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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1996, p. 2

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More students w,,,ili walk to sool pae 15 Sehool b >udget taks update paes 2,5 Brooklin IGA to close down mael4 More time to comply with sign bylaw pg PRO EST VE EDUCA TION CuTrS DURHAM CENTRE MPP Jimý Flaherty talks to a few of theý more, than, 150 teachers who picketed. his downtown, Whitby office Friday aftemoon to protest Provincial education cuts. The teachers say the cuts are hitting the classroom, even though the gomment promised they won't. Flaherty toi them th>e board needs to work harder to cut areas that won't affect students. Photo by rwk Reesor. WhItW Fr. Press 41J :I'~i No to Resuits of the survey, which will b. yresented to the govern- ment via Durhamn Centre MPP Jim Flaherty, ware made public at Mondays coiincil meeting. «le'simnPrtant that we make it clear tMr. Flaherty that we want ts put forwîard quite strongiy ta the government of which he is a member», said Mayor Tôm Edwards. '- - 'Tm trying toarrîne with Mr, Flaherty that this willbepresen- ted to the govarnent In a Cronmnent a way as we can,» saàid The, surey which was carried ini The Pey Press ear*lier this month, consisted of a three-part questionaire and salected hbigh- SEE PAGE 27." By Mike Kowaluld Whitby residents have two words ofadvice for the Ontario govermunent as it considers- pro- posais for the Greater Toronto -Area's future ... forget it! .At lest that's the feeling of nearly 4,000 people who respon- ded to a recent Town council survey which sought the opinions of local',residents on three key recommendations contained ini a controversial- reportý now- before the goveérn ment. More than 96 -per cent of* the 3, 973 survp_ ey r ndents turned aresounding thumbs downd to. p lpoasthat WOUld strip- Wltyof, its identity- and/or forcea sharing of its tai base wvith Metro Toronto or any other GTA municipality. Modifled calendar-approved By Mark Reesor Public sehool board trustees Monday night approved the modified school caiendar for the new C.E. Broughton public school. The changes were made because of budget cuts and a move ta have common profès- sionai .activity (PA) day s im ae- mentary and high schoois, accordinto a'report by interim diretnor Carenoe Prms.. The moot signfcant change was moving Msrch break back four dans, frm- March 3 to 7 (the break actuaiiy begins March 10 but March 7has béen madea PA Several other PA days were al"o «realigned." Severai trustais took the ?pportuni*ty to, again question -the xda of opaming Broughton dur-. ing August for sgo ma 100 modi- fidsudefits, 'esp'caly'0e the board is considering cosi down schools with iess than 209 students bacause they're un- economic ta mun. «Obviousiy we don't have the interest we thought we had in the modified schooi year back when we appov this caien- dr»said Whitby trustee Doug Isit fissible, and efficient.., ta have this sehool open in the month. of August this year, with this caiendair, at a tune when wa'r cuttingz othar prograrsr Rois said hWd like to sS soe more discussion on the modified adendar before the ministry appovs t, adding has bean told tha'v« MiisryofE tion and Traini-mg has yet to approve th é caiendar. "It is my understanding.that Wa have .not .heard, rom ýtihe mmnistry,"n admfiitted intarim adu- cation director Cilarenoe Prins. "Whether that means they've approved or not approved -- we haven't sixnpiy heard yet. We dont know - at ieast I don't know.» Whiie Ross would like ta sua more discussion, parents from Dr. Robert Thorntan Public School say they've bien toid the boýard won't listun ta their con- oerns about the new school. Thu parents had bein achedu- led ta make a prusuntation ta, standing committea May 6 but were bumped by a special board meeting scheduied ta approve the budget. Thay say they wure then taid« the board isn't listening ta any more daputations on the subject. "ITt' my understanding that the board wfli not hear any more prasentations on the Broughton issue,» confirmad, board c éhair 1EPAGE 27 ý Wd "Mý

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