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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1996, p. 22

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Whltby Frm Prea, Weckiesday, April 24. 1 OU; Pffl 21 Students receiv computers -as poster contest wunners PtrMisevsjki of Anderson CVI received a.$3,500 computer as one of two winners of a poster contest held by Durham Reg-ional Police. Students of Durham RegiÏon high echools were invited to desin aposter*on the theme of 'Anti Hate and 'Fight Racism.' Ii. program was begun by police to' rais. awareness of crimes against individuals because of race, colon;, religion, ethnic origi or sexuai oren-- tation. Paul Chang of Port Perry High School and Mievski each won Hewlett-Packard computers as winners of their respective groupa. The Kinsmen Club gave $2,000 and the -Multicultural Council and B'Nai Brith each $1,000 te be 8iven as prizes for the contest. OliviaBurreli ANDE RSON CVI This -week dn cable .10 youca catch a snsak preview o this years ' Slpontaneous Combustion,- alon g. with a fe Winterviews with some of the cast members. Don't mis1t The actual production wiU be held from ýMay 15 tc17.' on- 'May 25., the ASAA will b.l holding, a giànt'craf/garage sale and' car wiiash. For a mners $20 youù can'reserve a space to seli your wares. Cail the school and speak te either Mrs. L. Correia or Mfr. R. Mfitchell for details -and bookcinge. Congratulations to the ACVI track and field team on their succesaful meet, on April 12. The teamà is now- busily preparing for their upcoming competition. 1Also in the sports department, ACVI's soccer and softball teams are training for the W9 spring season. The, girls" soccer'team'is ftrst game of the year is this week. 1Tired of singing in the shower? Ready -for« an audience?* Well, herels your opportuhity to shine in the spotlight. Friday *at lunch, student council will hold its annual kara oke contea't in the cafeteria. Just bring in a tape of your favourite song and do your stuif. And finally, te round off the week, the music department will have its annual 'Vocal Cabare t' in the old gymnasium. Selections will be presented by ail the,, choirs, along with a few solo arti,9ss Contact the music department or any member of Anderson's choirs for tickets. This is definiteiy a show you won't want te miss. "Belinda Wong TRAFALGAR CASTLE' .Hooomrrayyyylll This week, our school track teamn went te York University for the CL9SA track meet. Seventeen of our Trafalgar students, accompamied, by Miss Murphy, faced some very harsh competition, but after a long and exhausting day brought. back some excellent results and impressive ribbons. Lisa Foresta was third in triple jump; Alexa Begy sixth in high jump; in shot put, third and fourth place were won by Jennifer George-John and Brn ttany Lowe mespectively. And ladies and gentlemen, our top rnnera, Asha and Nia James, both teok first in the 6O-metre, Asha for the juniors and Ia for the midgets. In the 400-metre, Kia again came firat and Amnber Eieenhut sixth. The latter again was fourth in the 8O-metre mun behind Christina Weber, third. Last but not least, our Trafalgar teamn came firet in the 4x200 relay: Kcia, Yvonne, Christina and Asha whipped the competition with a spectacular finish. And don't you thinkit's an easy job. Think* about all the competitors from ail the scheols in the whole Toronto area. Our drama students can now take a well-earned rest after a succesdfu weekend of shows. They performed Snoopy over three nights and offered a matines to local chudren from Kathleen Rowe and Palmerston schools on April 18. It was a spirited and tencéhing musical with wonderful, memerable songs such as The World According to Snoopy, Don't Re Anthing Leas Than You Can Be, Poor Swe-et Baby and, my own favourite, Charlie Brown's tender tributs te his pup, Where Did 77te Little Dog Go. There were stellar performances by Angela Min, endearing in her role as the big-hearted Peppermint Patty, Sharon Schroeter as the blanket-toting, egocentric Linus, Heather Davison as the wondering and wistful Charlie Brown, Kelsey Benning was beguiing as Sally, Roxanne Christian as; Lucy and Chiara Campitelli as Snoopy's constant friend, Woodstock, al supported Rachel Tan who brought the familiar Snoopy te life right in front of our eyes. Did you remember te plant a tres on Monday? April 22 was Earth Day and we gave it the ful Trafalgar treatment. Jennifer Smith and Holly Buchanan, heads cf the environmental club, organized a dress-down day. Evexybody who wanted te wear casual cothing could do so just as long as it was green, but they had te pay a dollar for the privilege. Al the meney raised will go te the creation ef our eco-garden later in May. They also gathered helpers and visited our little stretch of adopted highway, I-ghway 12 noth of Rossland " te give it a spring cleaning and make it prettier for ail ofyou toe erjoy. Hope yen notice how wonderful it looka np there. Litering, they new nnderstand, is a pain in the-back. Henry mounts play HENRY STREET Hi gh Shool's dramatic muia1rdc tion -of The Bciendwi'llbe presented Apnl 25 to 28, with tickets availabéeat the school (668-2731). Cast members include (standing, fromf left) Mark VanderiMatTb- deau, *Dawn Mendez, Adam Shields and Tim Armstrong, and (reclining) Luke McKay. Photo courtesy of Henry Street High School Vicki Duthie 1 JA FATHER LEO J.