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Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1996, p. 28

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Page 28, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, April 17, 1M9 I OBIUARyI AVRIL MIZEN Avril Mizen of Whitby <ied at Princess Margaret Houpital in Toronto on April 9. 1916. She was 56. She was born in Edinbur, Scotland on k.pril 24, 1939,: daughter of William and Eleanor (Gray) Barr. She married Don Mizen on Jan. 16, 1968 in London, Eng- land. She was a receptioniat and executive seeretary for Durham Regional Police, CBC and for manyý years, the Bn f~!n She is survived by her hus- band sons Glenn and Dean, sis- ter Eleanor and brothers Ramunay and Ken. She was predeceased 4y her parents, and brother %ran. The fuiieral service was held at S3t. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, conducted by Rev. Jim McClure.- Interment at Mount Ljawn Cemetery. We 're taking over the Pizza Market The crust is giade of fudge and chocolate crunch. Add lots of Dairy Queenf soft serve, and a conibination of scrumptious toppings. Four flavours tochoose from. The DQ Treatzza PizzaT" is <the only pizza that tastes better cold. only $5.99 ... gets 1 COL add $4.00 and get 2 add $2*.OO more & get 3 We Teat You Right8 Oalry Q~eeq's ore reproudsp= rsof 1hn chiImVs MWid.NelwoqKlcich h.eflts loalhoapitls fr chllrn. No( avaitablo wth any other offer. WI-ITBY DAIRY-QUEEN 1003 Dundas St. E. 668-5342 Drw Works We brew for you - no exra charge INC. (you just add the yeast) Brew beer for as Iow as $11.50 per case of 24 reg. botties. We ýpare no expense to provide you with the freshest and hest quiality malts and hops for our heer recipes. i We use only the highest quality importedjuices to make our wmnes. Choose from: - Chahlis - French Colombard - 0LLL66 BURNS z L 66BE 0 ~ 0l390OHopkins St. 1 2 ECONSMES Unit #6 Whitby We accevt competitors coupons 6 Generations of' Service, Quality & Trust * amnily Monuments. *Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882I Home appointnlents gladly arranged *LOCKS - KEYS e SAFES e ALARMS a DOOR. CLOSERS e WINDOW BARS e PANIC BARS * DEAD BOLTS , LOCKS REKEYED e ACCESS CONTROL *MASTER KEY SYSTEMS - HIGII SECURITY KEY SYSTEMS a CARD READERS e DIGITAL KEYPADS a CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED u k 3Hwy. 2 8Dundas Sl'E Y~h~hîp c CobcmeSi. E 666m5599,Mu4S.E-1 110 DuniU>p Street Eagst DAILY LUNCHSPECIALS 11AM - 3PM IHours:I IMon.-Fd.I ~11-9J -I - -__ _ Fir timesrewrs ine ma . . . ... s.. ----I Swim program Wbitby for youngsters duplicate begis next week big The Whitby Iroquois Swim m MM W ecvoiWh Club'u next 12-week session for the 212.h% Pet Ada onn Who 1IL, introductory. program starta Lotiona *Biais âid Bon Tony 181.&. Loni Monday, April 22. W"lw end Pal Roger 171.0A The program is geared to Mamhl 27 - A.-Lonna Biais mid Bon Tony children aged four to six who are 131A0 Audryen ad JIan Wilson 121A .Fia capable of floating and some> ChâdliSadtlS.kmW01Englai 114.5. swiflUing. Mah 27- B: H" i.zud ~Dàhdh 127.0. For more information, cali 430- Jun. Ovoedmaa omb 1.. 9472 and ask for Allison. and Mary =le W#Iy 10111-5Q April 3: John ard Pond Peaaoc 171L.."Wbe Bonyan" CM. eAdair 172-% JamsAllbn aid Answers to flJonCeo#MBl r16. W hitby Trivia. wwh140 o okadTn 123.0. Fia ChildehaSe aidlmensEngland from page 16 11.. i w ga HmdKen 114.5.Audrey 1. The Brooklin miii could flot AW 10O- : Loo nai Bon T",1Wg,John be run for a full day on water nid PonaPeaaaak114A. ktB«enad Frak power because it drained Mady 114.3. the entire miii pond in less STWS than a day. Muph20.MagWgWadgeandRth Mewen 2. Th Ban of ontral hd a 030, BSiad cHalez woamah 194.0. lIlay 2. he ankofMonrea ha a Bulw aiKeai Wagner 182.5. Kay Hop"in branch in Whitby from 1853 id E"naMaAvoy 177.