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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1996, p. 25

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Page 24, Whltby Free Press, Wftdnesday, April 24, 199 F. CHIL CRE j PART-TIME DAYCARE needed ln our home for 1 year aid twins. CPR preferred. 725-7872. MOTHER 0F 2 WITII ECE experience of 8 years, offerlng chikicars. Planned Inîdoar & outdoor adivîties. Snacks, lunch & recelpts provided. Thlckson & Manning. 434-6917. CARIG MOTHER pravidlng rellabie daycare ln my home. Crafts stares, trlpIsot Y-Pace & park. M~utrtious snak & lunch. Non-arnoker, good references. 432-8146. Thicksan & Hwy.#2. LOOKING FOR someons to corne inta my home on a part-Urne basis to look after 2 girls ages 4 years & 20 mas. Thlcksan & Manning ares. Please contact Mamnie or John ad 438-0196. REUIADLE BABYSITTING rsqulred for 7 yearold boy. Must b. caring, flexibe & vlling fo work shift work. References are required. CailBett et 579-0907. Cochrane & Giffar area. CHRISTIAN MOTHER of ans ta p rovde car for your childlnmy ieGarden/Burns area. PosItIve relnforcement, creave piaywhol chlld development. 665-7629. REUADLE OUALITY daycare ln a boving home. Rassland/Andsrson. Close ta Gien Dhu schooi. Many toys, books music, movies crafts, fenced yard, smoks-f ree. 1lb years expedence.' BabIes ,wslcome. Excellent references. Recelpts provlded. 666-8723. REUABLE DAYCARE. Health rof0ssianal, mother of 2- Gardon & 9) ryden. Close ta- Ormiston & St. Matthew's. Meais, snacks & aciMtles. Ex"dene, non-smoker, receiots. references. FulVpart-time. Cal on 668-7872. RESPONSIBlle, REUABLE chlldcare, =Mndo/utdoor play large fenced yard with swlngset, ilts f ta ys & -fun adivities. Beasonable rates. 668-0178. Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mnd. * Peny Ho110use Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-947 MATURE WOMAN will gIve A-1, reliable, lovlng daycare to infants, 3 manths and over and toddlers in her home.* Centrai Whitby. Close ta park. Non-smoker. Pets. C.P.R. Pes eil 668-9891. JACK AND JILL NURSERY mionth + ubities.i Avatabis June 1, SCHOOL bocatel e M Snts 1996. Buchanan Realty, Grace licn Church, Dundas St W., Nolan 436-1800. Ap pcatlonsnow n mg taken for September 19w 0r1cho and junior ldndsrgarten SMALL 3 ROOM HOUSE (WItchen, &r 1ams. meri'Jna onVy bedroam & bothrSam). Suitabls for I 0.:OOam1i30Mm WFr tfui single persn saa$SIo înbUmatin end M. b"o-SMottHdro, wator hea.'2 qàwIar»s oes~s. - icludo. AvalableMay.725197 APAR&TMENT ARMENTS PBT:T FO EFOR RENT FO ENT MBM PROPERTY management Whitby apartment buildIngs. One bedrooms startlng ai $585 ail inclusive. First and last manths. Good locations. 668-6700 days oniy. 905-986-0480. DOWNTOWN WHITIBY 2 bedroomn newly renovated applances, air & hydra lncluded. $700/ma, flrst & lastý references require. Na pets. Avaiable May 1/96. Cal (05 623-1013. HOUSE PRIVATE entrance, Whitby, Hards St, ans bedroam al#., Iaundf facilîties & parking, available Ma everything inclusive. Ta view phane John 665-7759 after Spm. ONE BEDROOM ýbasement apt. avallable immediate.$SOIrno. including ulilities. First & Lie required. Private parking, close toa ah amrenities & GO station. eparats entrance. Ploase cail 668-5698 afternaons & evenings anly. CHLDeCRE SEVCE EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 2 wvilng ta cars for your chilId. Lunches prov [ded. Reasonable rates. Excellent references. Ages 2 years and up. West Lynde area. 668-4006. CARING MOTHER wIll provide a r h Uenvlronment fo r gur af ous lunches & sna'C . Lots o actMvtes (waks, cratts, stones). Ages 6 mos. & up. 404-0815. NON-SMOKING HOME, fenced-in back gardon, lots of ta s&actidites, cbse ta St. Mathewsthe