-AUSTIN With less than two months ef school lef, excitement is mounting here at Austin. Student ceuneil erganized Spirit Days last Thursday and Friday, anid students were enthusiastically învolved in numerous activities. There were buffet-style breakfasts, cartoons, a jello-eating race, a servant game show, a pie-throwing competition, and a carnival including a bunges mun. The dramatic arts group, under the magnificent direction of Mr. Labriola and Mmr. Shea, is set to pemfomm this year's play, Thze Pirates of Penzance. The play runs fm-om Aprl 24 te, 27, and tickets can be purchased at the.door. The curtain goes up at 7 p.m. The girls' and boys' lacrosse teams are well prepared for their first games of the. year which stamt this week. The boys' rugby team, the boys' junior vamsity basketball team, and the track and field group are among, many others whose seasons have already begun. Austin students continue te, give of themselves as they are raising funds throughout April for the ida' Help Phone. Almeady, approimatsly $100 has been collected. Tis money was brought in te, homerooms and was also amassed thr-ough the pie-throwing competition last week. Tanya HunterI Alana Koster I SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL Ifyou missed last month's pizza day, yen can catch another oe tomorrow.' Make sure te have a lunnie in hand and follow the tantalizing aroma te the student Grandparents go. to school The students of Immanuel Christian School welcomed their grandparents te the school on April 22. Students invited the grandparents te "Corne and Share a Story." Ini the past, over 120 grandparents have attended. Students used the time te add te the number of books read at the echool. The goal is te read 2,000 books in slightly over three wesks. If the stndents are successaful in reaching their collective goal, principal Stan Baker has promised te spend an entire day up on the reofof the achool - and he claims te be afraid et heights. cemmon. Temorrow is our second annuel Spring Music night here. Corne on ont and enjoy an evening of fine Music. If yen stiil haven't made your contribution of pop can tabs ini TAG, now is the time te, do se. TAGe have until làesday, April 30 te, add te, the collection. The TAG that collecta the most pop can tabs will receive a free pizza lunch. Our spring semi-formal is fast approaching. W. hope yen have saved most et that money by now se, thatyou can buy your tickets te the beet dance Sinclair has ever seen. Spring, teamas are up and rmnnmng. We wish al of you a succestul and enjoyable season. If yon love ballet t.is trip is for yen. Mfs. Warren has your seats reservsd for the National Ballet For only $20 yen can take part. Ses Ms. Warren ini the physical education office. And front row seats te Phaontam ofthe Operu are still available. Ses Mr&. Cetter in the reurce centre at 668-0594. Farewell takes filight in sohool production School students at the school tnht and fliursday. ' T e JOhn, are-M r y K y' Beal lay abut the hstory f fligh't i. beingr presented by 14 stdents from grades 6 to 8. Ail money raised from admis- sio ,n rom the performances, te bgn at 7:30 p~.m., will go toward the ALS Society (Lou GehrigÉs disease). Farewell- vice-principal and play stage director AI Ashby says work on the production began in January For more information, caîl the sehool at 666-3901. Collier HENRY ST., Henry was the recent site of the annual Klichi-Sai open judo tournament. The Henry' Street flghters did very well with Neil Thompson and Shayne Valinsky both achieving, third-place finishes, whule Mike Francis and Puya Vakili-Zad both finished firet ini junior and second in senior. Justin Turner turned in a gold performance ini both junior and senior. The Hawk badminton teamn of "James Grieve and Jeif Deni-ce was second at the LO&9A West tournament recently. Also' competing was the team of Rob Denice and Gavin Finders who placed a very respectable sixth. On Monday, April 16, the cast of Thae Boyfriend held their first matinee for neighbouring schools and guesta. Judging by the rave reviews after -the performance, anyone interested ini attending the public-performances April 25 te, 28, should pick up advance tickets. Sounds like this one's a winner. The Mkills Canada technology competition, for ail Ontario achools was held in Hamilton recently. More than 500students competed, and the Henry Street team of Bill Lathan and Owen Brown, competing in ilhebradba% The Rotar Club of Whitby- Sunrise bas donated readlng booka to varions elementaxy achools thrughout Whitby, for use with Grade 1 students. Sdhols conduct literacy projecta thrugh use of these-booka. Book presentations are upcoming at St. Paul,)Marguerit. d'Youville and St Leo Catholle ochoolu. /1-W LMJ

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