Carried New Business That.BaIl Brothers Construc- tion Mt., PCL Constructors andGffels Enterprlsas be approvad as the prequalified firme to submit daslgnlcost proposais for the thma ce pads to be buiit at Iroquois Park. Nineteen companlas responded to the Town's advartisemnents. Parks and recreation department director Larry Morrow says thé firms have extensive experlence in areaa construction. The $7-million complax is schaduiedto open in October 1997. Carried L±, ~ AI~ji Items from Whitby Counc agenda(s) MfladayMarc25 I i c il baturday evening. Police say no one was injured in the robbery, which teok place around 11:35 p.m. at the 80 I'hickson Rd. Pizza Pizza store. 1The suspect is described as a white man i hi. ffMes who hes a moustache and beard and is around five feet four fiches but with a large bwild. Police say ha was wearing a' puarter-length khaki jacket dur- ng4 the rcbbery.. agenda Recommendations- frein the Planning and Developinent Committee Th at a site plan application from Pebblestone Mufti- Services Inc. fora 6,157- square-foot addition to its waste transfer station and processlng facility at 2000 Wentworth St. be approved. The company intends to limit its operations to a transfer station only and will need the expansion to accommodate increased truck traffic. An application to permit this change is now before the ennvlronmnent mlnistry Carrled That a temporary use byiaw/ste plan application from Liza Homes for a ternporary new homes sales office at 3500 Brock St. N. be closed without predjudice to the applicant. The builder intends to use a portion of the model home ln its Whtby Gardens subdivision for the sales office and a separate faciiity is no lonqer required. Carried Recommendations from the Operations Committee That council raise the sign permit fee for permanent signs to $75 from $25 per sign, which Is what is now charged for tenporary sign permits. CaMred revenue fromn fines goas te the prvice» he seid. "ît' tÇi Ëaieawith transpor- tation matters. Money, collected from motoriste from gas taxes tire taxes, goas inte faderal anc1 provincial coffers and what we get back i. only a small portion of it and it shows it mn our roads." Whila the budget does provide a slighit tex hike, thera will ba no increese in water and sewer user STOPP - 1032 ÉROCK ST. S, WHITBY, ONTA (Just i rates in 1996. A $13.9-million surplus in weste management raserve funds also halped reduce taxas 4y *an avaraga of $9 par house- hiold. Howver, Durham's outatand- mngdebt will increase from $8.1 million i 1995 te *82.1 million by the yaar 2000. This is due te construction of a contr<>versial water supply plant However, the latter category i. especially upsetting te Emm. "]m c<ncened t at the budget dosen't address the waar and tear on our roads "ha said. "Treffic i. increesing, signali- zation is not keepinq pae, roade are minaed of repar... these ara the visible things that will coma back and haunt this council.» Many. of the postponad road projects are diractly attributebla te fewer dollars from Queen's PakEmm said. "lt/ always ben a sore point with me that we are raquired te staff the courts and yat aIl the By Mike Kowalski Whitby residents can look for- ward to a sligixt increase in the regonal portion of their property txbill. Durhin Rgion council waa expected to, ado pt a 1996 budget today that al or an increase of 0.8 per cent in the regional tax 'rebudget provides for _gros. expanditures of $277.3 illion, with a net genaral levy require- ment of $99.6 million. Lest yaar, the figuries were $307 million and $9 5.6 mililion respectively. If approved, the coat to, the average household in Durham will be $2 more than 19951; figure of $487 for general and solid wasta management pur- poses. The proposed tex hike ranges from a lugh of 2.4 per ont in Pickerin to an actual decrease of 0.7pa cent for Oshawa rate- In e!itby, the increase will be 0.*5 Per cent or.