E'vangeiist Church. Please oeil Dorothy 905-430-0029. We The system that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child " FuIlytrained providers receive ongoîng Agency supprt *PReiable local backç-up covers Provider illness or hohidays " Complete nsurance coverage " In'come tax recits *Chidren six weeksadu " Full or part-time For more Information Seil: 686-3995 a ioensed Agency OON WANTED: MATURE respnsible femnale ta shars a 2,b.droomn fumlshed basernent apantmont. Non-smoker. $90 wsokly. For details oeil 430-2984. WITBY QUET PLACE FOR quiet, mature aiuL Absakjte nofasmoking. Kitchen & iaundry4acUtes, parking, cable, telephone.-Nsar ail amenities, downtown & GO, air. Frst & last: week. 430-0404. $59MO.» + TILITES. MAIN floor ln dupex 3 bedrooms, spaus, close w aho 401, eiectric heatlng. Avaliable now. 666-4850 or 420-9477. ONE BEDROOM basement flrst Urne rentlng $700 Inclusive first last 3peebatlh avaflable Immediately. WHITBY 1 bed. apt. avail. May 1/96. $575/mfo. includes heat & parking for tcar.430-0959 or 723-6985. PAY T 'ELEPHONE SERV. CANADA'S MOST GIFTED psychlcs have answers ta your problemrs or questions about heaith, love, relation- shlp, money, lucky numbers. $3.49lmninute, 18+, 24 hours, i 900-45i-4336. LIVE, AiDOURATE, PROFESSIONAL PSYCHICS tell you w here your future les: love, marriage, relatlonships, career, reunite you with loved ones. $2.75/minute, 1-900- 451-2787,18+. 24 hours. IMPOTENCE? SHYNESS? ANGER? TROUBLED CHILDITEEN? ANXIOUS/DEPRESSED? Private, profes- sionai recordings.. Ail you do Is listenn. 18+. $2.99lminute. Recordings approximately 3 minutes. 1r900-451-0080. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers serving over 50 million readers and multi-talented psychics. Free astrochart with, your f irsi readingl Relationships, Future, Career. $2.99/ min. 18 +, 24 Hours 1-900-451-3783. HELPI SUFFERING from Depression? Abuse? Loneli-. ness? Confusion? Relationship or sexual problems? Qua lified. counsellors available 24 hrs. Confidential. 18 yrs. + $2.99/min. Caîl The Key Counseilors 1-900-451- 3030. PERSONALS. REGAIN VITALITY AND FRESHNESS 0F LIFE that you thought was buried forever. Buy and read "Clear Body, Clear Mid, $22/with correspondence course $46. 1-800- 561-5808. MISTY RIVER INTRODUCTIONS. Rural Ontarios pre. miere matchmaker. Meet with the matchmaker who has introduced hundreds of happy couples. Confidential, pro. fessionai service for singles seeking long-termf relation- ships. 613-257-3531. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, friends and families...find out facts the Society doesn't want you ta, know.-Confidential. Write: JW Facts, Box 294, Nelson, B.C. Vi L 5P9. REAL ESTATIE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? We'll take Ii Americas iargest, aidest resale clearinghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cail 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDI NGSý ALL STEEL BUILDINGS ...Rock Bottom Priceslu Manu- facturer Direct. High Sidewalis. 25 x 30 $2,588.00. 30 x 44 $4,966.00. 35 x 50 $7,977.00. 40 x 64 $9,888.0(). 46 x 78 $14,444.00. Others. Ends Optional. Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS, Ail New Trussless Design* A20X30 $4024 A25X40 $5509 A30X50 $7135. Price includes Endwalls and Rail-up Doar. Caîl Future 1-800-668-8653. DURA BUILDING SYSTEMS - Special discount prices for spring on pre-engineered steel buildings for agricultural, commercial, industrial or recreatianal use. Caîl for details - 800-663-7538. Limited time off er. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14,233. 