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Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1996, p. 8

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Page 8., Whtby Free Press, Wednesday,-April 17, 1996 whi' bsins Chamber seeking bus*ness awards nominations Tii. Whitby Chamber of Commerce !a accepting nominations for business person of the year and good corporate citizen awarda until April 26. Nommne.. for the. business person award must have made an outatanding contribution te tthe tewn during 1995/96 and have been working and/or doing business in Whitby in 1995196. They must be auccesaful In their occupations. Previous winners include Willi1am D. Litte, Nugel Schilling, Jim Souci, Cris Douglas, Tom McTaguRob Morton, Grant Bouter and Barb Power. The corporate citizen award la presentedl only when it la deem.d ty tii. chamber tiat a business In Whitky bas demonstrated Its good citizenahip by 'making an outatanding contribution te tthe town and Ita citizens. Previous winners include Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village, McDonalds Restaurant, Miracle Food Mari% Swiah Maintainence, Buffett Taylor & Associates, Royal Bank, KWS Energy Services Ltd. and Pebbiestene Muiti-Services Inc. Nomination forma are available at the. chamber officer, 128 Brock tS, Whitby, ON, LUN 4J8. Cal 668-406 for furtiier information. A CVI gets software BEXWORLD owner Marj Rempel Ioads Anderson CVI prIncipal Sally Moîlveen Up with some- of. the thousands of dollars worth of'computer software the new Whitby store is donatingi to, the schéol. The store, which cardes more than 2,000 CD-Rom tMtes, also offers people a chance to '<test-drive" software on eight in-store computers. Photo by Mark Reesor, WVhltby Fm. Presa GM w~il d north fab pln Ge-neral Motors has announced that it will be seiling its north fabrication plant in Oshawa. The plant employa 1,400 houriy and 130 salaried workers in the production of producta such au batteries, suspensio components and fr4ected mouided plastics. The sale is part of GM's strategy toecut costa by outsourcing their component supplies. Stow Low, spokesperson for GM in Oshawa, said that the company i. lonfident fat they can seli the. plant. He sald that GM doesn't have a Ispeciflc time lin. that they are workring te,' but that the «marketing' of the facilities wiii begin inunediately.' Hie refus.d te speculate on the consequences of GM not finding a buyer for the, facilities. Industry observera, however, have said that it would b. unlikely that the plant would b. kept open if a buyer cannot b. found. The. Canadian Auto Workers Union president, Buzz Hargrove, condemned the decision te seli the plant «tàa crasa decision in light of the immense profita they've made in Canada,» he said. GM Canada returned record profita last year. The. decision te sal tii. plant was announced just three weeks after a str-ike at a plant in Ohio shut - down moat of GM'. production acroas North America. Outsourcing waa the cause of that dispute. GM had previoualy announiced the. outaourcing ofmore than .2,000 jobs In Ontario and Quebec. The. issue is, expected te cause difficuities during contract taika between GM and unions in September. *«Mils latest outsourcing decision heightena the. chance of -a strke ti 611l,» Hargrove teld delegates te CAW council. 'W, are absolutely determined as a union te resoive this issue once and for Sinclair teen busy ihschool, businessý By Amry Southgate Having your own business is agreat, " Baya a 16-year-old Sin- .SPRING SPECIALCotpon I . 