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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1996, p. 9

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Page 8. Whthby Free Prese. Wednesday, April 24, 1996 Wa ersa eo re Wterfaletodrik, buit monitoring9 continues The water is safe for drinking, but Durham' Rogion works department staff continue ta monitor the tritium levels i the water near the Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa water suppf lns Te-sts have been made since the radioactive spili, from unit 4 of the Pickering nuclear generat- ingttionlast week. he Ajax water supply plant was shuit down soon ater the spi11 ta check for health risks in the' waterý. It was reoponed when it was determined there were fia health riake. "T7ritium leveis measured are well holow the interim Ontario drinking water objective of 7,000 becquerels per litre, and pose no threat ta public lhealth "says Dr. -Robert Kle, the rgýý eia offficerof health. rgo' eia Tritium in drinking water makes up lese than 0.1 per cent af the total yearly radiation expo- sure. Becquerels per litre je a mea- surement- of the activity of a 3 mre onts t coply with sign bylaw By MIkeKowalsld An additionai three-months' opeiod has been granted ta mercantsusing illogal mobile advertising signe. Merchants who use flashing or non-electronic signe ta promato their businesseesnaw have until July 1 te comply with a new municipal bylaw. After that date they could face fines of up ta $5,000 if the signe are stillinmplace. Altbough Whitby' e tmr? sign bylaw took offec business wero given 60 days t comply with the now regulatione. However, the grace period was extended anather 90 days after Town councillors began hearing from merchants as the April i deadline approached. "A numhor of councillars, mysoîf included were getting calis- from local busi-mess people who said they agreed with the intent of the byl-aw, but would. need mare time ta remove them ,» expline couci ormnis Fox. "Sm wr eetdInta the ground and because it was -stihll helips to eut cost Of new arenas By Mwike Kowalskl A Wlutby company je helpg tareduce the cost of adding t, ree more ice p ada ta, the froquais Park complex. Cauncillor Judi Longfield annaunced Manday that Co-Steel Ljasco wili belp defray, in two ways, the estimâted $7-niillion cost of building the arenas. Company officiaIs have agreed ta allow tho 30,000 cubic metres of eartb that will removed. from the site to ho dumped at their Hopkins Stre-et factory. The fil will be- added ,ta the massive earth berm that coni- tains unrecycled waste such as rubber, plastic,glass and cloth, that je produceby the firm's automobile shredding opeaton. Ini return Co-Steel Lscowill supply al tle steel used in the arenas' construction «at coot" ta the. municipality. ILongfield did nat have a figure on how much this will save the Town, but said it will ho substan- tial. The arenas are ex>pected ta, ready for occupancy in Septem- ber 1997. winter, it wauld create a mess and more expense ta dlean it up,» eaid Fox. "We decided ta allow the busi- ness community more time ta accommodate the change, but our intent je ta proceed with the. bylaw," ho etressed. Passed iast JuIy, the bylaw pute several restrictions on the tye of temporary signe permit- té nWhitbiy. Excèpt for 'a 30-day period ta pramote a now business opening or . relocation, or ta advertise events heid by service clubs:and non-profit. organizations mobile signe aregeneraliy prohlÇited. Tempgorai-y signe wili not be aoed on boulevards save. for~ election signe,. home builders'- identification signe public infor- mation signe, reaf estate oipen bouse signe 'and'utilhty polo pos- ter signe. Temporary. signe permitted on private property 'are -limited _ ta election signe, mobile signe, pub- lic information sige, reai estate point of Sale signe and subdivi- eion/condominiuùm bilîboard signa. A consistent advocato of limit- inýg jhenumber of temporary SIgnk7nWhitby,,Fôx chairscoun- cii'soperatione conimittee which oversees enfarcement of the Town's bylawe. However, the east ward repre- sentative insiste the rationale behind the sign moe ylaw je not ta make life mor ulW t for local bueinesees. "Part of the problem le that it'e taken such a long turne for the bylaw ta corne inta fruition,» said iraI. «W.e had ta go throug a legai investigation regardingconetitu- tionai rights and advertieing rigbts."be said. "It took tirne ta coneoidate it and it carried on'for eo long that peopîe forpt that aur intent was not ta, make it taugher for busi- ness. WeIt's t t ameane of, contrai on the esthotic quality and con- dition of the'signe.' Although councéillor. Joe Drummn, for, one, was demanding measures ta contrai the prolife- ration of mobile signeu nearly a decade ago, a proposed bylaw did not came ho fore council until 1993. Proponents claimed it was needod ta improve the appearanceof local etreets and ta elimate potential safety pro- bleme caused by signe obstruct-; ing the. viow af motoriste and signe powered by faulty electricai equ2lpment. 