50x90'$20.443, 60x126 $31.314 - other sizes available - misc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263-8499. A-Z PRE-ENG BUILDINGS INC. Farm, starage. commer- cial industrial. New Types, steeV/waod, quonset, cladding. For true -value, action and answers - WaIIy (416) 626- 1794, fax (416)626-5512. FREE brochures. CLIP-SAVE. VACATION/TRAVEL WHITEWATER RAFTING IN EASTERN CANADA on the famous Ottawa River based from beautiful autdaor resait High adventure and family packages. No expenience nec- essary. 1-800-264-7238. FREEbrochure. CLASSI FIED MARKETP LAC E "A dvertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" e lt's Affordabie * lt's Fast e IlUs Easy e One Bill Does it Ail aNorthem Ontaro $76 e Eastm Ontarlo $138 *ate m (mtaIo$130 e'Central Ondo $134 'Ail(Mialo $w9 eNational Packages Avaîlable Colbtis paper for details!' --.i r- à COMING EVENTS ELMîRA CRAFT SHOW: Saturday April 27, 9am-Spm, Sunday April 28 lOam-4pm; 85+ luried vendlors. Aduits $2.50, children under 12: FREE. Elmira ArenalCommunity Centre. Next ta Raceway. Infa: 519-669-2533. BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERN MENT FUNDS. Gavernment assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the govemmenit grants and boans. Caîl 1-800-915-3615. B3E VOUR OWN BOSS and buiîd your own bu'siness fromf your home in the Heaîth and wveilness industry. For info -package cail 1-800-352-2850. A SECOND INCOME.WITHOUT A SECOND JOB. Be your own boss. We show you how. Eam immediate cash f rom your home business. Recorded. message: 416-462- 7523. RAISE CHINCHILLAS! Full or part-time, Guaranteed income. Direct purchase or joint venture. Quality N.C.B.C. graded stock. Cali Tam or Greg Riedstra, 905-457-4660; fax 905-457-5327. HOTI HOT! HOTI VEND-A-MINT. Highest profits in the vending industry. Canadian manufacturer. Earn full time incame, working oniy one day a, week. Exclusive areas avaliable. Fora FREE brochure, phone: 1-800-661-1832. EDUCATI. ONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with aur great home- study course. Cali today for your FREE BOOK.ý 1-800- 267-1829. The Writing School, 2551-38 McArthur Avenue, Ottawa,ON, Ki L 6RI2. FOR SALE' SAWMILL $4895. Saw iogs inta boards, pianks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmiîl value anywhere. FREE information. i1-800-566-6899. Silvacraft Sawmills, 6625 Ordan Dr., B-2, Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1X2 1GARDENING ATTENTION GARDENERS: Free guide book on OHow ta Select The Right Hobby Greenhouse". Cali Easy Living Products, 24 hours. 1-800-661-4026. NOW YOU CAN HAVE A GREENER LAWN THAN VOUR NEIGHBOURS. Do it yourself. Save maney. Order your step-by-step guide today and have an immaculate green lawn this season and forever. Cost $8.95. Caîl Sky- ward 905-871-8208. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chacolate bars. New praducts available. Nothing ta pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. DISCOVER A WAY ta live while you work. Ladies Fash- ion Network Marketing company expandi.ng in area. Canadian made quaîity ciothing. Generaus incentives and compensation. Immediate payment. ideal way ta combine famiîy -and career. CALL FOR YOUR FREE CATA- LOGUE. 1-800-810-3186. ME DîCAL 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES!, Safe, rapid, non-surgical, permanent restoratian in 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot devel- aped. Doctar approved. Free information-by mail: 406- 961-5570, ext. 253; -fax 406-961-5577. E-mail: Vision@ Montana.com. Satisfaction guaranteed. ARE YOU A MAN WHO HAS sex with bath men and women'!V ed iike ta taik wmrh you. Mvake yourseii hteard by taking part in this University of Toronto survey. it's anonymous and confidential. Cal for free fram anywhere in Ontario: 1-800-9-Bi-MALE.

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