1/2 hour Fuil Body Relaxation Massage & Pedicure : i $45.00 tax ie. (Reg. $58.85 tax inc.)I ---$10.00 OFF A NEW SET 0F NAILS - -- -- ---- - ---- -- --- - - clair S.conaary Schooi student. John Green, on. of the. student entrepreneurs at last week's Business Showcase at the achool orates ViaMedia Incorporated whch designa anything from educationai 'packages to Web Grewho has seen hs busi- ness grow steadily for tii. past two yeara, has don. work for realters, r'estaurants and the Durhamn Board of Education. ,'Tm actuaiiy realiy busy rightr- now. , iiad te turn -pee down becaus. I juat don'thave enough time with achool.n Green does most of hua work for ViaMedlia -on w eekends wvhen he can. work as Iong as he'needa te - determ ining your own hours is but on. -of t he benefits of having your own business, h. saya. *Monda/y - Wednesday 8am - 9pm -Thursday & 'Friday 8am - 6pm - Saturday 9am - 5pm, Sunday IOam - 3pm MORNING, EVENING & WEEKEND WAILK-IN HOURS -No appointrnent necessa.ry à A Coýmputer, Colour Monitor and Colour Printer for the price of someone else' s compouter. Bestb3e Computer Performance ne 25 Thickson Road North (Near KF..C.) e Tel: 905-725-7454 e Fax: 905-725-7732 Hours: Mon. Tues. 10-7, Wed.-Fii. 10-9, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-4 i~dePERSONAL Il m! 1' i i ll'il i E -, 75MHz Intel Pentium Processor * 8 MB RAM - Intel 82430FX chip set * 1 OGB harddrive - 1.44 floppy * MPEG full motion video * 1 MB PCI SVGA video * 14,400 bps fax. data modem *Windows 95 keyboard * Windows 95 pre-loaded -includes manuals & 2-CD tutorial * ihMcrosoft software titlest *McooiEnSdra 96- CD, - Worlcs 956- CD. - Money - CU, *DneosCoalures - CD, - Gai - CD. Erre"limen Pcc.adScenes", plus new Gaines Sanple *Mouse & mouse pad *3 year parts & labour warranty *First year on-site service Mtutnedia hardware * Quad Speed CD ROM drive *16-bit stereo sound card " FM radio tuner** " SpeakerPhone wlvoice mail & telephone directory software *Ampified exiemnal speakers *Monitor included J. - A Colour Canon Bubble Jet Printe "The kis moving fast on a project and etting thinga- don. 'uiki frlte customer. Then there is time for the customer to look at it and make changes. You- really have to listen.» He says .h. ýwished .hd better computer akilîs ýwhen'h. started the business -- about a four-month 'process. --and he would have been ahi. te do, more business if h. hired someone te heIp hMm wh.n he first started.. He now has one employee.- Green says bis business' is going te get bigger becaus, of the. internet -- "the Internet is a hug.e market. Anythinq, te do. wiTh it wiii b. succ.ssful. Sinclair and the Durham Home Business Association heid the showcas. to display the. pro- ducts and services of small busi- ness own.rs and te show the, Eskilis of student entrepreneurs. SClotiies Iriencls f si sBoutique" Clothes Friends Fashions,' Whitby's downtown upscale resale new and neal new ladies wear boutique, cora"lly invites you to view Durham's largest selection of women's quality resale fashions. The store caters exclusively to women and offers a large selection of designer fashions, business and casual Wear, evening9 Wear, shoes, accessories, jewellery as Weil as new and resale bridaI fashions. You will enjoy a comtortabfe boutique setting where you can take your timne to browse in a relaxîng atmosphere. Discover quality merchandise at g reat savings. We also invite you to becomne one of our valued suppliers of quality merchandise. If your closet is fufl: of quality up to date fashions that you no longer want, we give good value back to your original clothing investment. We are now accepting spring and summer merchandise. Please caîl Lucy in advance of the arrivai of your clothing. For ail of our customners and suppliers, we are having our annual Open House and Customer Appreciation Day on. Sunday, April 21, from 11:00 to 4:00. Enjoy wine and cheese while viewing the Iatest spring and surpmer fashions. But don't wail tilI then to discover how much you can save on your wardrobe. The store is open from 10 to 5:30, Mon. to Wed., 10 to 7, Thurs. and Fri and until 6- on Saturdays. CLOTHES FRIENDS FASHIONS,' 123 Brock St. S., Downtown Whittýy. 668-4100.. S . E Guess who now does AIRBRUSHING on natural & arlificial nails (Prices from $ 1.00 to $20.00) Wtgrks, ýBody W4m-ks, 209 Dundas St. E., Whitbye 668-7446 (Lowe r level A cross f rom Post Office)

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