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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1996, p. 19

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Page 18, WhItby Free Preas, Wecdiesday, AprU 24, 1M9 ReebokLabatt win first games Team Reebok and Team Labatt were winners as the Dur- hamn Men's Lacrosse Le«u sea- son got underway on Sunday. Jonas and Corny Derks each scored three goals and John Waddell had two goals and four assiste as Reebok downed Teain National 13-9. Dan McWhirter had three goals and Rick Schoer three asa- jats for Reebok. Derek Jones led National with two go ais and four assista while Bob Englbert had three goals and two assists. Scott Spencer scored twice. John Scanga had three ais and Gu y Morey and T1rson Chaykowksy two each as Labatt ran over Teani Lion & The Unicorn 10-2. Goalie Chris ORteilly was solid and had thre assiste. Fei Tk PL4VROUE RU/CETTEIîi# SUMMER 596 -Socoer City Sports Complex 100 Sunray St. League PIay Runs May 1lst to,%Sept. 1lst Cal 665-0228 Final Registration Sat. April 27, lOam-3pm $150-00 +GST Coaches required too! Best ini Ontario MEMBERS 0F the Whitby team that won the Ontario tween AA ringette champion- ship are (front row, from Ieft>, Jessica Brownridge, Rachel Reid, Stephanie Cam- p eau, Heicli Schlitt, Lyndsey Smith, Sara vanderlip, Lindsay Freman; (back, from Ieft) assistant coach Doug Freeman, Krista Mueller, Miranda Burg ess, Jennifer. Leighton, Kara Bymnes, Nicole Freeman, manager Kim Reid and coach Ross Field lacrosse Juiors dominate iniBaltimore The Canadian Junior men's lacrosse teain, which includes several Durhamn Region players, won aIl four games they played at a recent tournament in Balti- more Maryland., Woin Doyle had five goals in a 14-8 win over Anne Arrundel Colle ge, a top 10 division III school in the U.S. Sean Howe and Sean Steinwald each had two goals with singles by Steve Voituk, Marty O3rien Ziac Ait- ken, Paul Sallie and ISoug Bel- lamy. Howe had four goals and Doyle three in a 16-6 win over Essex College. Voituk and OBrien'each had two golss. Doyle Kad ive goals, Pat Mad- dalena three and Jon Harasym two in a 17-3 win over Cabrini College. Doyle and Steinwald each scored four roais in a 15-7 win over Loyola High Sehool. OBrien had three goals and Howe two. Canada won three gameý-nd loat one at- an earlier tournament in Flori*da. * ThIey will play in another tour- nament June 8-9. Durham Region members of the Canadian junior field lacrosse teain will hold a fun- draising monte carlo and sulent auctiorîn ght on Friday, pril 26 at the Masonic Hall in e*tb. Tickets, for $5, are aviLle from teain members or by calling 430-8794 or 42.7-3025. Funds raised will help defray the cost of competing m i the worid chaxnpionslups. Ie teanrcnywo thz.ýe , f fourgans- the is(1-> was to the Fborida state, senior men's champions - at a tourna- ment in Florida recently. The team is also seeking- Cor- porate sponsorship. Whitby curling club RNAL CRUMNG RESULTSS TflOPHY VuNESo Mme ru"d at EVENY:OhClb dianvionship Ole Piddler trophy: ewno -skip Bih l~l * vice BWayne Pasco., second Don Montgorney, b.ad few Glnter; nrnn-.p - skb Brad Rcbbics, vice Steve Mations7, second Rob Woods.,lad But Por, SECOND EVENT.- we- D0e wery. vice Grog Whkmker. second JfrnClyde b.dc Murray Hennessey; nalnrs t- skip John Kunetslcy, vice Ken Chars, seond Suck Goqga, kWd Jack Cadmn;ilIR> EVENT: winer- skip Rob Marson, vice Mark Kelard3sy Gloghomn, seconid Dan McCluskey. b.d - Sandy Lidsay; mnmeoe.p skip PRos a ldon. vice Mmiv Jones, second J.F. Brion. lad George Reddc Mss'. vlsonol cMtln EVEN: Sonny Mormion Memnorial trcphy, uêwmr- skip Paul Sutton. vice George Aunger. second Gary Cleghcrn, b.d Brian Maclntyre; rnoeoe.<- skp Jin Cushnie. vice Randy Chew second Brai Watso, lead Frank Evans; SECOND EVENT: uine- skip Ron Aibon. vice Paul EIicSt, second Jim'Chivers, bai Bruce MMmeum; novas-tp . ski> Paul BamnesI vice John Bonnmng, secondi Jo. Viro .ad Day. Stringer; iINR EVEMI: aimer- ski Ron Camsron. vice Rob Morton, second Jim Grmdy .duc Frank Devlin; rwmer-W. - skip Don Glntz, vice Judis Snolinskis. second John Morton., bai Jeif Whelmn; EVENT: Ron Caron trcphiy for divisional curling (senson high points>. woe - ski Ardm, Vice Dennis Noakes, second Kevin Noa".s, b. A. Aikon EVENT: Conpule trophy. ww - mkW Caral Brown, vice Lana Boyko, second Jo Van de Bosport ba Dmwn Bicndi; novas-p.- skip Mary Parks, vice Cheyl MCas. second Jo Van de Bospors.labd Jo Limer; SECOND EVET: 'VMw - skip Beody Hoinger.,vice Donna Taylor seond Glora Ryan, b.d Shelly White; nmver-tp - ki Helen Bcyce. vicesAnne Sonhsy, seond Jane OToole,1b9d Editt Thompeon; 11URD EVBII: winr- skip Lorraine Edwad. vice Janice Weatherdon, second Audrey Wilson, b.d Shely Francis; noise-wp- skip Bely Pasoce, vice Angle Stein, second Cathy Chiniens, bai LywuMoufon; EVENT: ManagerabqvIy(rnosm gularson poit) - Mmy PaikeGerd DeMile, Saron Munro Wanda Costes; EVENT: Bona b'2y - Sus Mad.ead. Lhz Winters, Roos Fulton, Ange Stein, Lorraine Oison; Mwm ob'cphy - Camél Foot, JckioeGorcki, Janice Weatherdon. Carole Smth. DRAW 1: Mct-uhan srophy, let - Sue Ranm.,Geen Colos, race Wilson, Janet Lkndsay; 2Wd-Jung Wsrry, Roe Steem% Kathy MC .llo rnlmGalions; td- Liz Winters, eBonisBrr Lys,, Vukosavlevlo, Shari Burke; DRAW 2 Unsponsored trcply. it- Osyle Jackson, Barb Hiontre, Aice Beatt, Gloria Rymn; 2Wd- Valer Eln*,wd, Lynda Mueschot Suzanne Boalp, Sarah Hottos; &d - Charlotte Ennis, Jas Aubuakle, Madeleine Rlby. Leude Light; DRAW 3: Vabantin Cup. lIs - Gayle Jackson, Hebéne Wright. Tracyr Grog, Laune LUght; 2Md- Shirey WozniaKk ide Goroddi, Lynne Vukosavl>svi, Lynne Paers; 3td- Is" ar dner, Boni»î Berri. Elanor Tandy, Susan Jchnston [579-52 7-1 muffler & brakE? centre om- tete Méchanical & E ectrical Services 1 Fý - - - - àd6aààbà" 1666-18 Le

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