1{owover, the Proposed model underwent significant changes after input was received fram te business community and generai public. During hast year's bylaw 'dis- cussions, council was warned ta expect a challenge-'on constitu- tionai grounds. 'But Foi bas niot heard from any merchants who:are planning "Cý-lyoneor two called ta complain anci '-ttoytended ta ho now business people in the last six months or so who wereý not aware of it,» ho said. New ome SalS on the risc New homo sales for the Greater Toronto Area continueil ta grow in March, building an February's impressive -results, saye the, Greater Toronto Homo Builders' Association.1 Total now' homo sales were 1,849, up 10 per cent from Februaîy's sales of 1,687. March. autpaced Mai-ch '95'9 sales of 1,012 by a wbopping 83 per cent. S.Seventy new homos were sold in Whitby iMai-h. Manpower to 'open> new centre Manpower's now aekilîs train- mgcentre wili eoon- open at tho Oehawa Executive Centre, 419 King St. W., suite 301,; The centre will offer training in customer service, teiemarket- rng, medicai terminolagy, bank-. mng system pofiganid remit- tce, ofce automation software and in variaus "quah»ty» pro- grame. *Financial Concept Corporation is a icensed Mutual tund dealer. F.C.G. Securties Corporation is a icensed Securities dealer. Setving Whitby and Oshawa since 1986, 187 King S* rreet E., Oshawa5.77 7 I What is esatplanig? Prper estate planning je simply ensuring that yo ur estate (the. total of ail the property owned by you) is dietributed before and afteryour death according to your wishes. Thisplanning should ensure that the estate je large enough ta provide financial eecurity ta any dependentse, and ta, minimize anid plan for the payont af finai taxes. Virtually eveiybady needs ta do estate planning. The course of action will depend on your needs at any given point in time - and they will change. Lot me use my own situation as an example. I left teaching 10Oyeare ago ta become a financial planner. We had throe pre-echool children, a big mortgage,. no benefite and we wanted my wife ta ho at home with the kids. One of my firet sales was ta myseif. I bought a large termn life ineurance policy on mysoîf. My "needs" were ta pay aIl debte, have some money put away for ide' education and provide onough incarne so that my wife could stay home until the youngest child was at least in Grade 1. I also put a term life insurance policy on my wife - realizing that if she paseed on, I would neod ta hire a fulI-time nanny. Your "neede" will ho different. Ten years later, rm M etilbre, t.he debte are gaing down and the investmenta are gaing up. The term life insurance je etill a bargain. W're flot concerned about child care anymore, but the thought of putting three boys through university je frightening! Our "eetate plan" je stili. fine. The term life insurance wae purchased ta provide an instant" ostate when I didn't have one. The oxisting caverage still meetsa ur neede today. Ton yeays frum naw aur situation will have changed again. The RRSPs and other investments will have accumulated ta a decent arnount, the debta will ho gone and wel ho in the last couple of yeare of university funding. My wife may have a now career. Al of a sudden, my need for the "instant" ostate will ho gone -- and the term hf. insurance will ho starting ta get more expensive. I will have an "estate" at that time. This je now a much different stage ofestate planning. I will ho much more cancerned with estate preservatian and estate liquidity.'Haw will I arrange my affsire 50 as ta minimize taxes while rm alive - and upon my death? What are probate fees and how much will thoy caet me? Ovor the next two or three columne ll diecuse these issues. You should ho reviewing your "needs" now. Derek Dutkcz is a independent financial planner with Financial Concept Group in Oarhawa.

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