&. to 1867,-when it was closed, Mamh 27 - A. Ran ancl Chris Adlai 122.0. and did flot open again until Mng"W&M eni<Ruh MdhJO, 120.5. Gus 1954. xl FranGuotason120.5 Marh 27 -B: Susai Cheeham aid WJUIam 3. Whitby's greatest train M» 100.7. Fmnk iiangmi nhum wreck was the mule train GaggailMG..Soorne NundyaiaiAdGupla. wreck on the Canadian 101.&. Pacific Railway near Garden April 3: Mal"geasWdgs ond RuShMolehwn Street on Nov. 2, 1916. 'I&to~Mni Abert Knbb1W.5 B nc May Cinq 176A .Soema Nundy ad AMI 4. The Scadding cabin was Gt* 171.&. built in 1794 as Toronto's AM 10 - . u aGw124.B, oldest surviving building, by Mar"n Bwpoe 12U.. Lmn Wadklns and Pd John Scadding (1754-1824) Reer 119.&. who was granted land at Api 0-I-H«adSWM"i17 Port Whitby in 1802. S*8mre aid xlKHM"kJ127% Eda MMVOY " aï een BMonnlOA. Caon your business survive record'losses from fore?.» Statistics show that if a company's records are lost in a fire, 17% can no longer fumish a financial statement, 14% suifer a reduction in credit rating and 43% go out of business completely. No home, or business is safe from fîre. Your vital records and possessions are only as safe as the quality of protection y ou provide for them. With Gardaîl fire resistive safes, you can be confident your records will survive. c ft b ai ai ar I am I was once proud te be a Canadian, this great land of rights and freedoma. It was the unvy of the world. We stood strong and in the ees of our neighbours as we were Ilnd and helping. Evuiy day in 'sehool we stood before our flag and our Queen and gave Our allegiance. Tis was a reminder to our youth of our great heritage and our forufathers who bult and fought for this great country. As a Christian we gave thanks te God and thanked him in Our prayers for such a country. That was thon. Now we are fcd with aunityecriisain which.a ininority of Frencli-Canadians who, through years. of brainwashing by Militant traitors te this great landwish te break the land Up at aIl coste; te the true Canadjans. And this Liberal govurnmunt who, not; te offend this am'ail minority, wish te appease .the Frunch by offerings thait affect; the rest of the gruat Canadian, people. The point in issue ls the appointment of a French representative in this Liberal govurnment te change the oath of citUzenship for Canada by dropping' jahl refermne te our gruat Queen. The Quuun of the Commonwealth ia still the Queen of Can 'ada. She reprusents longuvity, ability freedom, prIde and honour. She Gu part of Canmadian history,,and its scua strength. She represents our laws and our'freedoms and al that la good. * She doum fot mresent any speciai, interest group or governmunt iparty. but al the people In this ountry of Canada. The bleuding huarts and thu socialista forget the ruai people of tis country'and seum te sway tu those special interest groupa who do not want te abidu by -the Canadian rules and way of life. 1 cannot su why it is so important that wu make these changes'for new Canadians. This country wfll always have some form of ties with Great Britain and those who choose te live in tis country are well aware of this fact. [t, was Sir John A. Macdonald, the father- of Confuderation, who teld the Queun that the purpose of Confederation was te declare our irusolve te bu under sovereignty of the Majesty and the family forever. Those pursons who do not choose te bu a part of Canada, will not change their minds for the simple restrueturing of the oath by dropping aIl references te the Queen. After ail, the goal. of these individuals lu te, break up the country. It sadduns me te think of ahI the tax dollars that have beun wasted in the proces of the change of the oath and this attack on a great lady, the Queen. I would like te, know in this time of restraint who in this- Liberal government decided te make these à >0 m L»Z=.. Queen is part of our history

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