$1 to, the average homneowner. Although he would have pre- ferred no increase at aIl, regional councillor Gerry Emm, a member of the finance and administration committee, said this goal could not be echieved in 1996. Holding the lime on taxes would have meant further slash- in the *lice services board's ~.6-mil ion budget -- which was $300,000 les than initially requested - and -this the commit- tee wes not; prepared te, do, Emm said. Only lest yeajr Durham hired 37 more police personnel and additional cuts would likely have resulted in layoffs, hie seid. "I don't want te sea the effec- tiveness; of police services redu- ced and- I think the feeling of *Whitby residents is for a strong police force, said Emm. "obems with speeding, comn- ,munity policing, working . winth our young peopýle, a Ilf put demande on the police," hie said. «You don't want te be teld youll get one (officer) in a weeks time when you caîl for help.» Annualization costs of approxi-: mately $500,000 for the 37 police staff wes one of the key factors contributing to, 1996'9 net reginal levy of $97.9 million. An 8-million reduction in un- conditional funding grant.; from the Ontario government had regoal officiaIesesrambling te aodpessing it on te local tax- payers. TMis reduction wes in addition te, a $5.7-million funding chop ebsorbed by the Region in 1993 due te, the former NDP govern-* ment'. social contreet and-expn- diture control prgam (tota reduction of $13.7 million fromn 1993 te, 1996 inclusive). For 1996, gros. expenditures for currant purposes were redu- ced by $29.8 million teaccommo- date the provincial grant; short- faîl. This was accomplished mainly to-vour home -ail F-rades and ertified teac hers ndvdaiei ult with the -niiulzd n teacher -2uaranteed sati I1 -888-TUTOR-ME 1subiects program tisfaction FORTUNE F 1 N. A N C I A L INVESIMENT MANAGEMENT *RETIREMENT PLANNING *TAX / ESTATE STRATEGIES CALL TOA O Y FE I 666-8245 DEBMOYAN PULI OTC USLDS *HOLQUALT S EW SRE EIN ACIE We ordered and purchased a large quantity of our newest Sew& Serge Sewing machines anticipating that we would get school-Ordaers for themn. Due to economnicconditions, these ordars ware flot raceivad. WE MUST SELL THESE MACHINES' These heavy duty school modal sewing machinés ara made of matai with matai hooks and drive gears. Ail machinfes ara brand naw and carry the manufacturar's 25 year Warranty. They are designed to saw on -ail fabnics' without adjustment., Levu's, Canvas, Upholstery, Nylon, Stratch, S ' ik, Vinyl. THEY EVEN SEW ON LE ATHER With the buiît-in professional overlook stitch,' you Saw, Seam & Serge the edge in one oparation. But unlika somé machines it will also maka buttonholas (any sizae). Blind Hems, Monograms, Dacorativa Embroidary, Satin Stitching, Applique and much more with the tum of a dial. Now you can have it ail on one machine. LA YA WA YS - cash or cheque, Visa &- Mastercard accepted lii Wtout0 ad S499 - rc g inl e d -Fl 3ya- wra 4 DAYS ONLY e Expires March 31,yý1 996 TRAFFIC~4ICI~IT, Speciallzed Traffie -Offence PointProtctio Experlenccd ex-Prosecutors go to court for you s tation)> * ,,.,..,,.,,.~. FREECONULTTIO IF YOU'FRE. LOOING FOR JUSTICE, GI)VE USA ^.,'ALL. (905) 665STOP (665-7867).~ à& v 1 ra.r.BJau.CLOSINGU4 - Ti ns nome boasts 2 fireplaces, w/o to large back yard, 320' cedar deck, custom oak cabinets, finished basement. A must see. "A-LI1TLE-«EXTRA-H ELp"X Tutoring Servie. a- - 1 JUua i ,wUuiE - Lovely Oetacfled 3 bedroom home, wfth w/o f rom kitchen to fenced back yard. Priced la selll $119,900. MUSTiBE SEEri- ummaculate home, treshty painted and new broadloom throughout. Includes window coverings. 5 appliances and central air. Won't Lastil$143,900. -we corne -we use C -wc const classroon a FIRST -FIME BUYERS - Ideal for the first time buyer, with as littie as $4.745. down. Freshý painted, 3 bedrooms and large deck off of kitchen. $94,9W. Cail Michael McCulloch RE/MAX ý Quality One Ltd. 5 13 Westney Rd. S., Ajax 683-2992 STOPP LN)7L)À .'A Point ProtÉ'i'*,C.tio'n

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